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Fly Guy #05: Flyl High, Fly Guy!苍蝇小子5ISBN9780545007221
作者: Tedd
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series abouta boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foilcover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentallyshuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, FlyGuy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbagecan. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as partof a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and athe amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrationsand easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for thebeginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geiselhonor book.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not getenough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will notthink of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans,however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think.When the family st ops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of thetrunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him tomake sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their tripis a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask,"Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at thebeach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging throughthe stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turnto get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopesout their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is oneroad trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy.Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choicefor kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind ofsentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of blandbeginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more booksoff the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check outBreakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper byDoug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library JournalK-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guyon their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... Hemight get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunkwith the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, artmuseum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day'sitinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted inwonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave ina clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, andhelping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny,expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further theplot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers andmaximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfyingstory.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer ReviewsKirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip,pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than gettinglost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills.He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the artmuseum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacksaplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guyrises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house."Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare butnever stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even thefigures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shinycover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifthouting's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readersfunny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)
One Came Home 回家ISBN9780375873454
作者: Timberlake
A Newbery Honor Book
An ALA-ALSC Notable Children's Book
An Edgar Award Finalist
""An adventure, a mystery, and a love song to the natural world. . . . Run out and read it. Right now."--Newbery Medalist Karen Cushman"
In the town of Placid, Wisconsin, in 1871, Georgie Burkhardt is known for two things: her uncanny aim with a rifle and her habit of speaking her mind plainly.
But when Georgie blurts out something she shouldn't, her older sister Agatha flees, running off with a pack of "pigeoners" trailing the passenger pigeon migration. And when the sheriff returns to town with an unidentifiable body--wearing Agatha's blue-green ball gown--everyone assumes the worst. Except Georgie. Refusing to believe the facts that are laid down (and coffined) before her, Georgie sets out on a journey to find her sister. She will track every last clue and shred of evidence to bring Agatha home. Yet even with resolute determination and her trusty Springfield single-shot, Georgie is not prepared for what she faces on the western frontier.
"From the Hardcover edition."
作者: 塞巴斯蒂安
出版社:中信出版社 2018年05月
01:全球史是什么[德]塞巴斯蒂安•康拉德(Sebastian Conrad)著
02:堕落之海:地中海史研究[英]佩里格林•霍登(Peregrine Horden)[英]尼古拉斯•普塞尔(Nicholas Purcell)著
03:19世纪大转型[德]安德烈•贡德•弗兰克(Andre Gunder Frank)著
04:万国一邦:美国在世界史中的地位[美]托马斯•本德(Thomas Bender) 著
05:公司与将军:荷兰人与幕府时代日本的相遇[英]亚当•克卢洛(Adam Clulow)著
07:蚊子帝国:1620—1914年间加勒比地区的生态战争[美]J. R. 麦克尼尔(J. R.McNeill)著
09:美国宪法的全球史(1776—1989年)[美]乔治•A.比利亚斯(George Athan Billias)著
10:现代世界的诞生(1780—1914年)[英]C. A. 贝利(C. A.Bayly)著
11:交换之物:荷兰黄金时代的商业、医学与科学[美]柯浩德(Harold J. Cook)著
12:鸟粪与太平洋世界的开启:全球生态史[美]格里高利•库什曼(Gregory T. Cushman)著
13:气候变化与全球史[美]约翰•L. 布鲁克(John L. Brooke)著
14:大转型:中世纪晚期世界的气候、疾病与社会[英]布鲁斯•M. S. 坎贝尔(Bruce M. S. Campbell)著
Introduction to Computer Science
作者: (美)Ramon A. Mata-Toledo,(美)Pauline K. Cushman著;薛静锋,邹辉等译
简介: 本书包括:使用Visual Basic、C、C++和Java以及其他浒的编程语言编写的例题来描述计算机基本概念;数百道练习题来解决你所遇到的问题,并且给出了答案;对计算机科学中的关键概念做了清楚的解释;了解算法编写和数据抽象所需要的所有知识。
作者: Peregrine
出版社:中信出版社 2018年12月
01:全球史是什么[德]塞巴斯蒂安·康拉德(Sebastian Conrad)著
02:堕落之海:地中海史研究[英]佩里格林·霍登(Peregrine Horden)[英]尼古拉斯·珀塞尔(Nicholas Purcell)著
03:19世纪大转型[德]安德烈·贡德·弗兰克(Andre Gunder Frank)著
04:万国一邦:美国在世界史中的地位[美]托马斯·本德(Thomas Bender) 著
05:公司与将军:荷兰人与幕府时代日本的相遇[英]亚当·克卢洛(Adam Clulow)著
07:蚊子帝国:1620—1914年间加勒比地区的生态战争[美]J. R. 麦克尼尔(J. R.McNeill)著
09:美国宪法的全球史(1776—1989年)[美]乔治·A.比利亚斯(George Athan Billias)著
10:现代世界的诞生(1780—1914年)[英]C. A. 贝利(C. A.Bayly)著
11:交换之物:荷兰黄金时代的商业、医学与科学[美]柯浩德(Harold J. Cook)著
12:鸟粪与太平洋世界的开启:全球生态史[美]格里高利·库什曼(Gregory T. Cushman)著
13:气候变化与全球史[美]约翰·L. 布鲁克(John L. Brooke)著
14:大转型:中世纪晚期世界的气候、疾病与社会[英]布鲁斯·M. S. 坎贝尔(Bruce M. S. Campbell)著
作者: (美)Ramon A. Mata-Toledo,(美)Pauline K. Cushman著;贺民等译
Introduction to Computer Science
作者: (美)Ramon A. Mata-Toledo,(美)Pauline K. Cushman著
简介: This book was written for those individuals who want a general introduction to computer science concepts and a clear understanding of the appliability of these concepts in different languages The purpose of this book is to present the material without extensively examining the complexities of any particular language. Our examples make use of Visual Basic, Q C++, and Java constructs By exposing the reader to these languages we hope that, in spite of their diversity of implementation, the reader will capture the uniformity of the basic computer science concepts. The material has been divided into nine chapters which cover basic programming concepts and provide students with pertinent definitions and principles as they are applied in computer science. The examples and solved problems allow the students to apply their knowledge and amplify the theory, as well as provide the repetition of basic principles so vital to effective learning. Students are encouraged to try the examples and do the programming activities in the appropriate environments.
作者: 托马斯
出版社:中信出版社 2019年01月
01:全球史是什么[德]塞巴斯蒂安·康拉德(Sebastian Conrad)著
02:堕落之海:地中海史研究[英]佩里格林·霍登(Peregrine Horden)[英]尼古拉斯·珀塞尔(Nicholas Purcell)著
03:19世纪大转型[德]安德烈·贡德·弗兰克(Andre Gunder Frank)著
04:万国一邦:美国在世界史中的地位[美]托马斯·本德(Thomas Bender) 著
05:公司与将军:荷兰人与幕府时代日本的相遇[英]亚当·克卢洛(Adam Clulow)著
07:蚊子帝国:1620—1914年间加勒比地区的生态战争[美]J. R. 麦克尼尔(J. R.McNeill)著
09:美国宪法的全球史(1776—1989年)[美]乔治·A.比利亚斯(George Athan Billias)著
10:现代世界的诞生(1780—1914年)[英]C. A. 贝利(C. A.Bayly)著
11:交换之物:荷兰黄金时代的商业、医学与科学[美]柯浩德(Harold J. Cook)著
12:鸟粪与太平洋世界的开启:全球生态史[美]格里高利·库什曼(Gregory T. Cushman)著
13:气候变化与全球史[美]约翰·L. 布鲁克(John L. Brooke)著
14:大转型:中世纪晚期世界的气候、疾病与社会[英]布鲁斯·M. S. 坎贝尔(Bruce M. S. Campbell)著
作者: 贡德
出版社:中信出版社 2019年06月
《19世纪大转型》接续前书,将考察范围扩展到19世纪的世界经济体系,继续挖掘亚洲以及中国在世界经济体中不可或缺的中心力量。书中,弗兰克破除 “英国为世界工厂,主导世界出口市场”“殖民主义和帝国主义没有回报”“西方与其他地区之间收入差距拉大”“19世纪是自由贸易的黄金时代”等诸多神话,重建事实,对19世纪时世界各地的经济联系做了新的论述,继续纠正以欧洲为中心的世界经济观。弗兰克认为,直至1870年代,亚洲依然是世界经济发展不容忽视的重要力量。
01:全球史是什么 [德]塞巴斯蒂安·康拉德(Sebastian Conrad)著
02:堕落之海:地中海史研究 [英]佩里格林·霍登(Peregrine Horden)[英]尼古拉斯·珀塞尔(Nicholas Purcell)著
03:19世纪大转型 [德]安德烈·贡德·弗兰克(Andre Gunder Frank)著 [美] 罗伯特·A. 德内马克(Robert A. Denemark)编
04:万国一邦:美国在世界史中的地位 [美]托马斯·本德(Thomas Bender) 著
05:公司与将军:荷兰人与德川时代日本的相遇 [英]亚当·克卢洛(Adam Clulow)著
06:近代早期世界的全球互动(1400—1800年)[美]查理斯·帕克(Charles Parker)著
07:中间地带:大湖区的印第安人、帝国和共和国(1650—1815年)[美]理查德·怀特(Richard White)著
08:蚊子帝国:1620—1914年间加勒比地区的生态战争[美]J. R. 麦克尼尔(J. R. McNeill)著
09:美国宪法的全球史(1776—1989年)[美]乔治·A.比利亚斯(George Athan Billias)著
10:现代世界的诞生(1780—1914年)[英]C. A. 贝利(C. A. Bayly)著
11:交换之物:荷兰黄金时代的商业、医学与科学[美]柯浩德(Harold J. Cook)著
12:鸟粪与太平洋世界的开启:全球生态史[美]格里高利·库什曼(Gregory T. Cushman)著
13:气候变化与全球史[美]约翰·L. 布鲁克(John L. Brooke)著
14:大转型:中世纪晚期世界的气候、疾病与社会[英]布鲁斯·M. S. 坎贝尔(Bruce M. S. Campbell)著
Real Boys Workbook:The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Interacting
作者: (美)威廉·S.波洛克(William S. Pollack),凯塞琳·库什曼(Cathleen Cushman)著;范玮等译
简介: 从孩提时代起,我们就身处某种文化之中,耳儒目染,便形成终身不变的观念。这样的观念指导着男孩子们应该如何行为举止。我们鼓吹并希望男孩子们成为运动场上的健将,学校里的优秀分子,女孩子们的偶像,妈妈离开时不哭不闹的坚强小子,任何事情都打不败的英雄。这是我们对他们——男孩子们的期望。但是,当我们触及类似场景中男孩的眼神时,一种直觉会在内心升腾,动摇我们以往的观念。我们知道,男孩子一定需要什么;但是我们却不清楚,他们需要的究竟是什么。我们觉得应该对他们说些什么,可是我们又该说些什么呢?难道应该等他们向我们发出求助信号吗?《拯救心灵》一书使用实际的例子和实用的练习——美国男孩问题权威推荐,给父母、教师综合的建议以帮助男孩克服面临的具体挑战。 [
作者: D.H. Lawrence ; [edited with an introduction by Laura Victoria Levin].
简介: [b]book description[/b] d.h. lawrence's magnificent exploration of human sexuality in the days surrounding world war i. "let us hesitate no longer to announce that the sensual passions and mysteries are equally sacred with the spiritual mysteries and passions," wrote d.h. lawrence in "women in love, a masterpiece that heralded the erotic consciousness of the twentieth century. echoing elements of lawrence's own life, "women in love delves into the mysteries between men and women as two couples strive for love against a haunting backdrop of coal mines, factories, and a beleaguered working class. new introduction by louis menand. [b]from [i]library journal[/i][/b] the published editions of women in love , probably lawrence's greatest novel, have always been remarkably corrupt due to a lengthy, complex process of revision and transcription, a threatened libel suit, and numerous unauthorized bowdlerizations. the editors of this new cambridge edition have labored scrupulously to produce an authoritative text. what emerges, if not dramatically different, is fresher and more immediate. the introduction provides a valuable history of the novel's composition, revision, publication, and reception, and though the elaborate textual apparatus is strictly for advanced students of bibliography, the notes are splendid. lawrence's 1919 foreword and two early discarded chapters are also included. the recovery of a modern classic. keith cushman, univ. of north carolina, greensboro [b]download description[/b] privately printed in 1920 and published commercially in 1921, women in love is the novel lawrence himself considered his masterpiece. set in the english midlands, the novel traces the lives of two sisters, ursula and gudrun, and the men with whom they fall in love. all four yearn for fufillment in their romantic lives, yet struggle in a world that is increasingly violent and destructive. commenting on the novel, which was composed in the midst of the first world war in 1916, lawrence wrote, "the bitterness of the war may be taken for granted in the characters." rich in symbolism and lyrical prose, women in love is a complex meditation on the meaning of love in the modern world. [b]the merriam-webster encyclopedia of literature[/b] novel by d.h. lawrence, privately printed in 1920 and published commercially in 1921. following the characters lawrence had created for the rainbow (1915), women in love examines the ill effects of industrialization on the human psyche, resolving that individual and collective rebirth is possible only through human intensity and passion. women in love contrasts the love affair of rupert birkin and ursula brangwen with that of gudrun, ursula's artistic sister, and gerald crich, a domineering industrialist. birkin, an introspective misanthrope, struggles to reconcile his metaphysical drive for self-fulfillment with ursula's practical view of sentimental passion. their love affair and eventual marriage are set as a positive antithesis to the destructive relationship of gudrun and crich. the novel also explores the relationship between birkin and crich. according to critics, birkin is a self-portrait of lawrence, and ursula represents lawrence's wife, frieda. [b]about author[/b] david ellis is the author of lawrence's non-fiction: art, thought and genre and wordsworth, freud and the spots of time. he has been commissioned to write volume hi of the new cambridge biography of lawrence. . [b]book dimension:[/b] length: (cm)17.6 width:(cm) 10.6
Construction litigation : representing the owner / 2nd ed.
作者: editors Robert F. Cushman, Kenneth M. Cushman and Stephen B. Cook.
简介:Written by a team of authors who are not only experienced in resolving construction disputes, but also are known and respected for their expertise in specific areas commonly encountered in construction litigation, Construction Litigation: Representing the Owner is an ideal reference and resource. Intended primarily to assist atto... more 籸neys, this book also provides a useful desk reference to anyone whose activities touch a long-term contract matters and provides a solid frame-work for understanding how actions may affect this important part of operations. ?less
出版社: 2008-8-1
简介:"Investing in Income Properties is a cogent and well organized presentation of the principles of real estate analysis, financing, and investment. With his 'Big Six Formula,' Ken Rosen shares his knowledge and experiences on how to analyze and take advantage of commercial real estate investment opportunities. This book should be required reading in all real estate investment courses." --John S. Zdanowicz, PhD, Professor, Finance and Real Estate, and Director of the Jerome Bain Real Estate Institute, Florida International University "Ken Rosen has a unique ability to make the most complicated seem clear and easy to follow. In Investing in Income Properties, he gives practical steps so that the reader can take action and begin or continue to build wealth by investing in income properties. This book will become the buyer's bible." --Alex Zylberglait, Associate Director, National Office and Industrial Properties Group, Marcus & Millichap Real Estate Investment Services "Investing in Income Properties is a step-by-step approach to investing in commercial real estate. It is clear, easy reading with every base covered. This book is a great tool for both the new and seasoned investor." --Donna Abood, Chief Executive Officer, Colliers Abood Wood-Fay, Commercial Real Estate "Ken Rosen's style is straightforward and his formula for building wealth is well grounded in the fundamentals--nothing fancy or tricky about it! He even puts the would-be investor at ease by addressing the fear factors of real estate investing. Twenty-one years into my career as a real estate investment sales broker, I have met many successful investors, but Ken Rosen clearly stands out as a savvy, self-made entrepreneurial investor who is generously sharing his wealth of knowledge and insight in this very instructive and easy-to-read book." --David L. Meline, Executive Director, Capital Markets Group, Investment Sales Specialist, Cushman & Wakefield of Georgia Inc. "One of the best, precise, and accurate real estate books on the market. A must-read for investors at any stage." --Scott K. Sime, Managing Director, CB Richard Ellis Brokerage, Miami-Dade County
简介:"Only recently has the role of Chinese and Sino-Southeast Asian minorities in leading Southeast Asia's rapid economic growth attracted world attention. Yet the interaction of Chinese and Southeast Asians reaches back a thousand years, at a level of intensity which makes it difficult, if not specious, to attempt to disentangle what is chinese and what is indigenous in much of Southeast Asian culture. This book demonstrates the depth of that relationship." "Ten of the most distinguished specialists in the field pool their expertise in considering the multiple ways in which Chinese have interacted with the region." "Jamie Mackie sets the scene in a survey of the Southeast Asian Chinese, particularly during the last fifty years." "Wang Gungwu considers their history in terms of the concept of 'sojourning', while Anthony Reid considers the oscillating pattern of interaction from the thirteenth century to the twentieth, giving rise to new Sino-Southeast Asian elites in times of mutual isolation, and to a more 'Chinese' character at times of close contact." "G. William Skinner provides a new explanation of why stable Sino-Southeast Asian creole societies were able to exist throughout the nineteenth century in Malaya, the Philippines and Java, and Claudine Salmon shows how one of these groups, the peranakan of Java, coped with pressures to become more Chinese in the second half of the nineteenth century." "Oliver Wolters and Craig Reynolds reflect upon the difficulty of disentangling the two cultures in Vietnam and Thailand respectively." "Leonard Blusse reveals new Chinese sources on the junk trade with Java, while Mary Somers Heidhues surveys the neglected but numerous Chinese rural settlers in the arc around Singapore."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved List of Maps and Illustrations Preface Abbreviations Introduction 1 Sojourning: The Chinese Experience in Southeast Asia 2 Flows and Seepages in the Long-term Chinese Interaction with Southeast Asia 3 Creolized Chinese Societies in Southeast Asia 4 What Else May Ngo Si Lien Mean? A Matter of Distinctions in the Fifteenth Century 5 Tycoons and Warlords: Modern Thai Social Formations ans Chinese Historiical Romance 6 The Vicissitudes of Maritime Trade: Letters from the Ocean Hang Mercant, Li Kunhe, to the Dutch Authorities and Batavia ( 1803-09 ) 7 Chinese Settlements in Rural Southeast Asia: Unwritten Histories 8 Ancestral Halls, Funeral Associations, and Attempts at Resinicization in the Ninteenth-Century Netherlands India 9 Jennifer Wayne Cushman 1945-1989: Studying the Overseas Chinese Contibutors Index
Space Cat 太空猫ISBN9780060089672
作者: Cushman
Space Cat and his trusty robot, Earl, are forced to land theirrocket on a strange planet. Space Cat has to find more fuel to gethome. Will he ever blast off again?
简介:The editors and authors of Psychological Assessment in Medical Rehabilitation examine the current applications ofpsychological assessment of adults in the context of physical rehabilitation. Cushman and Scherer begin by presenting a model of rehabilitation assessment that is based on the most current research and literature. They provide an overview of the testing considerations that areunique to individuals with disabilities and of associated special training needs for psychologists who work in this area. They also describe the various patient populations seen in rehabilitation settings and examine the topic of "consumer empowerment" as it pertains to psychological assessment. The chapter authors cover topics such as measures of coping and disability functional assessment, bedside screening of neurocognitive function, and the assessment of pain and pain behavior, family functioning and social support, vocational interests and abilities, and deficits awareness. For each of these areas of assessment, the authors describe typical referral questions, types of data gathered, frequently used tests, psychometric properties of the tests, and limitations and cautions that apply to tests and then use with specific populations.
简介:Bringing together 18 chapters written by leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid and fluid mechanics, this book presents state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new and challenging stability problems. Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations focuses on problems of spectral analysis, stability and bifurcations arising in the nonlinear partial differential equations of modern physics. Bifurcations and stability of solitary waves, geometrical optics stability analysis in hydro- and magnetohydrodynamics, and dissipation-induced instabilities are treated with the use of the theory of Krein and Pontryagin space, index theory, the theory of multi-parameter eigenvalue problems and modern asymptotic and perturbative approaches. Each chapter contains mechanical and physical examples, and the combination of advanced material and more tutorial elements makes this book attractive for both experts and non-specialists keen to expand their knowledge on modern methods and trends in stability theory. Contents 1. Surprising Instabilities of Simple Elastic Structures, Davide Bigoni, Diego Misseroni, Giovanni Noselli and Daniele Zaccaria. 2. WKB Solutions Near an Unstable Equilibrium and Applications, Jean-Francois Bony, Setsuro Fujiie, Thierry Ramond and Maher Zerzeri, partially supported by French ANR project NOSEVOL. 3. The Sign Exchange Bifurcation in a Family of Linear Hamiltonian Systems, Richard Cushman, Johnathan Robbins and Dimitrii Sadovskii. 4. Dissipation Effect on Local and Global Fluid-Elastic Instabilities, Olivier Doare. 5. Tunneling, Librations and Normal Forms in a Quantum Double Well with a Magnetic Field, Sergey Yu. Dobrokhotov and Anatoly Yu. Anikin. 6. Stability of Dipole Gap Solitons in Two-Dimensional Lattice Potentials, Nir Dror and Boris A. Malomed. 7. Representation of Wave Energy of a Rotating Flow in Terms of the Dispersion Relation, Yasuhide Fukumoto, Makoto Hirota and Youichi Mie. 8. Determining the Stability Domain of Perturbed Four-Dimensional Systems in 1:1 Resonance, Igor Hoveijn and Oleg N. Kirillov. 9. Index Theorems for Polynomial Pencils, Richard Kollar and Radomir Bosak. 10. Investigating Stability and Finding New Solutions in Conservative Fluid Flows Through Bifurcation Approaches, Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz and Charles H.K. Williamson. 11. Evolution Equations for Finite Amplitude Waves in Parallel Shear Flows, Sherwin A. Maslowe. 12. Continuum Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation I, Philip J. Morrison and George I. Hagstrom. 13. Continuum Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation II, George I. Hagstrom and Philip J. Morrison. 14. Energy Stability Analysis for a Hybrid Fluid-Kinetic Plasma Model, Philip J. Morrison, Emanuele Tassi and Cesare Tronci. 15. Accurate Estimates for the Exponential Decay of Semigroups with Non-Self-Adjoint Generators, Francis Nier. 16. Stability Optimization for Polynomials and Matrices, Michael L. Overton. 17. Spectral Stability of Nonlinear Waves in KdV-Type Evolution Equations, Dmitry E. Pelinovsky. 18. Unfreezing Casimir Invariants: Singular Perturbations Giving Rise to Forbidden Instabilities, Zensho Yoshida and Philip J. Morrison. About the Authors Oleg N. Kirillov has been a Research Fellow at the Magneto-Hydrodynamics Division of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in Germany since 2011. His research interests include non-conservative stability problems of structural mechanics and physics, perturbation theory of non-self-adjoint boundary eigenvalue problems, magnetohydrodynamics, friction-induced oscillations, dissipation-induced instabilities and non-Hermitian problems of optics and microwave physics. Since 2013 he has served as an Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Mathematical Physics. Dmitry E. Pelinovsky has been Professor at McMaster University in Canada since 2000. His research profile includes work with nonlinear partial differential equations, discrete dynamical systems, spectral theory, integrable systems, and numerical analysis. He served as the guest editor of the special issue of the journals Chaos in 2005 and Applicable Analysis in 2010. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations. This book is devoted to the problems of spectral analysis, stability and bifurcations arising from the nonlinear partial differential equations of modern physics. Leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid and fluid mechanics present state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new challenging stability problems. Bifurcations and stability of solitary waves, geometrical optics stability analysis in hydro- and magnetohydrodynamics and dissipation-induced instabilities will be treated with the use of the theory of Krein and Pontryagin space, index theory, the theory of multi-parameter eigenvalue problems and modern asymptotic and perturbative approaches. All chapters contain mechanical and physical examples and combine both tutorial and advanced sections, making them attractive both to experts in the field and non-specialists interested in knowing more about modern methods and trends in stability theory.
Lighting spaces:the art & science of architectural lighting
作者: (美)罗杰·易编著
简介: LIGHTING SPACES celebrates the beauty, utility and technology that professional lighting design brings to architecture, interior design and landscape architecture in the United States and the world. With profound social, economic and technotogical changes transforming modern society, lighting has now emerged as a critical component in the new environments that corporations, institutions and private citizens are developing for the 21st cen- fury. The range of innovative and breathtaking lighting solutions illustrated in this volume reflects the broad scope of todays lighting designers. The lighting recently created for the offices, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, theaters, public parks, museums, airports, private residences and other facitities depicted in LIGHTING SPACES will give architects, interior design- ers, landscape architects and their clients an excellent opportunity to consider their own options for lighting their facilities. What kinds of lighting installations can be found in LIGHTING SPACES? For per se, chef Thomas Kellers acclaimed new restaurant at New Yorks Time WarneF Center, lighting confers a flattering glow over the spare but finely detailed decor so guests can enjoy the exquisite cuisine and views in leisurely contemplation. Busy travelers pausing in the American Airlines Admirals Club at DaLlas/Fort Worth International Airport are cosseted by softly illuminated lounges accented by highlighted wails of split-face limestone and the work of 26 Texas artists. The curving lighting fixtures custom designed for the main worship hall at St. Matthews Episcopal Church, in Pacific Palisades, California, so perfectly comptement its soaring architecture that the parish raised additional funds to fabricate them. And how better for gueststo cap an exhitarating day at Argosy Casino, in Riverside, Missouri, than to enjoy a night sky lighting show above the principal gaming area, complete with aurora borealis? Thus, LIGHTING SPACES offers the opportunity to review the portfolios of many of todays top lighting designers. Taking readers on guided tours of one outstanding lighting environment after another, the book offers insights about how tightincj design creates information, ambiance, safety, security, energy conservation and other objectives set by property owners and managers and their design consuttants. Because few individuats could easily visit so many far-flung installations, LIGHTING SPACES depicts its projects in superb, four-color photography reproduced on fine, heavy-weight paper to bring their images to life. Here are state-of-the-art lighting concepts that can be put to work immediately on projects being developed now. This is a book planned for frequent use, with all projects indexed for easy reference to aid architects, interior designers, Landscape designers and their clients, introducing reading righting designers and their illumihating accomplishments. 作者简介: Roger Yee, an architecture graduate of Yale School of Architecture, has received honors for his work in the field from such organizations as the American Institute of Architects, the American Society of Interior Designers and the Association of Business Publishers. Former editor-in-chief of Corporate Design 8, Realty, Contract, and Unique Homes, he is now a contributing editor to such publications as Engineering News Record, Oculus, and Womans Day Kitchens & Baths, as well as being the author and editor of Corporate Inter/ors, Educational Environments, Healthcare 5paces, 5ports & Recreational Facilities and Hotel & Restaurant Design. His other activities in the field have included being marketing advisor to Cushman & Wakefield, a national real estate firm, serving as draftsman and designer to architecture firms, most notably Philip Johnson & John Burgee, and tecturing on design at institutions of higher education, including Dartmouth Collego and Columbia University. He is a consultant on editorial public relations and marketing issues to numerous orgamzations in the design community.
Real Boys Workbook:The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Interacting
作者: (美)威廉·S.波洛克(William S. Pollack),凯塞琳·库什曼(Cathleen Cushman)著;范玮等译
Construction litigation : representing the owner / 2nd ed.
作者: editors Robert F. Cushman, Kenneth M. Cushman and Stephen B. Cook.