Time For Kids: Volcanoes! 美国《时代周刊》儿童版:火山 ISBN 9780060782238
作者: Editors
出版社:HarperCollins 2006年04月
Get the inside scoop on the world's most explosivemountains!
Meet a volcanologist
Discover why volcanoes erupt
Visit the world's hot spots
Learn more than forty fun facts about volcanoes
CREATED FOR CONFIDENT READERS With colorful visuals on eachspread and easily read text, TFK Volcanoes! is perfect for childrenwho have Level 3 reading skills. Level 3 includes varied sentencestructure and paragraphs, challenging vocabulary presented in aclear context, and detailed diagrams, captions, fact boxes,andinterviews with experts. SPECIAL FEATURES Each Level 3 title hasHow Big?, Take a Close Look, Interview, Did You Know?, Words toKnow, and Fun Facts. TFK Volcanoes! has 23 full-color photographs,as well as a full-page, labeled diagram showing how a volcanoerupts. EXPERT OPINION Jeff Wynn, a volcanologist, discusses thefascinating—and oftentimes dangerous—work of studying volcanoes.STAYING SAFE Readers will learn how to stay safe if they leave neara volcano. PREVENTING FEAR By learning more about how volcanoeswork, kids will be less afraid. USEFUL POWER Kids will also beamazed to learn how volcanic power can be useful in providing rockfor homes, steam for heat, and ash to fertilize soil. Sometimes, itcan even form new land! FILLS TEACHER NEEDS A Special Teacher Guidewith activities has been created by TFK, and is downloadable fromthe website. A LEVELED READER SERIES TIME For Kids Science Scoopsare three levels created for: LEVEL l * BEGINNING READERS Short,simple sentences LEVEL 2 * DEVELOPING READERS Longer sentences withricher vocabulary LEVEL 3 * CONFIDENT READERS Paragraphs usesentences of varied lengths Teacher specific leveling according toGuided Reading and Spache Reading Levels is also included. READINGLEVELS Spache Reading Level: N-O Guided Reading Level: 3.26 PROVENBRAND REACHES MILLIONS OF CHILDREN -Three TIME For Kids magazineeditions are distributed to over 4 million students, 160,000teachers and millions of parents EACH WEEK! -World Report (Grades4-6) has a circulation of 2.2 million, is in 88,000 classrooms andis distributed 26 times a year. -News Scoop (Grades 2-3) has acirculation of 1.1 million, is in 44,000 classrooms, and isdistributed 26 times a year. -Big Picture (Grades K-1) has acirculation of 700,000, is in 28,000 classrooms, and is distributedin eight monthly bundles. -In addition, 250,000 issues of TFK arebound into TIME magazine’s Family Edition weekly, bringing TIME ForKids’ total circulation to 4.25 million! WEB PRESENCE-TimeForKids.com averages 7 million monthly page views and 1million unique visitors. -TimeForKids.com also serves as the newschannel for KOL, AOL’s groundbreaking service for kids.-TFKClassroom.com offers teachers a wealth of resources includingearly access to weekly teacher’s guides and magazines, quizzes,reproducibles, breaking news stories, Kid Reporter coverage andmuch more. FAST FACTS -The only weekly magazine—and now books!—forkids produced by a major news organization -Draws its info fromnews bureaus, award-winning journalists, and photographers fromaround the world FUN STATS -TIME For Kids receives TEN TIMES moreletters and emails per week from its four million readers than TIMEmagazine does from its four million adult readers! -94% of studentstake TIME For Kids home to read and discuss with their parents.-99% of TFK teachers are “extremely/very” satisfied with themagazines. FRESH, ORIGINAL DESIGN Large, detailed photos andeye-catching graphic elements on every spread show intense imagesof volcanoes and their aftermath. THE TIME FOR KIDS SCIENCE SCOOPSERIES Sharks, Level 3, Winter 2005 Spiders, Level 3, Winter 2005Bees, Level 1, Spring 2005 Ants, Level 2, Spring 2005 Snakes, Level3, Spring 2005 Bears, Level 1, Fall 2005 Planets, Level 2, Fall2005 Bats, Level 3, Fall 2005 Storms, Level 1, Winter 2006Earthquakes, Level 2, Winter 2006 Butterflies, Level 3, Winter 2006Plants, Level 1, Spring 2006 Frogs, Level 2, Spring 2006 Volcanoes,Level 3, Spr