The Phantom Tollbooth 50th Anniversary Edition 神奇的收费亭 50周年纪念版ISBN 9780375869037
作者: Norton
出版社:Random House US 2011年10月
It has been fifty years--and millions of readers--since theworld was first introduced to Milo and his adventures in the LandsBeyond with Tock, the Humbug, and the captive princesses Rhyme andReason.
Now we have a remarkable 50th anniversary edition to honor thisuniversally adored and deeply influential novel. This specialedition will include:
- Gorgeous packaging that features the classic original art stampedand debossed on the case with a transparent acetate jacket.
- Brief essays from esteemed authors, educators, and artists,including Philip Pullman, Suzanne Collins, Jeanne Birdsall, MoWillems, and several others.
- Photos of the author and illustrator at the time of writing andtoday on the two-color endpapers.
- The 35th anniversary essay by Maurice Sendak.
- The complete text of the book.
A perfect gift for longstanding fans and lucky new readers, the50th anniversary edition of The Phantom Tollbooth is a book tocherish.