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Report on development of China’s cultural industry(2007)
光盘作者: 张晓明,胡惠林,章建刚主编
简介: 2007年的文化蓝皮书继承了近几年来的文化蓝皮书的优点,具备社会科学文献出版社出版的皮书系列的各种特性,即权威性、时效性、实证性、原创性、前沿性和前瞻性。不仅如此,本书还具备一定的特殊性。本书对我国十一五规划的开局之年的文化产业发展进行了全面、深入的分析和论证,并以此为基础,对中国文化产业在“十一五”时期的发展趋势、发展思路等做出了预测。此外,本书的内容更加丰富,特别是在行业报告、区域报告和个案研究等方面,所涉及的范围更加广泛,研究和分析也更加深入和透彻。 中文目录 目 录 总 报 告 走进“十一五”:发展文化事业的新综合与新视野 ………………………………………总课题组 张晓明 胡惠林 章建刚 执笔 / 003 宏观视野 2005年全国文化工作发展概述……………………………………………………李建军 / 027 “文化产业”与“创意产业”探析………………………………………………王永章 / 040 文化体制改革难点探析……………………………………………………………齐勇锋 / 046 中国城市居民文化消费回顾与展望……………………………………黄京华 杨雪睿 / 055 专家论坛 设立文化产业发展专项资金的几个问题…………………………………………贾旭东 / 073 把香港创业板打造成内地创意产业的国际跳板…………………………………何志平 / 084 “双重怪圈”蹂躏下的我国动画产业……………………………………………苏 锋 / 088 艺术授权的商业模式和发展前景…………………………………………………郭羿承 / 097 行业报告 2006中国电影产业备忘…………………………………………………尹 鸿 詹庆生 / 107 加快发展出版产业,促进我国文化产业的振兴 ——2005~2006年中国图书出版业发展状况………………………………徐升国 / 131 开局之年和谐之旅 ——2006年我国广播影视年度发展报告………………胡正荣 李继东 黄 炜 / 141 2006年中国广告市场发展状况及趋势分析……………………………黄升民 邵华冬 / 151 2006年中国数字内容产业结构与发展状况………………………………………赵子忠 / 167 2006年中国动漫游戏产业现状与政策……………………………………………宋奇慧 / 205 2006年中国音像产业报告…………………………………………………………王 炬 / 222 2006年中国演艺业发展报告………………………………………………………徐世丕 / 233 2006年中国文物艺术品市场发展报告……………………………………………林日葵 / 253 中国体育产业发展报告……………………………………………………………林显鹏 / 264 区域报告 深化文化体制改革整合文化资源优势打造特色文化品牌 ——青海省文化产业发展状况调研报告……曹 萍 芦钟林 李晓燕 付国栋 / 287 四川文化产业发展现状与特征……………………………………………………张立伟 / 301 河南省文化产业发展研究报告 ………………………………………河南省文化产业研究课题组 王玉印 执笔 / 314 广东文化产业发展的现状与前景……………………………方健宏 姚军毅 刘启宇 / 325 建设文化大省的突破口——浙江文化产业发展报告……………………………陈立旭 / 335 国际文化产业 英国创意产业及其对我国文化产业的启示……………………………柯亚沙 常禹萌 / 351 昆士兰模式:创意产业园区链接生产企业、教育、研发、 文化生产和会展……………………约翰·哈特利 金迈克 斯图亚特·坎宁安 / 358 个案研究 北京市宋庄原创艺术集聚区的发展研究…………………………………………孔建华 / 369 创新合作模式资源涌流财富激增 ——R&V非竞争性战略联盟模式的诞生 ……………………………………章建刚 / 384 昆明“创库艺术家主题社区”调查报告………………………………侯云峰 施惟达 / 388 阿诗玛家乡刺绣业与新农村建设……………………………………………刘 婷 等 / 396 本地流传和异地振兴:山西民间音乐遗产的两种传承方式 …………………………………………山西大学音乐学院全国艺术科学规划课题 “山西口头与非物质文化遗产的保护与永续利用”课题组 / 410 统计研究 以国家统计标准分析各地文化产业发展成效…………………………王亚南 高玉亭 / 425 大 事 记 中国文化产业发展大事记…………………………………………………惠 鸣 整理 / 461 约稿启事…………………………………………………………………………………… / 476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文目录 CONTENTS Main Report The 11th Five Year Plan Period: A New Stage for the Development of China’s Cultural Industry ......... Special Group for Main Report Zhang Xiaoming, Hu Huilin and Zhang Jiangang / 003 Overview An Outline of China’s Cultural Development in 2005 .......... Li Jianjun / 027 “Cultural Industry” and “Creative Industry” .......... Wang Yongzhang / 040 Main Difficulties in the Reform of China’s Cultural System . Qi Yongfeng / 046 Review and Prospect on the Cultural Consumption of China’s Urban Citizen ................... Huang Jinghua, Yang Xuerui / 055 Specialist Forum Some Problems Concerning the Special Funding for Chinese Cultural Industry Development .................... Jia Xudong / 073 Making Hong Kong’s GEM Market a Springboard Linking Chinese Mainland’s Creative Industry to Global Capital Market ... He Zhiping / 084 The Dual Dilemmas that puzzling China’s Animation Industry ..... Su Feng / 088 The Commercial Models and Prospect of Art Authorization ..... Guo Yicheng / 097 Industry Report Memorandum of China’s Movie Industry in 2006 .. Yin Hong, Zhan Qingsheng / 107 The Development of China’s Book Publication Industry in 2005~2006 ........................................... Xu Shengguo / 131 A Favorable Beginning of “the 11th Five Year” ——Development Report (2006) of China’s Broadcasting, Movie and Television Industry .......... Hu Zhengrong, Li Jidong, Huang Wei / 141 Analysis of China’s Advertisement Market in 2006 ........................................ Huang Shengmin, Shao Huadong / 151 China’s Digital Content Industry in 2006 .................. Zhao Zizhong / 167 The Circumstance and Policy of China’s Animation Game Industry in 2006 .................................... Song Qihui / 205 China’s Audiovisual Industry Report 2006 ....................... Wang Ju / 222 China’s Performance Industry Development Report 2006 .......... Xu Shipi / 233 China’s Cultural Relics and Art Market Development Report 2006 ........................................................... Lin Rikui / 253 China’s Sports Industry Development Report ................ Lin Xianpeng / 264 Regional Report Deepening the Cultural System Reform, Integrating the Advantages of cultural Resources, Creating Distinctive Cultural Brands ——An Investigation on the Cultural Industry Development of Qinghai Province .. Cao Ping, Lu Zhonglin, Li Xiaoyan, Fu Guodong / 287 The Circumstance and Characteristic of the Cultural Industry Development of Sichuan Province ......................... Zhang Liwei / 301 A Study Report on the Cultural Industry Development of Henan Province ................. Special Group for the Study of Cultural Industry of Henan Province, Wang Yuyin / 314 The Circumstance and Prospect of the Cultural Industry Development of Guangdong Province ............... Fang Jianhong, Yao Junyi, Liu qiyu / 325 The Breakthrough Point Leading to the Building of a Culturally Powerful Province ——Report on the Cultural Industry Development of Zhejiang Province ..................................... Chen Lixu / 335 Foreign Cultural Industry U.K.’s Creative Industry and Its Inspiration to China’s Cultural Industry Development ................ Ke Yasha, Chang Yumeng / 351 The Queensland Model: Connecting Business Enterprise, Education, R&D, Cultural Production and Exhibition in a Creative Precinct ...................... John Hartley, Michael Keane, Stuart Cunningham / 358 Case Study A Study on the Clustering of Original Art in Songzhuang Area of Beijing ........................................................ Kong Jianhua / 369 Creating the New Model of Cooperation, Making Big Fortune ——The Birth of the Model of R&V Noncompetitive Strategic Association .................................................. Zhang Jiangang / 384 Investigation Report on the “Chuangku Artists Theme Community” in Kunming ................................... Hou Yunfeng, Shi Weida / 388 The Embroidery Industry in Ashima’s Hometown and the Building of a New Socialist Countryside .......... Liu Ting,etc. / 396 Two Models of the Handing Down of the Folk Music Relics in Shanxi Province .... Special Team of “The Protection and Sustainable Utilization of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritages of Shanxi Province”Project of Shanxi University / 410 Statistical Topic An Analysis of the Developing Effect of Cultural Industry by Regions by the State Statistical Norm of Cultural Industry .............................................. Wang Yanan, Gao Yuting / 425 Chronicle of Events Events of China’s Cultural Industry Development in 2006 ....... Hui Ming / 461 Call for Contributions .................................................. / 467
作者: (美)Dennis Le Boeuf,(美)Amanda Chen著;(日)山崎真理插图
作者: 姚振汉 等编
出版社:清华大学出版社 2006年8月
简介: The 9th EPMESC was successfully held in Macao, November of 2003. At the end of the conference the Board of the EPMESC series decided that the next conference will be held in a city of the mainland of China. Also I was assigned to be the Chair person of the Conference. No doubt this is a great honor to me and also a challenge for the situation that there are so many professional international conferences in computational mechanics happened frequently in the world. After the successful organizing of WCCM6 in Beijing, September of 2004, I engaged to organize the 10th EPMESC. First of all, choose the venue of the Conference. After some investigation and a lot of negotiation we came to see the site of the venue, Sanya, Hainan Island, the south-most city in China. Finally we made the decision. The most important reason of the choice is the ecological environment of this city. It is beneficial to our health after a hard working. We scientists and engineers need a good relax place after heavy duty and a place to enjoy the life with friends and family. Sanya is an ideal one and a real green city. Blue sky and white cloud, peaceful sea and the long beach with white sand, shells and pearls, no pollution and no industry, everything is so beautiful. After the first call for paper, the response is unexpected strong. We got more than 190 abstracts from 23 countries and regions. About half participants come from the mainland of China. The rest are from Macao of China, Japan, Portugal, Australia, USA, Germany, Russia, Poland, Singapore, Malaysia, Brazil, UK, Israel, Indonesia, France, Spain, India, Korea, Czech, Chile, Hong Kong and Taiwan of China etc. We are glad to have so many friends from so many countries and regions to get together for exchanging their professional research results and taking part the social activities. We have the honor to invite many famous experts in computational mechanics to give plenary and semi-plenary lectures in the conference. Serge Cescotto, Genki Yagawa, Zhenhan Yao are the plenary speakers. Win Kam Liu, Fred W. Williams, Roman Lackner, Ioannis Doltsinis, Helder Rodrigues, Nasser Khalili, Nori Miyazaki, Yao Zheng, Yeong-Bin Yang, Ka Veng Yuen, Gui Rong Liu, Chung-Bang Yun and Dajian Han are the semi-plenary speakers. All of them have achieved a great progress in their own fields of computational mechanics. I appreciate their outstanding contribution to the conference. This is the mark of the scientific level of this conference. As one of the highlights, the student paper competition is the traditional program retained in the history of the EPMESC series. This will keep the young students to track the latest advances in research of computational mechanics. Also it will encourage them to claim the peak top of the science and technology. I like to thank my friend, Prof. Kai Meng Mok of University of Macau, for his assistance in organizing the student paper competition. I like to thank my friend, Prof. Zhenhan Yao of Tsinghua University, for his outstanding work on the proceedings. He did a long term and patient work on the abstracts and papers in full length. He carefully read all the papers and abstracts and corrected a lot of mistake. He made this proceedings be a consistent valuable reference and beautiful looking. I also like to thank my colleagues, Dr. Yongqian Chen and Yang Kuei, for their assistance in my work. I like to appreciate the China National Science Foundation for their generous support. I wish the success of EPMESCX and the health of all the participants. I hope we will have a pleasant time in Sanya, 21-25 August 2006.
34-from Chen style Taiji Quan and Chen style single sword
光盘作者: 刘云香著
简介: 《陈氏太极拳三十四式(中英文对照)》内容简介:刘云香老师对中国武术深有情怀,她自幼曾习练长拳,具有一定的武术功底;后从事陈氏太极拳演练,经过长期刻苦勤奋的研习,不仅领悟了其中深奥的拳理拳技,自身水平得到了极大的提升,在一些大赛中获取了优异的成绩,且对太原理工大学、太原科技大学武术协会及其他广大太极拳爱好者,热忱传授拳技,精心培养学生,所带出的当代大学生,不乏涌现出许多佼佼者。如原理工大学武术协会主席贺永宁等同学,不仅继承了中华武术优秀传统文化,陶冶了高尚的武德情操,而且有了健康的体魄,促进其文化专业学习取得优异成绩,毕业后被美的集团挑选,顺利就业。她的女弟子赵奕今年也顺利地考上了山西师范大学(民族体育太极拳)。这与刘云香老师教艺育人,全面提高人的素质是分不开的。
Practical regimen of Chen style Taichi
光盘作者: 陈斌著
简介: 《全球顶级数码绘画艺术(第7辑)》ImagineFX集聚数码游戏界的众多优秀艺术家,与你分享他们的宝贵知识和经验。首先,我们将见证Kekai Kotaki(科凯·克塔奇)、Darliel Dociu(丹尼尔·多丘)和ArenaNet公司带来的视觉冲击——第37页,触摸他们的笔触,走近《激战》的惊人场面!还有,他们的概念艺术领队科凯·克塔基(Kekai Kotaki)为什么对蜂蜜情有独钟呢? 本期“艺术讲习班”,罗布·拉佩尔(Robh Ruppel),卢克·曼西尼(Luke Mancini),陈凯文(Kevin Chen)和达里尔·曼德雷克(Daryl Marldryk)纷纷上阵,亲自制作数码游戏指导教程,和你一起引领艺术风潮。荣获切斯利奖的卢卡斯·格拉西亚诺(Lucas Graciano)在本辑第48页开启他的艺术之旅,途中会有多少惊喜呢?一起去看看吧! 即使你并未打算投身数码游戏领域,“艺术家秘籍”栏目也能为你带来很大提升。如果ImagineFX让你的技巧上升到新的层次——无论你进步多少一如果你因此进入你梦寐以求的大学,或者如愿以偿地找到心仪的工作,记得告诉我们哦!
Solving applied mathematical problems with MATLAB /
光盘作者: Dingyü Xue, YangQuan Chen.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 This book/CD-ROM text offers undergraduate and graduate students access to the capabilities of MATLAB so that they will have more opportunity to focus on 'computational thinking' rather than 'computational doing.' After an overview of computer mathematics languages and fundaments of MATLAB programming, chapters cover specific types of problems, such as calculus problems, integral transforms, nonlinear equations and numerical optimization problems, differential equation problems, probability and mathematical statistics problems, and nontraditional solution methods. Each chapter provides MATLAB example scripts and reproducible MATLAB-generated plots. In addition to the standard MATLAB, some of MATLAB's commercial toolboxes may be needed to solve chapter exercises. MATLAB functions designed by the authors, plus some third-party free toolboxes, are also presented in the book. The CD-ROM contains interactive PowerPoint and MATLAB/Simulink files. Xue is affiliated with Northeastern University, China. Chen is affiliated with Utah State University. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Learning authentic Chen-style Tai Chi from the very beginning
光盘作者: 陈斌著
作者: 赵艳霞
出版社:五洲传播出版社 2018年01月
《太极汉语》从太极入手,是一本内容较为丰富的汉语教材。每课先介绍一两个跟太极相关的概念,解释其文化背景及其中汉字的读音和字形、字义演变,接着教授一些字词、日常会话和汉语背景知识,然后是太极练习和心得,外加游戏性质的汉语练习。整本书从太极的角度体现了汉语和中国文化的博大精深。The structure and presentation of this book is simple, to be aimed to provide readers a a happy learning experience. Each lesson opens with an introduction to the main concept of Taiji. The appearance order of these Taiji concepts is arranged based on both their importance in Daoist philosophy and their level of complexity in Chinese language. It then will be followed by a brief examination of the historical development of its pictogram. In order to help readers effectively acquire the knowledge that is introduced in each lesson, each lesson will introduce some key concepts of Daoist philosophy that underpins the development of Taiji forms, plus some personal learning experience of Taiji Yangsheng exercises. Alongside above contents, essential Taiji Yangsheng skills and the whole set of Qingcheng Taiji Six forms including both standing style and moving style which is invented by Abbot Liu Suibin, the Head of the Qingcheng Martial Arts School, will be introduced.In the last half of each lesson we will offer exercises in daily Chinese to encourage students through learning language to grasp how these ideas have influenced the development of taijiquan.
Lesson 1 Taiji 太极Lesson 2 Gongfu 功夫Lesson 3 Qi / Chi 气Lesson 4 Qigong 气功Lesson 5 Jingluo – Meridians 经络Lesson 6 Yin-Yang 阴阳Lesson 7 Dantian 丹田Lesson 8 Song – Relaxation 松Lesson 9 Dong-Jing / Stillness in Movement 动 / 静Lesson 10 Bagua 八卦Lesson 11 Xingyi – Intention 形意Lesson 12 Gang-Rou / Soft-Hard 刚柔 / 软硬Lesson 13 Nian Sui / Stick and Follow 黏随Lesson 14 Tuishou – Pushing Hands 推手Lesson 15 Qinna – Seize and Control 擒拿Lesson 16 Dao 道Lesson 17 Baihui – The Gathering Point 百会Lesson 18 Wugong and Neigong 武功、内功Lesson 19 Tingjin – Listening 听劲Lesson 20 Ziran – Nature 自然Lesson 21 Buzheng / Rang 不争 / 让Lesson 22 Xushi – Empty-Full 虚实Lesson 23 Wuji – Without Extremities / Formless 无极
Tracing its current manifestation to the Chen family in Chenjiagou, Henan Province, taijiquan is a traditional fighting art that finds its foundation in Daoist philosophy. The succeeding styles, Yang, Wu, Hao and Sun all grew from this root. While each is different in movement or emphasis, they all stem from and follow similar Taiji practices. The concepts that led to Taiji were first revealed, at least in writing, by Laozi. These concepts imply achieving maximal effect with minimal effort by following the Dao (Tao) or natural way and achieving balance. Taiji is the physical manifestation of Wuji (see lesson 23) and is invested with the life force (qi, lesson 3).The literal translation of Taiji is ‘supreme’, the ‘ultimate’ and implies a state of being in balance, or being able to achieve harmony.If Qi is the first manifestation of the Dao, where the energy is undifferentiated and therefore in the state of Wuji, the initiation of movement out of this undifferentiated state (undifferentiated Qi) where both yin and yang are found is the beginning of Taiji. Taiji is the interaction between opposites (Yin and Yang) and the creation of a balanced, harmonious state.
Introduction to standard Chinese Pinyin system
光盘作者: Helen H. Shen,Chen-Hui Tsai,Yunong Zhou编著
简介:《汉语拼音入门》是为欧美国家学汉语学生编写的汉语拼音学习教材,分课本和练习册两部分,课本用于教师课堂讲授使用,练习册用于学生课后练习交作业使用。 《汉语拼音入门》课本共十课,比较系统地介绍了汉语普通话声母、韵母的发音、声调及拼写规则。中英文对照讲解简单、明确,并尽可能对应英语中近似的发音;声、韵母插图,既生动又直观;每课后配有适量课堂练习,便于课上巩固所学语音;练习后的绕口令或诗歌,让学生在有意义的情境中练习所学语音。语音、练习、绕口令和诗歌均配有光盘,方便教师讲授和学生课下复习。 《汉语拼音入门》练习册紧密配合课本内容,涵盖了第二课到第十课的拼音练习,练习形式丰富、由浅入深,起到强化提高学生课上所学知识的作用。练习册每课配一个封面,学生每完成一课练习,连同封面将整课练习交给老师批改,相对独立的装帧形式方便学生和老师的使用。练习册所配光盘录音为mp3格式,符合欧美学生使用习惯。
沉思录:一个罗马皇帝的哲学思考chen si lu : yi ge luo ma huang di de zhe xue si kao
简介:这是一本沉甸甸的书,这是一本令人沉思的书,这是古罗马哲学家皇帝马可·奥勒留的人生思考。他从未把自己当作哲学家,他最多会声称自己是用功的学生或者不完美的哲学践行者。奥勒留公元161年出任罗马皇帝,公元180年去世。尽管这期间发生了洪灾、火山爆发、瘟疫和战争,但他统治的这段时期仍然被人们称为黄金时期,因为他们喜欢一个哲学圣人的温和统治。 《沉思录》作于奥勒留晚年征战间隙,原名叫To Himself,而不是今天的Meditations。本书已有近两千年之久,却仍然像黑夜中的烛光,熠熠生辉。书中记录了他征战之余退隐自我的感想。因此,本书读起来并不像哲学著作。这些感想的主要内容有:虚心学习,洁身自好,养成温和刚毅的性格;压制欲望,不要追逐虚名;凡事都要理性分析,不要冲动;做事不要为一己之私,要为社会谋福利;平静看待死亡,珍惜短暂生命;帝王的职责是为民众服务,但是难免受到责难,等等。他属于斯多葛学派,但也具有柏拉图和伊壁鸠鲁的思想。喜欢哲学的人,可以把本书当做哲学著作研读,不喜欢哲学的人,可以把它当成修身养性的书来品味。
Chen Hongwei hand drawing expression
光盘作者: 陈红卫著
Consumer, trade, and regulation issues
光盘作者: Zuhui Huang,Kevin Z. Chen,Minjun Shi编
简介:本书讲述的是关于各国食品安全方面的资料以及法律法规的等,讲述了食品安全的重要性。 本书为英文版。本书附光盘一张。
诊断影像入门 Primer of Diagnostic Imaging with CD-ROM(第4版)
光盘作者: Ralph
出版社:Oversea Publishing House 2006年11月
The 4th Edition of this text - popularly known as the "purple book" - returns with a comprehensive, up-to-date look at diagnostic imaging, presenting essential facts in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. More than 1,800 images highlight key diagnostic details and encompass the full range of modalities and specialties. A differential diagnosis section is found at the end of each chapter, and a differential index facilitates rapid reference. The 4th Edition includes coverage of new technologies, emphasizes clinical technical advances in CT and MRI, and examines the emergence of PET. A CD-ROM - new to this edition - features animations that depict the spatial and temporal complexities of MRI.
Highlights key diagnostic details for all body systems and encompasses the full range of radiologic modalities and specialties with more than 1,800 images - all in one convenient source.
Presents key information in an easy-to-read, bulleted format for quick reference.
Describes important signs, anatomic landmarks, and common radiopathologic alterations.
Provides extra space for note taking.
Includes mnemonics and de*ive terminology to enhance recall of key facts, techniques, and images.
Examines new technologies, including hybrid PET technology and new applications of MRI.
Covers new techniques in interventional radiology and digital mammography.
Emphasizes subspecialty clinical technical advances in CT and MR - along with their updated protocols-as well as the emergence of PET.
Discusses current trends and changes in disease classification and their impact on the interpretation of radiological findings.
Features the contributions of new editor John W. Chen, who shares his knowledge in MR and neuroradiology.
Includes a CD-ROM featuring animations that depict the spatial and temporal complexities of MRI.
Maternal-newborn nursing:women’s health care.1
光盘作者: Sally B. Olds[等]原著;孙吉珍(Sun Chi-Chen)[等]译
Surgical techniques in ophthalmology glaucoma surgery
光盘作者: (美)Teresa C. Chen主编;刘虎,陆宏主译
简介:Having served in the radar division of the US Naval Laboratory for nearly 20 years, Chen introduces students and engineers to the principles and theories of the micro-Doppler effect in radar, which can be used to detect and measure dynamics of targets, such as vibration of a body or rotation of a propeller. He also surveys applications, and provides a simple and easy tool for generating micro-Doppler signatures of targets of interest. He covers the basics, rigid and non-rigid body motion, and analyzing and interpreting micro-Doppler signatures. MATLAB source codes are provided in print and on the disk. Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
作者: 陈小旺执行主编
简介: 《中国武术段位制系列教程:陈式太极拳(附DVD光盘1张)》是《中国武术段位制》陈式太极拳段位技术教程,由国家体育总局武术研究院组编,中国武术协会审定,围绕陈式太极拳段位技术考评内容和标准编写。 《中国武术段位制系列教程:陈式太极拳(附DVD光盘1张)》是大众习练陈式太极拳,考取国家武术段位的规定考试用书。《中国武术段位制系列教程:陈式太极拳(附DVD光盘1张)》还可作为高等学校武术专业教材、大中小学武术教师培训教材和各级各类武术馆校教学用书。