50 topics on youth culture
作者: 刘佳静,(美)Jessica Robertson,(美)Liz Carter著
本书选取当今青年热衷于讨论的时尚话题,由中美三位青年创作而成。都市青年对生活、工作、情感的感悟尽在其中;超女、美男、猎夫等时髦话题也侃侃而谈。作者Jessica Robertson和Liz Carter出自美国常青藤高校,并在中国学习过中文。对话特别关注中美青年对一个问题的不同看法,处处闪现着观念碰撞的火花,因而生动活泼、引人入胜。本书同时汇集了大量最新的美式口语表达法。
The purpose of this book is to provide young students of English with a text that addresses not only grammatical concerns but also practical ones. The topics of this book are designed to address the needs and interests of the younger generation. Some of the topics include blogs, Google, and infomania, for the technology-inclined. Those who are thinking about starting their careers might find the topics on interviews or headhunting interesting. There are also topics on social life, such as dating and nightlife. The lessons in this book are intended to give readers practice with the English vocabulary and grammar needed to discuss topics that have direct applications in their daily lives.
Dialogue: Every chapter contains 5 dialogues, often between a Chinese person and a foreigner, about the chapter's topic. The style of speech is colloquial and idiomatic – appropriate for everyday conversation. By reading these dialogues out loud, the reader may develop a sense for the flow of English conversation and how spoken English may differ from written English.
Background Reading: Each chapter also contains background reading. This section provides useful information about the chapter's topic that both elaborates on the discussion in the dialogue and enables the reader to have a firmer grasp of the situation. While the dialogue will provide the reader with the linguistic tools to better express his or her opinions, the background reading will provide the reader with more detailed information or a broader contextual perspective on the topic.
Exercises: The exercises will enable the reader to learn grammatical points, idioms, and conventions of speech more effectively and thoroughly. Through these exercises, readers will be encouraged to express their own opinions on the topic in English as well as to demonstrate their understanding of other prevalent opinions. Overall, the diversity of the exercises encourages a well-rounded approach to studying the language and understanding the topic.