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作者: Anna Sewell 著
简介:Hear It Read It With Audio CD Black Beauty teaches everyone he meets the true meaning of courage and loyalty. From escaping a burning barn to saving the life of his owner, every day is full of adventure. But he longs for a family to love him for the gentle horse he is. Will he ever find the perfect home? Hear Black Beauty read by Jonathan Keeble, who appeared in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. With the included CD you can HEAR the entire book, word for word, READ ALONG with the CD, or READ the story on your own. Each HEAR IT READ IT classic presents the world's greatest stories in an easy-to-read abridged format. The included CD contains a dramatic reading-with music and sound effects-that match the text, word for word, so children of all ages and reading levels can read along. HEAR IT READ IT classics give young readers the best possible introduction to the world's timeless tales.
作者: Robert Louis Stevenson 著, Francesca Greco 图
简介:"Hear It Read It with Audio CD" In one of the best-loved classic tales for children, Jim Hawkins joins a voyage to recover long-lost treasure after finding a mysterious chest with a pirate's map inside. But the infamous Long John Silver and his crew are after the very same loot. When Long John Silver plans a mutiny with the ship's crew, Jim must fight to save his life and the boat. Even if Jim finds the treasure, will he make it home alive? Hear Treasure Island read by actor Jasper Britton. With the included CD you can HEAR the entire book, word for word, READ ALONG with the CD or READ the story on your own. Each HEAR IT READ IT classic presents the world's greatest stories in an easy-to-read abridged format. The included CD contains a dramatic reading-with music and sound effects-that matches the text, word for word, so children of all ages and reading levels can read along. HEAR IT READ IT classics give young readers the best possible introduction to the world's timeless tales.
作者: Peter
If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets.
The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. InZero to One, legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things.
Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself.
Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing ruthlessly in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique.
Zero to Onepresents at once an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask the questions that lead you to find value in unexpected places.
THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE 美剧冰与火之歌权利的游戏之精美大图册 美国网店与书店热销图书 本网页下方书摘插图已有美国出版商上传
作者: George
If the past is prologue, then George R. R. Martin’s masterwork—the most inventive and entertaining fantasy saga of our time—warrants one hell of an introduction. At long last, it has arrived withThe World of Ice & Fire.
This lavishly illustrated volume isa comprehensive history of the Seven Kingdoms, providing vividly constructed accounts of the epic battles, bitter rivalries, and daring rebellions that lead to the events of A Song of Ice and Fire and HBO’sGame of Thrones. In a collaboration that’s been years in the making, Martin has teamed with Elio M. García, Jr., and Linda Antonsson, the founders of the renowned fan site Westeros.org—perhaps the only people who know this world almost as well as its visionary creator.
Collected here is all the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including
full-color artwork and maps, with more than 170 original pieces
full family trees for Houses Stark, Lannister, and Targaryen
in-depth explorations of the history and culture of Westeros
100% all-new material, more than half of which Martin wrote specifically for this book
The definitive companion piece to George R. R. Martin’s dazzlingly conceived universe,The World of Ice & Fireis indeed proof that the pen is mightier than a storm of swords.
Richard Scarry's Getting Ready for School Workbook 金色斯凯瑞-准备上学练习册 ISBN 9780679865544
作者: Richard Scarry 著
简介: "I'm not interested in creating a book that is read once andthen placed on the shelf and forgotten," Richard Scarry once said."I am very happy when people write that they have worn out mybooks, or that they are held together by Scotch tape. I considerthat the ultimate compliment." Considering the propensity ofScarry's preschool-age readership to ask for their favorite booksagain and again, it's a compliment he must have received oftenduring his tenure as one of the most popular children's authors ofall time. Scarry began his career as a freelance illustrator, drawingpictures to accompany the text of books by children s authors suchas Margaret Wise Brown, Kathryn Jackson, and Patricia Murphy (whobecame Patricia Scarry when she married Richard in 1949). His firsttwo efforts at writing his own books, The Great Big Car andTruck Book (1951) and Rabbit and His Friends (1953),already suggest some of his interests as an author: travel,technology, and talking animals. But it was the 1963 publication of Richard Scarry's Best WordBook Ever that put Scarry on bestseller lists, and establishedhis signature style. Its densely packed pages are populated byanthropomorphic animals at work and play, in drawings that rewardmultiple readings with details children (and parents) may notnotice at first glance. The large-format book contains over 1400illustrated and labeled objects, along with simple introductions toconcepts like sharing and helping. In Busy, Busy World (1965), Scarry's animals star in aseries of international adventures in such far-flung locales asParis, Rome, and Algeria. Well before multiculturalism was aneducational buzzword, Scarry believed he could use animals to helpchildren imaginatively enter others' experiences. In aPublishers Weekly interview, he explained that "children canidentify more closely with pictures of animals than they can withpictures of another child. They see an illustration of a blond girlor a dark-haired boy, who they know is somebody other thanthemselves, and competition creeps in. With imagination -- andchildren all have marvelous imagination -- they can easily identifywith an anteater who is a painter or a goat who is an Indian."
作者: George
简介: Praise for George R. R. Martin and A Song of Ice and Fire “The only fantasy series I’d put on a level with J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings . . . It’s a fantasy series for hip, smart people, even those who don’t read fantasy.”—Chicago Tribune “Martin amply fulfills the first volume’s promise and continues what seems destined to be one of the best fantasy series ever written.”—The Denver Post, on A Clash of Kings “Martin has produced—is producing, since the series isn’t over—the great fantasy epic of our era. It’s an epic for a more profane, more jaded, more ambivalent age than the one Tolkien lived in.”—Lev Grossman, Time “Addictive . . . George R. R. Martin has created the unlikely genre of the realpolitik fantasy novel.”—Rolling Stone, on A Feast for Crows “Epic fantasy as it should be written: passionate, compelling, convincingly detailed and thoroughly imagined.”—The Washington Post, on A Dance with Dragons “I always expect the best from George R. R. Martin, and he always delivers.”—Robert Jordan
作者: Toni Morrison 著
简介:Book DescriptionToni Morrison's new novelis a Faulknerian symphony of passion and hatred, power andperversity, color and class that spans three generations of blackwomen in a fading beach town.In life, Bill Cosey enjoyed the affections of many women, who woulddo almost anything to gain his favor. In death his hold on them maybe even stronger. Wife, daughter, granddaughter, employee,mistress: As Morrison's protagonists stake their furious claim onCosey's memory and estate, using everything from intrigue tooutright violence, she creates a work that is shrewd, funny,erotic, and heart-wrenching.Amazon.comThe first page of Toni Morrison's novel Love is a soft introductionto a narrator who pulls you in with her version of a tale of theocean-side community of Up Beach, a once popular ocean resort.Morrison introduces an enclave of people who react to one man--BillCosey--and to each other as they tell of his affect on generationsof characters living in the seaside community. One clear truthhere, told time and again, is how folks love and hate each otherand the myriad ways it's manifested; these versions of humanity areseen in almost every line. Monsters and ghosts creep into younggirls' dreams and around corners and then return to staid ladies'lives as they age and remember friendships and cold battles. Menand women--Heed, Romen, Junior, Christine, Celestial, and the restof Morrison's cast--cry and sing out their weaknesses and strengthsin rotating perspectives. Sandler, a Cosey employee, is a brilliantagent of Morrison's descriptions of human behavior, "Then, in asudden shift of subject that children and heavy drinkers enjoy, 'Myson, Billy was about your age. When he died, I mean.'" And Romen isallowed to play hero by saving a young girl from a brutal gangrape, while at the same time, he battles disgust like no superhumanwould be caught dead feeling.Though slim in pages, Morrison constructs Love with a precision andelegance that shows her characters' flaws and fears with brutalaccuracy. Love may be less complex than others in the grandMorrison oeuvre, but not because Morrison performs literaryhand-holding. Readers will experience in this smooth, sharp-eyedgem another instance of the Toni Morrison craftsmanship: she entersyour mind, hangs a tale or two there, and leaves just as quietly asshe came. --E. Brooke GilbertFrom Publishers WeeklyAt the center of this haunting, slender eighth novel by Nobelwinner Morrison is the late Bill Cosey-entrepreneur, patriarch,revered owner of the glorious Cosey Hotel and Resort (once "thebest and best-known vacation spot for colored folk on the EastCoast") and captivating ladies' man. When the novel opens, theresort has long been closed, and Cosey's mansion shelters only twofeuding women, his widow, Heed, and his granddaughter, Christine.Then sly Junior Viviane, fresh out of "Reform, then Prison,"answers the ad Heed placed for a companion and secretary, and setsthe novel's present action-which is secondary to the rich past-inmotion. "Rigid vipers," Vida Gibbons calls the Cosey women;formerly employed at the Cosey resort, Vida remembers only itsgrandeur and the benevolence of its owner, though her husband,Sandler, knew the darker side of Vida's idol. As Heed and Christinefeud ("Like friendship, hatred needed more than physical intimacy:it wanted creativity and hard work to sustain itself"), Junior ofthe "sci-fi eyes" vigorously seduces Vida and Sandler's teenagegrandson. In lyrical flashbacks, Morrison slowly, teasingly revealsthe glories and horrors of the past-Cosey's suspicious death, theprovenance of his money, the vicious fight over his coffin, hisdisputed will. Even more carefully, she unveils the women inCosey's life: his daughter-in-law, May, whose fear that civilrights would destroy everything they had worked for drove her tokleptomania and insanity; May's daughter, Christine, who spent hardyears away from the paradise of the hotel; impoverished Heed theNight Johnson, who became Cosey's very young "wifelet"; themysterious "sporting woman" Celestial; and L, the wise and quietformer hotel chef, whose first-person narration weaves throughoutthe novel, summarizing and appraising lives and hearts. Morrisonhas crafted a gorgeous, stately novel whose mysteries are graduallyunearthed, while Cosey, its axis, a man "ripped, like the rest ofus, by wrath and love," remains deliberately in shadow, even as hisfamily burns brightly, terribly around him.From BooklistDespite the simplicity of its title, Love is a profound novel. ANobel laureate must feel considerable pressure to keep performingon a higher level than other writers. With her latest novel,Morrison slaps our face with the fact that she is better than most.The book has the tone of an elegy, for it emerges as a remembranceof and yearning for past times and past people in a black seasidecommunity. There were days, back in the 1940s and 1950s, when theCosey Hotel and Resort was the place for blacks to vacation, dance,and dine. Bill Cosey, a charismatic figure greatly attractive towomen, ran the resort. But now Bill is dead, and the story is, aswe see, not only a paean to past good times but also a portrait ofBill Cosey's power. Unusual for blacks at the time, Bill did enjoypower, both economic and social, for as far as the boundaries ofhis coastal town reached--his kingdom by the sea. Now, in hisabsence, the women in his life jockey for their own power in thevacuum he left behind; their world now revolves around his will,scribbled many years ago on a dirty menu. The novel's sectionheadings tell the tale of the different roles Bill played in thesewomen's lives: friend, benefactor, lover, and husband, amongothers. At least in her later novels, Morrison can stand to becriticized for obscurantism, which is also the case, to a certaindegree, here; in fact, readers may want to compose a chart as theyread, to keep characters and their relationships to each otherstraight. But as a vivid painter of human emotions, Morrison iswithout peer, her impressions rendered in an exquisitely metaphoricbut comfortably open style. Brad HooperFrom AudioFileBill Cosey's male magnetism attracts the women who inhabitMorrison's pages. Some commanding, some flighty, all are drawn toCosey's passion. Once, Cosey's Hotel and Resort on the beach wasthe place for "colored folk on the East Coast." Now, the run-downstructure is home to his contentious widow and granddaughter.Through a series of retrospectives, the mystery of the questionablecircumstances surrounding Cosey's death and his role in eachwoman's life gradually unfolds. Morrison confronts issues of racein America, particularly the deep disappointment of manyAfrican-Americans in the face of ineffectual civil rightslegislation. Aching with melancholy for another, better, time, atime left in a troubled past, Morrison's novel combines elegance oflanguage with a lush, luxurious reading to make "must listening."S.J.H. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones AwardBook Dimensionlength: (cm)20.1 width:(cm)13.2
Garfield Fat Cat Three Pack Volume #12加菲猫系列:卷12 9780345445810
简介:GARFIELD never puts off till tomorrow what he can eat today. The corpulent cat loves lasagna, adores anchovies, and is bonkers about bacon. Snacking is a full-time job for the tubby tabby, but he still manages to squeeze in a marathon catnap or two. Will GARFIELD ever change his ways? Sure, just as soon as Jon gets a date with a supermodel and Odie wins the Nobel Prize.
作者: Alma
简介: From the esteemed New Yorker correspondent comes an incisivevolume of essays and reportage that vividly illuminates LatinAmerica’s recent history. Only Alma Guillermoprieto, the mosthighly regarded writer on the region, could unravel the complexthreads of Colombia’s cocaine wars or assess the combination ofdespotism, charm, and political jiu-jitsu that has kept FidelCastro in power for more than 40 years. And no one else can writewith such acumen and sympathy about statesmen and campesinos,leftist revolutionaries and right-wing militias, and politicalfigures from Evita Peron to Mexico’s irrepressible president,Vicente Fox. Whether she is following the historic papal visit to Havana orstaying awake for a pre-dawn interview with an insomniacSubcomandante Marcos, Guillermoprieto displays both the passion andknowledge of an insider and the perspective of a seasoned analyst.Looking for History is journalism in the finest traditions of JoanDidion, V. S. Naipaul, and Ryszard Kapucinski: observant,empathetic, and beautifully written.
Fox in Socks [Hardcover] by Dr. Seuss 苏斯博士:穿袜子的狐狸 ISBN9780394800387
简介: "This Fox is a tricky fox. He'll try to get your tongue introuble." Dr. Seuss gives fair warning to anyone brave enough toread along with the Fox in Socks, who likes to play tongue-twistinggames with his friend Mr. Knox. "Here's an easy game to play.Here's an easy thing to say... New socks. Two socks. Whose socks?Sue's socks." But Mr. Fox Socks isn't about to let Knox off soeasy. Soon Goo-Goose is choosing to chew chewy gluey blue goo,while tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle (in case youwere wondering, that's called a "tweetle beetle puddle paddlebattle"). Mr. Knox gets exasperated: "I can't blab such blibberblubber! My tongue isn't made of rubber." But he catches on to thegame before it's all through. One of Seuss's best, thismust-read-aloud classic is guaranteed to get many giggles out ofreaders young and old. (Ages 4 to 8)
Love Without Limits《爱不设限》尼克·胡哲著 “生命不设限”组织创办人、著名残疾人励志演讲家。他天生没有四肢,但勇于面对身体残障,创造了生命的奇迹!
作者: Nick
It Doesn’t Take a Perfect Person to Find a Perfect Love Even though he was born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic created a “ridiculously good life.” But after dating disappointments and a failed relationship, he reached his mid-twenties worried that he would never find a woman to love him and share his life. Then Nick met Kanae and everything changed. But even with undeniable chemistry, they would have to navigate twists and turns worthy of a romantic comedy before becoming "one" in marriage. In Love Without Limits Nick and Kanae tell how they improbably found each other, fell in love, and then fought to overcome skepticism from others about their relationship. Filled with practical insights that will benefit any couple, this inspiring book describes a godly courtship and the early years of the Vujicics’ marriage and parenting journey. Above all, Love Without Limits is an inspiring reminder that when Christ is at the center of a relationship--even with serious challenges--true love will triumph. *** “Despite my optimism about other parts of life, I decided that love in this world had limits after all. I’d become convinced that no woman would want to marry such an obviously imperfect man as me….” As a boy growing up in Australia, Nick Vujicic could not understand why God had allowed him to be born without limbs and if He would ever bring a woman into Nick’s life. On the other side of the world, Kanae Miyahara—a girl growing up in Mexico--saw dysfunction sadly separate her family. She wondered if a loving, lasting marriage was even possible. Later, when Nick realized that God had a purpose for him, his life took on new meaning. But after a long-term relationship ended in heartache, would he ever find someone to marry? Kanae experienced relationships based on superficial attraction, but she longed to find a mate with strong character and faith—a man who would be a godly husband and father. When Nick and Kanae met in the most amazing way, they realized that God—the ultimate Matchmaker-- had used even their discouraging and painful experiences to prepare them for each other…for the love of their life.
作者: Raymond
Marlowe befriends a down on his luck war veteran with thescars to prove it. Then he finds out that Terry Lennox has a verywealthy nymphomaniac wife, who he's divorced and re-married and whoends up dead. and now Lennox is on the lam and the cops and a crazygangster are after Marlowe.
GIFT TO MY CHILDREN, A美国投资家吉姆罗杰斯撰写 当当网5星级英文学习产品
简介:He’s the swashbuckling world traveler and legendary investor whomade his fortune before he was forty. Now the bestselling author ofA Bull in China, Hot Commodities, and Adventure Capitalist shares aheartfelt, indispensable guide for his daughters (and all younginvestors) to find success and happiness. In A Gift to My Children,Jim Rogers offers advice with his trademark candor and confidence,but this time he adds paternal compassion, protectiveness, andlove. Rogers reveals how to learn from his triumphs and mistakes inorder to achieve a prosperous, well-lived life. For example: ? Trust your own judgment: Rogers sensed China’strue potential way back in the 1980s, at a time when most analystswere highly skeptical of its prospects for growth. ? Focus on what you like: Rogers was five whenhe started collecting empty bottles at baseball games instead ofplaying. ? Be persistent: Coming to Yale from ruralAlabama, and in over his head, Rogers never stopped studying andwound up with a scholarship to Oxford. ? See the world: In 1990, Rogers traveledthrough six continents by motorcycle, gaining a global perspectiveand learning how to evaluate prospects in rapidly developingcountries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China. ? Nothing is really new: anything deemed“innovative” or “unprecedented” is usually just overhyped, as inthe case of the Internet or TV, airplanes, and railroads beforeit ? And not a bit off the subject, and veryimportant: Boys will need you more than you’ll need them! Wise and warm, accessible and inspiring, A Giftto My Children is a great gift for all those just starting toinvest in their futures.
作者: AMY TAN 著
简介:"THE WISEST AND MOST CAPTIVATING NOVEL TAN HAS WRITTEN."--The Boston Sunday Globe "TRULY MAGICAL . . . UNFORGETTABLE . . . The first-person narrator is Olivia Laguni, and her unrelenting nemesis from childhood on is her half-sister, Kwan Li. . . . It is Kwan's haunting predictions, her implementation of the secret senses, and her linking of the present with the past that cause this novel to shimmer with meaning--and to leave it in the readers mind when the book has long been finished." --The San Diego Tribune "HER MOST POLISHED WORK . . . Tan is a wonderful storyteller, and the story's many strands--Olivia's childhood, her courtship and marriage, Kwan's ghost stories and village tales--propel the work to its climactic but bittersweet end." --USA Today "TAN HAS ONCE MORE PRODUCED A NOVEL WONDERFULLY LIKE A HOLOGRAM: turn it this way and find Chinese-Americans shopping and arguing in San Francisco; turn it that way and the Chinese of Changmian village in 1864 are fleeing into the hills to hide from the rampaging Manchus. . . . THE HUNDRED SECRET SENSES doesn't simply return to a world but burrows more deeply into it, following new trails to fresh revelations. --Newsweek
简介: Consider a world in which ? Marketers use brain scans to determine consumer interest in aproduct ? Politicians use brain-image-based profiles to targetvoters ? A test could determine your suitability for a job or to whomyou will be romantically attracted Far from science fiction, this “neurosociety”—a society in whichbrain science influences every aspect of daily life—is alreadyhere. Innovative researchers and cutting-edge technology, like brainimaging and brain scanning devices, have revolutionized ourunderstanding of how we process information, communicate, trust,sympathize, and love. However, scientists and doctors are not theonly ones interested in the naked brain; advertisers, politicians,economists, and others are using the latest findings on the humanbrain to reshape our lives, from the bedroom to theboardroom. Despite the potential benefits, there’s obvious peril in thepromise. Richard Restak explores the troubling moral and legaldilemmas that arise from corporate and political applications ofthis new brain research. Someday we may live in a world where ourchoices, our professional and personal prospects, even our moralsand ethics will be controlled by those armed with an eliteunderstanding of the principles of neuroscience. Eye-opening and provocative, The Naked Brain is a startling lookat the impact such unprecedented access to our most secret thoughtsand tendencies will have on all of us. In The Naked Brain, bestselling author Richard Restak exploreshow the latest technology and research have exposed the brain andhow we think, feel, remember, and socialize in unprecedented andoften surprising ways. Now that knowledge is being used by doctors,advertisers, politicians, and others to influence and revolutionizenearly every aspect of our daily lives. Restak is our guide to this neurosociety, a brave new world inwhich brain science influences our present and will even moretangibly shape our future. Citing social trends, shifts in popularculture, the rise and fall of products in the public favor, evenchanges in the American vernacular, The Naked Brain is anilluminating and often troubling investigation of the impendingopportunities and dangers being created by the neurosciencerevolution, and a revelation for anyone who ever wondered why theyprefer Coke over Pepsi or Kerry over Bush. From the Hardcover edition.
简介: If it’s on the SAT Math 1 or 2 Subject Tests, it’s in thisbook. Cracking the SAT U.S. & World History Subject Tests,2011-2012 Edition brings you: -Practical information on the what, when, where, and how of eachSAT Math Subject Test -Step-by-step strategies for solving even the hardestproblems -Comprehensive review of all essential content, including AlgebraI & II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability, Matrices, andPre-Calculus -Practice problems with detailed information for every kind ofproblem on the test -Planning and organization tips to get you all the way to testday! Cracking the SAT Math 1 & 2 Subject Tests, 2011-2012 Editionalso includes 4 full-length practice tests with detailedexplanations (2 for each subject test).
简介: From two leaders in executive education at Harvard BusinessSchool, here are the mental habits and proven strategies you needto achieve outstanding results in any negotiation. Whether you’ve “seen it all” or are just starting out,Negotiation Genius will dramatically improve your negotiatingskills and confidence. Drawing on decades of behavioral researchplus the experience of thousands of business clients, the authorstake the mystery out of preparing for and executingnegotiations—whether they involve multimillion-dollar deals orimproving your next salary offer. What sets negotiation geniuses apart? They are the men andwomen who know how to: ?Identify negotiation opportunities where others see noroom for discussion ?Discover the truth even when the other side wants toconceal it ?Negotiate successfully from a position of weakness ?Defuse threats, ultimatums, lies, and other hardballtactics ?Overcome resistance and “sell” proposals using proveninfluence tactics ?Negotiate ethically and create trustingrelationships—along with great deals ?Recognize when the best move is to walk away ?And much, much more This book gets “down and dirty.” It gives you detailedstrategies—including talking points—that work in the real worldeven when the other side is hostile, unethical, or more powerful.When you finish it, you will already have an action plan for yournext negotiation. You will know what to do and why. You will alsobegin building your own reputation as a negotiation genius. From the Hardcover edition.
作者: Todd
Learn the easy steps to harnessing the incredible creativepower of your mind that can enable anyone to Think Like AGenius.
How you already think like a genius without even knowing it--page6
The secret formula for genius: C.R.E.A.T.E.--page 22
Ways to overcome the fear that inhibits the genius withinyou--page 58
How to transform the cynicism of I can't do it to the confidenceof I can do anything--page 66
Breaking out of mental ruts and daily routines that block yourroad to genius--page 77
How to turn the obvious into a work of art, a new insight, or amultimillion-dollar creation--page 92
Getting unstuck from the quicksand of indecision andprocrastination--page 106
The secret essence of every stroke of genius--page 165
And much more!
A rare combination of scientist and accomplished visualartist, Todd Siler invites each of us to rediscover thescientist-artist in ourselves. -- Peter M. Senge, author of 'TheFifth Discipline'
"If you want to liberate your mind and think about the world innew and exciting ways; then "Think Like A Genius" is for you. Dr.Siler has developed a bold new concept that will enrich your life."-- Frank D. Steed, former president, Samsonite USA
"One of the prime beneficiaries of 'Think Like A Genius' will beparents who deeply desire to foster innovative thinking andcreativity in their offspring, but are not exactly sure how to goabout doing that. Dr. Siler's book provides an insightful road mapfor young and old alike." -- Nancy Dick, Dick & AssociatesIncorporated, and former lieutenant governor of Colorado
"Read this book. Todd Siler has a great deal to teach all of usabout barriers to creativity and ways of overcoming them." --Stephan L. Chorover, Ph.D., professor of Brain and CognitiveSciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"The insights in this book are invaluable. Todd is a genius and,in his book, he shares some of his 'trade secrets' with meremortals like myself." -- Dave Master, training manager, WarnerBros. Feature Animation
"These are insights of a genius into the methods of all genius.Todd Siler convinces us, with a breezy, easy-to-digest profundity,that we plain folks can apply these methods to free us to be thebest we can be. That's ingenious." -- Larry Merchant, televisioncommentator and author
"This book challenges the reader to think and perform on aninspired level. Todd Siler's simple approach to individual 'genius'is the key to every great success story." -- Michael R. Bloomberg,CEO and founder Bloomberg News
"Todd Siler gives us all the tools to be creators, not just inour lives, but of a vision worth striving for." -- Jenette Kahn,president and editor-in-chief, DC Comics/Time Warner
"Todd Siler's brilliant book helps us understand the'connection-making process and, with practical suggestions forimproving communication in our work and in our lives, apply it." --Dr. John Brademas, president emeritus, New York University
"Todd Siler's insightful book prompts us to look beyond thesurfaces of our lives and work, to discover our deeper meaning,purpose, and contribution." -- Mo Siegel, founder and chairman,Celestial Seasonings, Inc.
作者: Draanen
简介: The first time she saw him, she flipped. The first time he saw her, he ran. That was the second grade, but not much has changed by the seventh. She says: "My Bryce. Still walking around with my first kiss." He says: "It's been six years of strategic avoidance and social discomfort." But in the eighth grade everything gets turned upside down. And just as he's thinking there's more to her than meets the eye, she's thinking that he's not quite all he seemed. This is a classic romantic comedy of errors told in alternating chapters by two fresh, funny new voices. Wendelin Van Draanen is at her best here with a knockout cast of quirky characters and a hilarious series of misunderstandings and missed opportunities. But underlying the humor are two teens in transition. They are each learning to look beyond the surface of people, both figuring out who they are, who they want to be, and who they want to be with. "From the Hardcover edition."
Savingfish from Drownning 救救溺水鱼 9780345493941
作者: Amy Tan编著
简介:San Francisco socialite Bibi Chen has planned the ultimate vacation along the notorious Burma Road for a group of her dearest friends. But after her mysterious death, Bibi is forced to watch from the spirit world as the eleven travelers bumble through their adventures. Determined to make the best of it, the pleasure seekers embark on a trail paved with uncertainty, questionable food, and tribal curses. And then, on Christmas morning, they cruise across a misty lake--and vanish.Colored with picaresque characters and haunting imagery, this mesmerizing tale is about the actions we choose, the moral questions we might ask ourselves,and, above all, the deeply personal answers we seek when happy endings seem far out of reach.
作者: Peter
Richard Scarry's Getting Ready for School Workbook 金色斯凯瑞-准备上学练习册 ISBN 9780679865544
作者: Richard Scarry 著
作者: George