One Was Johnny 约翰尼的数数书 ISBN 9780064432511
作者: Sendak
出版社:HarperCollins 1991年03月
See how Johnny restores peace and quiet to his home as he ridshimself of ten intruders.
For children who are facing the arrival of a new sibling,Julius, the Baby of the World makes for great biblio-therapy. Atfirst, big sister Lilly thought it might be fun to have a new babyin the family. But when her parents repeatedly coo, "Julius is thebaby of world," Lilly's mouse hackles begin to rise. Soon thejealousy is too much for her, and she embarks on a rejectioncampaign that is hysterically funny, but also comforting forsiblings who probably feel just as much resentment but would nevergo to Lilly's extremes. Kevin Henkes, creator of Lilly's PurplePlastic Purse refuses to shy away from the truly powerful andsometimes dark feelings of children. Through bright watercolors andhandwritten, cartoon-style dialogue, Henkes relishes Lilly'swickedness. For example, she delights in insulting her obliviousbaby brother: "If you were a food, you'd be a raisin," she whispersinto his crib. "If you were a number you'd be zero." When shepaints an elaborate family portrait, she leaves Julius out. Whenshe throws a tea party, guess which baby doesn't get an invitation?But when a visiting cousin starts insulting baby Julius, wediscover that the flip side of Lilly's intense jealousy is an evenmore powerful and lasting loyalty. ALA Notable Book, ALA BooklistChildren's Editors' Choice, Horn Book Fanfare Honor List, Parent'sChoice Honor for Literature. (Baby to Preschool)
——Gail Hudson
Lilly, the spunky white mouse who first appeared in thememorable Chester's Way , now stars in a book of her own. Beforebaby Julius is born, Lilly is an exemplary sister, setting asidetoys for the baby and talking to him through her mother's belly.But once Julius arrives, Lilly has a hard time controlling herjealousy. The fact that her parents dote on the new infant,"kissing his wet pink nose, admiring his small black eyes andstroking his sweet white fur," doesn't help matters. "Julius is thebaby of the world," croon Lilly's parents. "Disgusting," commentsLilly. Lilly tries to sabotage her parents' early efforts at thebaby's education by teaching him her own letter and numbersequences: "3, 8, 1, 5, 9, 6, A, J, K, Z, B." However, big sister'sprotective feelings are aroused when a snooty cousin displays thesame disdain that Lilly has felt for the baby. Henkes displays adeep understanding of sibling rivalry and a child's fragileself-esteem. With her gold paper crown and red cowboy boots, Lillyis a superb and timely heroine. Ages 4-up.
——Publishers Weekly
PreSchool-Grade 2-This delightful reading of Kevin Henkes' book(HarperCollins, 1990) about sibling rivalry will please even themost reluctant new "big" brothers or sisters. Henkes' popularheroine, Lilly, is less than thrilled with baby brother Julius'sarrival, competing for attention while her parents patiently directher passive-aggressive anger toward more useful activities. Lillysurprises her audience, as well as herself, when she discovers thelove for Julius that she's been hiding. Narrator Laura Hamilton'schanges in inflection cleverly portray Lilly's harmless pranks anddevilish sense of humor. Further drawing listeners into the textare minimal sound effects and appropriate musical interludes.Paired with Zac Morgan's song "The Cribling" (from When BullfrogsCroak, Oct. 2003, p. 93), this title would make a wonderfuladdition to a "new sibling" story hour. An essential purchase forpreschool and primary audio collections, it will be useful foremergent readers, group listening, and youngsters withnew-siblingitis.
——Kirsten Martindale, formerly Menomonie Public Library, WI,School Library Journal