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简介:With Statistics for Management, Levin and Rubin have provided a non-intimidating business statistics book that users can easily read and understand. Like its predecessors, the seventh edition includes the absolute minimum of mathematical/statistical notation necessary to teach the material. Concepts are fully explained in simple, easy-to-understand language as they are presented, making the book an excellent source from which to learn and teach. After each discussion, readers are guided through real-world examples to show how book principles work in professional practice. Includes easy-to-understand explanations of difficult statistical topics, such as sampling distributions, relationship between confidence level and confidence interval, interpreting r-square. A complete package of teaching/learning aids is provided in every chapter, including chapter review exercises, chapter concepts tests,"Statistics at Work" conceptual cases, "Computer Database Exercises", "From the Textbook to the Real-World Examples."
简介:Dorothy Wordsworth has a unique place in literary studies. Notoriously self-effacing, she assiduously eschewed publication, yet in her lifetime, her journals inspired William to write some of his best-known poems. Memorably depicting daily life in a particular environment (most famously, Grasmere), these journals have proven especially useful for readers wanting a more intimate glimpse of arguably the most important poet of the Romantic period. With the rise of women "s studies in the 1980s, however, came a shift in critical perspective. Scholars such as Margaret Homans and Susan Levin revaluated Dorothy "s work on its own terms, as well as in relation to other female writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Part of a larger shift in the academy, feminist-oriented analyses of Dorothy "s writings take their place alongside other critical approaches emerging in the 1980s and into the next decade. One such approach, ecocriticism, closely parallels Dorothy "s changing critical fortunes in the mid-to-late 1980s. Curiously, however, the major ecocritical investigations of the Romantic period all but ignore Dorothy "s work while at the same time emphasizing the relationship between ecocriticism and feminism. The present study situates Dorothy in an ongoing ecocritical dialogue through an analysis of her prose and poetry in relation to the environments that inspired it.
简介: "This erudite, absorbing volume chronicles the travels of ethnomusicologist Theodore Levin through urban and rural Transoxania... He writes in evocative, imaginative, personalized prose that vividly captures the flavor of his everyday experiences, providing plush visual detail, trenchant character profiles, attention to perplexing local hospitality codes and the shaping hand of gender, throughout." -- Slavic Review "... extremely informative, using music as a platform for a much wider discussion of cultural and political issues." -- Times Literary Supplement, London "The subject is music, but Levin uses it to cast a wider light, revealing places of considerable sorrow long hidden in the shadows of Soviet power, and to create a travelogue with wide potential appeal.... Candor about his own uncertainties and personal struggles helps make this a personal as well as a scholarly adventure." -- Publishers Weekly (starred review) "Not to be missed by those interested in music and world culture... " -- Library Journal "... may be destined to become the definitive work on the music of this newly accessed region." -- Dirty Linen The Hundred Thousand Fools of God assembles a living musical and ethnographic map by highlighting the fate of traditions, beliefs, and social relationships in Muslim and Jewish Central Asian cultures during and after seventy years of Soviet rule. Theodore Levin evokes the spectacular physical and human geography of the area and weaves a rich ethnography of the life styles, values, and art of the musical performers. Photographs, maps, and an accompanying CD (featuring 24 on-site recordings) make The Hundred Thousand Fools of God a unique reading and listening experience.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Analyzes Jewish-American fiction on Israel, focusing on eight Jewish-American writers, to gauge the impact of the Jewish state in forging the identity of the American Jewish community and the vision of the Jewish-American writer. Authors discussed include Meyer Levin, Leon Uris, Philip Roth, Anne Roiphe, and Tova Reich. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
简介:In this rich reference work, Beth Levin classifies over 3,000 English verbs according to shared meaning and behavior. Levin starts with the hypothesis that a verb's meaning influences its syntactic behavior and develops it into a powerful tool for studying the English verb lexicon. She shows how identifying verbs with similar syntactic behavior provides an effective means of distinguishing semantically coherent verb classes, and isolates these classes by examining verb behavior with respect to a wide range of syntactic alternations that reflect verb meaning. The first part of the book sets out alternate ways in which verbs can express their arguments. The second presents classes of verbs that share a kernel of meaning and explores in detail the behavior of each class, drawing on the alternations in the first part. Levin's discussion of each class and alternation includes lists of relevant verbs, illustrative examples, comments on noteworthy properties, and bibliographic references. The result is an original, systematic picture of the organization of the verb inventory. Easy to use, English Verb Classes and Alternations sets the stage for further explorations of the interface between lexical semantics and syntax. It will prove indispensable for theoretical and computational linguists, psycholinguists, cognitive scientists, lexicographers, and teachers of English as a second language.
简介:"Much as we speak of junk food, junk bonds and junk mail to describe commodities that lack substance or fail in their functions, Samuel Levin argues that we are currently beset by a new category of junk language. Motivated by a psychological desire to sound more sophisticated, people everywhere are filling their speech and writing with linguistic faux pas that hinder effective communication. Shades of Meaning is a handy guide to words and expressions that are frequently misused by even the most articulate and intelligent users of English. Levin brings to bear an enormous learning in describing not only the distinctions among frequently misused terms but also the linguistic roots of those distinctions and the psychological factors that motivate our errors."--BOOK JACKET.
简介: Book Description Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel, through its heroine, addresses the very nature of society at all levels: of destiny; death; human relationships; and the irreconcilable contradictions of existence. It ends tragically, but there is an abounding joy in life's ephemeral pleasures, and also comic relief. Amazon.com Some people say Anna Karenina is the single greatest novel ever written, which makes about as much sense to me as trying to determine the world's greatest color. But there is no doubt that Anna Karenina, generally considered Tolstoy's best book, is definitely one ripping great read. Anna, miserable in her loveless marriage, does the barely thinkable and succumbs to her desires for the dashing Vronsky. I don't want to give away the ending, but I will say that 19th-century Russia doesn't take well to that sort of thing. From Library Journal Pevear and Volokhonsky, winners of the 1991 PEN/Book-of-the-Month Club Translation Prize for their version of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, have produced the first new translation of Leo Tolstoy's classic Anna Karenina in 40 years. The result should make the book accessible to a new generation of readers. In an informative introduction, Pevear gives the reader a history of the work Tolstoy called his first true novel and which took him some four years to write. Pevear explains how Tolstoy took real events, incorporated them into his novel, and went through several versions before this tale of the married Anna and her love for Count Vronsky emerged in its final form in 1876. It was during the writing of the book that Tolstoy went through a religious crisis in his life, which is reflected in this novel. The translation is easily readable and succeeds in bringing Tolstoy's masterpiece to life once again. For all libraries. Ron Ratliff, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan From AudioFile Released to coincide with a new film version and featuring one of its stars, this recording compresses the original a little too much. We get the entire story of Anna's tragic adultery and the subplot of Levin's search for meaningful love and work. But the distinctive thematic material and Russian character are sacrificed. On the plus side, Molina reads well indeed. His impersonations have great depth. He can leap into their full emotional intensity from a dead stop, thus elevating the audio considerably above the level of "Cliffs Notes." Y.R. The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Novel by Leo Tolstoy, published in installments between 1875 and 1877 and considered one of the pinnacles of world literature. The narrative centers on the adulterous affair between Anna, wife of Aleksey Karenin, and Count Vronsky, a young bachelor. Karenin's discovery of the liaison arouses only his concern for his own public image. Anna promises discretion for the sake of her husband and young son but eventually becomes pregnant by Vronsky. After the child is born, Anna and the child accompany Vronsky first to Italy, then to his Russian estate. She begins making furtive trips to see her older child and grows increasingly bitter toward Vronsky, eventually regarding him as unfaithful. In desperation she goes to the train station, purchases a ticket, and then impulsively throws herself in front of the incoming train. A parallel love story, involving the difficult courtship and fulfilling marriage of Kitty and Levin, provides rich counterpoint to the tragedy and is thought to reflect Tolstoy's own marital experience. There is an inevitability about the tragic fate that hangs over the adulterous love of Anna and Vronsky. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" is the leitmotiv of the story. Anna pays not so much because she transgresses the moral code but because she refuses to observe the proprieties customarily exacted in such liaisons by the hypocritical high society to which she belongs. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6
简介: Essential strategies to keep children and teens safe online As our children and teens race down the onramp to the Information Superhighway, many parents feel left behind in the dust. News stories about online sexual predators, child pornography, cyberbullies, hate groups, gaming addiction, and other dangers that lurk in the online world make us feel increasingly concerned about what our children are doing (and with whom) in cyberspace. In Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens, Internet safety expert Nancy Willard provides you with need-to-know information about those online dangers, and she gives you the practical parenting strategies necessary to help children and teens learn to use the Internet safely and responsibly. Parents protect younger children by keeping them in safe places, teaching them simple safety rules, and paying close attention. As children grow, we help them gain the knowledge, skills, and values to make good choices--choices that will keep them safe and show respect for the rights of others. In Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens, Willard shows you how those same strategies can be translated from the real world to the cyberworld, and that you don't have to learn advanced computer skills to put them into effect. As you work on these strategies with your child, you will also discover that remaining engaged with what your children are doing online is much more valuable than any blocking software you could buy. "Willard blends the perspectives of a wise parent and a serious scholar about issues related to Internet behavior and safety. . . . Pick up the book, open it to any random page, and you will find on that page or nearby a wealth of helpful advice and useful commentary on the cyberreality facing our children and on how to deal with any of the issues she's identified." --Dick Thornburgh, J.D., former U.S. Attorney General; chair, National Academy of Sciences Committee on Youth Pornography and the Internet "Simply put, this book is a must-read for anyone--parents, educators, law enforcement, and policymakers alike--concerned with the critical issue of children's internet safety and what to do about it." --Douglas Levin, senior director of education policy, Cable in the Classroom
Rescuing sprite:a dog lover’s story of joy and anguish
作者: (美)马克·R. 列文(Mark R. Levin)著;胡青译
简介:《拯救雪碧》:马克?R?列文热爱狗。1998年,他和家人收养了一只混种狗,取名“百事”。六年后,他们又收养了一只他们从未见过的漂亮小狗,他们叫它“雪碧”。 雪碧和百事成了亲密朋友。它美丽、温文尔雅,一身光滑柔软的毛总让人忍不住想抚摸。它是家中不可或缺的一员,也成了邻居的好伙伴。 然而不久,雪碧的健康开始恶化,但它依然精神饱满,美丽优雅。两年后,雪碧离开了它热爱的列文一家。 用马克?R?列文的话说,“因为有了狗的爱,我们人类才是最终的幸运儿。”
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Since Darwin we have known that evolution has shaped all organisms and that biological organs--including the brain and the highly crafted animal nervous system--are subject to the pressures of natural and sexual selection. It is only relatively recently, however, that the cognitive neurosciences have begun to apply evolutionary theory and methods to the study of brain and behavior. This landmark reference documents and defines the emerging field of evolutionary cognitive neuroscience. Chapters by leading researchers demonstrate the power of the evolutionary perspective to yield new data, theory, and insights on the evolution and functional modularity of the brain.Evolutionary cognitive neuroscience covers all areas of cognitive neuroscience, from nonhuman brain-behavior relationships to human cognition and consciousness, and each section of Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience addresses a different adaptive problem. After an introductory section that outlines the basic tenets of both theory and methodology of an evolutionarily informed cognitive neuroscience, the book treats neuroanatomy from ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives and explores reproduction and kin recognition, spatial cognition and language, and self-awareness and social cognition. Notable findings include a theory to explain the extended ontogenetic and brain development periods of big-brained organisms, fMRI research on the neural correlates of romantic attraction, an evolutionary view of sex differences in spatial cognition, a theory of language evolution that draws on recent research on mirror neurons, and evidence for a rudimentary theory of mind in nonhuman primates. A final section discusses the ethical implications of evolutionary cognitive neuroscience and the future of the field.Contributors:C. Davison Ankney, Simon Baron-Cohen, S. Marc Breedlove, William Christiana, Michael Corballis, Robin I. M. Dunbar, Russell Fernald, Helen Fisher, Jonathan Flombaum, Farah Focquaert, Steven J. C. Gaulin, Aaron Goetz, Kevin Guise, Ruben C. Gur, William D. Hopkins, Farzin Irani, Julian Paul Keenan, Michael Kimberly, Stephen Kosslyn, Sarah L. Levin, Lori Marino, David Newlin, Ivan S. Panyavin, Shilpa Patel, Webb Phillips, Steven M. Platek, David Andrew Puts, Katie Rodak, J. Philippe Rushton, Laurie Santos, Todd K. Shackelford, Kyra Singh, Sean T. Stevens, Valerie Stone, Jaime W. Thomson, Gina Volshteyn, Paul Root Wolpe Publisher Summary 2 An essential reference for the new discipline of evolutionary cognitive neuroscience that defines the field's approach of applying evolutionary theory to guide brain-behavior investigations.
简介: From School Library Journal A practical and upbeat guide to saving resources and protecting the en vironment. Each brief chapter begins with an often humorous "Take a Guess," followed by an overview of a problem in "Did You Know," "What You Can Do," and "See For Yourself" sections. Statistics and measurements are translated into age-appropriate terms, such as comparing children's weight to the amount of garbage thrown away in a year. Simple demonstrations (counting cans in a supermarket) im press upon readers the vast quantities of materials and energy routinely used. As books that deal with pollution and/ or ecology generally present the prob lem first and append a chapter recom mending action, they lack the optimis tic and encouraging tone of this book. Some of the suggestions are not easy, and adult assistance and advice are em phasized. Parents and teachers will find this to be a useful guide for increasing awareness of environmental problems and a superb teaching tool. Black-and- white drawings decorate each page. Newton's Taking a Stand Against En vironmental Pollution (Watts, 1990) is for older readers.-Meryl Silverstein, formerly at Meyer Levin Junior High School, BrooklynCopyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. Card catalog description Explains how specific things in a child's environment are connected to the rest of the world, how using them affects the planet, and how the individual can develop habits and projects that are environmentally sound.
简介: "Anna Karenina," by Leo Tolstoy, is part of the "Barnes and Noble Classics"" "series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of "Barnes and Noble Classics": New introductions commissioned from today's top writers and scholars Biographies of the authors Chronologies of contemporary historical, biographical, and cultural events Footnotes and endnotes Selective discussions of imitations, parodies, poems, books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, and films inspired by the work Comments by other famous authors Study questions to challenge the reader's viewpoints and expectations Bibliographies for further reading Indices and Glossaries, when appropriateAll editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. "Barnes and Noble Classics "pulls together a constellation of influences-biographical, historical, and literary-to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. Vladimir Nabokov called Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" "one of the greatest love stories in world literature." Matthew Arnold claimed it was not so much a work of art as "a piece of life." Set in imperial Russia, "Anna Karenina" is a rich and complex meditation on passionate love and disastrous infidelity. Married to a powerful government minister, Anna Karenina is a beautiful woman who falls deeply in love with a wealthy army officer, the elegant Count Vronsky. Desperate to find truth and meaning in her life, she rashly defies the conventions of Russian society andleaves her husband and son to live with her lover. Condemned and ostracized by her peers and prone to fits of jealousy that alienate Vronsky, Anna finds herself unable to escape an increasingly hopeless situation. Set against this tragic affair is the story of Konstantin Levin, a melancholy landowner whom Tolstoy based largely on himself. While Anna looks for happiness through love, Levin embarks on his own search for spiritual fulfillment through marriage, family, and hard work. Surrounding these two central plot threads are dozens of characters whom Tolstoy seamlessly weaves together, creating a breathtaking tapestry of nineteenth-century Russian society. From its famous opening sentence-"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"-to its stunningly tragic conclusion, this enduring tale of marriage and adultery plumbs the very depths of the human soul.Amy Mandelker, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, is the author of "Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, the Woman Question, and the Victorian Novel" and coeditor of "Approaches to Teaching Anna Karenina,"
作者: (美)彼特·勒温(Peter Levin)导演;(美)莎拉·布姬(Thora birch),(美)凯利·林奇(Kelly Lynch)主演
简介: 小女孩丽兹生活在贫民窟中,双亲都是瘾君子,过着三餐不继的生活。虽贫穷困苦,但还算是个家。15年那年,母亲不幸去世,父亲也进了收容所,丽兹从此无家可归,只能睡在街上,靠乞讨度日。然而,小女孩并没有自甘堕落,她以惊人的毅力重返高中,就算睡在地铁里依然坚持着学业,最终拿到纽约日报的奖学金,踏进了哈佛大学。向自己,也向社会证明了,石缝里小草也有出头之日。
简介:In October 2005 a worldwide competition was launched to find an artist to illustrate Yann Martel’s international bestseller. Media partners included The Globe and Mailin Canada, The Timesin the UK and The Agein Australia, with an international panel of judges that included Canadians Martin Levin, Books Editor of The Globe and Mail,Executive Publisher Louise Dennys and Random House of Canada Creative Director C.S. Richardson. From thousands of entries, Croatian artist Tomislav Torjanac was chosen as the illustrator for this new edition of Life of Pi.
简介:In 1973, the world moved from fixed exchange rates, pegged to the gold standard or an agreed-upon currency, to the floating system of flexible exchange rates, constrained only by the occasional intervention of the central banks of various nations. The eighteen essays in this book explore what the shift has meant for world economic interdependence and seek to clarify what has become an extremely complex system. All but two are published here for the first time. Following Rudiger Dornbusch's Foreword, Jacob A. Frenkel reviews the history of flexible exchange rates. Remaining sections of the book take up exchange rate determination, the transmission of disturbances as exemplified by the oil crises of the 1970s, the policy implications of economic interdependence, and a selection of simulation studies based on models of various size and design. Contributors include Alan V. Deardorff, J. David Richardson, Jeffrey Sachs, Robert M. Stern, Pentti J. K. Kouri, William H. Branson, Willem H. Buiter; and Michael R. Darby, among other distinguished economists. Jagdeep Bhandari is affiliated with George Mason University, Bluford Putnam with the Economics Group of Chase Manhattan Bank, and Jay Levin with Wayne State University.
简介: The official movie tie-in to the major motion picture starring Keira Knightly, Jude Law, Emily Watson, andAaron Johnson, directed by Joe Wright. This edition also includes the screenplay by Tom Stoppard.Leo Tolstoy’s classic story of doomed love is one of the most admired novels in world literature. Generations of readers have been enthralled by his magnificent heroine, the unhappily married Anna Karenina, and her tragic affair with dashing Count Vronsky.In their world frivolous liaisons are commonplace, but Anna and Vronsky’s consuming passion makes them a target for scorn and leads to Anna’s increasing isolation. The heartbreaking trajectory of their relationship contrasts sharply with the colorful swirl of friends and family members who surround them, especially the newlyweds Kitty and Levin, who forge a touching bond as they struggle to make a life together. Anna Karenina is a masterpiece not only because of the unforgettable woman at its core and the stark drama of her fate, but also because it explores and illuminates the deepest questions about how to live a fulfilled life.Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
简介: It is often really difficult to trace the origin of a familiar inequality. It is quite likely to occur first as an auxiliary proposition, often without explicit statement, in a memoir on geometry or astronomy; it may have been rediscovered, many years later, by half a dozen different authors; and no accessible statement of it may be quite complete. We have almost always found, even with the most famous inequalities, that we have a little new to add. We have done our best to be accurate and have given all references we can, but we have never undertaken systematic bibliographical research. We follow the common practice, when a particular inequality is habitually associated with a particular mathematician's name; we speak of the inequalities of Schwarz, HSlder, and Jensen, though all these inequalities can be traced further back; and we do not enumerate explicitly all the minor additions which are necessary for absolute completeness. We have received a great deal of assistance from friends. Messrs G. A. Bliss, L. S. Bosanquet, R. Courant, B. Jessen, V. Levin, R. Rado, I. Schur, L. C. Young, and A. Zygmund have all helped us with criticisms or original contributions. Dr Bosanquet, Dr Jessen, and Prof. Zygmund have read tho proofs, and corrected many inaccuracies. In particular, Chapter III has been very largely rewritten as the result of Dr Jessen's suggestions. We hope that the book may now be reasonably free from error, in spite of the mass of detail which it contains.
简介:Bestselling author Faye Kellerman makes her Warner debut with an edge-of-your-seat suspense novel starring the popular husband and wife team of Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus.Rina Lazarus has some shocking news for her husband, LAPD Lieutenant Peter Decker. A horrible murder has occurred in the family of his half-brother, Rabbi Jonathan Levin. The rabbis brother-in-law was found slain in a seedy hotel room in upper Manhattan, and the victims 15-year-old niece, with whom he was spending the day, is missing. Decker, with Rina at his side, immediately heads out to New York to assist in the investigation. But what starts out as simple inquiries soon evolves into a twisted and perilous journeyfrom the darkened slums of New Jersey and the deserted industrial streets of New York to the recesses of sexual perversity and the hidden meeting places of Hasidic outcasts. Thrust into a deadly maze of deceit, lies, and danger, the couple can no longer trust anyonefriend or family. And when salvation is finally within Deckers grasp, it can only be delivered by a depraved lone wolf, hell-bent on his own personal vengeance.
简介:With Statistics for Management , Levin and Rubin have provided a non-intimidating business statistics book that users can easily read and understand. Like its predecessors, the seventh edition includes the absolute minimum of mathematical/statistical notation necessary to teach the material. Concepts are fully explained in simple, easy-to-understand language as they are presented, making the book an excellent source from which to learn and teach. After each discussion, readers are guided through real-world examples to show how book principles work in professional practice.Includes easy-to-understand explanations of difficult statistical topics, such as sampling distributions, relationship between confidence level and confidence interval, interpreting r-square. A complete package of teaching/learning aids is provided in every chapter, including chapter review exercises, chapter concepts tests,"Statistics at Work" conceptual cases, "Computer Database Exercises", "From the Textbook to the Real-World Examples." This ISBN is in two volumes Part A and Part B.
Elementary statistics in social research
作者: (美)杰克·莱文(Jack Levin),(美)詹姆斯·艾伦·福克斯(James Alan Fox)著;王卫东译
Common value auctions and the winner’s curse
Elementary statistics in social research
作者: (美)杰克·莱文(Jack Levin),(美)詹姆斯·艾伦·福克斯(James Alan Fox)著;王卫东改编