Little Critter: Just Helping My Dad小怪物:给爸爸帮忙ISBN9780060835637
作者: Mercer
出版社:HarperCollins 2011年04月
Little Critter can’t wait to spend the whole day with hisdad—working around the house, going to the store, and being theworld’s best helper. Things might not always go as planned, butthat doesn’t stop Little Critter from trying his hardest! JustHelping My Dad is the perfect story for every critter who loves tohelp o
?LITTLE CRITTER IS A CLASSIC —2005 marked the 30th anniversaryof Little Critter, who has starred in over 200 books. ?GREAT SALESHISTORY —Mercer Mayer is a New York Times bestselling author whosetitles have sold over 150 million copies! ?SUCCESSFUL NICHE —LittleCritter does very well with parent-related titles: Bye Bye, Mom& Dad has sold over 350,000 copies; Grandma, Grandpa & Mehas sold over 380,000 copies; and Happy Father’s Day has sold over80,000 copies! ?PERFECT TIMING —This title is scheduled for aFather’s Day re