Passion at Work如何从工作中发现快乐
作者: Lawler Kang 著
出版社:上海科学技术文献出版社 2005-10-1
简介:Regardless of where you are in your career, Passion at Work will show how to bring meaning to your work and provide the tools to powerfully align your passions, proficiencies, and priorities...creating a niche only you can dominate! Lawler Kang shares the lessons learned from his extraordinary twenty-year journey overcoming four life-altering operations—one leaving him in a coma, a wheelchair, and visibly disfigured—and then rising to pinnacles of business success. Building on insights gleaned from a Wharton MBA and fifteen years of managerial and consulting trench work, Kang offers straightforward business-based exercises to help you identify, actualize, monetize, and sell your passions to all relevant stakeholders, based on your particular openness to risk. This proven and pragmatic five-step process for discovering both what you are meant to do and how to do it has been hailed as a "breakthrough in sensible transitions" within or outside your current working domain. You can live your dreams, but only if you properly define them, treat them as goals, and generate concrete plans to achieve them. This book will unlock the confidence already inside you to start living on your terms, and help answer seemingly elusive questions such as: What's your end game? Shouldn't it be more than merely a fistful of dollars? What are you great at and love to do? How can you make "work" fun and profitable at the same time? What are your priorities? Recognize what really matters across work and life...What are your personal definitions of wealth and success? How can I make my plan a reality? Bringing the "New You" to market, step-by-step: How to get buy-in, get "funded," and get cracking!