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作者: (美)Milton Laikin著;周海宪,程云芳译
作者: (美)Milton Laikin著;周海宪,程云芳译
简介: 本书内容丰富,非常实用。全书共分43章,几乎涵盖了所有的光学系 统,既包括普通的光学系统,又有近代光学系统。此外还提供了150多种具 体的光学系统设计实例。对每种光学系统,不仅提供了常规设计的结构布 局图和评价像差的曲线图,而且还以列表形式给出了该系统的具体结构参 数,包括表面曲率半径、透镜厚度、空气间隔、光阑位置、透镜(或反射镜 )的直径(甚至合适的边缘厚度)和光学材料。这就意味着可以对该系统进行 复算,在某种情况下,稍加修改,甚至可以直接使用。 本书可供光学领域中从事光学仪器设计和光学系统设计的研发设计师 、光学技术工作者使用,也可作为大专院校相关专业本科生、研究生和教 师的参考书。
作者: 雷依里,张羽编著
Super handbook of Canon DSLR & lens
简介: 作为用户群体最为广泛的影像品牌之一,长期以来,佳能数码单反相 机与镜头在影友中拥有良好的口碑。本书与国内知名的《数码摄影》杂志 合作,精选杂志2009年、2010年的器材测试、选购指南及器材答疑栏目内 容,结合全国各地摄影发烧友拍摄的样片以及佳能最新发布的官方技术数 据,对佳能主流数码单反相机及镜头进行了详细、深入的测试与分析,对 影友购买、升级与使用佳能器材及附件提供了权威的指导方案。 另外,本书附赠70分钟的DVD视频教学,能够让影友快速掌握佳能数码 单反相机的常用设置、拍摄技法及保养知识。 这是目前市场上唯一一本结合国际权威器材评测机构推出的佳能器材 图书,内容专业全面,实用性强,适合所有正在使用及即将购买佳能数码 单反相机的读者阅读。
作者: 张璐,黄振宇
出版社:清华大学出版社, 2000
简介:相信任何看过电脑游戏动画片头的人,都会被迷人的3D动画世界所吸引,希望有一天也可以创作属于自己的动画,畅游在自己的想象空间中。随着电脑科技的飞速发展,各个软件公司不断推出新版本的软件,再加上高性能的硬件设备,普通设计者都能利用这些软件和硬件,完成以前人们无法想象的工作,创作出精彩的作品。3D Studio MAX是由KINETIX公司开发的动画制作软件, 3D StUdio MAX与它以前的版本有着明显不同,它是完全重新编写的应用程序,充分利用了Windows NT环境,依靠GUI、开放式体系机构和核心部件技术,从而开创了一条崭新的道路。3D StUdiO MAX 2.5版本增加了1000多种新特性,其主要包括以下几个方面:NURBS造型能力。光线跟踪的透视图、材质和贴图类型。DIGIMATION的LENAFX(现称Lens Effects,镜头特效)视觉效果包。增进的Track View轨迹视图)Material Editor(材质编辑器)菜单及对话框。高级粒子系统。新的逆向运动学(IK)控制器。现实世界物理模拟的对象动力学。3D Studio MAX除了适用于windows NT平台外,它的界面也与以往3D Studio R系列的版本有所不同,所以无论用户在过去是否熟悉3D Studio R系列版本,都应该重新学习该软件。3D Studio MAX的特殊之处,不仅在于其友好的用户界面,更在于其在三维模型的建立,材质、灯光、摄影机及动画的设定控制上,都表现出更强大的功能,使用户在制作作品时能更简捷快速。3D Studio MAX发行后不久,立刻出版了一批书籍以满足用户日益增长的需求,而这些书大部分都是针对初学者的,只有少数提到MAX的高级技术应用。而本书正是主要面对中、高级设计者。高级用户利用布尔操作或者路径变形进行建模工作,这两种方法在本书中都有详细的介绍,利用复合材料并建立复杂光线后的场景会显得更加生动;而动画不只是通过围绕关键帧进行移动来生成,本书着重介绍了视频后期处理这一新特性。对于已经具备基本知识但缺乏实践经验的用户来说,在前面的教程中主要是基础知识。如果用户已经能够使用基本操作常识,如,选择并移动对象、编辑样条及指定材料等命令,可以直接进入后面的高级教程,将会获得更富有技巧性的命令的提示,以及相关的内部工作机制。本书共分为9章,分别介绍了建模工具、材质、纹理及光照处理以及粒子系统、三维动画设计等。书中以 8个完整的实例详细地说明了如何综合运用 3D Studio MAX的各项技术,高效率地创建三维造型与动画。这些实例如果能够熟练掌握,那么用户对于3D StudioMAX的创作水平将产生质的飞跃。本书针对材质及灯光作了详细的说明与示范;并详细介绍了高级模型的建立,可使用户学习到不规则的物体模型以及用NURBS制作脸部造型。如果完成许多段动画,想将它们结合成一部电影,可在Video Post(后期制作)章节学习如何自行剪辑动画,将各个场景内容串连起来。本书所附CD-ROM中的所有章节的三维模块、材质贴图及场景动画,可供用户随时调用,调用时只需将maps目录底下的图片拷贝至用户的MAX的贴图材质库中即可。如c:\3dmax\maps\bluebird.bmp。本书主要面对3DS MAX三维图像的中、高级设计者,也适合初学者学习使用。本书所提供的实例均为实用的商业设计,不仅具有很强的可操作性,还能带给读者正规的商业设计思想,是一本不可多得的专业书籍。
Super handbook of Nikon DSLR & lens
简介: 作为专业的影像品牌之一,长期以来,尼康数码单反相机与镜头在影 友中拥有良好的口碑。本书与国内知名的《数码摄影》杂志合作,精选杂 志2009年、2010年的器材测试、选购指南及器材答疑栏目内容,结合全国 各地摄影发烧友拍摄的样张以及尼康最新发布的官方技术数据,对尼康主 流数码单反相机及镜头进行了详细而深入的测试与分析,对影友购买、升 级与使用尼康器材及附件提供了权威的指导方案。 另外,附赠DVD教学视频,能够让影友快速掌握尼康数码单反相机的常 用设置、拍摄技法及保养知识。 这是目前市场上唯一一本结合国际权威器材评测机构推出的尼康器材 图书,内容专业全面,实用性强,适合所有正在使用及即将购买尼康数码 单反相机的读者阅读。
Digital slr photography ultimate collection
光盘作者: 一白著
简介: 数码产品已进入到我们的日常生活中,电子时代的到来推进了各行各业数字化的蓬勃发展。在摄影领域中,传统的银盐影像已基本被淘汰,如今大部分的摄影艺术都采用了数码影像技术,其变化的过程也标志着一个时代的终结与一个崭新时代的到来。 传统的胶片相机需要借助暗房冲洗来呈现影像,这样不仅会导致许多废片,同时也产生许多环境污染问题,如今的数码影像技术则不存在这样的问题,它将存储影像信息的存储卡直接连接到电脑上即可对影像进行查看与修改,尤其是在商业摄影中,这样的摄影方式更加方便了摄影师对优秀照片的选择,也节省了大量的成本。 DSLR是英文Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera的缩写,即数码单镜头反光相机。本书作为一本综合性的DSLR全解书籍,从数码单反相机的初级入门知识开始学习到精通掌握数码摄影的详细技术,书中融合了摄影构图及用光等知识,使读者在阅读本书之后对摄影艺术有一定深入全面的了解与把握。 本书抓住关键要点,首先对数码单反相机进行剖析,从数码单反相机的成像原理、数码单反相机的分级定位等,对数码相机的构造和操作进行了剥茧抽丝的介绍。接着在前两章的基础上进行知识延伸,以后的章节则是对摄影技术的剖析,内容包括数码单反相机的快门原理及应用、光圈原理及应用、感光度原理及应用、曝光与测光、如何对焦获得清晰画面、白平衡设置对画面的影响、如何使用不同的拍摄模式进行拍摄、认识摄影中不同类型的光线、不同方向与不同时间段的光线、不同类型闪光灯与光线的控制方法、简化繁杂的构图取景、尝试不同的构图取景方式、灵活应用不同的构图法、色彩的把握、镜头的运用、滤镜与附件辅助拍摄,此外列举了几个主题摄影实战攻略,以便读者参考借鉴,最后讲解照片的后期修饰使数码照片更加完美。书中列举了大量具有代表特点的照片来直观说明,每张照片都附有相关的拍摄详细参数,如快门速度、光圈、感觉度、焦距、测光、曝光补偿,无论是初学者还是对摄影艺术有一定了解的人都能在此找到自己所需要的内容。在每章后面还附有“边学边练”特别栏目,将本章所学知识直接运用到相关拍摄练习中,连贯性的应用所学摄影知识,使学习者的摄影技术能有切实的提高。 本书不是简单的文字配图,而是结合大量高质量的图片、详细的参数、考究的示意图进行说明,使读者易于理解,方便操作。通过图片与文字的结合,阅读起来不会显得枯燥。希望阅读本书的众多摄影爱好者们,能够用手中的相机记录下你所看到、所遇见的经典画面,记录下更多精彩的瞬间。同时,感谢为本书提供大量精美照片的摄影师们:金鸡高歌、八斤半、老马识途、孙敬杰、巴郎等。
作者: 雷依里编著
简介:Phaco emulsification is the most common technique used in cataract removal surgery. It requires dispersal of the content of the cataract by breaking it down using ultrasound and then sucking out the matter, leaving the clear lens capsule in place. ???“Phaco Without The Phaco???” describes the latest cataract removal techniques which extract the whole lens, and the techniques for subsequent replacement lens insertion. It explores a number of techniques all aimed at the same objective ???– to safely remove the whole contents of the lens through the smallest possible incision ???– without requiring any machine other than the surgeon???’s brain, hands and simple instruments. This volume contains contributions from the biggest names worldwide in eye surgery, and to quote Dr David McIntyre ???“This is the book that has begged to be produced! More than any other, this volume should be required reading for ophthalmic surgeons.???” Also available: Mini Atlas of Surgical Incisions in Cateract Surgery - ISBN 1905740468 Phacoemulsification Surgery - ISBN 1904798527 Anshan Publishers is a publisher of fine medical, scientific, and technical books. We find the best titles from our worldwide publishing partners and bring them to the global marketplace. We publish in a wide range of fields, including:- Anatomy Anesthesia Cardiology Dermatology Hospital Acquired Infections/Epidemiology Obstetrics & Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pain Management Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacy Radiology Surgery Ultrasound, ECG, and Echo
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Ocular prosthesis, a collaboration between biological and physical sciences, offers a range of promising alternative in the treatment of diseases, injuries and infections of the eye. This collection of articles takes advantage of other advances as well, including shorter recovery times, materials sciences, and techniques for implanting electronic devices on the brain. Contributors explain the needs and future potential of retinal prosthetic devices, then get specific with information on retina implants (including noninvasive models), visual prostheses that improve reading, subretinal micro-implants for retinitis pigmentosa, electrode architecture for retinal interfaces, circuit designs that model the properties of the outer and inner retina, retinal stimulation with surface electrode arrays, Glaucoma drainage, corneal regeneration, toric lenses in correction of postkeratoplasty, artificial lenses for the treatment of high myopia, a telescoping prosthetic device and internal corneal ring segments for keratoconus. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 This volume details the latest technology in treating eye injuries and infections. It provides insight into the most up-to-date and established treatment options. The volume focuses on what can currently be achieved with a variety of ocular prostheses as well as what the future holds. Coverage reviews issues such as intraocular lens implants, biocompatibility of materials, retinal implants, testing models, and software designs.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 This work is written to provide practicing optical designers with detailed lens design information and procedures for a wide variety of optical systems. Among the systems covered over the course of 43 chapters are telephoto lenses, eyepieces, afocal optical systems, periscope systems, enlarging and copying lenses, projection lenses, wedge-plate and rotary-prism cameras, optically and mechanically compensated zoom lenses, copy lenses with variable magnification, gradient-index lenses, spectrographic systems, and diffractive systems. The reader is expected to be familiar with ray-tracing procedures, paraxial data, and third-order aberrations and to have access to a computer lens design and analysis program. The CD-ROM contains all the lens prescription data referred to in the text and executable ZEMAX optical design program files corresponding to the figures in the text. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:An insightful, highly visual guide to the state-of-the-art in the practice of ophthalmic surgery "The subjects include new diagnostic instruments and have multiple chapters on individual surgical problems. This text is an excellent compilation of lucid color figures and surgical videos....An important contribution to contemporary opht... more 籬almic education...which will be of great value to the readers."--Travis A. Meredith, MD, Sterling A. Barrett Distinguished Professor, Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (from the foreword) "Dr. Sandeep Saxena has compiled an excellent collection of chapters, all written by experts in their respective fields. I am certain this book will make its space on the tables of all postgraduate students and ophthalmic surgeons."--Dipak Kumar, MS, Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, King George's Medical University, Lucknow (from the foreword) Ophthalmologists determined to stay on the leading edge of the field as new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities emerge will find everything they need in this comprehensive guide to current practice. Here, in a single reference, is a far-reaching, authoritative compilation of the latest and best techniques in contemporary ophthalmic surgery -- enriched by more than 800 full-color photographs and illustrations. FEATURES:Offers expert guidance: chapters are written, and procedures demonstrated, by 77 of the world's leading practitioners in ophthalmic surgery Vividly and visually illustrates key concepts and surgical techniques with more than 1,500 illustrations -- 800 in full color Two DVD's demonstrate, in 75 videos, every surgical technique discussed in the book Treats anterior segment surgeries, including corneal and refractive surgeries, glaucoma surgeries, phacoemulsification, bimanual microphacoemulsification, small incision cataract surgery, and pediatric cataract surgery Includes posterior segment surgeries such as laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy, transpupillary thermotherapy, vitreoretinal surgeries and macular and submacular surgeries including macular translocation Presents surgical strategies in uveitis, strabismus, lid, orbit, and intraocular tumors Introduces the latest advances in phacoemulsification technology, including cold phaco, intraocular lens material and designs, plasma blade, and vitreoretinal surgery ?less
简介:1. Gas Forced Infusion, 2. No Anesthesia Cataract Surgery with the Karate Chop Technique, 3. Phaco in Subluxated Cataracts, 4. Mature Cataracts, 5. Small Pupil Phacoemulsification, 6. Combined Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery, 7. Managing Dislocated Lens Fragments, 8. The Malpositioned Intraocular Implant, 9. Infectious Endophthalmitis, 10. Cystoid... more 籑acular Edema, 11. Bimanual Phaco/Phakonit/ MICS: Surgical Technique, 12. Microphakonit: Cataract Surgery with A 0.7 mm Tip ?less
简介: This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Completely updated and revised, this classic text provides a definitive reference work on contact lenses for optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmologists and contact lens practitioners. An everyday definitive reference work, this classic, beautifully designed text has been reinvented to provide the modern eye care practitioner with all the essential knowledge that they need in one volume. A prestigious list of internationally known experts has contributed chapters and Judith Morris is Consultant Editor for this the fifth edition. The book has been brought up to date to reflect modern day contact lens practice yet still provides the basic scientific foundations. From silicone hydrogels, orthoK and digital imaging to practice law, research projects and practical optics, all you need is included in one volume. Redesigned with numerous high quality line diagrams and clinical illustrations to further explain points brought out in the text. Refocused and tightened, the content has been overhauled to provide you with an essential touchstone for everyday practice. Erudite, definitive and comprehensive the book now concentrates on the evidence behind contact lens practice and enables you to make informed choices about the care you give to your patients. The CD-ROM provides you with a wealth of practice tools, illustrations, worked examples and calculators as well as helpful worked simulations and examples, plus training videos for further information.
简介: Written in a concise, practical, outline manner, Manual of Contact Lens Prescribing and Fitting, 3rd Edition follows the logical progression of patient care, from basic prefitting topics, through rigid lens, soft lenses and advanced/specialty issues. Valuable management information assists in fitting and problem-solving situations, and clinical pearls in every chapter highlight key points. The companion CD-ROM uses video, animation, and morphing to demonstrate the skills of movement and position that are necessary to correctly fit rigid contact lenses. Covers both rigid and soft contact lenses. Enhances the reader's understanding through video and animation on the CD-ROM. Begins with prefitting topics and ends with specialty topics, progressing logically as the optometrist would care for the patient. Two new chapters on patient selection and contact lens optics. Contributions from new authors and updating throughout to reflect the newest modalities and references. Thoroughly revised CD-ROM is more user-friendly for both the student and clinician, with additional color images and information on Soft Contacts and the Tear Film, Translating Bifocals (Multimedia), Keratoconus, and Post-Penetrating Keratoplasty.