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作者: 戴夫·朱布瑞斯基(Dava Zubraski),克里夫·耶那(Clive Jenner)原著;好好艺术工作室编译
简介: 书中为你提供…所有节奏模式和加花均有完整的音乐。以及简单易懂的说明、贴士和建议。 包括大量节奏型、模式和加花,您现在就可以学会…并可以很容易地融入您自己的弹奏风格。 跟随CD中的乐曲一起演奏…从教程上发现更多内容… 在这套内含92首曲目的CD教材中: 这本精彩的教材和专业CD,让你从一个全新刺激的角度去学习打鼓技巧……引导你感受HIP HOP 节奏里的Funk感觉。 顶尖鼓手Dave zubraski和The freestylers的Clive jenner教会你所有hip hop、funk和soul音乐的节奏里需要知道的东西。《Hip Hop爵士鼓技法速成》首先介绍基本鼓谱和技巧,《Hip Hop爵士鼓技法速成》接着指导你学习切分音、摇摆三连音、开镲、前奏和加花,跟着高品质的CD伴奏一起练习。 学完《Hip Hop爵士鼓技法速成》,你不仅可以像大师级Funk鼓手Bernard purdie和jack de johnette一样演奏hip hop 音乐,同时也朝着发展自己的演奏风格的方向迈向一大步!因此,播放CD然后开始且心演吧! 《演奏速成系列》经过2年的广泛试验和研究,已被证实为市面上最简单易懂、真正有效(包含兴复段、乐句和诀窍)的一套教材。
英文共同题名:Jump high a systematic Chinese course listening textbook
光盘作者: 孙立峰编著;(英)Clive Loughlin,孙立峰翻译
简介: The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs describes not only everything you need to know to start designing FPGAs, but also how the art came to be in its current state...Unlike many in the EDA industry, Maxfield doesn't forget that chips go on boards: One chapter looks at PCB considerations of FPGA Design...I must admit that when I first saw the book, I imagined reading it would be something of a slog as so many technical books are. Upon opening the book, I was delighted to discover that Maxfield's writing style actually makes reading the book more of a romp in the part. There are portions of the book that I intended to just scan but found myself sucked into reading in full...The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs will be a great source of knowledge to the FPGA newcomer. It will also provide new insights and broaden the veteran designer's knowledge of the field. But most of all it is a fun and engaging read for anyone for whom electronics design is more than a 9-to-5 job. It is a good buy at the $49.95 list price - PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGN & MANUFACTURE JULY 2004 If you've never read any books written by Clive "Max" Maxfield, then you're in for a treat. True to form, his latest book on FPGAs is enjoyable to read. Yet it's also rich in the technical details that any modern designer would need...He covers all of the issues that anyone working with FPGAs or thinking about moving to them would need to know...As with most of Max's work, this book's appendix is a treasure trove of background tutorials...While this book is well suited for young engineers - anyone with less than the prerequisite five years in FPGA or ASIC design - it also offers many topics that will interest the experienced designer - Wireless Systems Design, August 2004 ...a must-read book for those designers who either want an introduction to designing with FPGAs or need to broaden their understanding of the EDA tools available for such applications. Maxfield writes in a easy-to-read style, and provides insightful and diverse information for designers and curious readers alike. The author has never forgotten his designer roots, and the book is full of examples and chapters dedicated to such applications as gigabit transceivers, linear-feedback-shift registers, and integration of third-party cores. -- EDN, 5/21/2004
作者: edited by Bernd Kortmann, Clive Upton.
简介:Designed for college courses in linguistics, this volume is part of an impressive four-volume set describing varieties of English worldwide. Each volume contains the tables of contents for all 4 volumes, and each begins with an introduction by the volume editor(s) to the geographical area discussed. The first part of each volume contains individual chapters on the phonology of the different varieties for the area--the 11 varieties of English in this volume include the dialects of East Anglia and British Creole. The second part is devoted to chapters on morphology and syntax for each variety. Each of the chapters is authored by a specialist in that variety of English and the CD-ROM contains interactive maps as well as speech samples. Also packaged as a four-volume set (ISBN: 978-3-11- 017269-0). Annotation 漏2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)