Lpic-2: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide 9781118000151
作者: Roderick
出版社:Wiley 2011年05月
The first book to cover the LPIC-2 certification
Linux allows developers to update source code freely, making itan excellent, low-cost, secure alternative to alternate, moreexpensive operating systems. It is for this reason that the demandfor IT professionals to have an LPI certification is so strong.This study guide provides unparalleled coverage of the LPIC-2objectives for exams 201 and 202. Clear and concise coverageexamines all Linux administration topics while practical,real-world examples enhance your learning process. On the CD,you’ll find the Sybex Test Engine, electronic flashcards, and aglossary containing the most important terms you need tounderstand..
Prepares you for exams 201 and 202 of the Linux ProfessionalInstitute Certification
Offers clear, concise coverage on exam topics such as the Linuxkernel, system startup, networking configuration, systemmaintenance, domain name server, file sharing, and more
Addresses additional key topics for the exams including networkclient management, e-mail services, system security, andtroubleshooting
This must-have study guide serves as an invaluable roadmap toattaining LPI certification.