End of the Euro 英文原版
作者: Johan
出版社: 2011年10月
This is an up-to-the-minute analysis of the fate of the euro -and with it, the future of the European Union - by acclaimedBelgium-based economic journalist Johan Van Overtveldt, author of"Bernanke's Test" and "The Chicago School". "The End of the Euro"begins with an overview of the birth of the euro itself.Understanding this history is essential to understand the anomaliesbuilt into the project from the beginning. These anomalies form thesubject of chapter two, along with how they led to the situationthat turned Greece, Portugal, and Spain into euro-destroyingeconomic disaster areas. Chapter three shows how this was not anunforeseeable situation, as Europe's history is filled with earlierfailed attempts to build monetary unions. Chapter four is focusedon Germany, by far the most important country within EMU, and whythe chances of Germany leaving the union are much higher than isgenerally assumed. The book concludes with an analysis of what liesin wait for the remains of the monetary union - and for a deeplydivided and troubled continent in general. Either the EMUtransforms itself fundamentally or it disintegrates.
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR "THE END OF THE EURO" "Johan Van Overtveldtis a consistently insightful and incisive writer and I await eachof his books with real anticipation." --Tyler Cowen, The MarginalRevolution blog "[Johan Van Overtveldt's] analysis of theconsequences for the euro project is compelling. I hope politicianswill read this book before they try to put the European projectback together." --Anil Kashyap, Edward Eagle Brown Professor ofEconomics and Finance, The University of Chicago Booth School ofBusiness ""The End of the Euro" is a must for all those wonderingwhether the euro is heading for abyss or salvation. It succinctlyanalyzes the causes of the euro crisis...Read history while it isunfolding." --Derk Jan Eppink, member of the Economic MonetaryCommittee of the European Parliament "Johan Van Overtveldt'saccount is essential reading for anyone wishing to grasp the rootcauses of the eurozone crisis...Looking ahead, his predictionism