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Collins COBUILD advanced learner’s English dictionary:new edition
简介:与其他同类英语词典相比,本词典突破了传统词典长期沿袭的体例和模式,更具创新性、可讯性和实用性,其特点具体体现在: 一、全部语料采自6亿4500万词的语料库Bank of English。本词典共收录75,000余条例证,全部来源于该语料库,因而更真实、可靠、自然;同时语料库内容的不断更新保证了本词典对当代英语进行忠实全面的描述。 二、释义方式利树一帜,采用整句释义。本词典一改以往词典的释义方式,将110,000条释义全部纳入自然流畅的完整句子中,描述出词汇使用的真实语境,使学习者对词汇的语义和用法一目了然。这种创新性的释义方式得到很多词典专家的高度评价,并为其他许多词典竞相效仿。此外,本词典还将释义词汇限定在2,500个常用词汇以内,清晰易懂,高中程度以上的读者即中轻松阅读。 三、增为附加栏,集中提供有关词频、语法、搭配、同义词和反义词,语域和语用等多方面的信息,版面清晰,方便读者快速查找释义、例证和与其相关的使用信息。 四、对常用词语给予特殊关注。创新地以3个菱形符号的方式提供词目的词频信息,标注出其使用频率,更有利于读者掌握鲜活地道的英语。 这部词典以庞大的语料库为依托,提供了对当代英语权威、全面的描述,具有不同于其他传统词典的创新优势。对于广大中国英语学习者而言,实为案头必备工具书。
Collins Cobuild English Usage柯林斯英语用法词典
出版社:Oversea Publishing House 2005-6-1
简介: The new second edition of the Collins COBUILD English Usage has been specially designed for upper-intermediate and advanced students and teachers of English. Its comprehensive coverage of different areas of the English language helps learners to use the language naturally and effectively. Collins COBUILD English Usage has been thoroughly revised and updated to make it easier to use, and to include hundreds of new, updated examples, taken directly from the Bank of English corpus. The new edition offers mproved coverage of American English, numerous warning notes highlighting particular problems and graded lists of words to help learners build their active vocabulary. Presented in a clear, user-friendly style, and with logically organized Usage, Grammar and Topics sections, the Collins COBUILD English Usage gives you three books in one and is the indispensable reference tool for learning English today.
Intermediate Dictionary of American English 韦氏中级美语词典
出版社:Oversea Publishing House 2007年11月
简介:With innovations such as DefinitionsPLUS and vocabulary builders, the Collins COBUILD Intermediate Dictionary of American English transforms the learner's dictionary from an occasional reference into the ultimate resource and must-have dictionary for language learners. The definitions have been created using a controlled vocabulary, and each definition has been reviewed by a team of classroom teachers to ensure that they are appropriate for learners at the intermediate level. 作者简介: Through a collaborative initiative, Collins COBUILD and Heinle are co-publishing a dynamic new line of learner's dictionaries offering unparalleled pedagogy and learners' resources. The first Collins COBUILD dictionary was published in 1987, thanks in part to John Sinclair, one of the very first modern corpus linguists who personally oversaw the creation of the Bank of English. Every COBUILD dictionary is based on the Bank of English, a huge electronic database of both written and spoken language, which today contains over 650 million words.
Collins COBUILD learner's dictionary = 柯林斯COBUILD英语学习词典. [2nd ed.], concise ed.
简介:本词典突破了传统词典长期沿袭的体例和模式,更具创新性、可读性和使用性,其特点具体体现在以下几个方面: 一、不同于其他词典对词条的生硬解释,本词典60,000余条释义都体现在自然流畅的完整句子中。语境性的释义充分体现了与该词条相关的常用语法结构,增强了词条内容的可读性。 二、全部语科采自多达2.5亿词的语料库Bank of English。本词典共收录55,000个例证,都来源于语料库,因而更真实,可靠、自然。 三、增设附加栏,集中提供了有关词频、语法、语域和语用等方面的信息,从而方便了读者查找释义、例证和与其相关的用法信息。 四、创新地使用了15个凌形的方式来提供词条的词频信息,词典中过半的词条都被标注出其在英语语言中的使用频率,更有利于读者掌握鲜活地道的英语。 对于广泛大中国英语学习者而言,这本词典全面、实用,具有不同于其他传统词典的创新优势,势必会对提高大家的英语水平有所助益,成为广大英语学习者的良师益友。
作者: 英国COBUILD小组编
简介:本词典属根据世界著名的三大语料库之一COBUILD中的The Bank of English编写的系列工具书之一,旨在帮助英语学习者学习和掌握英语中容易出错的词语及结构,所选词条来自COBUILD英语语料库,真实地反映了当代英语的口语表达和书写形式,内容包括常用词、近义词、容易混淆的词以及其它似是而非的词,本词典对单词的用法、两个或两个以上近义词的区别都作了详尽的描述,对词语和结构语体色彩及地域差别也作了详尽的介绍。