Lectures on quantum mechanics
作者: 李有泉编著
简介: 《量子力学简明教程(英文)》内容简介:This is based on the author\'s following two principles: (i) if a textbook were so perfectly arranged that leaves nothing to be desired, it would make the readers feel that the scientific discovery is so mystical that they lose passion of creativity; (ii) if a course were so purely presented that highes on a perfect axiomatics without mention of incomplete doctrine in history of science, it would lose the chance of training students\' power of creativity. College students should cultivate their ability of capturing knowledge and attain the power of employing knowledge in addition to the simple task of absorbing knowl-edge. So the author tried to adopt second-person pronoun in presenting this course. According to the author\'s teaching experience, some mediate steps of mathematical formulation that beginners are not able to figure out frequently, are also given. In order to avoid too much content in class, some important examples are arranged as problems with solutions.