Marley: The Dog Who Cried Woof小狗马利:哭泣的小狗ISBN9780061989438
作者: John
出版社:HarperCollins 2011年09月
Marley takes his job as watchdog very seriously. There’s lotsof action outside the house, and Marley alerts his family aboutthese important events with a loud WOOF every time. However,Marley’s family is very busy, and can’t always appreciate thenotices. When something serious happens, will Marley’s family stillpay attention to his barking? Find out in this easy to read Marleyadventu
?MARLEY IS A BESTSELLER —John Grogan’s hilarious memoir, Marley& Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog, has sold over 4million copies since its release in 2005. —All four picture bookshave been #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List. —Marley Goes toSchool has sold over 150,000 copies since July 2009. ?WOOFTASTIC ICAN READS —Like the picture books, the I Can Read! books featurelively original stories accompanied by rich illustrations. —MarleyI Can Reads have sold almost 500,000 copies since the first bookreleased in 2009. —Marley: The Dog Who Cried Woof is the seventh ICan Read book to be released. —These I Can Read books are writtenspecifically for emergent readers who have embraced this fun seriesabout the world’s worst dog. —Marley is one of the hottestcharacters at Level 2. ?MARLEY, THE MOVIE STAR —Christmas 2008marked Marley’s leap onto the big screen in a family-friendly moviestarring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston —Together, Harper’s twomovie tie-in Marley I Can Read! titles have sold over 600,000 unitssince O