Sound of Tang dynasty
作者: 董伯韬著
落雨的窗前,晕黄的马提灯,孩提的记忆,交织着雨丝、灯影。问君何能尔,心远地自偏。不知愁滋味的时节,走在短短的小街,心却尽向辽远初漂流。而今,故乡日远,窗前的梅花开了吗?也想同王维那样一问,虽然我迢递的窗前从无疏影横斜。只有古典的馨香幽韵每个梦回的子夜……初老时,我们可会将第一茎白发航寄?——作者寄语在中国近现代学术史上,确有这样一类才子型的学者,如丰子恺等,在绘画、书法、音乐、文学、艺术理论、翻译及编撰儿童启蒙读物等各个方面,丰子恺曾有着让人们瞩目且妙不可及的成就。的确如此,学者一旦获有那种与生俱来的、心斋玄览式的文学感悟与艺术才情,那种不期然而然的情志与灵动是不可遏制的,其绝然不是一门学科以其陈年的规限而可以拦截的。——选自复旦大学杨乃乔教授为本书所作之序《悠远的唐音与通向俗世的高雅》如果把这整本书比喻为一部奏鸣曲,那么,唐人原诗、现代汉语译文、英译,还有那些品读文字,宛若不同的音阶、声部,在诗意的纯美上变化着旋律,婉转,悠扬,一往情深……译者在中英诗学方面深厚的修养和严谨的学术态度,使得全书的翻译和品读文字扎实而流丽。它将会引导读者体味和领略唐人诗意的情怀和风采,滋养心灵,澡雪精神,让心灵变得宁静和清朗。——选自前哈尔滨师范大学人文学院院长邹进先教授为本书所作之序《少年心事今在否?一篇珠玉是生涯》What is special about this collection is that there is not only the Chinese original text of the poem and a version of the poem expressed in modern Chinese. There is also a thoughtful interpretation of the poem revealing how much time the editor has spent pondering on how to read and understand the poem. Besides of all these elements, there is also an English version of the Chinese poem, which is of special interest to me. I did not say English translation because it is well-known that poetry cannot be translated. Rather what we have in English is an English poem that sprang from the Chinese original and now should be considered English poetry.——选自台湾辅仁大学前外国语学院院长康士林教授(Nicholas·Koss)为本书所做之序An English Poem that Sprang from the Chinese Original