Currency Trading For Dummies, 2Nd Edition 9781118018514
作者: Brian Dolan (布瑞恩·多兰) 著
出版社:Wiley 2011-6-1
简介: Forex markets can be one of the fastest and most volatilefinancial markets to trade. Money can be lost or made in a matterof seconds, and forex markets are always moving. So how do you keepup? This hands-on, friendly guide shows you how the forex marketreally works, what moves it, and how you can actively trade in it —without losing your head! ?All the world's a stage — get an easy-to-follow introduction tothe global forex market and understand its size, scope, andplayers ?Show me the money — take a look at the major fundamental andeconomic drivers that influence currency values and get theknow-how to interpret data and events like a pro ?Prepare for battle — discover different types of trading stylesand make a concrete strategy and game plan before you act onanything ?Pull the trigger — establish a position in the market, managethe trade while it's open, and close out on the most advantageousterms