Practical quantum mechanics = 实用量子力学 /
作者: S. Flugge.
简介: 《国外物理名著系列22:实用量子力学(影印版)》主要内容:From the reviews: "Anyone who has taught a course of quantum mechanics knows the difficulty of providing practical examples,which are within the mathematical competence of the students and can be completed in a reasonable time. In this book will be found 219 problems, together with their solutions, which will greatly extend the repertoire.(...) The first volume deals exclusively with one-body problems without spin.(...) In the second volume the problems cover a wider range and include illustrations of the introduction of spin, the interactions between two and three particles, quantum statistics and the Dirac relativistic equation with shorter sections on non-stationary problems and radiation theory.(...)" (Nature, Sept. 10.1971) "The student who can master these problems will have a good grasp of the practical applications of quanturn theory and, therefore, of the basic concepts as well. I recommend the book un-reservedlv."