作者: 李素玲
出版社:海燕出版社 2009年07月
简介: 此套太极剑系陈式太极剑传统套路,套路布局合理,衔接紧凑,动作刚柔相济,舒展大方,灵活多变,具有典型的陈式太极拳风格特点。主要以劈、刺、撩、点、挂、抹、截、架、推、化、扫等剑法,并结合陈式太极拳舒展大方的身法、灵活稳健的步法,真正体现出陈式太极剑剑如飞凤,又似游龙,如行云流水绵绵不断的气势。全套共有56个动作,内容丰富,身法、步法、剑法灵活多变,同时完成时间符合国家竞赛的时间要求,是一套易学易练又便于参加竞赛的传统陈式太极剑。 本书采用图文教材与影视教材相结合的立 Chen-style Taiji Sword is a traditional weapon routine at the basis of Chen-style Taiji Quan, and also is one of the oldest weapon routine in Chenjiagou. This set of routine is characterized by reasonable composition, compact join, the hard and the gentle in harmony, various and flexible, generous nimble stretching, so it has the typical characteristics of Chen style Taiji Quan. Main skills: hack, thrust, pull up, point, block, swing, cut, parry, push and sweep, these skills are well combined into one, including the body position and the footwork. 56 Form of Chen-style Taiji Sword has a full set of 56 actions: rich content, body positions, footwork and swordsmanship are flexible and various, achieve the standard and the requirements of National Competition, so it is a set of traditional Taiji Sword routine for easy to learn and to train. The book adopts the three-dimensional teaching method, combines the writing, diagram and video. The authoritative experts are invited for the technical performance and teaching demonstrations, so it ensures that learners grasp the sterling and original and skills.