The Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music
作者: Nick Collins,Julio d'Escrivan 著
出版社:Cambridge University Press 2007-12-1
简介: Musicians are always quick to adopt and explore newtechnologies. The fast-paced changes wrought by electrification,from the microphone via the analogue synthesiser to the laptopcomputer, have led to a wide diversity of new musical styles andtechniques. Electronic music has grown to a broad field ofinvestigation, taking in historical movements such as musiqueconcrète and elektronische musik, and contemporary trends such aselectronic dance music and electronica. A fascinating array ofcomposers and inventors have contributed to a diverse set oftechnologies, practices and music. This book brings together somenovel threads through this scene, from the viewpoint of researchersat the forefront of the sonic explorations empowered by electronictechnology. The chapters provide accessible and insightfuloverviews of core topic areas and uncover some hitherto lesspublicised corners of worldwide movements. Recent areas of intenseactivity such as audiovisuals, live electronic music, interactivityand network music are actively promoted.