Autobiography of Martin Luther King 民权斗士马丁路德金传记 当当5星级英文学习产品
作者: Martin Luther King (马丁·路德·金) 著,Clayborne Carson 编
出版社:Little Brown 2000-4-1
简介: Compiled from his own words, this history-making autobiographyIS Martin Luther King: the mild-mannered, inquisitive child andstudent who rebelled against segregation; the dedicated youngminister who constantly questioned the depths of his faith and thelimits of his wisdom; the loving husband and father who sought tobalance his family's needs with those of a growing nationwidemovement; and the reflective, world-famous leader who was fired bya vision of equality for people everywhere. Relevant andinsightful, this Autobiography offers King's seldom discussed viewson some of the world's greatest and most controversial figuresincluding John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi and RichardNixon. This book brings to life a remarkable man whose thoughts andactions speak to our most burning contemporary issues and stillinspire our desires, hopes and dreams.