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Marvin K. Mooney will you please go now!
简介:“This Fox is a tricky fox. He'll try to get your tongue in trouble.” (这是一只狡猾的狐狸,他会让给你的舌头带来麻烦。)苏斯博士一开始就提醒读者,只有勇敢的人才能和穿袜子的狐狸一起阅读这个故事。这只狐狸喜欢和他的朋友诺克斯先生玩绕口令游戏。 翻开第一页,苏斯博士提醒大家“慢慢来,这本书很危险!”可是一本书有什么危险的呢? 穿袜子的狐狸的那些绕口令可真是难坏了诺克斯先生: "Here's an easy game to play. Here's an easy thing to say.... New socks. Two socks. Whose socks? Sue's socks." 但是狐狸先生说什么也不肯轻易放过诺克斯先生,绕口令一个比一个长,一个比一个难。 Goo-Goose is choosing to chew chewy gluey blue goo, …… …tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle 诺克斯先生被激怒了: "I can't blab such blibber blubber! My tongue isn't made of rubber." 最后,可爱的诺克斯先生不知不觉已经可以将绕口令说到炉火纯青的地步了。 故事讲完了,你的舌?什么感觉?麻了吧? 尽管亚马逊网上书店建议此书适合4-8岁的孩子阅读,但在实际生活中,很多父母在孩子只有几个月的时候就开始给孩子读苏斯的作品,他们的孩子听到这些故事会欢笑。事实证明,很小的孩子也能接受苏斯博士的故事,他们会爱上苏斯。不知不觉中,他们会记住其中的很多句子,就像《穿袜子的狐狸》中的诺克斯先生一样。苏斯博士的作品会激发孩子一生阅读的热情。每个孩子的成长中都应该读一读苏斯博士的作品。 这本书一定要大声读给孩子听,读的结果肯定是你和孩子一起欢笑,要是孩子看到你读得舌头都麻了,他们会展现给你一个怎样的笑脸呢?还有什么东西比孩子的笑容更美好! 这是一本有趣的书,凭借此书,穿袜子的狐狸成为了苏斯博士创造的经典形象之一。 这是一个有趣的游戏,这些琅琅上口的苏斯式韵文,让孩子在游戏中开始语言学习。从"Fox in socks" 读到最后的 "tweedle beetle puddle muddle fuddle duddle...",这个过程无论对大人还是对孩子都将充满欢乐和挑战。
简介:《苏斯博士双语系列(全10册)》内容简介:苏斯博士,可以说是二十世纪最受欢迎的儿童图画书作家,在英语世界里,是家喻户晓的人物。他创作的图画书,人物形象鲜明,个性突出,情节夸张荒诞,语言妙趣横生,是半个多世纪以来孩子们的至爱,同时他的书也被教育工作者推荐给家长,作为提高阅读能力的重要读物。 孩子喜欢的古怪精灵的读物,为什么也会受到教师的青昧,被列为学生提高阅读能力的重要读物呢?这与苏斯博士开始创作儿童图画书的背景有关。 二十世纪五十年代,美国教育界反思儿童阅读能力低下的状况,认为一个重要原因就是当时广泛使用的进阶型读物枯燥无味,引不起孩子的兴趣。苏斯博士的Beginner Books便应运而生。作为初级阅读资料,这些书力求使用尽可能少的简单词汇,讲述完整的故事。但远远高于过去进阶型读物的,是苏斯博士丰富的想象力、引人入胜的情节和风趣幽默、充满创造力的绘画和语言。 苏斯博士的图画书在讲述有趣故事的同时,更有一个特别的功能,即通过这些故事来使孩子们从兴趣出发轻松地学习英语。从简单的字母,到短语、句子,再到一个个故事,苏斯博士的图画书,亦是一套让孩子们循序渐进掌握英语的优秀读物。例如其中《苏斯博士的ABC》一书,就从英文的二十六个字母入手,将字母和单词配合起来讲解,同时,这些单词又组成了一个个韵味十足的句子,不断重复加深读者对字母的记忆和理解。《一条鱼两条鱼红色的鱼蓝色的鱼》和《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》也是采取类似的方式进行单词和句子的讲解。《穿袜子的狐狸》则是充满了饶有风趣的绕口令,对诵读者来说是一个充满快乐的挑战。 《乌龟耶尔特及其他故事》:本册有三个故事,故事的核只有一个,即“极限”。目之能及之处,最远有多远?乌龟国王耶尔特坚信,他目光所及的一切就等同于他统治的疆域。以池塘边的石头为宝座,目力所及只有池塘,所见的范围极小,自然他的统治范围也小得可怜。耶尔特扩充疆域的唯一办法就是站得高看得远,但是当他还在叫嚣着建筑一个由五千,五千六百零七只乌龟堆起的宝座,他脚下两百只乌龟堆起的宝座已经岌岌可危了。尾巴上长出多少根羽毛才是最关?小雌鸟绒绒以为自然是越多越美。如此疯狂强求的结果竟然是尾大不掉,画地为牢,只有忍痛退回原处之一途。无庸置疑,物极必反。但苏斯博士显然远不就此止步。在接下来的《吹牛》中,老虫子的出现是《吹牛》一篇的结束,也是本册总体的一个收束。以世界上最灵敏的听觉和嗅觉,究竟谁能抵达最远?兔子和熊海拼不下,不堪烦扰的老虫子出来做了了断,对种种鼠目寸光、妄自尊大者的嘲讽真是无以复加。乌龟耶尔特的目力与老虫子的目力不可同日而语。耶尔特自从一头跌入池塘,其目力所及便只有烂泥巴了;而无比矮小的老虫子即使深处于地洞里,他飞掠的目光也能将整个世界尽收眼底。物有限止,心灵无涯。只有游心者的目光才能弗远无界。苏斯博士的“致远”是收放自如、纵横捭阖,最终还要回到起点,也即当下。仿佛无所从来,亦无所从去。 《霍顿听见了呼呼的声音》:苏斯博士的图画书《霍顿听见了呼呼的声音》讲述了一个令人感动的故事。感动之一源于它的传达的生命平等和保护弱小的观念。无论多么微小,每个生命都有其生存权利,都应该受到尊重和保护。同样,无论多么微小,每个生命也都有存在的价值和意义,正是因为加入了乔乔——这个呼呼城最小的人的声音,呼呼们的叫喊才最终被大家听到。这个故事有一个温馨的结尾,那只曾经和妈妈一起嘲笑过霍顿的小袋鼠,最终也加入了守护呼呼的队伍,它用自己尚还稚嫩的小手,这为些生命撑起了一把明亮的小伞。希望每个成人和孩子,在合上这本图画书的时候,在深深感动之余,也都能珍爱和保护周围的每一个生命,不管它多么微小。作为世界知名的图画书作者,苏斯博士不仅创作幽默风趣、想象离奇的儿童初级英语读物,他的写作也涉及一些重大的、有争议的社会问题。 本套书还包括:《苏斯博士的ABC》、《一条鱼 两条鱼 红色的鱼 蓝色的鱼》、《霍顿孵蛋》、《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》、《如果我来经营马戏团》、《史尼奇及其他故事》、《绿鸡蛋和火腿》、《穿袜子的狐狸》。
Fox in Socks [Hardcover] by Dr. Seuss 苏斯博士:穿袜子的狐狸 ISBN9780394800387
简介: "This Fox is a tricky fox. He'll try to get your tongue introuble." Dr. Seuss gives fair warning to anyone brave enough toread along with the Fox in Socks, who likes to play tongue-twistinggames with his friend Mr. Knox. "Here's an easy game to play.Here's an easy thing to say... New socks. Two socks. Whose socks?Sue's socks." But Mr. Fox Socks isn't about to let Knox off soeasy. Soon Goo-Goose is choosing to chew chewy gluey blue goo,while tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle (in case youwere wondering, that's called a "tweetle beetle puddle paddlebattle"). Mr. Knox gets exasperated: "I can't blab such blibberblubber! My tongue isn't made of rubber." But he catches on to thegame before it's all through. One of Seuss's best, thismust-read-aloud classic is guaranteed to get many giggles out ofreaders young and old. (Ages 4 to 8)
Mr.Brown Can Moo! Can You? 苏斯博士:布朗先生会学牛叫,你行吗? ISBN 9780007169917
作者: Seuss
看,这位昂首阔步走来的布朗先生,他真是太能干了,他戴着魔术师的高帽子,像变魔术一样变出各种好玩的声音。并且,如同苏斯博士书中的许多主角一样,他身上充满了莫名其妙的执着和热情。他不光自己忙个不停,还锲而不舍地一遍遍向你发出热情的邀请:“Howabout you?”
Moo moo! Hoo hoo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Oh, the wonderful soundsMr. Brown can do. Now see if you can do them too! This fabulousbook is ideal for teaching young children all about noises! Thisdelightful book forms part of the second stage in HarperCollins'major Dr. Seuss rebrand programme. With the relaunch of 10 moretitles in August 2003, such all-time favourites as How the GrinchStole Christmas!, Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? and Dr. Seuss' SleepBook boast bright new covers that incorporate much needed guidanceon reading levels: Blue Back Books are for parents to share withyoung children, Green Back Books are for budding readers to tackleon their own, and Yellow Back Books are for older, more fluentreaders to enjoy. Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? belongs to the BlueBack Book range.
简介:《苏斯博士套装 第2辑(全6册)》内容简介:小朋友,你还记得那只戴高帽子的猫吗?他趁你妈妈不在家的时候,带着两个小东西来跟你做伴,哦,不,是来教你调皮捣蛋。这回,他又带来一只小猫,他要告诉你什么呢?他可不像老师那样,对你说,身子坐正,不要趴在桌子上看书!也不像你妈妈那样,对你说,眼睛,要注意眼睛!戴高帽子的猫是要来告诉你各种各样千奇百怪的读书的样子。你怎么也猜不到!你能戴着一只镜片是棕色、一只镜片是紫色的眼镜读书吗?你能转着圈儿读书吗?你能倒着读书吗?最了不起的是,你能闭着眼睛读书吗?哈哈,试试看,这有多有趣!可是,你知道吗?闭着眼睛读书已经很有趣了,当你睁大眼睛读书的时候,你能读到的东西就更加神奇得不得了!树、膝盖、蜜蜂,这不稀奇,可膝盖长在树顶上,蜜蜂在数字“3”上跳舞,还有穿着短裤的鳄鱼和在人鼻子上歇脚的猫头鹰! 这是苏斯博士的又一本经典小书: 简单的词汇、押韵的语句、大胆的想象和幽默的图画。毫无疑问,这也是一本极容易进行亲子共读的书。但是,这本书可以带给孩子的影响,也许是你想象不到的。亚马逊网站对这本书的评价中有一条留言,大致意思是,如果孩子学着和戴高帽的猫一样,闭着眼睛看书,无疑他要背下来这本书,而把一本书里的字背下来,则是孩子学会阅读的重要的第一步。这条留言,我看过之后深有同感。如果孩子喜欢一本书,听大人读得多了,有一天,你会惊讶地发现,他竟然把那些话背了下来。于是你看到孩子煞有介事地捧着一本薄薄的图画书在“读”,虽然那是在背,可他实际上把读的东西跟书里的字在一个一个地对照呢。接下来,他就认识了那些字。再接下来,他在另外的书里,找到了他认识的字……就这样,孩子慢慢地开始了独自阅读的历程。这就是很多人都在孩子身上发现的在阅读中识字的情形。 这本书,荒诞的无厘头式的开端,在无形中演绎成苏斯博士对孩子的教诲。他最想告诉孩子的并不是教孩子闭着眼睛看书,而是要孩子们在大笑之后,知道世界上有那么多美妙的事情,睁大眼睛,才不会错过。 “你读的书越多,你了解的就越多,你的知识越广博,你就会去更多的地方。”这才是此书的真谛。
Oh, the Places You'll Go 苏斯博士:你想去的地方 ISBN9780007413584
简介: Theodor Seuss Geisel - better known to millions of his fans asDr. Seuss is quite simply the most beloved children’s book authorin the world. Brilliant, playful, and always respectful of children, Dr. Seusscharmed his way into the consciousness of four generations ofyoungsters and parents. In the process, he helped millions of kidslearn to read. Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts,on March 2, 1904. After graduating from Dartmouth College in 1925,he went to Oxford University, intending to acquire a doctorate inliterature. Geisel published his first children's book, And to Think That ISaw It on Mulberry Street, in 1937, after 27 publishers rejectedit. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1984, an Academy Award, threeEmmy Awards, three Grammy Awards, and three Caldecott Honors,Geisel wrote and illustrated 44 books. While Theodor Geisel died onSeptember 24, 1991, Dr. Seuss lives on, inspiring generations ofchildren of all ages to explore the joys of reading. 苏斯博士,二十世纪最卓越的儿童文学家、教育学家。一生创作的48种精彩教育绘本成为西方家喻户晓的著名早期教育作品,全球销量2.5亿册,曾获美国图画书最高荣誉凯迪克大奖和普利策特殊贡献奖,两次获奥斯卡金像奖和艾美奖,美国教育部指定的儿童重要阅读辅导读物。另有苏斯婴童生活中心。
Green Eggs and Ham 苏斯博士:新鲜的鸡蛋和火腿 ISBN 9780007158461
作者: Seuss
When Sam-I-am persits in pestering a grumpy grouch to eat aplate of green eggs and ham, perseverance wins the day, teaching usall that we cannot know what we like until we have tried it! Withhis unique combination of hilarious stories, zany pictures andriotous rhymes, Dr. Seuss has been delighting young children andhelping them learn to read for over fifty years. Creator of thewonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat, and ranked among the UK's topten favourite children's authors, Seuss is firmly established as aglobal best-seller, with nearly half a billion books soldworldwide. As the first step in a major rebrand programme,HarperCollins is relaunching 17 of Dr. Seuss's best-selling books,including such perennial favourites as The Cat in the Hat, GreenEggs and Ham and Fox in Socks. In response to consumer demand, thebright new cover designs incorporate much needed guidance onreading levels, with the standard paperbacks divided into threereading strands - Blue Back Books for parents to share with youngchildren, Green Back Books for budding readers to tackle on theirown, and Yellow Back Books for older, more fluent readers to enjoy.Green Eggs and Ham belongs to the Green Back Book range.
Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham? [Board book] 苏斯博士:绿鸡蛋和火腿 ISBN9780375859601
简介: Dr. Seuss's classic Green Eggs and Ham is now interactive forbabies and toddlers—in time to celebrate the 50th anniversary ofthe original publication! I am Sam. Sam-I-am. Do you like green eggs and ham? Babies and toddlers will love these green eggs! This irresistibleinteractive board book sports a plastic green egg for little onesto squeeze and spin. Kids can see their reflection in themini-mirror, press the yolk to make it squeak, and give the egg awhirl. They'll like green eggs just as much as Sam does! The Dr. Seuss Nursery Collection introduces the most beloved Dr.Seuss characters to the littlest of listeners. Based on Dr. Seuss'ssignature art and rollicking rhymes, each book introduces the mostpopular characters of the title on which it's based in a bold andsimple format, which will engage babies and toddlers at each stageof development.
简介: 马戏团首演之夜节目的神奇、惊险、玄妙,也是本书故事情节的神奇、惊险、玄妙,更乃苏斯博士想象力之神奇、惊险、玄妙,这些处处来源于细节的魅力,显示了细节的力量,这也是正是苏斯博士的艺术创造力——包括故事的编织和画面的构图与表现——之天才独特过人之处。比如海狮鲁尔夫竟能以一根胡须支撑倒立在一个小球的顶上;比如蒙眼神箭手那根一路辗转穿越了八道怪异关卡的箭最终射穿的是放在斯尼洛克头顶上的一颗山楂,而不是常见的苹果;最有趣的是斯尼洛克。麦格克从让他做点儿小事、帮点儿小忙开始而一发不可收拾,接二连三地赋予其超凡的能力;而斯尼洛克纵然历尽千惊万险也始终是闭着双眼、叼着烟斗、趿拉着施鞋,连头发也一丝不乱。直到本书最后一幅画面,一向气定神闲的他突然双目圆睁,仿佛一场酣梦猛醒,苏斯博士也能此给他这个热烈响亮的狂欢故事打上了一个飘亮的休止符。
Green Eggs and Ham 苏斯博士:新鲜的鸡蛋和火腿 ISBN9780007355921
作者: Seuss
简介: Theodor Seuss Geisel - better known to millions of his fans asDr. Seuss is quite simply the most beloved children’s book authorin the world. Brilliant, playful, and always respectful of children, Dr. Seusscharmed his way into the consciousness of four generations ofyoungsters and parents. In the process, he helped millions of kidslearn to read. Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts,on March 2, 1904. After graduating from Dartmouth College in 1925,he went to Oxford University, intending to acquire a doctorate inliterature. Geisel published his first children's book, And to Think That ISaw It on Mulberry Street, in 1937, after 27 publishers rejectedit. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1984, an Academy Award, threeEmmy Awards, three Grammy Awards, and three Caldecott Honors,Geisel wrote and illustrated 44 books. While Theodor Geisel died onSeptember 24, 1991, Dr. Seuss lives on, inspiring generations ofchildren of all ages to explore the joys of reading. 苏斯博士,二十世纪最卓越的儿童文学家、教育学家。一生创作的48种精彩教育绘本成为西方家喻户晓的著名早期教育作品,全球销量2.5亿册,曾获美国图画书最高荣誉凯迪克大奖和普利策特殊贡献奖,两次获奥斯卡金像奖和艾美奖,美国教育部指定的儿童重要阅读辅导读物。另有苏斯婴童生活中心。
作者: (美)苏斯博士(Theodor Seuss Geisel)图文;任溶溶译
简介:这温斯勒你可看不到,他的门,你也用不着敲。 他躲在他老店的屋顶,待得高又高, 他躲在那寒冷的屋顶上,连门也不出, 用些乱七八糟东西, 给自己缝衣服。 只在八月的半夜里,在阴冷的时光, 他从破板窗, 偷偷朝外望, 并且肯讲讲,洛莱斯为什么,会飞到别的地方。 如果你肯出钱, 他也许会给你讲…… 嘟噜! 悄悄对话机落到你耳旁, 温斯勒的悄悄说话声,一点听不清爽, 因为声音传下来, 通过一根弯曲的长管, 好像还有小蜜蜂, 在他鼻子上嗡嗡叫一般。 “现在我告诉你,”声音听来很苍老, “洛莱斯怎么被逼飞掉……” 这是很久以前…… 这是在老年间…… 可过了一个礼拜, 他忽然又来 敲我新办公室的门。 “我是为树说话的洛莱斯,”他说话凶巴巴。 “为你拼命在砍的那些树说话。 不过我同时还照顾那些小熊娃娃, 它们穿着棕衣,一直在树阴里玩耍, 吃绒毛树的果子,日子过得嘻嘻哈哈。 “而现在……由于你们把我这些树砍倒, 绒毛树的果子,它们可就吃不饱。 我那些可怜的小熊娃娃,全都捧着噼哩啪啦的肚皮, 因为肚子里没有食物,有的净是气! ……
简介:苏斯博士的图画书《霍顿听见了呼呼的声音》讲述了一个令人感动的故事。感动之一源于它的传达的生命平等和保护弱小的观念。无论多么微小,每个生命都有其生存权利,都应该受到尊重和保护。同样,无论多么微小,每个生命也都有存在的价值和意义,正是因为加入了乔乔——这个呼呼城最小的人的声音,呼呼们的叫喊才最终被大家听到。 这个故事有一个温馨的结尾,那只曾经和妈妈一起嘲笑过霍顿的小袋鼠,最终也加入了守护呼呼的队伍,它用自己尚还稚嫩的小手,这为些生命撑起了一把明亮的小伞。 希望每个成人和孩子,在合上这本图画书的时候,在深深感动之余,也都能珍爱和保护周围的每一个生命,不管它多么微小。 作为世界知名的图画书作者,苏斯博士不仅创作幽默风趣、想象离奇的儿童初级英语读物,他的写作也涉及一些重大的、有争议的社会问题。
The Cat in the Hat 苏斯博士:戴高帽子的猫 ISBN 9780007158447
作者: Seuss
He may be an old standby, but he never lets us down. When indoubt, turn to the story of the cat that transformed a dull, rainyafternoon into a magical and just-messy-enough adventure. There'sanother, hidden adventure, too: this book really will help childrenlearn to read. With his simple and often single-vowel vocabulary,the good Doctor knew what he was doing: hear it, learn it, readit--laughing all the way. The Cat in the Hat is a must for anychild's library. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
To accompany the release of the live action movie of The Cat inthe Hat, starring Mike Myers, HarperCollins are proud to presentDr. Seuss's original, classic tale of the coolest, hippest cat inhistory!When the Cat in the Hat steps in on the mat, Sally and herbrother are in for a roller-coaster ride of havoc and mayhem! TheCat can rescue them from a dull rainy day, but it means lots ofthrills and spills along the way. The wonderfully anarchic Cat inthe Hat is one of the most popular characters in children'sfiction, and this book is ideal for budding readers to tackle ontheir own.
简介:《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》主要内容包括:苏斯博士,可以说是二十世纪最受欢迎的儿童图画书作家,在英语世界里,是家喻户晓的人物。他创作的图画书,人物形象鲜明,个性突出,情节夸张荒诞,语言妙趣横生,是半个多世纪以来孩子们的至爱,同时他的书也被教育工作者推荐给家长,作为提高阅读能力的重要读物。 孩子喜欢的古怪精灵的读物,为什么也会受到教师的青昧,被列为学生提高阅读能力的重要读物呢?这与苏斯博士开始创作儿童图画书的背景有关。 二十世纪五十年代,美国教育界反思儿童阅读能力低下的状况,认为一个重要原因就是当时广泛使用的进阶型读物枯燥无味,引不起孩子的兴趣。苏斯博士的Beginner Books便应运而生。作为初级阅读资料,这些书力求使用尽可能少的简单词汇,讲述完整的故事。但远远高于过去进阶型读物的,是苏斯博士丰富的想象力、引人入胜的情节和风趣幽默、充满创造力的绘画和语言。 苏斯博士的图画书在讲述有趣故事的同时,更有一个特别的功能,即通过这些故事来使孩子们从兴趣出发轻松地学习英语。从简单的字母,到短语、句子,再到一个个故事,苏斯博士的图画书,亦是一套让孩子们循序渐进掌握英语的优秀读物。例如其中《苏斯博士的ABC》一书,就从英文的二十六个字母入手,将字母和单词配合起来讲解,同时,这些单词又组成了一个个韵味十足的句子,不断重复加深读者对字母的记忆和理解。《一条鱼两条鱼红色的鱼蓝色的鱼》和《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》也是采取类似的方式进行单词和句子的讲解。《穿袜子的狐狸》则是充满了饶有风趣的绕口令,对诵读者来说是一个充满快乐的挑战。
Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! 苏斯博士:快快走 ISBN9780007169894
作者: Seuss
Some people just won’t take the hint when it’s time to go tobed, but Marvin K. Mooney eventually gets the message! This funtale by Dr. Seuss will delight young readers and remind them thatthey sometimes have to do what they are told!This delightful bookforms part of the second stage in HarperCollins’ major Dr. Seussrebrand programme. With the relaunch of 10 more titles in August2003, such all-time favourites as How the Grinch Stole Christmas!,Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? and Dr. Seuss’ Sleep Book boast brightnew covers that incorporate much needed guidance on reading levels:Blue Back Books are for parents to share with young children, GreenBack Books are for budding readers to tackle on their own, andYellow Back Books are for older, more fluent readers to enjoy.Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! belongs to the Green BackBook range.
Oh, why won't Marvin K. Mooney just please go now? In this1972 classic for "beginning beginners," Dr. Seuss devotes hisrhymes to budging the reluctant young Marvin K.: "The time hascome. The time is now. Just go. Go. GO! I don't care how." Butdespite his impatience, our narrator certainly isn't short of ideason how Marvin could make an exit. "You can go on stilts. You can goby fish. You can go in a Crunk-Car if you wish." Seuss's ever wackyillustrations accompany each new mode of transport, from balloon tobroomstick to Bumble-Boat. And if those who are just learning finda word they don't know, chances are Seuss has simply made it up tofill out this ear-pleasing, easy-to-read text. This book is yetanother fun and euphonious entry from the good doctor, a sillyprimer for budding rhymers and readers. (Ages 4 to 8) --Paul Hughes--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Hop on Pop ISBN 苏斯博士:在老爸身上跳来跳去 9780007158492
作者: Seuss
Bright, simple illustrations give almost-readers theconfidence to step into the world of reading in this book that"combines phonics and word recognition, making sounds and lettersrecognizable. Highly recommended." --School LibraryJournal (starred) The accompanying cassette has a listeningside for nonreaders and a read-aloud side with page-turn signalsfor youngsters just learning to read. --This text refers to thePaperbackedition.
First published in 1963,Hop on Pop remains a perennial favorite when it comes toteaching kids to read. Here, as in most of his extensive body ofwork, Dr. Seuss creates uncomplicated, monosyllabic rhymes tofoster learning and inspire children to read. But what was radicalabout this little book at the time of publication (and what makesit still compelling today) is Seuss''s departure from thetraditionally dull pictures and sentences used in reading primers.In contrast, the illustrations here are wild and wonderful, and theaccompanying language, while simple, is delightfully silly. Forexample, the rhyme "THREE TREE / Three fish in a tree / Fish in atree? / How can that be?" is brought to life with a trio of plump,self-satisfied fish perched atop globular branches as two stymiedhybrid dog-rabbit-humanoids look on in consternation. Hop onPop does much more than teach children the basics of wordconstruction, it also introduces them to the incomparable pleasureof reading a book. (Ages Baby to Preschooler) --Thistext refers to the Hardcoveredition.
Combines phonics and word recognition, making sounds and lettersrecognizable. Highly recommended.??Starred, School LibraryJournal. --This text refers to the Boardbook edition.
简介: From his very first book to his very last book, here in onebig volume are 13 classic Dr. Seuss stories, everyone's favorites.All of the words and virtually all of the illustrations areincluded. Each story is prefaced by a short essay by someone whoselife was changed by Dr. Seuss or who is simply an unabashedadmirer. Also included are photographs of Dr. Seuss, memorabilia,and original sketches from his books. The stories included are: Andto Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, Horton Hears a Who!,McElligot's Pool, If I Ran the Zoo, Happy Birthday to You!, Dr.Seuss's Sleep Book, Yertle the Turtle, The Cat in the Hat, How theGrinch Stole Christmas!, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax, TheSneetches, and Oh, the Places You'll Go! Theodor Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss) was born March 2, 1904, anddied September 25, 1991. With introductory essays to each story by: Barbara Bader, Author and Critic Stan and Jan Berenstain, Creators of The Berenstain Bears Audrey Geisel, Widow of Dr. Seuss Peter Glassman, Children's Bookseller Starr LaTronica, Children's Librarian John Lithgow, Actor and Children's Book Author Barbara Mason, Kindergarten Teacher Richard H. Minear, Author of Dr. Seuss Goes to War Christopher Paolini, Author of Eragon Charles D. Cohen, Author of The Seuss, the Whole Seuss, andNothing but the Seuss Pete Seeger, Folksinger Christopher Cerf, TV Writer, Composer, and Producer Lane Smith, Children's Book Illustator
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
简介:《一条鱼两条鱼红色的鱼蓝色的鱼》作者苏斯博士,可以说是二十世纪最受欢迎的儿童图画书作家,在英语世界里,是家喻户晓的人物。他创作的图画书,人物形象鲜明,个性突出,情节夸张荒诞,语言妙趣横生,是半个多世纪以来孩子们的至爱,同时他的书也被教育工作者推荐给家长,作为提高阅读能力的重要读物。 孩子喜欢的古怪精灵的读物,为什么也会受到教师的青昧,被列为学生提高阅读能力的重要读物呢?这与苏斯博士开始创作儿童图画书的背景有关。 二十世纪五十年代,美国教育界反思儿童阅读能力低下的状况,认为一个重要原因就是当时广泛使用的进阶型读物枯燥无味,引不起孩子的兴趣。苏斯博士的BeginnerBooks便应运而生。作为初级阅读资料,这些书力求使用尽可能少的简单词汇,讲述完整的故事。但远远高于过去进阶型读物的,是苏斯博士丰富的想象力、引人入胜的情节和风趣幽默、充满创造力的绘画和语言。 苏斯博士的图画书在讲述有趣故事的同时,更有一个特别的功能,即通过这些故事来使孩子们从兴趣出发轻松地学习英语。从简单的字母,到短语、句子,再到一个个故事,苏斯博士的图画书,亦是一套让孩子们循序渐进掌握英语的优秀读物。例如其中《苏斯博士的ABC》一书,就从英文的二十六个字母入手,将字母和单词配合起来讲解,同时,这些单词又组成了一个个韵味十足的句子,不断重复加深读者对字母的记忆和理解。《一条鱼两条鱼红色的鱼蓝色的鱼》和《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》也是采取类似的方式进行单词和句子的讲解。《穿袜子的狐狸》则是充满了饶有风趣的绕口令,对诵读者来说是一个充满快乐的挑战。