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Global links English for international business.1
光盘作者: (美)Keith Adams,(美)Rafael Dovale原著;陈雪翎,李恒平改编
简介: 为了满足高等院校和广大学习者提高商务英语技能的需要,我们引进了培生教育出版集团出版的《环球商务英语教程》系列教材,供高等学校本、专科学生,商务英语培训学校、外企、跨国公司及涉外工作的学习者使用。 本教材具有全球化视野和时代特色,其特点:一是专门为非英语国家学习者掌握商务英语表达而编写,语言难度适宜,信息量大;二是选材如听力材料、阅读文章、案例和图表,均源于跨国公司的真实材料;三是提供跨文化语境,注重让学习者了解不同国家的文化。 本教材有《环球商务英语教程1》和《环球商务英语教程2》两册。每册有十四个单元,每个单元由商务会话、商务技能和环球沟通三个模块组成。具体如下: 模块一:商务会话 届动邵分 介绍了该单元的主要社交表达、词汇和语法要点。学生通过看或听商务场合的真实材料,开启运用语言之旅。 会话部分 引导学生使用商务交际中的常用表达和重要句型,以及根据场合和聆听对方说话来灵活选用恰当的表达。语音训练,如节奏、语调和重音放在其后。 模块二:商务技能 听力部分 通过丰富多样的真实材料和活动来提高学生的能力。 口语部分 则通过信息沟、同伴对练、角色扮演和小组活动来帮助学生开口说话。口语练习还注意强化句子结构和词汇的操练,注重信息的传递,以适应工作场合的商务表达需要。 模块三:环球沟通 阅读部分 的选材源自商业出版物、杂志、报纸与商务相关的活动。每个阅读段落后面都有一个与运用相关的任务。阅读的内容还可以作为课堂讨论的素材来源。 写作部分 重点培养商务电子邮件的写作基础技能,以及商务往来中常用的信件、传真、报告等。 鉴于商务领域数字无处不在,如公司报表、财务数据、股市行情、外汇牌价、汇率走势等,本教材每单元均设有数字练习,帮助学生从容应对数字听与说的难题,并跨越数字恐慌。 本教材还为口语活动的同伴对练编有活动材料。教材最后的语言点小结、课文译文和商务英语实用表达可供学习者参考使用。
The practice of research in social work / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: Rafael J. Engel, Russell K. Schutt.
简介:Engel (social work, U. of Pittsburgh) and Schutt (sociology, U. of Massachusetts, Boston, and Harvard Medical School) introduce students to research methods used in social work, including experiments, and group, survey, single-subject, and qualitative research. This edition has new emphasis on evidence-based practice, with a related section in each chapter; updated coverage of diverse populations and their similarities and differences; increased focus on ethics, with new ethics exercises in each chapter; expanded coverage of qualitative methods, with a new section on photovoice; more review exercises; and new examples of research in the social work practice setting, on topics such as homelessness, domestic violence, substance abuse, gender, aging, and welfare reform. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介: This completely revised and updated edition of Applied Risk Analysis includes new case studies in modeling risk and uncertainty as well as a new risk analysis CD-ROM prepared by Dr. Mun. On the CD-ROM you'll find his Risk Simulator and Real Options Super Lattice Solver software as well as many useful spreadsheet models. "Johnathan Mun's book is a sparkling jewel in my finance library. Mun demonstrates a deep understanding of the underlying mathematical theory in his ability to reduce complex concepts to lucid explanations and applications. For this reason, he's my favorite writer in this field." —Janet Tavakoli, President, Tavakoli Structured Finance, Inc. and author of Collateralized Debt Obligations and Structured Finance "A must-read for product portfolio managers . . . it captures the risk exposure of strategic investments, and provides management with estimates of potential outcomes and options for risk mitigation." —Rafael E. Gutierrez, Executive Director of Strategic Marketing and Planning, Seagate Technology, Inc. "Once again, Dr. Mun has created a 'must-have, must-read' book for anyone interested in the practical application of risk analysis. Other books speak in academic generalities, or focus on one area of risk application. [This book] gets to the heart of the matter with applications for every area of risk analysis. You have a real option to buy almost any book?you should exercise your option and get this one!" —Glenn Kautt, MBA, CFP, EA, President and Chairman, The Monitor Group, Inc. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.