Volcanoes 自然科学启蒙2:火山ISBN9780064451895
作者: Branley
出版社:HarperCollins 2008年03月
Volcanoes are one of nature's great wonders. For years theycan stand dormant, but once active they can erupt in tremendousexplosions of power. Some eruptions are so big, they change theearth's climate. Luckily, geologists can now approximate when aneruption will occur. What are the causes of an eruption and whatare the warning signs? Read and find out!
SCHOOL FRIENDLY TOPIC: Kids are fascinated by volcanoes andearth sciences are a staple of every school curriculum. Thisreillustrated LRFO is a fun way to introduce young readers to thescience of volcanoes and geological activity. NON–STOP ACTION: 90%of all earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire where 75% of allvolcanoes are located. LRFO SERIES STRENGTH: The LRFO series is oneof the ten best nonfiction series for young readers according toALABooklist. FIND OUT MORE PAGE: Includes instructions on how tobuild and erupt your own volcano