The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism
作者: Karl Ameriks 著
出版社:Cambridge University Press 2000-11-1
简介: The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism offers acomprehensive, penetrating, and informative guide to what isregarded as the classical period of German philosophy. Kant,Fichte, Hegel, and Schelling are all discussed in detail, togetherwith a number of their contemporaries, such as H?lderlin andSchleiermacher, whose influence was considerable but whose work isless well known in the English-speaking world. The essays in thevolume trace and explore the unifying themes of German Idealism,and discuss their relationship to Romanticism, the Enlightenment,and the culture of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe. Theresult is an illuminating overview of a rich and complexphilosophical movement, and will appeal to a wide range of readersin philosophy, German studies, theology, literature, and thehistory of ideas.