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简介: Alan Agresti and Chris Franklin have merged their research and classroom experience to develop this successful introductory statistics text. Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, Third Edition,helps students become statistically literate by encouraging them to ask and answer interesting statistical questions. It takes the ideas that have turned statistics into a central science in modern life and makes them accessible and engaging to students without compromising necessary rigor. The Third Editionhas been edited for conciseness and clarity to keep students focused on the main concepts. The data-rich examples that feature intriguing human-interest topics now include topic labels to indicate which statistical topic is being applied. New learning objectives for each chapter appear in the Instructor’s Edition, making it easier to plan lectures and Chapter 7 (Sampling Distributions) now incorporates simulations in addition to the mathematical formulas.
简介:The fourth edition of this leading text reflects the new direction and growth of the field of hematology as an academic and clinical discipline. Edited and written by practitioners who are the leaders of the field, the book covers both the basic scientific foundations of hematology and its clinical aspects. It provides practitioners with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information in hematology. The table of contents has been thoroughly revised with many new chapters added, ref更多>>
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 This edited volume collects population and metapopulation models for a wide variety of species, focusing on the use of models in population-level risk assessment for toxins. Each chapter of Demographic Toxicitydescribes the application of a population model to one species, with the aim of demonstrating how various life history characteristics of the species are incorporated into the model, how ecotoxicological impacts are modeled, and how the results of the model has been or can be used in risk assessment. The model in each chapter is implemented in RAMAS software, which uses matrix modeling of population dynamics. RAMAS software is believed to be the most powerful tool ever invented for this task.Demographic Toxicityincludes a CD that contains a demo version of the program and the data files for each species. The book explains how to use these specific tools for modeling, analysis, and interpretation of data. Demographic Toxicityprovides a major review of current knowledge on population dynamics in different species, representing both terrestrial and aquatic environments.
简介: This text has been admired for as long as Family Medicine has been a recognized specialty, and, edited by the legendary Robert E. Rakel,MD, this superb 7th edition continues to break new ground and push at the boundaries of knowledge.
简介:"The Handbook of Cell Signaling, CD-ROM covers all aspects of intracellular signal processing, including extra/intracellular membrane receptors, signal transduction, gene expression/translation, and cellular/organotypic signal responses. The subject matter has been divided into five main parts (each of which is edited by a recognized expert in the field): * Initiation: Extracellular and Membrane Events * Transmission: Effectors and Cytosolic Events * Nuclear Responses: Gene Expression and Translation * Events in Intracellular Compartments * Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions Covered in extensive detail, these areas will appeal to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience interested in the structure, biochemistry, molecular biology and pathology of cellular effectors. Containing the full text found in the three-volume print edition (350 articles), this fully searchable CD-ROM contains 4-color images and links to PubMed" -- Publisher's website.
简介: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - edited by Sherrell J. Aston, MD, Douglas S. Steinbrech, MD and Jennifer L. Walden, MD - brings you the masterful expertise you need to achieve breathtaking outcomes for every cosmetic surgery procedure, including MACS lift, endoscopic mid and lower face rejuvenation, lid/cheek blending - the tear trough, cohesive gel breast augmentation, lipoabdominoplasty, and many more. A "who's who" of international authorities in plastic surgery explain their signature techniques, giving you all the know-how you need deliver the exceptional results your patients demand. Operative videos on DVD let you observe these techniques being performed in real time; and Expert Consult online access enables you to reference the text, download the images, and watch the videos from any computer. Coverage of hot topics includes MACS lift, endoscopic mid and lower face rejuvenation, lid/cheek blending - the tear trough, the newest rhinoplasty techniques, cohesive gel breast augmentation, fat grafting techniques, details of the latest injectables and fillers, and many other highly sought-after procedures. Operative videos - on DVD and online - let you see how leading experts perform more than 50 important techniques, including extended SMAS face lift, traditional inverted-T breast augmentation, and lipoabdominoplasty. Nearly 1600 full-color photographs and illustrations demonstrate what to look for and what results you will achieve. A consistent, extremely user-friendly organization guides you through history, evaluation, anatomy, technical steps, post-operative care, complications, and pearls and pitfalls for each procedure - giving you all the advice you need to make informed, effective decisions and avoid complications and disappointing results. Expert Consult online access allows you to reference the complete contents, perform rapid searches, download the images, and watch the operative videos from any computer. Your purchase entitles you to access the web site until the next edition is published, or until the current edition is no longer offered for sale by Elsevier, whichever occurs first. If the next edition is published less than one year after your purchase, you will be entitled to online access for one year from your date of purchase. Elsevier reserves the right to offer a suitable replacement product (such as a downloadable or CD-ROM-based electronic version) should online access to the web site be discontinued.
简介:Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a pertinent task in nearly every field of human activity, from the assuring of aircraft integrity to the evaluation of infrastructural decay caused by deterioration or damage. The development of non-destructive methods for quality management results in economic and environmental benefits, in an increase in product reliability, and in improved public safety and security. This book contains over fifty reviewed and edited papers on the innovative developments and new applications in NDT. It covers cutting-edge NDT methods, including optical, acoustic, ultrasonic, and electromagnetic techniques, tomography, radiography, and thermography. Intended for a researchers and practitioners involved with studying, testing and maintaining machinery, products and components in laboratory and industrial environments.
简介:Includes the full text of the reference text, Epilepsy, a comprehensive textbook, edited by J. Engel et al., 1998. The CD is fully searchable and features 15 revised chapters, more than 800 images, and abstracts of more than 500 references. The program supports MEDLINE searches and includes a link to the publisher's web page.
简介:CD-ROM contains "supplementary material by members of the 脟atalh枚y眉k teams / edited by Ian Hodder"--Cd-ROM disc label.
简介:The Second Edition Update uses the most current information to cover all areas of finance focusing on the three main topic areas: markets and institutions, investments, and managerial finance.While the book's greatest emphasis is on corporate topics, the amount of detail has been carefully edited to allow room for coverage of issues that are of interest to students. Fresh data is used throughout as well as updated examples, figures, citations, and Web links to Web Exploration problems and Mini-Cases. The broad approach appeals to majors and non-majors alike by allowing students to better understand financial information for making business and personal finance decisions. Appropriate for any introductory finance course, Finance can be tailored to any desired level of topic depth using innovative Extensions.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 This is an unparalleled modern handbook reflecting the richly interdisciplinary nature of acoustics edited by an acknowledged master in the field. The handbook reviews the most important areas of the subject, with emphasis on current research. The authors of the various chapters are all experts in their fields. Each chapter is richly illustrated with figures and tables. The latest research and applications are incorporated throughout, including computer recognition and synthesis of speech, physiological acoustics, diagnostic imaging and therapeutic applications and acoustical oceanography. An accompanying CD-ROM contains audio and video files.
Responding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essays / 5th ed.
BSAVA manual of canine and feline behavioural medicine / 2nd ed.
Environmental microbiology = 环境微生物学 / 2nd ed.
作者: [edited by] Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba.
Production diseases in farm animals : 12th international conference /