作者: 吉安卡洛·扎克尼
出版社:东南大学出版社 2017年04月
对于开发人员而言,如今要想充分利用所有可用 的计算资源来构建出高效的软件系统,并行编程技术 是必不可少的技能。从多核到GPU系统,再到分布式 架构,计算量繁重的程序都离不开编程工具和软件库 。
吉安卡洛·扎克尼*的《Python并行编程参考手 册》首先简要介绍了并行编程,然后讲述了Python的 基础知识,接着探究了基于线程的并行模型、采用同 步线程的Python线程模块以及锁、互斥量、信号量队 列、GIL和线程池的用法。
Giancarlo Zaccone has more than 10 years of experience in managing research projects,both in scientific and industrial domains. He worked as a researcher at the National Research Council (CNR), where he was involved in a few parallel numerical computing and scientific visualization projects. He currently works as a software engineer at a consulting company, developing and maintaining software systems for space and defense applications. Giancarlo holds a master's degree in physics from the University of Naples Federico Ⅱ and has completed a second-level postgraduate master's program in scientific computing from the Sapienza University of Rome.