International business law and its environment / 4th ed.
作者: Richard Schaffer, Beverley Earle, Filiberto Agusti ; with contributions from F. William McCarty a...
简介:In this text for courses in international business law, international business transactions, and the law of international trade and investment, Schaffer (business, Appalachian State University) emphasizes both private and public law, and treats general principles of the law of nations and the work of various intergovernmental organizations such as the WTO and the UN. Foreign laws and case decisions are presented for comparison purposes, to illustrate differences in legal and economic systems, and to offer examples of doing business in other countries. This sixth edition covers major legal and political developments that followed 9/11, and analyzes the latest developments in trade negotiations, the European Community, intellectual property, and global environmental protection. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (