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作者: 吴颖,邓菲主编;(美)Henley,(美)Molly朗读
简介: 作为白领的您,是否已意识到自己在英语方面的不足了呢?英语是否已成为您升职加薪的瓶颈了呢?本套书精选355篇美文,您只需每天早上用10 分钟的时间,播放录音,仿音朗读,口语定会有突破性的进步! ·英文版,内容丰富,适合朗读,贴近白领生活。 ·中文版,尽力做到信、达、雅,带您零障碍理解文章。 ·纯正美式发音,让您彻底摆脱哑巴式英语。 ·免费mp3光盘,便于携带,让您随付随地学习英语! 很多白领都认为对英语学习有心无力,认为学习与工作是鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。然而,方法总比困难多。本书就是专门针对白领上班族编写的。根据著名心理学家艾宾浩斯的记忆规律,清晨是记忆的黄金时间。所以,我们精选国外英语小品散文365篇,内容涉及生活与生命,理想与信念,爱情与婚姻,友谊与亲情,职业与工作等主题。文章精悍短小,无论是英文原文,还是中文译文,都堪称精美。 您只需早上用10分钟的时间,播放我们为您特别制作的精神早餐——mp3录音,这可都是美籍外教原汁原味的标准美式发音哟!您只需要模仿他们的语音,每天进步一点点,相信一年后的您,口语将会有突破性的进步!
作者: Julie Miller, Molly O'Neill
简介:Miller/O'Neill Beginning Algebra is an insightful text written by instructors who have first-hand experience with students of developmental mathematics. The authors have placed an emphasis on graphing, by including special sections called, "Connections to Graphing" at the end of Chapters 1-5, before the formal presentation of Graphing appears in Chapter 6. The "Connections to Graphing" sections may be considered optional for those instructors who do not prefer an early introduction to graphing. For those who do prefer graphing early, instructors can use the "Connections to Graphing" sections together where they prefer to introduce graphing. A section on geometry appears in "Chapter R" for instructors who look for such content in Beginning Algebra. Applications that incorporate geometric concepts may also be found throughout the text. Chapter R also contains a section on study skills. This section provides easy to digest tips (in list format) for course success. The authors have crafted the exercise sets with the idea of infusing review. In each set of practice exercises, instructors will find a set of exercises that help students to review concepts previously learned, and in this way, students will retain more of what they have learned. The exercise sets also contain "translation" exercises which provide students with an opportunity to convert from English phrases to mathematical symbols and from mathematical symbols to English phrases, thus helping students to strengthen their command of mathematical language. Moreover, the applications found in the exercise sets are based on real-world data, which helps to promote students' interest in mathematics, and in turn, may serve to motivate and engage them more effectively. Other features include mid-chapter reviews and classroom activities. The classroom activities are of special value, in that through their use, students may begin to take greater ownership over their learning. The classroom activities were designed to be quick activities students could perform in class (either individually, or collaboratively in groups). In short, the Miller/O'Neill Beginning Algebra text offers enriching applications, a high level of readability, and excellent opportunities for students to become actively engaged in their exploration of mathematics.
作者: (美)Dave Shea,(美)Molly E. Holzschlag著;陈黎夫,山崺颋译
简介: 《CSS禅意花园(修订版)》作者是世界著名的网站设计师,书中的范例来自网站设计领域最著名的网站——CSS Zen Garden(CSS禅意花园)。全书分为两个主要部分。第1章为第一部分,讨论网站“CSS禅意花园”及其最基本的主题,包含正确的标记结构和灵活性规划等。第二部分包括6章,占据了本书的大部分篇幅。每章剖析“CSS禅意花园”收录的6件设计作品,每章介绍的作品围绕一个主要的设计概念展开,如文字的使用等。通过探索36件设计作品面临的挑战和解决的问题,读者将洞悉主要的Web设计原则以及它们运用的CSS布局技巧,理解CSS设计的精髓,恰当地处理图形和字体来创建界面优美、性能优良且具有强大生命力的网站。 《CSS禅意花园(修订版)》原版书自出版以来持续畅销,受到众多网站设计师的推崇。本书适合网站设计人员和网站设计爱好者阅读,更是专业网站设计师必读的经典著作。
作者: (美)Dave Shea,(美)Molly E. Holzschlag著;陈黎夫,山崺颋译
简介:本书作者是世界著名的网站设计师,书中的范例来自网站设计领域最著名的网站——CSS Zen Garden(CSS禅意花园)。全书分为两个主要部分。第1章为第一部分,讨论网站“CSS禅意花园”及其最基本的主题,包含正确的标记结构和灵活性规划等。第二部分包括6章,占据了本书的大部分篇幅。每章剖析“CSS禅意花园”收录的6件设计作品,这些作品围绕一个主要的设计概念展开,如文字的使用等。通过探索36件设计作品面临的挑战和解决的问题,读者将洞悉主要的Web设计原则以及它们运用的CSS布局技巧,理解CSS设计的精髓,恰当地处理图形和字体来创建界面优美、性能优良且具有强大生命力的网站。. 本书原版书自出版以来持续畅销,受到众多网站设计师的推崇。本书适合网站设计人员和网站设计爱好者阅读,更是专业网站设计师必读的经典著作。. 通过结合使用少量的标记,级联样式表(CSS)可提供引人注目的视觉设计。与HTML驱动的老式布局相比,使用的代码更少,而效率和灵活性却高得多。受这种Web设计方法的创意启发,Dave Shea创建了“CSS禅意花园” (www.css zen garden.com)。其理念简单而独特:召集设计师在设计良好的HTML的基础上,通过应用CSS技巧创建极富想象力的作品,然后将其CSS代码粘贴在网站上,供他人研究和使用。在2003年创建之初, “CSS禅意花园”还默默无闻,而现在已发展到包含将近150件设计作品的规模,这些作品来自世界各地,树立了使用CSS设计高质量网站的标准。本书将引领读者探索“CSS禅意花园”中最激动人心的36件设计作品。...
作者: (美)莫莉·简·奎因(Molly Jane Quinn),(美)珍娜·塔尔博特(Jenna Talbott)著;李丹彤,郑宇译
简介: 真正的现代生活需要的不仅仅是纪律条例、远景规划,更需要的是在没有高端橱柜的情况下仍旧热爱生活的愿望。 流行网站Unhappyhipster.com通过全面的丰富的信息量来做导向,从而准确的概括出到底哪些才是创建一个现代居所所需要的元素。《室内设计私语录》采取由上而下的方式,从屋顶到餐具,从庭院景观到照明系统,从管道系统到艺术品摆放,从方方面面来确保你的居所里每一个地方充满着现代感。 在整个过程中,现代主义大家们会通过他们独特的设计精髓来帮助你更好的了解你自己。你将会学习如何判断混凝土和胶合板的等级,你会就有关于儿童和宠物的附属产品得到大量的有用的提示,你会因为你合理的安排了极具设计感的座椅的位置而获得赞美之词。书中的每一章都配有图解、图片以及图表来帮助你更加形象具体的接近现代主义的理想。所有拥有抱负的现代主义者都值得拥有这本激发灵感的指南。
作者: Molly
出版社:人民邮电出版社 2017年06月
本书是iOS应用开发基础教程,内容翔实,语言生动。作者结合大量实例,使用Swift语言循序渐进地讲解了适用于iPhone iPad开发的基本流程。新版介绍强大的iOS 10操作系统,涵盖Xcode 8的新功能,书中所有案例全部重新编写。
第 1 章 欢迎来到 iOS 和 Swift 世界 1
1.1 关于本书 1
1.2 必备条件 2
1.2.1 选择开发者计划 3
1.2.2 必备知识 5
1.2.3 iOS应用程序的特点 5
1.3 本书内容 8
1.3.1 新版增加内容 9
1.3.2 Swift 和 Xcode 版本 9
1.3.3 准备好了吗 9
第 2 章 创建第一个 App 10
2.1 创建“Hello, World!”项目 10
2.1.1 Xcode 项目窗口 13
2.1.2 深入了解项目 20
2.2 Interface Builder简介 21
2.2.1 文件格式 22
2.2.2 storyboard 22
2.2.3 实用工具 23
2.2.4 在视图中添加标签 24
2.2.5 属性修改 27
2.3 画龙点睛——美化 iPhone 应用程序 28
2.4 启动界面 32
2.5 在设备上运行应用 33
2.6 小结 36
第 3 章 基本的用户交互 37
3.1 MVC模式 37
3.2 创建 ButtonFun应用 38
3.3 视图控制器 39
3.3.1 输出接口和操作方法 40
3.3.2 精简视图控制器代码 41
3.3.3 设计用户界面 42
3.3.4 测试 ButtonFun应用 49
3.3.5 布局预览 57
3.3.6 改变文本样式 59
3.4 应用程序委托 60
3.5 小结 62
第 4 章 更丰富的用户界面 63
4.1 动态控件、静态控件和被动控件 66
4.2 创建 Control Fun应用程序 66
4.3 实现图像视图和文本框 67
4.3.1 添加图像视图 67
4.3.2 调整图像视图的大小 69
4.3.3 设置视图属性 71
4.3.4 添加文本框 72
4.3.5 添加约束 78
4.3.6 创建并关联输出接口 79
4.4 关闭键盘 80
4.4.1 按下 Done 按钮关闭键盘 81
4.4.2 触摸背景关闭键盘 82
4.4.3 添加滑动条和标签 83
4.4.4 创建并关联操作方法和输出接口 85
4.4.5 实现操作方法 85
4.5 实现开关、按钮和分段控件 86
4.5.1 添加两个带标签的开关 87
4.5.2 为开关创建并关联输出接口和操作方法 87
4.5.3 实现开关的操作方法 88
4.5.4 控件状态 90
4.5.5 为按钮创建并关联输出接口和操作方法 91
4.6 实现分段控件的操作方法 91
4.7 实现操作表单和警告视图 92
4.7.1 显示操作表单 92
4.7.2 显示警告视图 95
4.8 小结 96
第 5 章 自动旋转 97
5.1 自动旋转机制 98
5.1.1 点、像素和 Retina 显示屏 98
5.1.2 控制旋转 98
5.2 创建 Orientations项目 99
5.2.1 应用级支持的方向 99
5.2.2 独立控制器的旋转支持 101
5.3 创建布局项目 102
5.3.1 覆盖默认的约束 105
5.3.2 与屏幕等宽的标签 107
5.4 创建自适应布局 109
5.4.1 创建 Restructure 应用程序 109
5.4.2 设置 iPhone 的横向(wC hC)配置布局 116
5.4.3 设置 iPad(以及 iPhone Plus横向)的 wR hR配置 124
5.5 小结 131
第 6 章 创建多视图应用 132
6.1 多视图应用的常见类型 132
6.2 多视图应用的体系结构 135
6.2.1 根控制器 137
6.2.2 内容视图剖析 137
6.3 构建 View Switcher项目 137
6.3.1 重命名视图控制器 137
6.3.2 添加内容视图控制器 139
6.3.3 修改 SwitchingViewController.swift 140
6.3.4 创建拥有工具栏的视图 140
6.3.5 连接工具栏按钮和视图控制器 142
6.3.6 编写根视图控制器 143
6.3.7 实现内容视图 147
6.3.8 过渡动画效果 150
6.4 小结 152
第 7 章 分页栏与选取器 153
7.1 Pickers应用程序 153
7.2 委托和数据源 156
7.3 创建 Pickers应用程序 157
7.3.1 创建视图控制器 157
7.3.2 创建分页栏控制器 158
7.3.3 首次模拟器测试 161
7.3.4 实现日期选取器 162
7.4 实现单滚轮选取器 164
7.4.1 构建视图 164
7.4.2 将控制器实现为数据源和委托 168
7.5 实现多滚轮选取器 170
7.5.1 构建视图 170
7.5.2 实现控制器 170
7.5.3 滚轮内容根据环境变化 172
7.6 使用自定义选取器创建一个简单游戏 178
7.6.1 编写控制器头文件 178
7.6.2 构建视图 178
7.6.3 实现控制器 179
7.6.4 最后的细节 182
7.7 小结 185
第 8 章 表视图简介 186
8.1 表视图基础 186
8.1.1 表视图和表视图单元 186
8.1.2 分组表和连续表 187
8.2 实现一个简单表 188
8.2.1 设计视图 188
8.2.2 实现控制器 190
8.2.3 添加一个图像 193
8.2.4 表视图单元样式 194
8.2.5 设置缩进级别 197
8.2.6 处理行的选择 197
8.2.7 更改字体大小和行高 199
8.3 定制表视图单元 200
8.4 实现自定义表视图应用程序 201
8.4.1 创建 UITableViewCell 子类 201
8.4.2 从 XIB 文件加载 UITableViewCell 205
8.5 分组分区和索引分区 210
8.5.1 构建视图 210
8.5.2 导入数据 211
8.5.3 实现控制器 212
8.5.4 添加索引 214
8.5.5 添加搜索栏 215
8.5.6 视图调试器 220
8.6 小结 222
第 9 章 表视图中的导航控制器 223
9.1 导航控制器基础 223
9.1.1 栈的概念 223
9.1.2 控制器栈 224
9.2 简单的字体浏览器:Fonts 225
9.2.1 Fonts应用的子控制器 225
9.2.2 Fonts应用的基础框架 227
9.2.3 创建根视图控制器 230
9.2.4 初始化 storyboard 232
9.2.5 第一个子控制器:字体列表视图 233
9.2.6 设计字体列表的 storyboard 235
9.3 创建字体尺寸视图控制器 237
9.3.1 设计字体尺寸视图控制器的storyboard 238
9.3.2 对字体列表视图控制器的转场进行设置 238
9.3.3 创建字体信息视图控制器 239
9.3.4 设计字体信息视图控制器的storyboard 240
9.3.5 调整字体列表视图控制器的转场 243
9.3.6 我的收藏字体 244
9.3.7 补充功能 244
9.3.8 实现轻扫删除 244
9.3.9 实现拖动排序 246
9.4 小结 247
第 10 章 集合视图 248
10.1 创建 DialogViewer项目 248
10.1.1 配置自定义单元 249
10.1.2 配置视图控制器 252
10.1.3 提供内容单元 252
10.1.4 实现流动布局 254
10.1.5 实现标题视图 255
10.2 小结 257
第 11 章 iPad 应用中的分割视图和浮动窗口 258
11.1 创建基于 UISplitViewController 的分割视图应用程序 260
11.1.1 在 storyboard 中定义结构 262
11.1.2 使用代码定义功能 263
11.1.3 Master-Detail 模板应用程序的工作原理 266
11.1.4 添加总统信息 268
11.1.5 创建浮动窗口 272
11.2 小结 277
第 12 章 应用设置和用户默认设置 278
12.1 设置捆绑包入门 278
12.2 Bridge Control应用程序 279
12.2.1 创建项目 282
12.2.2 使用设置捆绑包 283
12.2.3 读取应用中的设置 295
12.2.4 在应用中修改默认设置 298
12.2.5 注册默认值 300
12.2.6 保证设置有效 300
12.2.7 切换到 Settings应用程序 302
12.3 小结 303
第 13 章 数据持久化基础知识 304
13.1 应用程序的沙盒 304
13.1.1 获取 Documents和 Library 目录 307
13.1.2 获取临时目录 308
13.2 文件保存方案 308
13.2.1 单文件持久化 308
13.2.2 多文件持久化 309
13.3 属性列表 309
13.3.1 属性列表序列化 309
13.3.2 创建 Persistence 应用程序的第一个版本 310
13.4 对模型对象进行归档 314
13.4.1 遵循 NSCoding 协议 314
13.4.2 实现 NSCopying 协议 315
13.4.3 对数据对象进行归档和取消归档 316
13.4.4 归档应用 316
13.4.5 使用 iOS嵌入的 SQLite3 318
13.4.6 创建或打开数据库 319
13.4.7 使用绑定变量 320
13.5 创建 SQLite3应用程序 321
13.6 使用 Core Data 325
13.6.1 实体和托管对象 326
13.6.2 Core Data应用 329
13.6.3 修改 AppDelegate.swift 文件 332
13.7 小结 338
第 14 章 文档和 iCloud 339
14.1 使用 UIDocument 管理文档存储 340
14.1.1 构建 TinyPix 340
14.1.2 创建 TinyPixDocument 类 340
14.1.3 主控制器代码 342
14.1.4 设置 storyboard 348
14.1.5 创建 TinyPix 视图的类 350
14.1.6 设计 storyboard的详情视图 353
14.2 添加 iCloud支持 356
14.2.1 创建配置描述文件 356
14.2.2 如何查询 359
14.2.3 保存位置 360
14.2.4 将偏好设置保存到 iCloud 361
14.3 小结 363
第 15 章 用 Grand Central Dispatch 进行多线程编程 364
15.1 创建 SlowWorker 应用程序 365
15.1.1 线程基础知识 367
15.1.2 工作单元 368
15.1.3 GCD:底层队列 368
15.1.4 改进 SlowWorker 369
15.2 后台处理 372
15.3 应用生命周期 373
15.4 状态更改通知 373
15.4.1 创建 State Lab 项目 374
15.4.2 探索执行状态 375
15.4.3 利用执行状态更改 376
15.4.4 处理不活跃状态 377
15.4.5 处理后台状态 380
15.4.6 进入后台时保存状态 382
15.5 小结 385
第 16 章 图形与绘制 386
16.1 Quartz 2D 基础概念 386
16.2 Quartz 2D 绘图方法 387
16.2.1 Quartz 2D 图形环境 387
16.2.2 坐标系统 388
16.2.3 指定颜色 389
16.2.4 在环境中绘制图像 390
16.2.5 绘制形状:多边形、直线和曲线 390
16.2.6 Quartz 2D 样例:图案、渐变色、虚线图 391
16.3 QuartzFun 应用程序 392
16.3.1 构建 QuartzFun应用程序 392
16.3.2 添加 Quartz 2D绘制代码 398
16.3.3 优化 QuartzFun应用程序 402
16.4 小结 404
第 17 章 SpriteKit 制作简单游戏 405
17.1 创建 TextShooter应用 405
17.1.1 自定义初始场景 408
17.1.2 玩家移动 411
17.1.3 创建敌人 415
17.1.4 在场景中加入敌人 416
17.1.5 开始射击 417
17.1.6 物理攻击敌人 420
17.1.7 完成关卡 421
17.1.8 自定义碰撞 423
17.1.9 粒子系统 426
17.1.10 向场景中加入粒子 428
17.1.11 游戏结束 430
17.1.12 创建开始场景 432
17.1.13 添加音效 434
17.1.14 添加力场:为游戏提高一些难度 434
17.2 小结 437
第 18 章 轻点、触摸和手势 438
18.1 多点触控术语 438
18.2 响应者链 439
18.2.1 响应事件 439
18.2.2 转发事件:保持响应者链的活动状态 440
18.3 多点触控体系结构 440
18.4 4个手势通知方法 440
18.5 TouchExplorer应用 441
18.5.1 创建 Swipes应用程序 445
18.5.2 使用触摸事件检测轻扫 445
18.5.3 自动手势识别 447
18.5.4 实现多指轻扫 448
18.5.5 检测多次轻点 450
18.5.6 检测捏合和旋转 453
18.6 小结 456
第 19 章 确定位置 457
19.1 位置管理器 457
19.1.1 设置期望精度 457
19.1.2 设置距离筛选器 458
19.1.3 获取使用定位服务的权限 458
19.1.4 启动位置管理器 458
19.1.5 合理使用位置管理器 458
19.2 位置管理器委托 459
19.2.1 获取位置更新 459
19.2.2 使用 CLLocation 获取纬度和经度 459
19.2.3 错误通知 461
19.3 创建 WhereAmI应用程序 461
19.3.1 更新位置管理器 465
19.3.2 将移动路线展现在地图上 467
19.3.3 更改定位服务权限 470
19.4 小结 471
第 20 章 设备方向与动作 472
20.1 加速计物理特性 472
20.2 陀螺仪旋转特性 473
20.3 Core Motion和动作管理器 473
20.3.1 创建 MotionMonitor 应用程序 473
20.3.2 主动动作访问 476
20.3.3 陀螺仪和方位结果 478
20.3.4 加速计结果 479
20.4 检测摇动 480
20.4.1 内嵌的摇动检测 480
20.4.2 摇动与破碎 480
20.5 将加速计用作方向控制器 482
20.5.1 Ball应用程序 482
20.5.2 实现 BallView 类 484
20.5.3 计算弹珠运动 486
20.6 小结 488
第 21 章 摄像头和照片图库 489
21.1 图像选取器和 UIImagePickerController 489
21.1.1 图像选取器控制器 489
21.1.2 实现图像选取器控制器委托 491
21.2 设计 Camera 界面 492
21.2.1 隐私选项 494
21.2.2 实现摄像头视图控制器 495
21.3 小结 498
第 22 章 本地化翻译应用 499
22.1 本地化体系结构 499
22.2 字符串文件 500
22.2.1 字符串文件的格式 500
22.2.2 本地化的字符串函数 501
22.3 创建 LocalizeMe 应用 502
22.3.1 本地化项目 505
22.3.2 本地化 storyboard 508
22.3.3 创建并本地化字符串文件 512
22.3.4 应用显示名称的本地化 516
22.3.5 添加其他本地化 517
22.4 小结 517
22.5 全书总结 518
附录 A Swift 简介 519
Transcending CSS: the fine art of web design
作者: (英)Andy Clarke,(美)Molly E. Holzschlag著;谭振林等译
简介: 书籍 计算机书籍 《超越css:web设计艺术精髓(修订版)》系统、深入地阐释了网站的设计与实现,帮助读者从设计的角度来使用css以达到完美的效果。作者通过使用标记和css的形象的创造性示例,帮助读者掌握实现创意设计的方法。读者将学会如何使用新的设计流程,创建对包括设计师在内的所有团队成员都很好用的原型,有效地使用网格,设计标记的视觉效果,并了解优秀设计过程的每一个阶段—从使用最新的浏览器到在团队协作中高效地应用css3。 《超越css:web设计艺术精髓(修订版)》适合web设计师和开发人员研读,对那些客户要求高、工作节奏快的设计师有着尤其重要的指导作用。本书也适合有一定基础的web设计爱好者阅读。
20th century English & American stories
作者: 钱兆明编选
简介: Content 内容 -The Celestial Omnibus 天国之车Araby 阿拉比The Rocking-Horse Winner 骑木马的获胜者The Garden Party 园会A Clean,Well-Lighted Place 一个干净明亮的地方Babylon Revisited 重游巴比伦Molly Morgan 莫莉摩根Gimpel the Fool 傻瓜吉姆佩尔The Magic Barrel 魔桶Led Astray 引入歧途Falconer 法康纳监狱A Sense of Shelter 庇护感To Room Nineteen 到十九号房间In the Region of Ice 在冰山上
作者: 【英】莫莉·奥德菲尔德(Molly Oldfield) 著,李子 译
出版社:人民邮电出版社 2015-3-1
简介: 本书仿若一个独特的宝箱,里面藏着世上最令人惊奇的、不为人知的珍藏,那些在世界各地博物馆档案室里的藏品——作者将它们带到世人面前,在这本图文并茂的书中生动地展示给读者。 谁曾知晓有哪些藏品藏在暗处?在壁橱里,在保险箱里,甚至在飞机机库里——大部分博物馆的藏品至今未见天日。它们在那儿等待着对藏品极为着迷的研究者和收藏家前来,揭示它们的存在。在曼哈顿的地下,书架上摆放着无价之书;在伦敦的砖楼里,古旧的布块记载着许久以前的孤儿们的来历;在华盛顿,登月宇航服上还留有真正的月尘;人迹罕至的机库里有奥古斯特·皮卡德的大胆发明——密封舱式气球“贡多拉”…… 这是一本独特而漂亮的图书。那些珍藏,和其他许多不寻常的发明、传说、发现以及艺术品一起,在这本书里展示出来。这儿还充盈着旧时的气氛,满是有趣的轶事,弥漫着丰富的情感,如同私密的惊喜发现,不过这些都建立在事实的细节之上,令人着迷。 本书介绍了近60个不为人知的藏品以及它们背后的故事,它们来自五大洲各个角落,从罗马到里约热内卢,从波士顿到柏林……翻看这本书,就像在博物馆度过了一个美妙的上午一样。这本书绝对是特别的,令人惊喜的,也是极有趣的。
简介: 万众瞩目的《哈利波特》大结局——《哈利波特与死亡圣器》终于在7月21日揭开了她神秘的面纱。不论是该书的哈迷,还是该书的作者J.K.罗琳,都感觉非常失落,因为陪伴大家多年的哈利波特至此完成了他的使命。在大结局问世后首次现身伦敦签售并接受采访的她表示:“在写完《哈7》之后,自己感觉就像失去亲人一样的难受。”谈及未来,她表示,“我再也写不出这么受欢迎的书了……我会做些跟写《哈利波特》时相同的事——写些自己真的想写的东西,如果那跟《哈》相似,那没问题,如果很不相同,那也没问题。” 如今靠《哈利波特》小说名成利就的罗琳完成结局篇后可说是一身轻,不必再承受出版社催稿的压力,也可拋开书迷的殷切期望,目前她与丈夫和3名子女居于苏格兰爱丁堡,过着平静的生活。 据国外媒体23日报道,全球最大在线销售网站“亚马逊”和美国最大连锁书店巴诺(Barnes&Noble)均宣布,《哈利·波特与死圣》的预订量超过 100万册。在一个披头士乐队式的疯狂时刻,亚马逊网站22日当天畅销商品排行榜前七位均是与“哈利·波特”有关的产品,如《哈利·波特与死圣》CD。 《哈利·波特与死圣》在全美引发的狂潮让负责出品哈利·波特系列影片的美国华纳兄弟影业公司有点儿坐不住了。该公司承认,“哈利·波特”系列电影之五《哈利· 波特与凤凰社》的票房受到一些影响,因为“哈迷”已经忙地不可开交,哪有时间到电影院看电影。华纳兄弟影业公司发行部主任丹·菲尔曼表示:“他们希望在周六就买到那本书,然后将自己关在房间内,沉迷于哈利·波特的魔幻世界。他们可不希望自己的朋友捷足先登,在周一比自己先知道故事内容。” 如失去亲人般痛苦 “哈迷”对《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》这本书的评价几乎是异口同声的溢美之词,尽管一些“捣蛋者”在网上提前泄密了大结局,但仍无法阻挡读者对它的热情,一如既往对哈利·波特充满期待。“哈迷”网站的版主梅利莎·安妮尔说:“这本书情节引人入胜,我想在搞明白《哈利·波特7》全部内容之前,起码先大致浏览一遍。我认为书中充满了最令人激动、最令人惊喜的时刻。” 安妮尔说,她在周六一天一口气儿就读完了759页的《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》。她说:“合上书,我既狂喜又失落,故事情节和故事展开的方式不禁令人折服,失落之处在于这个童话就此结束了。感觉就像失去亲人般难受,感觉就像同多年至交说再见。” 20 岁的纽约州立大学电影系学生安娜·托德也是一名忠实的“哈迷”,为了早一点看到“哈利·波特”,她周六午夜就到巴诺连锁书店在曼哈顿的联合广场排队取书。她在晚上时断时续小睡了几觉,并最终得偿所愿,拿到了哈利·波特与死亡圣器》。托德说:“J.K.罗琳确实没有令读者失望。我想她真是太棒了。有时,我害怕一直读下去,因为读完就只能永远地同‘哈利·波特’告别了,这种感觉真是难受。” 她不禁哀叹,“我永远不会再彻夜看新的《哈利·波特》书了,也永远不会再体验半夜排队购书的经历了,永远不会再编造有关哈利的各种荒诞说法了。一切都就此结束了。感觉就好像是与最好、最亲的一个朋友永别。我能做就是一遍遍地阅读,将来我有孩子的时候,我会同他们一起分享这些书。我期待那一天早日到来。” 亚马逊网同时为您奉上: 《哈利波特与死圣》(美国版) 《哈利波特与死圣》(美国豪华版) 《哈利波特与死圣》(英国特别版) Amazon.co.uk Review The Final Chapter The pubdate of the seventh and final Harry Potter book has been announced, and the rumours are already circulating - what are the Deathly Hallows? Who will make it through to the end? This special edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is for any major fan of the series, offering a luxury jacket and binding, this is set to make the perfect present for any muggle! From Publishers Weekly Potter fans, relax—this review packs no spoilers. Instead, we’re taking advantage of our public platform to praise Rowling for the excellence of her plotting. We can’t think of anyone else who has sustained such an intricate, endlessly inventive plot over seven thick volumes and so constantly surprised us with twists, well-laid traps and Purloined Letter-style tricks. Hallows continues the tradition, both with sly feats of legerdemain and with several altogether new, unexpected elements. Perhaps some of the surprises in Hallows don’t have quite the punch as those of earlier books, but that may be because of the thoroughness and consistency with which Rowling has created her magical universe, and because we’ve so raptly absorbed its rules. We’re also seizing the occasion to wish out loud that her editors had done their jobs more actively. It’s hard to escape the notion that the first three volumes were more carefully edited than the last four. Hallows doesn’t contain the extraneous scenes found in, say, Goblet of Fire, but the momentum is uneven. Rowling is much better at comedy than at fight scenes, and no reader of the sixth book will be startled to hear that Hallows has little humor or that its characters engage in more than a few fights. Surely her editors could have helped her find other methods of building suspense besides the use of ellipses and dashes? And craft fight dialogue that sounds a bit less like it belongs in a comic book? Okay, we’re quibbling. We know these minor nuisances won’t dent readers’ enjoyment, at least not this generation of readers; we couldn’t put Hallows down ourselves. But we believe Rowling, and future readers, deserved even better. Ages 9-12. (July) Synopsis 'His hand closed automatically around the fake Horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with Voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione.' With these words "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" draws to a close. And here, in this seventh and final book, Harry discovers what fate truly has in store for him as he inexorably makes his way to that final meeting with Voldemort. In this thrilling climax to the phenomenally bestselling series, J.K. Rowling will reveal all to her eagerly waiting readers. More Information about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series of novels by J. K. Rowling. On 21 July 2007, all editions but the American were released at a minute past midnight (00:01) BST; the American and Canadian editions was released at a minute past midnight (00:01), local time. It was released globally in 93 countries.The book reached the top spot on both the Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble best-seller lists just a few hours after the date of publication was announced on 1 February 2007. Why We Love Harry Favorite Moments from the Series There are plenty of reasons to love Rowling's wildly popular series--no doubt you have several dozen of your own. Our list features favorite moments, characters, and artifacts from the first five books. Keep in mind that this list is by no means exhaustive (what we love about Harry could fill ten books!) and does not include any of the spectacular revelatory moments that would spoil the books for those (few) who have not read them. Enjoy. The Series of Harry Potter The Harry Potter series was originally published as a children's book by British publisher Bloomsbury, and American publisher Scholastic Press. However, it rapidly became a phenomenal success amongst children and adults alike. The books each chronicle one year at school for the characters concerned and follows a long tradition of children's series about life in schools. Perhaps unlike some of the traditional series of this format, each book has matured and expanded in complexity and scope compared to the last, approximately developing with the age of the principal characters (later books are also significantly darker in tone than earlier ones). Although the author has said that she comprehensively plotted the entire series of books before the first was published, and that this plot remains unchanged, she has also stated that it has undergone a number of revisions as it has progressed. The books started as relatively slim volumes (223 pages Philosopher's Stone UK ed.), but have grown as the series progressed (766 pages Order of the Phoenix UK ed.). The books contain a significant element of fantasy and magic, but this is combined with a detective-novel approach to the story. Each volume contains a complete problem and task for the heroes to complete, but each has also added to the background information about the wizarding world in general and contains many pieces of information whose importance only becomes apparent in later volumes (known as foreshadowing). Thus a considerable fan following has developed of people wanting to discover how the many loose ends and unfinished adventures in the book will finally be completed. The author has stated that, more than with any other book in the series, the final volume continues the unfinished story in book six. She has also stated that she doesn't have plans for any other novels concerning Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone * Harry's first trip to the zoo with the Dursleys, when a boa constrictor winks at him. * When the Dursleys' house is suddenly besieged by letters for Harry from Hogwarts. Readers learn how much the Dursleys have been keeping from Harry. Rowling does a wonderful job in displaying the lengths to which Uncle Vernon will go to deny that magic exists. * Harry's first visit to Diagon Alley with Hagrid. Full of curiosities and rich with magic and marvel, Harry's first trip includes a trip to Gringotts and Ollivanders, where Harry gets his wand (holly and phoenix feather) and discovers yet another connection to He-Who-Must-No-Be-Named. This moment is the reader's first full introduction to Rowling's world of witchcraft and wizards. * Harry's experience with the Sorting Hat. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets * The de-gnoming of the Weasleys' garden. Harry discovers that even wizards have chores--gnomes must be grabbed (ignoring angry protests "Gerroff me! Gerroff me!"), swung about (to make them too dizzy to come back), and tossed out of the garden--this delightful scene highlights Rowling's clever and witty genius. * Harry's first experience with a Howler, sent to Ron by his mother. * The Dueling Club battle between Harry and Malfoy. Gilderoy Lockhart starts the Dueling Club to help students practice spells on each other, but he is not prepared for the intensity of the animosity between Harry and Draco. Since they are still young, their minibattle is innocent enough, including tickling and dancing charms. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban * Ron's attempt to use a telephone to call Harry at the Dursleys'. * Harry's first encounter with a Dementor on the train (and just about any other encounter with Dementors). Harry's brush with the Dementors is terrifying and prepares Potter fans for a darker, scarier book. * Harry, Ron, and Hermione's behavior in Professor Trelawney's Divination class. Some of the best moments in Rowling's books occur when she reminds us that the wizards-in-training at Hogwarts are, after all, just children. Clearly, even at a school of witchcraft and wizardry, classes can be boring and seem pointless to children. * The Boggart lesson in Professor Lupin's classroom. * Harry, Ron, and Hermione's knock-down confrontation with Snape. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire * Hermione's disgust at the reception for the veela (Bulgarian National Team Mascots) at the Quidditch World Cup. Rowling's fourth book addresses issues about growing up--the dynamic between the boys and girls at Hogwarts starts to change. Nowhere is this more plain than the hilarious scene in which magical cheerleaders nearly convince Harry and Ron to jump from the stands to impress them. * Viktor Krum's crush on Hermione--and Ron's objection to it. * Malfoy's "Potter Stinks" badge. * Hermione's creation of S.P.E.W., the intolerant bigotry of the Death Eaters, and the danger of the Triwizard Tournament. Add in the changing dynamics between girls and boys at Hogwarts, and suddenly Rowling's fourth book has a weight and seriousness not as present in early books in the series. Candy and tickle spells are left behind as the students tackle darker, more serious issues and take on larger responsibilities, including the knowledge of illegal curses. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix * Harry's outburst to his friends at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. A combination of frustration over being kept in the dark and fear that he will be expelled fuels much of Harry's anger, and it all comes out at once, directly aimed at Ron and Hermione. Rowling perfectly portrays Harry's frustration at being too old to shirk responsibility, but too young to be accepted as part of the fight that he knows is coming. * Harry's detention with Professor Umbridge. Rowling shows her darker side, leading readers to believe that Hogwarts is no longer a safe haven for young wizards. Dolores represents a bureaucratic tyrant capable of real evil, and Harry is forced to endure their private battle of wills alone. * Harry and Cho's painfully awkward interactions. Rowling clearly remembers what it was like to be a teenager. * Harry's Occlumency lessons with Snape. * Dumbledore's confession to Harry. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince * The introduction of the Horcrux. * Molly Weasley asking Arthur Weasley about his "dearest ambition." Rowling has always been great at revealing little intriguing bits about her characters at a time, and Arthur’s answer "to find out how airplanes stay up" reminds us about his obsession with Muggles. * Harry's private lessons with Dumbledore, and more time spent with the fascinating and dangerous pensieve, arguably one of Rowling’s most ingenious inventions. * Fred and George Weasley’s Joke Shop, and the slogan: "Why Are You Worrying About You-Know-Who? You Should Be Worrying About U-NO-POO--the Constipation Sensation That's Gripping the Nation!" * Luna's Quidditch commentary. Rowling created scores of Luna Lovegood fans with hilarious and bizarre commentary from the most unlikely Quidditch commentator. * The effects of Felix Felicis. More About Author J. K. (Jo) Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury in the UK in 1965. Such a funny-sounding name for a birthplace may have contributed to her talent for collecting odd names. Jo moved house twice when she was growing up. The first move was from Yate (just outside Bristol in the south west of England) to Winterbourne. Jo, her sister and friends used to play together in her street in Winterbourne. Two of her friends were a brother and sister whose surname just happened to be Potter! The second move was when Jo was nine and she moved to Tutshill near Chepstow in the Forest of Dean. Jo loved living in the countryside and spent most of her time wandering across fields and along the river Wye with her sister. For Jo, the worst thing about her new home was her new school. Tutshill Primary School was a very small and very old-fashioned place. The roll-top desks in the classrooms still had the old ink wells. Jo's teacher, Mrs Morgan, terrified her. On the first day of school, she gave Jo an arithmetic test, which she failed, scoring zero out of ten. It wasn't that Jo was stupid - she had never done fractions before. So Jo was seated in the row of desks far to the right of Mrs Morgan. Jo soon realised that Mrs Morgan seated her pupils according to how clever she thought they were: the brightest sat to her left, and those she thought were dim were seated to her right. Jo was in the 'stupid' row, 'as far right as you could possibly get without sitting in the playground'. From Tutshill Primary, Jo went to Wyedean Comprehensive. She was quiet, freckly, short-sighted and not very good at sports. She even broke her arm playing netball. Her favourite subject by far was English, but she also liked languages. Jo always loved writing more than anything. 'The first story that I ever wrote down, when I was five or six, was about a rabbit called Rabbit. He got the measles and was visited by his friends, including a giant bee called Miss Bee. And ever since Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have wanted to be a writer, though I rarely told anyone so. I was afraid they'd tell me I didn't have a hope.' At school, Jo would entertain her friends at lunchtime with stories. 'I used to tell my equally quiet and studious friends long serial stories at lunchtimes.' In these stories, Jo and her friends would be heroic and daring. As she got older, Jo kept writing but she never showed what she had written to anyone, except for some of her funny stories that featured her friends as heroines. After school, Jo attended the University of Exeter in Devon where she studied French. Her parents hoped that by studying languages, she would enjoy a great career as a bilingual secretary. But as Jo recalls, 'I am one of the most disorganised people in the world and, as I later proved, the worst secretary ever.' She claims that she never paid much attention in meetings because she was too busy scribbling down ideas. 'This is a problem when you are supposed to be taking the minutes of the meeting,' she says. When she was 25, Jo started writing a third novel ('I abandoned the first two when I realised how bad they were'). A year later, she went to Portugal to teach English, which she really enjoyed. Working afternoons and evenings, she had mornings free to write. The new novel was about a boy who was a wizard. When she returned to the UK, Jo had a suitcase full of stories about Harry Potter. She moved to Edinburgh with her young daughter and worked as a French teacher. She also set herself a target: she would finish the 'Harry' novel and get it published. In 1996, one year after finishing the book, Bloomsbury bought Jo's first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 'The moment I found out that Harry would be published was one of the best of my life,’ says Jo. A few months after 'Harry' was accepted for publication in Britain, an American publisher bought the rights for enough money to enable Jo to give up teaching and write full time - her life's ambition! Book Dimension length: (cm)24.1 width:(cm)15.5
作者: Molly
Kids won't be able to resist this hilarious story about Dog, who's awfully hot and can't find any relief.
When Sophie Gets Angry-Really,Really Angry 菲菲生气了 ISBN 9780439598453
作者: Molly
Feelings"Oh is Sophie ever angry now!"Everybody gets angry sometimes. For children, anger can be very upsetting. Parents, teachers, and children can talk about it. People do lots of different things when they get angry. In this Caldecott-honor book, kids will see what Sophie does when she gets angry. What do you do?"...Bang's double-page illustrations, vibrating with saturated colors, that reveal the drama of the child's emotions."-SLJ, starred review"...an elegant and thought-provoking book for...children learning how to deal with emotions." -NY Times Book Review
Fundamentals of human resource management
简介:本书提供了人力资源管理领域的基础性知识,同时也阐述了人力资源管理中最关键的问题,并涉及众多当今的热点问题。它既可以作为人力资源管理专业学生的必修课教材,也可以作为大部分学生的选修课教材,还可以作为人力资源管理从业者和对人力资源管理有着浓厚兴趣的在职人士的一本基础性较强的参考书,为他们提供人力资源管理领域最基本的知识,因此是一本实用的基础教程。 作者简介: 大卫·A.德森佐(David A.DeCenzo)在美国西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University)获得博士学位。他是卡罗来纳海岸大学华尔商学院(Wall College of Business at Coastal Carolina University)的院长。他主要的教学及研究方向是人力资源管理、企业管理及组织行为学。他曾在《哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)》、《商业视野(Business Horizons)》、《风险管理(Risk Management)》、《医院话题(Hospital Topics)》,以及《绩效与指导(Performance and Instruction)》等学术期刊上发表过文章。 DeCenzo博士有20多年编写教科书的经验。他所编写的教材包括:同Stephen Robbins一起编写的这本第八版的《人力资源管理基础教程》,并由约翰·威立出版公司出版;同Stephen Robbins一起编写的《管理学原理》第四版(2004);同Stephen Robbins一起编写的《今日领导学》第四版(2004);同Beth Silhanek合作的《人际关系学》第二版(2002);同Molly Bowers共同编写的《劳动关系基础理论》(1992);同Stephen Holoviak合编的《员工福利理论》(1990)。这些教材在美国的各大院校甚至在世界范围的学校中被广泛地使用。 DeCenzo博士同时也具有丰富的行业经验,他曾做过很多公司的培训师及咨询师。这些公司包括:明尼阿波利斯制服租赁商(G&K Services,Inc.)、夏洛特的电讯公司(Fairpoint Communications)、美国摩恩公司(Moen,Inc.)、健康医疗战略公司(HeahhCare Strategies,Inc.)、联合信号技术服务公司(Allied Signal Technical Services Corporation)、花旗银行(Citicorp)、泰莱达因/兰迪斯机械公司(Teledyne/Landis Machine Company)、马里兰州蓝十字与蓝盾公司(Blue Cross&Blue Shield of Maryland)、泰奈尼克涂料公司(Tnemec Company)、詹姆斯河有限公司(James River Corporation)包装分部(packaging division)、巴尔的摩社会专业管理公司(Managerial and Professional Society of Baltimore)。 DeCenzo博士同他的妻子及四个孩子一起住在美国南卡罗来纳州兰花岛(Pawleys Island)上。
Flora and the Flamingo 弗洛拉和火烈鸟 IBSN9781452110066
作者: Molly Idle 著
出版社: 2013-3-1
In this wordless book with life-the-flaps, a flamingo and a girl explore the trials and joys of friendship through an elaborate synchronized dance. Beautiful and emotional, as well as funny and lighthearted, these irresistable, well-developed characters will win your heart with their performance.
作者: Eric H. Awtry,Cathy Jeon,Molly G. Ware原著;赵世光主译
简介:《心脏病学(第2版)(翻译版)》内容简介:早在学生时代,就渴望能有一套优质的汉英对照医学系列丛书,特别是在国外留学期间,发现国外的医学生们都有相应医学双语参考书籍,作为课堂知识的补充内容。《蓝图双语系列丛书》就是一套不可多得的医学参考书,阅读此书后受益匪浅,如获至宝。今有幸将其译成中文,愿和广大医学生及青年医师共享。 本套《蓝图双语系列丛书》改编于美国Blueprints畅销丛书,该套丛书覆盖面已扩大到涵盖大部分医学临床专业和亚专业,包括急诊医学、家庭医学、神经病学、心脏病学、影像学、儿科学、妇产科学、精神病学、麻醉学、骨科学及外科学等专业。该套丛书是科学性的集中体现,无论在篇章设置、概念引用、文字表达,还是图表运用上都秉承严肃认真的科学态度,进行了合理的安排与控制。已成为美国广大医学生和住院医师获取专业知识的最佳读物,深受广大读者的喜爱,已被打造成为高质量、值得信赖的品牌丛书。 本套丛书采用英中文对照的形式,在获得丰富医学知识的同时还可以提高专业英语水平。该丛书可供医学生、住院医师、全科医师学习阅读,也可作为专科医生参考用书。 我们在翻译的过程中,组织了具有多年临床经验并且在美国、日本等国家留学的临床医生,经过大家共同努力,逐字逐句反复推敲,在忠实于原著的基础上,又考虑到汉语的语言习惯等因素,尽量使语言表达通俗易懂。与此同时有些部分也采用了意译的方法,更有助于读者的理解和掌握。
作者: Molly
作者: David A. Adler 著
出版社: 2003年6月
简介: Cam Jansen has a great time looking for shells on the beach with her friend Eric and her aunt Molly. But when they're done, Cam's mother is nowhere in sight! She was just sitting under a red umbrella, so how could she have disappeared? With a click, Cam puts her photographic memory to work to find her mom.
作者: Molly
Introduction to operations research / 8th ed.
作者: Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman ; cases developed by Karl Schmedders and Molly Stephens...