作者: (美)爱默生E·怀特 著
出版社:天津人民出版社 2013-6-1
简介: 《我的第一本英文数学书》写作于20世纪初,当时被称为“新世纪版”,它是为当时完成了口算练习的孩子们准备的一本数学课本,供他们在三年时间内学习。《我的第一本英文数学书》共分三部分:第一部分是关于较小数字的训练,这些简单的训练课,让小学1-3年级的学生很容易接受。第二部分教学生学习较大整数及其运算,提高他们计算的准确率与速度。第三部分则是关于小数与分数等,并进行相应的实用训练。 This book covers three years’ work in number, and is designedfor pupils who have received the oral training necessary for thesuccessful use of a book. It consists of three parts: Part One presents a progressive series of exercises inelementary processes with small numbers. It aims to secure accuracyand skill to learn arithmetic better. Part Two is devoted to theelementary processes with large integral numbers, and the writtenprocesses are more fully developed. The special aim is to secureaccuracy and rapidity in fundamental processes. Part Three presentsthe more elementary process with fractional numbers, common anddecimal, and their more easy and practicable, are reachedinductively. The entire book is carefully adapted to the capability of thepupils in the several grades as to stimulate their interest inlearning arithmetic in higher grades.