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光盘作者: 马克·吐温 著
出版社:天津人民出版社 2016年3月
简介:《汤姆•索亚历险记》是著名小说家马克•吐温的代表作,发表于1876年。小说主人公汤姆•索亚天真活泼,富于幻想和冒险,不堪忍受束缚个性、枯燥乏味的生活,幻想干一番英雄事业。小说通过主人公的冒险经历,对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗、伪善的宗教仪式和刻板陈腐的学校教育进行了讽刺和批判,以欢快的笔调描写了少年儿童自由活泼的心灵。《汤姆•索亚历险记》以其浓厚的深具地方特色的幽默和对人物敏锐观察,一跃成为最伟大的文学作品,也是一首美国“黄金时代”的田园牧歌。在这部作品中,儿童的灵动活泼和周围现实生活的陈腐刻板形成了鲜明的对照。故事向人们展示了一些社会弊病和黑暗现实,揭示了的虚伪性,无情地嘲讽了庸俗的小市民习气。作品问世以来,一直受到读者的喜爱,成为一部。The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is an 1876 novel about a youngboy growing up along the Mississippi River. The story is set in the fictionaltown of St. Petersburg, inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived. TomSawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid. Tom dirties hisclothes in a fight and is made to whitewash the fence the next day aspunishment. He cleverly persuades his friends to trade him small treasures forthe privilege of doing his work. He then trades the treasures for Sunday Schooltickets which one normally receives for memorizing verses, redeeming them for aBible, much to the surprise and bewilderment of the superintendent who thought“it was simply preposterous that this boy had warehoused two thousand sheavesof Scriptural wisdom on his premises—a dozen would strain his capacity, withouta doubt.”Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuadesher to get “engaged” by kissing him. But their romance collapses when shelearns Tom has been “engaged” previously to Amy Lawrence. Shortly after Beckyshuns him, he accompanies Huckleberry Finn to the graveyard at night, wherethey witness the murder of Dr. Robinson.
English you need for the office
光盘作者: Susan Dean,Lawrence J. Zwier著;吴静,王乐译
简介: 厌倦了枯燥无味、长篇累牍的句子罗列?习惯了学英语只有三分钟热 血?想和老外同事轻松交流? 翻开《办公室英语》吧!它用生动形象的漫画和简单易学的英文展示 了办公室里多种多样的活动,带你进入真实的办公环境,帮你更好地解理 、记忆词汇,掌握办公室英语,更有纯正、地道的英文录音助你全面提高 口语和听力。 多样、熟悉的办公场景,生动、形象的卡通漫画,简练、地道的英语 表达,定能让你一学就会,轻松自如地SHOW英文!
简介: 本书是统英语版,是商务社会职场交流必读本。 此书乃培生教育出版社亚洲有限公司特为中国大陆地区发行的特别版,公限于中国大陆境内销售,此特别版不能在香港,澳门特别行政区,中国台湾地区和中国大陆地区以外销售发行,凡于以上地区发行销售或购买,均属行为版权持有者保留追究权利。
作者: Mark Cunningham,Lawrence J. Zwier著;王珍瑛,李剑宜译
简介:《商务英语》全面介绍了在各种商务场合进行各种商务活动所必需的英语表达,包含会议和报告、贸易展览、进行交易、商务联络、与客户会面、商务旅行准备、商务航空旅行、住宿8个部分,共46个话题,每个话题围绕一种商务活动展开。使用者可以根据个人需要,灵活安排各话题的学习顺序。 本书特色: 本书图文并茂,用生动形象的图片和简单易学的英文展示了不同商务场景下多种多样的商务活动,带读者进入一个真实的商务世界,有助于更好地理解、记忆词汇,掌握商务英语表达。 48个话题中的每个话题都是一个连贯、完整的商务活动,用最少的篇幅展现最为精练的英语会话模式和表达方式,按照商务活动的实际进程展开,不但能使读者产生亲切感,还能帮助读者熟悉各种商务流程。 每个话题中的“Key Vocabulary”部分收录了该话题中出现的大量重点词汇和短语表达,介绍如何用英文表达各种商务活动及各种商务用品的名称,有的词汇还配有图片。“For Special Attention”部分对一些重点词汇进行了更加详细的解释。为便于使用者练习口语,书后附有各话题的交际练习材料并配有录音。 书中每个话题的更多>>
作者: 约翰·A.劳伦斯(John A. Lawrence),巴里·A.帕斯特纳克(Barry A. Pasternack)著;张瑞君,李科译
简介: 本书立足于提高企业运作的效率,结合数量分析、假设分析与逻辑推理来分析和解决复杂的管理问题。 本书的一大特色是,没有对管理科学的各种理论做过多繁复的论述。而是把重点放在了如何对实际问题进行建模以及如何对模型进行求解上。对于一些比较复杂的理论,本书在正文中简单带过,而在附录中进行详细阐述。这种层次化的组织形式,能够在不影响正文连贯性与完整性的基础上,跨过具体的理论阐述,既可以避免读者过早的进入细节,又为学有余力的读者提供了深入了解相关理论的渠道。 本书另一大特色是,增加了对Microsoft Excel这一常用软件的介绍,详细讲解了这一软件在公司管理中的各种应用,包括一些高级公司财务专题,并在随书光盘中给出了对各种模型进行分析求解的Excel模板。Microsoft Excel电子表格使用灵活,具有丰富的内置函数和各种工具,可以让使用者很容易地构建出复杂的财务模型。 本书配套的教辅资源非常丰富,除了随书光盘中的内容之外,还有大量的网络教学资源,包括教师指南、试题库、在线习题,相关公司链接等。
出版社:McGraw-HillProfessional 2012
简介:"Cardiac Surgery in the Adult guides residents and practicing surgeons through diagnosis, treatment and management as well as operative strategy, decision-making, and technique in adult cardiac surgery. Developments in this field are constant and are in line with the surgical trends at large: less-invasive surgery with faster recovery times. Developments in this field include the use of robotic surgery, minimally invasive valve and coronary artery bypass surgery, stem-cell induced regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and more, all of which are discussed and completely updated. Trends also take into account the demographics of the patient with an eye toward cross-training the surgeon in endovascular skills by including topics such as percutaneous intervention and endovascular graft technology."--Provided by publisher.
Hip arthroplasty:minimally invasive techniques and computer navigation
光盘作者: (美)Lawrence D. Dorr原著;唐农轩,范清宇主译
简介:《髋关节成形术:微创技术与计算机导航》主要内容:随着关节置换的广泛应用,髋关节成形术已成为一种常用的重要手术。虽然是假体植入,但对无法挽救的髋关节病患者而言,可以解除疼痛、纠正畸形、改善活动,因此该手术具有很强的实际意义。由于髋部解剖结构有一定的复杂性,关节置换更涉及力学、材料、设计、器械、操作技术、适应证选择等,因此如何掌握好手术原则、减少损伤、精确地植入相关组件使其既获得符合力学要求的位置又固定牢固,骨科医师应对此深入学习研究、熟练掌握,以求获得最佳疗效。 Dorr博士主编的《髋关节成形术:微创技术与计算机导航》对上述问题进行了详细叙述。作为世界著名的髋外科专家,Dorr博士临床经验丰富、学识渊博,特别是有自身经历手术的切身体会,使《髋关节成形术:微创技术与计算机导航》更加具有可读性。 《髋关节成形术:微创技术与计算机导航》内容包括首次和翻修手术、微创技术和计算机导航。既全面又细致入微,有理论、有技术,更富有艺术性。文字简练,章节组织有序,手术步骤解释准确,涉及临床问题的方方面面,并附实例可以更好地指导实践。 《髋关节成形术:微创技术与计算机导航》附有DVD影像资料,可反复演示手术关键程序,便于读者学习观摩。
Special edition using NetWare 4.1 second edition
光盘作者: (美)[B.劳伦斯]Bill Lawrence著;王建华等译
简介: 本书全面而详尽地介绍了NetWare 4.1的安装和使用方法。全书共分9个部分43章,分别 介绍NetWare 4.1的安装、使用和升级的方法,如何建立和管理目录树,如何用NetWare来配置和管理你的网络。此外还介绍了如何将NetWare与Windows、OS/2、TCP/IP和Macintosh结合起来使用。本书不仅是NetWare 4.1使用方法的完整的学习指南,而且还 是学习网络基础知识的一本好教材。本书还包含8个附录,提供了许多非常有用的参考信息,并对NetWare的命令、对象、访问权和属性作了汇总说明。
作者: (美)Richard Heathfield,(美)Lawrence Kirby等著
简介: 本书详细叙述了C语言不同层次的知识。全书共分三个部分:C语言基础知识、数据结构和高级专题。 在第一部分C语言基础知识中,考察了C语言编程中一些显而易见但又常常被忽略的领域。除此之外,这一部分还包含文件处理、调试、内存管理、仿真和递归等项目的内容。在第二部分数据结构中,讲述了数组、链表、堆栈、队列、双端队列、多叉树(一种特殊的树)、稀疏矩阵和图,并提供了相应的函数库。另外本部分还另辟一章专门讲述排序。在第三部分高级专题中,讨论了如何在算术上处理矩阵,了解了数字信号处理系统,以及其利用ANSI C编写CGI程序进行互联网编程等高级实用专题。 本书内容丰富、叙述清晰、循序渐进,同时每章自成体系。本书主要面向已有初级C语言编程经验的读者,并可帮助读者由中级C程序员进阶为高级C程序员。同时本书以知识单元为基本构件,便于拆卸和重组,可适合不同层次的教学需要。既可作为大专院校计算机专业的教材,也可作为从事计算机工作的科技人员的自学参考书。
简介:A text for an introductory course in the technology at the senior or first-level graduate level that practicing engineers and scientists could also use for self-study. Grewal (California State U.-Fullerton) joins his colleague Lawrence R. Weill and Angus P. Andres (Rockwell Science Center) to offer information on both the theoretical and practical aspects of global positioning systems, inertial navigation systems, and Kalman filters. They include such practical aspects of implementation as representing problems in a mathematical model, analyzing performance as a function of model parameters, implementing the mechanization equations in numerically stable algorithms, and assessing its computational requirements. The disk contains demonstrations and scripts in MATLAB. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Lawrence Shulman's THE SKILLS OF HELPING INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, GROUPS, AND COMMUNITIES WITH CD, 6e, demonstrates how common elements, core processes, and skills exist across all stages of helping and throughout work with all populations--including individuals, families, groups, and communities. It defines, illustrates, and teaches helping skills and provides manageable models for understanding them. The text also looks at the underlying process and its associated set of core skills. Two valuable CD-ROMs are available to enhance your learning experience. THE INTERACTIVE SKILLS OF HELPING CD-ROM and WORKSHOP CD-ROM FOR THE SKILLS OF HELPING illustrate the text's core skills and feature video excerpts of an interactive workshop led by Dr. Shulman. Examples depict social workers in action and directly connect theory and research to the realities of working with clients.
简介:New edition of a resource that tells how to teach music successfully and to integrate it into many other subject areas in the curriculum. Assuming no prior musical experience on the part of the reader, Anderson and Lawrence (music education, Kent State U.) cover music fundamentals as well as materials and methods. They examine how children learn music and present easy-to-use techniques for instruction in singing, playing instruments, moving to music, and creating music. They also offer methods for teaching from multicultural perspectives and include a variety of examples from different cultures. Contains model lesson plans. The included music CD-ROM features about 50 songs from the text, with accompaniment. Wire spiral binding. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
400 must-have words for the toefl iBT
光盘作者: (美)Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz, (美)Lawrence J. Zwier著
简介: 《新托福400必备词汇》依照新托福网考(TOFELiBT)题型设计,可有效提升英语词汇量,是您提高托福成绩的上佳之选。 《新托福400必备词汇》适用于自学者,同时也可作为托福备考班的授课教材。轻松合理的内容安排保证您每次只需25分钟,便可有效掌握一整章节的学习内容。 本书每章开篇均列出10个核心词汇,针对每个核心词汇都提供了精确的中英文释义、托福场景例句、使用技巧了、词性和相关拓展词。以保证您在熟记单词的同时能够充分领会词意及用法,准确并灵活地运用单词。 每章练习分为三个部分:TOEFL Prep Ⅰ和TOEFL Prep Ⅱ是基于核心词汇的练习题,题型多样,针对性强;TOEFL Success是按照新托福真题题型设计的阅读训练,题目均为高仿真模拟试题,文章几乎涵盖了该章节提到的全部核心词汇。额外提供的BonusStructure部分还对每篇文章的语言点做了用法提示。每章末尾均附有练习答案,供考生自我检测。 此外,为了更好地备战新托福,本书在开篇特为您献上“新托福必胜六法”。托福指导专家的建议能够很好地协助您轻松掌握新托福应试必备技巧。 本书由资深新托福考试培训专家编写。选取词汇均出自托福真题词库及托福命题组美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)出版的各类读物。外籍专家丰富的托福考试指导经验和可靠的信息来源使《新托福400必备词汇》成为您提升词汇,备战托福的理想选择!
简介:This unique book, written by one of the world's foremost specialists in the field, is devoted to the design of low and medium field electromagnets whose field level and quality (uniformity) are dominated by the pole shape and saturation characteristics of the iron yoke.The wide scope covers material ranging from the physical requirements for typical high performance accelerators, through the mathematical relationships which describe the shape of two-dimensional magnetic fields, to the mechanical fabrication, assembly, installation, and alignment of magnets in a typical accelerator lattice. In addition, stored energy concepts are used to develop magnetic force relationships and expressions for magnets with time varying fields.The material in the book is derived from lecture notes used in a course at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and subsequently expanded for the U.S. Particle Accelerator School, making this text an invaluable reference for students planning to enter the field of high energy physics.Mathematical relationships tying together magnet design and measurement theory are derived from first principles, and chapters are included that describe mechanical design, fabrication, installation, and alignment. Some fabrication and assembly practices are reviewed to ensure personnel and equipment safety and operational reliability of electromagnets and their power supply systems. This additional coverage makes the book an important resource for those already in the particle accelerator business as well as those requiring the design and fabrication of low and medium field level magnets for charged particle beam transport in ion implantation and medical applications.
出版社:McGraw-Hill 2011
简介:The most authoritative, comprehensive, and current cardiac surgery resource – completely updated and in full color DVD with surgical video clips "...the must-have resource for adult cardiac surgeons around the world. Dr. Cohn...has done a masterful job of keeping this text at the forefront of surgical thought and technique."—Thomas B. Ferguson, MD, Washington University School of Medicine Emeritus (from the foreword) In Cardiac Surgery in the Adult, Fourth Edition, the world’s foremost cardiovascular surgeons and physicians deliver thorough, up-to-date coverage of operative strategy, decision making, technique, and pre- and post-operative management for treating the adult cardiac patient. Editor Lawrence H. Cohn takes you through the optimal treatment of congenital, acquired, infectious, and traumatic diseases of the heart and great vessels. The book begins with a history of cardiac surgery and basic cardiac science, then moves into all types of cardiac surgery, providing both practicing surgeons and residents insight into the very latest surgical protocols. Presented in full color for the first time, the fourth edition of Cardiac Surgery in the Adult is aligned with up-to-the-minute developments in the field including recent surgical trends in minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Unparalleled in both scope and clinical rigor, the fourth edition contains 70 chapters that highlight every important topic in cardiovascular surgery. FEATURES An update of the most recent surgical perspectives and techniques in ischemic and valvular heart disease, diseases of the great vessels, cardiac arrhythmias, and more New and refreshed content on pivotal trends and topics, including the use of robotic surgery, minimally invasive valve and coronary artery bypass surgery, stem-cell induced regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, percutaneous valve procedures, and much more New full-color design—with many illustrations enhanced expressly for this edition—facilitates the comprehension of surgical procedures throughout Important opening section on the fundamentals of cardiac surgery, from its origins to the surgical anatomy of the heart, cardiac surgical physiology, risk stratification, and the statistical treatment of surgical outcome data Key chapters on the perioperative and postoperative management of cardiac patients from internationally recognized experts in the field Coverage of trends that highlight patient demographics, with a focus on cross-training surgeons in endovascular skills through coverage of such topics as percutaneous intervention and endovascular graft technology Companion DVD with procedure-simplifying video clips