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作者: [美]鲍姆
简介:作者:莱曼·弗兰克·鲍姆(1856—1919),美国著名作家及剧作家,美国儿童文学之父。1900年出版的以虚构的奥兹国为背景创作的《绿野仙踪》是最为著名、最受读者欢迎的一部作品,他并为此创作了13部续集。译者:马爱农(1964—),著名翻译家。曾翻译《哈利·波特》、《古堡里的月亮公主》、《小王子》、《黑骏马》、《绿山墙的安妮》和《安徒生童话选集》等多部畅销作品。朗读者:钟秋,中国国际广播电台EZFM首席双语主持人,2010年温哥华冬季残奥会颁奖晚会主持人,曾任驻美国首席记者,并担纲《Sunset Boulevard》、《Feel Good INC.》和《Lady Lady》等多档名牌栏目,主创网络热门节目《萌娃戏剧秀》,倡导以互动故事秀提升睡前亲子时光。
Listen to a good story everyday
光盘作者: 大耳朵工作室编著
简介: 一花一天国,一树一菩提,一沙一世界。小故事大人生中与你一起找寻 生活的滋味,体会英文的魅力。 培养英语阅读兴趣和提高阅读能力是一个循序渐进、坚持不懈的学习过 程。本书采用日历式的编排方式(每年52个星期,从星期一到星期五,每天 听一篇故事),一共精选了260个英文故事,学习者每天听读一个故事,不知 不觉之间就安排了一个长达一年的学习计划。 本书所附MP3光盘收录了所有文章的英文朗读,外国专家纯正标准的发 音在您欣赏美文的同时,对您的口语和听力也有着潜移默化的影响。
Good Manners| 汇佳Learning Town幼儿英语主题系列教材
光盘作者: 北京汇佳教育科学研究院
简介: "The number one agenda item for leadership development is Global leadership and doing business effectively in the different regions of the world. These skills are absolutely critical for business success, and this book articulates clearly how leaders need to navigate around the world to foster long-term relationships and to build successful global businesses. This timely 7th edition will be one of our most valued resources for guiding executive and leadership development worldwide." --James K. O'Hern, Director of Leadership Development, Honeywell "My students (some experienced, international managers among them) have found this book useful in the past. However, as the authors point out, even cultural differences and our reactions to them are changing, so I am delighted to see this new edition, bang up to date with references to the impact of the war in Iraq and the use of the latest commuications technology on cross-cultural understanding. The book reviews some of the more important studies and theories about cross-culture and almost every aspect of our working lives from organisational change through diversity to work life balance. The authors show how cultural issues can impact some of our received management wisdom and they offer some good, solid practical advice in each chapter on what this means for the international manager, leader and negotiator. In the second part of the book the authors explore specific regions, country by country. All in all, this is one of the most complete books about management in the modern global world. The cross-cultural dimension of the book makes it a must-read for any young or experienced manager working internationally out of corporate headquarters or working full time overseas." -- Christopher Howard-Williams, International consultant and executive education provider "Moran has done it again. As we grow globally, Managing Cultural Differences, 7th Edition should be used as a business solution to navigate the international roadmaps. This insight to understanding culture and business will add profits to any organization understanding the managing of cross cultural differences." Michael H. Johnson, Senior Vice President, Penson Financial Services, Inc. "The authors apply proven frameworks for understanding the dimensions of culture to the current global business arena. Experienced practitioners and novices alike will find take-aways that enhance their leadership and communication skills. The authors clearly articulate the value of understanding multiple perspectives, taking the book beyond the realm of a text. As a result, it is an indispensable tool for all of us who live and work in today's geo-political environment." -- Frank R. Lloyd, Ph. D., Associate Dean, Executive Education, SMU Cox School of Business "This is a very special book and one that has significantly improved from edition to edition even though it was very good to start with. It is essentially about global leadership and it intends to increase the effectiveness of international business leaders in unfamiliar international contexts by providing much of the necessary background familiarity. While most comparative management texts focus mainly on cultural differences, this book is special because it offers historical backgrounds and sociopolitical contexts that are usually ignored. These are helpful contexts for understanding how someone from a different national culture contexts him/herself. The span of the historical contexts offered is quite amazing. The Korean section begins with Korean prehistory, and the Chinese section is also all encompassing. The real value of this book is that it is intended to be practical and useful. The information is intended to help managers in international business situations helpful tips to avoid culture based blunders that would wreck negotiations before they even begin; tactics for avoiding or dealing with conflicts or disagreements in culturally appropriate ways; and strategies for negotiating effectively - both in general and in the specific international contexts that managers could face in their international business careers. The emphasis is on strategies and tactics for effective communication, relation-ship building, and negotiating in culturally sensitive ways. What is truly amazing is the scope achieved in this book. The authors have managed to offer high value insights for virtually every nation and region in which one could imagine that business could be conducted. This is a major reference work that could usefully be on any international manager's bookshelf. Not only are the obvious destinations - Europe, North America, Japan, China, India - covered, but there are useful sections on the Middle East, Latin America and even Africa that would be hard to find anywhere else. And all of this is in a single book, easy to carry, comprehensive and updated right to the present. I cannot think of another book that achieves this purpose with such economy and practicality. I would certainly recommend the book as a text for students, but it is also a book that an international manager might consider carrying in his suitcase when s/he travels to Asia and may find him/herself doing business with a variety of individuals from different countries over the course of a single road trip. As an East Asia expert, very familiar with conditions in China, Japan and Korea, I am confident that these sections are very current and very helpful. Having used this book myself a number of years ago, I can also say without reservation that this edition should replace previous ones on a manager's bookshelf. It is a lovely book filled with potential usefulness. Following its recommendations could help build a relationship and make a sale that might otherwise be lost." -- Neil Remington Abramson; Associate Professor of Strategy; Segal Graduate School of Business Administration; Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, Canada
Audio-visual-oral English for contemporary medicine.II,Health management
光盘作者: 宋军,苏柳燕主编
简介:陈社胜多年从事法语、英语教学研究和国际医学交流工作。主编教材《大学后英语》、《万事通中级英语》、《医学英语视听说教程》系列、《当代医学英语综合教程》系列;参编《医学英汉辞典》(第2版、第3版);发表的主要论文Helping Students Foster Good Vocabulary Learning and Retention (1993),《国际合作项目成功个案探讨》(1998),《基础阶段后英语教学的思考与实践》(1999)等。
作者: 白波编著
简介:《跟我学网球基础与实战全阶课程》: basic & actual combat class 全国冠军实战演练,助你迅速提高技战水平 从入门到精通,“0”到“45”的全局教材 0规则、装备、热身,开局前的必备知识 15握拍、站姿、步法,穗扎稳打学基础 30发球、破发秘籍,如何占尽先机 40底线、中场绝招,在场上挥洒自如 45网前截杀,制胜的最后必杀 from good to great from basic to mastery 全国冠军世界巡回赛冠军金牌教程dvd 基本诀窍+战术意图, 让你轻松入门,快速晋级 实用丰富的网球知识 名称、球场、记分制、装备,网球的前世今生 四大满贯赛事详细介绍 场地简介、比赛规则、装备选择 必要的赛前热身 先“发”制人 平击发球、上旋发球 利用强力外角球得分 发外角接回空当 …… 底线功略 正手削球、反手削球 斜线相持回大角度球、高弧球制胜、中路以深破深弧线球、斜线深球、削球转攻 …… 截杀妙手 网前扣杀技巧、近网高球技巧、近网低球技巧以直线深球破低位球、斜线高压球、随球上网回大角度斜线球 截向目标、截向空当、落地高压球 …… 赛事阅览 温布尔登网球锦标赛、法国网球公开赛、美国网球大赛、澳大利亚网球公开赛 必须掌握的基本技术 握拍方式:大陆式、东方式、半两方式、西方式 站姿&步法:准备姿势、开放式步法、半开放式步法 步法训练:近/远距离步法练习 击球技巧与实战心得 …… 破发秘籍 单手正手接发球、双下反下接发球、按发球抢攻 接外角发球、接发球上网、应对发球上网 将球回深、针对发球上网、限制回球角度 中场绝杀 正手反弹球、反手反弹球 中场削直线球随上截伎、中场直线放小球、中场斜线致胜球 击球后上网截击、反手削球上网、回击不同的线路 …… 双打秘诀 比赛规则、如何沟通、战略战术 dvd专业影视传媒 打造高清摄影 世界巡回赛冠军、全国冠军白波老师,亲身示范金牌教程,从入门到精进,所有细节、所有动作要领精确剖析,专业示范,让你在短时间内 提示技术水平,更有自信地踏入网球场。
World link developing English fiuency,Student book.1
光盘作者: Susan Stempleski,James R. Morgan,Nancy Douglas[编]
简介:斯特姆斯基主编的《环球英语教程(附光盘第2版学生用书1)》与第一版相比,无论在内容还是形式上,更新与提升的幅度都很大,映射出编写者与出版者对英语教学过程的演变以及教材作为重要媒介的深刻思考。以《环球英语教程(附光盘第2版学生用书1)》为例,它在第一版的基础上做了大幅修订:(1)每单元增设了一段全新的脱口秀视频一Good Morning World;(2)拓展了词汇学习的广度,除单词学习以外,还系统介绍了各类使用频率较高的短语、表达和常用搭配等;(3)调整了技能训练的重心,把帮助学习者掌握有关听、说、读、写的种种策略和方法作为核心目标;(4)极力丰富了配套资源:学生用书附赠学生学习光盘,《视听教程》学生用书附赠课堂教学光盘(DVD—RoM),为学生提供了更多、更自然的英语语言输入和练习机会。World Link教师用书(第二版)更新的内容也不少:(1)第二版采用了将教学指导与学生用书放在一个合和页内左右一一对应的方式,将习题答案凸显并嵌入学生用书练习中,方便教师从容使用;(2)增加了具体到点的教学提示、语言提示、文化提示和语法提示,为使用World Link(第二版)的教师提供重要信息和最新策略指导;(3)由加拿大Queen’s University英语学院院长Dr Andv curtis执笔的职业发展内容,较之第一版,融入了对当代英语教学更多、更进一步的认识,旨在帮助教师全面了解自我、了解英语教师这个职业,从而培养教师具备更高的职业素养;(4)结合当代教学环境和科技进步,第二版为教师提供了更多能帮助他们简化备课和教学过程的工具:教师用书附赠的教师资源光盘为教师提供了用于课堂内外的拓展活动资料和教学工具;互动式教学资源包(DVD—ROM)集学生用书、练习册、视频、音频及其他内容于一体,可用于互动白板或数据投影仪,辅助教师课堂教学。
Fashion shaping graceful figure
光盘作者: 陈琳编著
简介: Shaping纤臀运动系统:消除手臂内侧赘肉,紧实手臂外侧线条,雕琢 出与身体曲线完美呼应的纤纤玉臂。 Shaping美胸运动系统:“聚拢”胸形,有效防止松驰下垂,促进胸腺 再次发育,增加乳房组织的弹性和柔软度。 Shaping塑背运动系统:打造拥有完美肩线、清晰脊柱沟、诱人腰背C曲 线的美背,自信挑战露背装! Shaping美腹运动系统:深层锻炼腹部核心肌群,粉碎顽固脂肪,赶走 “游泳圈”,获得平坦结实的美腹。 Shaping纤腰运动系统:专攻腰部脂肪堆积区,增加腹外斜肌的力量和 柔软度,炼成盈盈一握的小蛮腰。 Shaping翘臂运动系统:科学训练臂肌,保持臀襞纤维束的坚韧,防止 臂部下垂,增加挺臂度。 Shaping美腿运动系统:全面雕塑腿部肌群,让大腿修长结实、小腿玲 珑纤细。杜绝橘皮纹,还可有效预防和矫正O形、X形腿。 Shaping矫正体态运动系统:强健脊柱,挺拔身姿,和驮背、塌腰、斜 肩等不良体态SAY GOOD BYE! Shaping整体塑型运动系统:全身美化,均衡、匀衡、匀称、协调、舒 展、优美的身型是舍宾形体雕塑的终极目标。 舍利营养顾问:不用节食,美食与运动相得益彰,吃出窈窕无双的好身 段。 舍宾形体仪态训练:形体语言训练,让你在举手投足间,尽显高贵与优 雅。 舍宾时尚造型导师:精致得体的服饰妆扮,突出身材优点,穿出魔鬼身 段和最佳品位! 精美全彩BOOK+高清教学影碟:国际舍宾协会教练亲自示范,详尽细致 的动作和要领分析、功效解析,局部塑型,精确到位!
Physical Best Activity Guide: Elementary Level - 3rd Edition
光盘简介:This comprehensive health-related fitness education program is back and better than ever! Developed by top-level physical educators, this third edition will help students gain the knowledge, skills, appreciation, and confidence they need to lead active, healthy lives, regardless of physical and mental abilities or disabilities. Physical Best Activity Guide: Elementary Level has been used with much success across the United States, and for good reason: The text contains 78 easy-to-use activities ranging from noncompetitive to competitive and less demanding to more demanding. It also includes activities that allow for maximum time on task. All the instructional activities address the national physical education standards, dance standards, or health standards. This new edition retains the best activities from previous editions and offers new ones from outstanding teachers throughout the United States. You will learn how to adapt the activities for all children, regardless of skill level or ability. Students will also learn skills to help them set realistic goals, manage their activity levels, and remain healthy throughout their lives. This text offers the following features: • A new chapter, “Combined-Component Training,” combines aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility into single activities. • A CD-ROM contains a wealth of reproducibles, including charts, posters, signs, station cards, handouts, and worksheets, many of which can be adapted to meet your needs. • A section of Internet resources helps you develop your own special events.
OCP Oracle9i Database: New Features for Administrators Exam Guide(Exam 1Z0-030)
简介: This book meets the objectives set forth for the Oracle9i New Features for Administrators 1Z0-030 exam, to upgrade your OCP certification from Oracle8i to Oracle9i. As such, this book is an excellent tool to prepare for the exam. Besides the technical discussions, Part 1 has many aids to help you prepare for the exam. At the end of topics you will find a For Review section and a number of questions to confirm and retain your learning. At the end of chapters, you will find a good summary that will help you review the chapter, and a number of questions. Part 2 consists of 3 practice exams with a total of 180 questions. You can purchase additional Practice tests from Oracle Corporation (see following instructions). When you take the exam, you will have to answer correctly at least 38 questions out of a total of 56 in order to successfully complete the exam. The required number of correct questions can vary based on the difficulty of the questions administered in the particular exam you take.
英文共同题名:Very good: spoken Chinese for beginners
光盘作者: 刘颂浩[等]编著
简介: 《很好——初级汉语口语》是一套适合课堂教学需要、情节生动、人物语言特点鲜明、幽默活泼的初级口语教材。全书是“很好——初级汉语口语”的第二册,该书共分12课,该书在设计时,它充分考虑了教材容量的问题,对来华学习汉语的短期留学生也可选择各册使用。
简介:《英文儿歌大全》快乐乐乐唱儿歌,轻轻松松学英文!本书收集了162首广为传唱的英文儿歌,歌词显浅,琅琅上口。让您的孩子在“玩中学,学中玩”,自然而然地融入英语环境中。全部歌曲由美国著名合唱团演唱,歌声优美动听,给予美的享受,吐字发音更加清晰,更加适合孩子学习。配套全彩画册,图片样式新颖,颜色五彩缤纷,中英文对照,让您的宝宝爱不释手。 让您的孩子脱口而出162首地道纯正的英文童谣;让您的孩子在歌唱中学会数百个英文单词、词组和句式;让您的孩子通过英文歌曲感受国外的文化氛围;让您的孩子通过歌唱来热爱英语。 第一盘 01 Alouette 云雀 02 Big Rock Candy Mountain 大大的冰糖山 03 Bingo宾果 04 Billy Boy 比利男孩 05 Brother Come and Dance With Me 哥哥,过来和我一起跳舞 06 Camping 露营 07 Clementine 克莱芒蒂娜 08 Cockles and Mussels 鸟蛤和贻贝 09 Coming Through the Rye 越求麦田 10 Did You Ever See a Lassie? 你有没有看到一个女孩 11 Do Your Ears Hang Low?你是否垂耳倾听? 12 Down by the Station 车站旁 13 Animal Fair 动物赶集 14 A Hunting we Will Go 我们要去打猎 15 Camptown Race 坎普敦赛 16 Alphabet Song 字母歌 17 Carrot Stew 炖胡萝卜 第二盘 01 By the Beach 在海边 02 Froggie Went a-Courting 青蛙去庭院 03 Funiculi Funicula 缆车,缆车 04 Go in and Out The Window 进入和退出窗口 05 Home on the Range 牧场是我家 06 I'm a Policeman 我是一名警察 07 I've Been Working on the Railroad 我一直工作在铁路 08 If You're Happy and You Know It 如果你感到高兴 09 It Ain't Gonna Rain no More 天不会再下雨 10 It's a Small World 这是一个小世界 11 Freer Jacques 弗里尔雅克 12 Friends Lullaby 给小朋友的摇篮曲 13 Good Night Ladies 晚上好,女士们 14 My Little Pony 我的小马 15 In the Good Old Summertime 在美好的,古老的夏天 16 Hush Little Baby 安静,小宝贝 17 You are My Sunshine 你是我的阳光 第三盘 01 Kookaburra 笑翠鸟 02 Loch Lomond 洛蒙德湖 03 London Bridge 伦敦桥 04 Mary Had A Little Lamb 玛丽有只小羊羔 05 Meet me in St Louis 在圣路易斯遇见我 06 Mickey Mouse March 三月米老鼠 07 Nursery Rhyme Medley 童谣曲 08 Oh Dear What Can The Matter By? 噢,亲爱的,怎么了? 09 Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?噢哪儿,噢我的小狗去了哪儿? 10 Oh Susanna 苏珊娜 11 Old Blue 老狗布布 12 Old Macdonald 老麦克唐纳 13 Old Dan Tucker 老丹塔克 14 Pooly Wolly Doodle 波里伍俐嘟嘟 15 Pop Goes The Weasel 砰!黄鼠狼逃跑了 16 Red River Valley 红河谷 17 Reuben and Reachel 鲁宾和瑞琪儿 第四盘 01 Shortnin’ Bread 小面包 02 Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me 苍蝇,不要打扰我 03 Swanee River 斯瓦尼河 04 Skip to my Lou 我的新生活 05 Sweet Betsy From Pike 来自派克群的贝琪 06 The Blue-Tail Fly 蓝尾巴苍蝇 07 Take My Out to the Ball Game 带我出去看球赛 08 Ten Little Indians 十个印第安小孩 09 The Bear Went Over the Mountain 越过山的熊 10 The Dump Truck Song 推土车之歌 11 The Hokey Pokey 变戏法 12 The Mail Must go Through 邮件必须送出去 13 The Man on the Flying Trapeze 秋千上的男人 14 The Marvelous Toy 好棒的玩具 15 The Sidewalks of New York 纽约人行道 16 The Wabash Cannonball 加农炮 第五盘 01 Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长 02 Ding A Dong 钟的铃声 03 Yankee Doodle 扬基,杜多 04 Hello Hello How Are You 哈喽你好吗 05 How Old Are You 你多大了 06 Waltzing Matilda 背上行李流浪 07 This Old Man 这个老人 08 Three Blind Mice 三盲鼠 09 Thumbelina 拇指姑娘 10 Happy New Year 新年快乐 11 Twinkle Twinkle,Little Star 一闪一闪小星星 12 When the Saints go Marching in 胜者行进 13 Why do They Make Things Like They Do 为什么他们做他们喜欢的事情 14 With Apologies to Mother Goose 鹅妈妈童谣 15 You Are There 你在那里 16 Happy Birthday to You 祝你生日快乐 第六盘 01 Pussy Cat Pussy Cat 小猫咪,小猫咪 02 Winter Cheer 冬天的快乐 03 Who Stole The Cookies From The Cookie Jar 谁从饼干罐里偷了饼干 04 Food I Like 我喜爱的食物 05 Popeye the Sailor Man 大力水手 06 Simple Simon 头脑简单的西蒙 07 Smile and Laugh 微笑和大笑 08 The Family 家 09 Two Little Blackbirds 两只黑色的小鸟 10 Make New Friends 结识新朋友 11 What Time is It?几点了? 12 The Mulberry Bush 桑树丛 13 How is the Weather? 天气怎么样 14 I'm A Sailor 我是水手 15 Sleep Baby Sleep 睡吧,孩子,睡吧 16 It's Time to Get Up 该起床了 第七盘 01 A Bicycle built For Two 一辆自行车为两个人制造 02 Aelou 03 Catch the Eels 捉泥鳅 04 Grandfather's Clock 爷爷的钟 05 Just for You 为你 06 Here We go Looply-loo 我们做游戏 07 Activity Melody 富有活力的旋律 08 Sailing Medley 航海组曲 09 On top of Old Smoky 在老斯莫基山顶上 10 Que Sera Sera 世事不可强求 11 She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain 她将要上山来拜访 12 Round the Clock 二十四小时 13 This is the Way 这样做 14 You Are My Sunshine 你是我的阳光 15 Good Morning to You 早上好 第八盘 01 Little Goldfish 小金鱼 02 Little Cabin in the Wood 林中小木屋 03 Little Green Frog 小小绿青蛙 04 Lvllaby 催眠曲 05 Muffin Man 卖松饼的人 06 Six Little Ducks 六只小鸭子 07 The Ants go Marching 蚂蚁在行军 08 Little Polly 小波利 09 Head and Shoulder Knees and Toes 头肩膝盖和脚趾 10 Let us Sing Together 我们一起唱支歌 11 Rain Rain Go Away 雨,雨,走开 12 Teddy Bear 泰迪熊 13 The More we Get Together 我们常相聚 14 I Can Sing a Rainbow 我能唱彩虹歌 15 The Colour of the Night 夜色 16 Butterfly 蝴蝶 17 The Wheels on the Bus 车轮 第九盘 01 Five Big Dump Truck 五辆自动倾卸大卡车 02 Gingerbread Man 快乐的面包人 03 The Happy Wander 快乐游荡 04 The World is Yours 世界属于你 05 Are You Sleeping 你在睡吗 06 How do You Do 你好 07 We Wish You a Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 08 Soldier Soldier You Marry Me 士兵,你要娶我吗 09 The Farmer in the Dell 山谷里住着农夫 10 Silent Night Holy Night 平安夜,圣善夜 11 Once I Caught A Fish Alive 我曾经捉过一条活鱼 12 I've Got Sixpence 我有六便士 13 I Love You Dolphin 我爱你海豚 14 Fly Shall We Fly 飞吧我们一起飞 15 I'm Going Up to London 我要去伦敦 16 Apple Tree 苹果树 第十盘 01 Pat-A-Cake 做蛋糕 02 Plum Blossoms 梅花 03 Music Box 音乐盒 04 My House 我的房子 05 Michael Row the Boat Ashore 迈克尔,划船到岸边来 06 What is Your Name 你的名字是什么 07 Tell me Tell me What is This 告诉我这是什么 08 Baa Baa Black Sheep 黑羊咩咩 09 Doe Ray Me 哆莱咪 10 Come on and Join Into the Game 来加入游戏 11 Mary and Her Merry Do 玛丽和她的可爱娃娃 12 Ring a Ring of Roses 玫瑰花环 13 Boy and Girl 男孩和女孩 14 Brother Louie 路易兄弟 15 Jingle Bells 铃儿响叮当
For work and life English 365 personal study book 1
光盘作者: (英)鲍勃·迪格南(Bob Dignen),(英)史蒂夫·弗林德斯(Steve Flinders),(英)西蒙·斯威尼(Simon Sweeney)[著]
简介: english365 is a business english and general english course. it is for learners who want to develop their english skills for their work and their social and travel needs, and therefore reflects the work-life balance of busy working adults. english365 personal study book 1 is for post-elementary to low-intermediate level learners. . the personal study book contains: better language learning-ideas about what good learners do to learn more english language for language learning-an alphabetical list of all the grammatical and other terms used in the student's book .. practice exercises- one page of self-study exercises per unit of the student's book for additional practice a full answer key to the exercises a complete tapescript of the contents of the personal study book audio cd. ...
作者: 祖林,怀海涛编著
World link developing English fluency,Student book.3
光盘作者: Susan Stempleski,James R. Morgan,Nancy Douglas[编]
简介:World Link是全球著名教育出版集团美国圣智学习出版公司(CENGAGE Learning)最畅销的核心产品系列,适合初级至中高级英语学习者使用。第一版由上海外语教育出版社引进后,一直受到国内使用学校和师生一致的高度评价。现第二版经全面更新和提升,更体现了当代最先进的外语教育理念和方法。高频词汇、核心语法、全球性话题、400分钟视频及320分钟音频,World Link(第二版)旨在帮助学习者在全球一体化背景下流畅.自信地用英语沟通思想、交流情感,赢得资源并最终实现个人梦想。 学生用书(第二版)中更新与提升的内容有: ·每单元增设一段全新的脱口秀视频-Good Morning World; ·词汇学习经拓展后,系统覆盖了各类高频率使用的单词、短语、表达和常用搭配等; ·技能训练注重帮助学习者掌握有关听、说,读、写等的多种策略和方法; ·配套资源更加丰富:学生用书附赠的学生学习光盘、《视昕教程》学生用书及所附赠的课堂教学光盘(DVD-ROM),为学生提供更多的语言输入和训练;教师用书附赠的教师资源光盘为教师提供用于课堂内外的拓展活动资料和教学工具;互动式教学资源包(DVD-ROM)集学生用书、练习册、视频、音频及其他内容于一体,可用于互动白板或数据投影仪,辅助教师课堂教学。
Good & easy daily Chinese,Elementary
光盘作者: 吴晓明[等]编著;岳梅美术设计
Electronic literature : new horizons for the literary /
光盘简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 With desktop, laptop, and handheld devices available at even poverty-stricken scholars' prices, the age of turning the page seems to be passing by. Writers, good writers are responding to these technologies in a new genre, and Hayles (literature and design/media arts, U. of California, Los Angeles) uses her expertise here to explain its importance and move it into the classroom. She describes the transition from page to screen and the contexts for electronic literature (namely, the body and the machine), and shows how the genre is both revealing and transforming as it revalues computational practice. In a very lively final chapter she discusses the respective futures of print and electronic literature. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
作者: Eugene D. Jaffe,Stephen Hilbert编著
简介:《最新GMAT考试指南》讲述了:Barron's Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is designed to assist students planning to take the official Graduate Management Admission Test governed by the Graduate Manage-ment Admission Council, headquartered in Virginia, and administered by Pearson VIDE, an elec-tronic testing company operating more than 5,000 computer centers in over 145 countries. Since the results of the GMAT are used by many graduate schools of business as a means for measuring the qualifications of their applicants, it is important that the prospective student do as well as pos-sible on this exam. Admission to business school may well depend on it. A study guide, although not able to guarantee a perfect score, can provide a good deal of assis-tance in test preparation by enabling students 'to become familiar with the material they will encounter on the exam and supplying them with ample opportunity for practice and review. With this in mind, we have developed a study guide that goes further than the simple simulation of the official GMAT in its effort to offer a sound basis of test preparation. Besides containing three prac-tice tests with questions (and answers) similar to those students will encounter on the actual exam,it offers invaluable advice on how to prepare for the exam, ranging from a general discussion of the purpose and various formats of the GMAT to a step-by-step program of subject analysis and review designed to help students discover their weak points and take measures to correct them. A tactics section is included that covers every question type. These tactics give students practical instructions and hints on how to analyze and answer each question.
作者: 唐婉,(美)Nellie Connolly,(美)Graham Paterson编译
简介:《听老外讲故事系列:听老外讲最流行的英美笑话(英汉对照·典藏版)》内容简介:学习英语对于很多中国人来说,是件痛苦的事情。作为老师,常常听到学生跟我抱怨学习英语是多么的枯燥,于是我开始思考:有没有什么轻松简单的方法,能让大家心情愉悦地掌握这门语言呢?有一次,我和外国朋友聊天,他对我说:“Your English is good enough to joke!”(你的英语已经好得能用它来开玩笑了!)这句话触动了我,英语笑话难道不是以有趣形式承载“枯燥”内容的绝妙载体吗?首先,一般来说,笑话的篇幅不长,措辞简单,使用的都是日常生活中出现的高频词汇,句型也是最常用的。其次,因为笑话大多发生在现实生活中,对于无法出国去身临其境地体会当地文化的人们来说,这绝对是一个了解英语国家风土人情的好方式。别看只是一则小小的笑话,透过它们,你不仅可以轻松快乐地学习单词和语法,还可以了解到语言学习中不可或缺的文化背景知识。
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