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简介:Postcolonial Theory is a ground-breaking critical introduction to the burgeoing field of postcolonial studies.Leela Gandhi is the first to clearly map out this field in terms of its wider philosophical and intellectual context, drawing important connections between postcolonial theory and poststructuralism, postmodernism, marxism and feminism. She assesses the contribution of major theorists such as Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak and Homi Bhabha, and also points to postcolonialism's relationship to earlier thinkers such as Frantz Fanon and Mahatma Gandhi.The book is distinctive in its concern for the specific historical, material, and cultural contexts for postcolonial theory, and in its attempt to sketch out the ethical possibilities for postcolonial theory as a model for living with and knowing cultural difference non-violently.Postcolonial Tehory is a useful starting point for readers new to the field and a provocative account which opens possibilities for debate.
简介:Post-colonial theory is a relatively new area in critical contemporary studies, having its foundations more Postcolonial Criticism brings together some of the most important critical writings in the field, and aims to present a clear overview of, and introduction to, one of the most exciting and rapidly developing areas of contemporary literary criticism. It charts the development of the field both historically and conceptually, from its beginnings in the early post-war period to the present day. The first phase of postcolonial criticism is recorded here in the pioneering work of thinkers like Aim茅 C茅saire, Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, and Gayatri Spivak. More recently, a new generation of academics have provided fresh assessments of the interaction of class, race and gender in cultural production, and this generation is represented in the work of Aijaz Ahmad, bell hooks, Homi Bhabha, Abdul JanMohamed and David Lloyd. Topics covered include negritude, national culture, orientalism, subalternity, ambivalence, hybridity, white settler societies, gender and colonialism, culturalism, commonwealth literature, and minority discourse. The collection includes an extensive general introduction which clearly sets out the key stages, figures and debates in the field. The editors point to the variety, even conflict, within the field, but also stress connections and parallels between the various figures and debates which they identify as central to an understanding of it. The introduction is followed by a series of ten essays which have been carefully chosen to reflect both the diversity and continuity of postcolonial criticism. Each essay is supported by a short introduction which places it in context with the rest of the author's work, and identifies how its salient arguments contribute to the field as a whole. This is a field which covers many disciplines including literary theory, cultural studies, philosophy, geography, economics, history and politics. It is designed to fit into the current modular arrangement of courses, and is therefore suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate courses which address postcolonial issues and the 'new' literatures in English.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, 9e, by Ball, McCulloch, Geringer, Frantz and Minor continues to be the textbook of choice for instructors who want comprehensive coverage and adopters who like to cover a broad range of topics and to show students the steps a business must take to go global. More than any other text in this market, International Business, 9e has the most complete and current data available in this market. As the ultimate reference book for the international business student, Ball, McCulloch, Geringer, Frantz and Minor incorporate global examples with the Worldview vignettes within the chapter. Moreover, this text does not limit its focus to huge multi-national corporations; smaller firms are highlighted within each chapter in the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises boxed examples.
简介:The first book of its kind in the field, this timely introduction to post-colonial theory offers lucid and accessible summaries of the major work of such key theorists as Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Homi Bhabha and Gayatri Spivak. It also explores the lines of resistance against colonialism and highlights the theories of post-colonial identity that have been responsible for generating some of the most influential and challenging critical work of recent decades. Designed for undergraduates and postgraduates taking courses related to colonialism or post-colonialism, the book summarizes the major topics and issues as well as covering the contributions of central and less familiar figures in the field.
简介:High-Speed DSP and Analog System Design is based on Dr. Thanh T. Tran鈥檚 25 years of experience in high-speed DSP and computer systems and courses in both digital and analog systems design at Rice University. It provides hands-on, practical advice for working engineers, including: Tips on cost-efficient design and system simulation that minimize late-stage redesign costs and product shipment delays Emphasis on good high-speed and analog design practices that minimize both component and system noise and ensure system design success Guidelines to be used throughout the design process to reduce noise and radiation and to avoid common pitfalls while improving quality and reliability Hands-on design examples focusing on audio, video, analog filters, DDR memory, and power supplies The inclusion of analog systems and related issues cannot be found in other high-speed design books 鈥淭his book is an essential resource for all engineers either interested in or working on system designs. It was created by a recognized system design expert who not only teaches these principles daily but who brings years of hands on design expertise as the creator of some of the personal computer industries鈥?most differentiated audio solutions鈥?鈥擩im Ganthier, Vice President of Marketing and Solutions, Industry Standard Servers- Hewlett-Packard 鈥淭his book helps designers by highlighting the pitfalls of high-speed systems design and providing solutions that improve the probability of success. Investing a small amount of time in the use of low-noise and low-radiation design methods from the very beginning of the development cycle will generate a high payoff by minimizing late-stage redesign costs and delays in the product ship date. To improve the probability of design success, applying the rules outlined in this book is a must-do.鈥濃擥ene Frantz, Principle Fellow, Texas Instruments Incorporated. High-Speed DSP and Analog System Design is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and professionals in signal processing and system design.
简介:We live in a time when we are overwhelmed with talk and images of violence. Whether on television, the internet, films or the video screen, we can't escape representations of actual or fictional violence - another murder, another killing spree in a high school or movie theatre, another action movie filled with images of violence. Our age could well be called "The Age of Violence" because representations of real or imagined violence, sometimes fused together, are pervasive. But what do we mean by violence? What can violence achieve? Are there limits to violence and, if so, what are they? In this new book Richard Bernstein seeks to answer these questions by examining the work of five figures who have thought deeply about violence - Carl Schmitt, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, Frantz Fanon, and Jan Assmann. He shows that we have much to learn from their work about the meaning of violence in our times. Through the critical examination of their writings he also brings out the limits of violence. There are compelling reasons to commit ourselves to non-violence, and yet at the same time we have to acknowledge that there are exceptional circumstances in which violence can be justified. Bernstein argues that there can be no general criteria for determining when violence is justified. The only plausible way of dealing with this issue is to cultivate publics in which there is free and open discussion and in which individuals are committed to listen to one other: when public debate withers, there is nothing to prevent the triumph of murderous violence.
简介: This book is the definitive guide to the techniques and applications of position location, covering both terrestrial and satellite systems. It gives all the techniques, theoretical models, and algorithms that engineers need to improve their current location schemes and to develop future location algorithms and systems. Comprehensive coverage is given to system design trade-offs, complexity issues, and the design of efficient positioning algorithms to enable the creation of high-performance location positioning systems. Traditional methods are also reexamined in the context of the challenges posed by reconfigurable and multihop networks. Applications discussed include wireless networks (WiFi, ZigBee, UMTS, and DVB networks), cognitive radio, sensor networks and multihop networks. Features Contains a complete guide to models, techniques, and applications of position location Includes applications to wireless networks, demonstrating the relevance of location positioning to these "hot" areas in research and development Covers system design trade-offs and the design of efficient positioning algorithms, enabling the creation of future location positioning systems Provides a theoretical underpinning for understanding current position location algorithms, giving researchers a foundation to develop future algorithms David Mu?oz is Director and César Vargas is a member of the Center for Electronics and Telecommunications, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. Frantz Bouchereau is a senior communications software developer at The MathWorks Inc. in Natick, MA. Rogerio Enríquez-Caldera is at Instituto Nacional de Atrofisica, Optica y Electronica (INAOE), Puebla, Mexico. . Contains a complete guide to models, techniques and applications of position location . Includes applications to wireless networks (WiFi, ZigBee, DVB networks), cognitive radio, sensor networks and reconfigurable and multi-hop networks, demonstrating the relevance of location positioning to these 'hot' areas in research and development . Covers system design trade-offs, and the design of efficient positioning algorithms enables the creation of future location positioning systems . Provides a theoretical underpinning for understanding current position location algorithms, giving researchers a foundation to develop future algorithms
简介:Edward Said’s {Orientalism} (l978) inaugurated a new mode of inquiry into texts written about areas absorbed by Europe’s colonial expansion. Said’s inquiry led to the "new" field of colonial discourse-analysis. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin’s {The Empire writes back} (l989) inaugurates a new theoretical field, beyond Said’s orientalism, to investigate the emergence of texts authored by colonial subjects or "postcolonial theory." Approaches developed by former subjects of the British Empire share many theoretical and cultural concerns with Latin American intellectual history. Includes selections from Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, Denis Porter, Jenny Sharp, Stuart Hall, etc. Highly recommended for those investigating new paradigms in cultural criticism and intellectual history.
简介:"Now in its second edition, Fifty Major Political Thinkers introduces the lives and ideas of some of the theorists who have shaped Western political thought, from the ancient world to the present day. Alongside new entries on such figures as Cicero, Frantz Fanon and Carl Schmitt, other thinkers covered include: Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Mohandas Gandhi, Machiavelli, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Paine, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Fully cross-referenced and including a glossary of theoretical terms, this wide-ranging and accessible book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the evolution and history of political thought across the ages."--BOOK JACKET.
简介:History, the Human, and the World Betweenis a philosophical investigation of the human subject and its simultaneous implication in multiple and often contradictory ways of knowing. The eminent postcolonial theorist R. Radhakrishnan argues that human subjectivity is always constituted “between”: between subjective and objective, temporality and historicity, being and knowing, the ethical and the political, nature and culture, the one and the many, identity and difference, experience and system. In this major study, he suggests that a reconstituted phenomenology has a crucial role to play in mediating between generic modes of knowledge production and an experiential return to life. Keenly appreciative of poststructuralist critiques of phenomenology, Radhakrishnan argues that there is still something profoundly vulnerable at stake in the practice of phenomenology. Radhakrishnan develops his rationale of the “between” through three linked essays where he locates the terms “world,” “history,” “human,” and “subject” between phenomenology and poststructuralism, and in the process sets forth a nuanced reading of the politics of a gendered postcolonial humanism. Critically juxtaposing the works of thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Adrienne Rich, Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Michel Foucault, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Martin Heidegger, David Harvey, and Ranajit Guha, Radhakrishnan examines the relationship between systems of thought and their worldly situations.History, the Human, and the World Betweenis a powerful argument for a theoretical perspective that combines the existential urgency of phenomenology with the discursive rigor of poststructuralist practices.