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作者: Mary Shelley
出版社: Macmillan 2005
简介:The Original Gothic-Horror Literary Classic! Mary Shelley's deceptively simple story of Victor Frankenstein and the creature he brings to life, first published in 1818, is now more widely read-and more widely discussed by scholars-than any other work of the Romantic period. From the creature's creation to his wild lament over the dead body of his creator in the Arctic wastes, the story retains its narrative hold on the reader even as it spins off ideas in rich profusion.About the Author: Mary Shelley (30 August 1797 - 1 February 1851) was a British novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer, best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1818). She also edited and promoted the works of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley. Her father was the political philosopher William Godwin, and her mother was the philosopher and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. She died in London in 1851.This is the definitive collectors edition and is a stunning and impressive uanabridged representation of a classic literary work. - Publisher's Weekly
The essential guide to image processing / 2nd ed.
光盘简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 A complete introduction to the basic and intermediate concepts of image processing from the leading people in the fieldA CD-ROM contains 70 highly interactive demonstration programs with user friendly interfaces to provide a visual presentation of the conceptsUp-to-date content, including statistical modeling of natural, anistropic diffusion, image quality and the latest developments in JPEG 2000 This comprehensive and state-of-the art approach to image processing gives engineers and students a thorough introduction, and includes full coverage of key applications: image watermarking, fingerprint recognition, face recognition and iris recognition and medical imaging. To help learn the concepts and techniques, the book contains a CD-ROM of 70 highly interactive visual demonstrations. Key algorithms and their implementation details are included, along with the latest developments in the standards."This book combines basic image processing techniques with some of the most advanced procedures. Introductory chapters dedicated to general principles are presented alongside detailed application-orientated ones. As a result it is suitably adapted for different classes of readers, ranging from Master to PhD students and beyond." 鈥?Prof. Jean-Philippe Thiran, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland"Al Bovik's compendium proceeds systematically from fundamentals to today's research frontiers. Professor Bovik, himself a highly respected leader in the field, has invited an all-star team of contributors. Students, researchers, and practitioners of image processing alike should benefit from the Essential Guide." 鈥?Prof. Bernd Girod, Stanford University, USA"This book is informative, easy to read with plenty of examples, and allows great flexibility in tailoring a course on image processing or analysis." 鈥?Prof. Pamela Cosman, University of California, San Diego, USA * A complete and modern introduction to the basic and intermediate concepts of image processing 鈥?edited and written by the leading people in the field * An essential reference for all types of engineers working on image processing applications * A CD-ROM contains 70 highly interactive demonstration programs with user friendly interfaces to provide a visual presentation of the concepts * Up-to-date content, including statistical modelling of natural, anisotropic diffusion, image quality and the latest developments in JPEG 2000
Small animal critical care medicine /
光盘作者: [edited by] Deborah C. Silverstein, Kate Hopper.
简介: Small Animal Critical Care Medicine is a comprehensive, concise guide to critical care, encompassing not only triage and stabilization, but also the entire course of care during the acute medical crisis and high-risk period. This clinically oriented manual assists practitioners in providing the highest standard of care for ICU patients. More than 150 recognized experts offer in-depth, authoritative guidance on clinical situations from a variety of perspectives. Consistent, user-friendly format ensures immediate access to essential information. Organ-system, problem-based approach incorporates only clinically relevant details. Features state-of-the-art invasive and non-invasive diagnostic and monitoring procedures, as well as an extensive section on pharmacology. Appendices provide conversion tables, continuous rate infusion determinations, reference ranges, and more.
Modern biopharmaceuticals. V.4, Design, development and optimization /
光盘简介: Due to the impressive accumulation of out-standing results, presented by brilliant, privileged and creative thinkers, this unique book reads like the ‘Who is Who’ of biotechnology. Never before has such an impressive group of individuals contributed to one biotechnology book, including Nobel Prize laureates Robert Huber, Thomas R. Cech, and Manfred Eigen as well as authors from the world's most famous academic institutes and biotech companies, such as ETH Zurich, MIT, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Harvard Medical School, Max-Planck-Institute, Fraunhofer-Institute, Moscow Academy of Sciences, London Imperial College and Baxter, Invitrogen, MorphoSys, Roche, and Schering AG. Published as a comprehensive four volume set, this title also includes a CD-ROMcontaining additional information and videos. Modern Biopharmaceuticals describes: THE FIRST cloned human embryo THE FIRST myocardial regeneration with embryonic stem cells THE FIRST artificial kidney THE FIRST biopharmaceutical from a transgenic animal THE FIRST individualized medicine THE FIRST plasma-free Factor VIII THE FIRST approved human cell line THE FIRST oral insulin, etc. “... an outstanding collection of articles from groundbreaking scientists, comprehensively describing the many novel ways cells are being deployed toward human good ...” James D. Watson, “DNA Codebreaker” & Nobel Prize Laureate (Physiology or Medicine, 1962) Modern Biopharmaceuticals is an essential reference work for biotechnologists, clinicians, medical doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical chemists, bio-chemists, molecular biologists, medicinal chemists, as well as all those working in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, or medicinal institutes.
简介:Optical Fiber Telecommunications V (A&B) is the fifth in a series that has chronicled the progress in the research and development of lightwave communications since the early 1970s. Written by active authorities from academia and industry, this edition not only brings a fresh look to many essential topics but also focuses on network management and services. Using high bandwidth in a cost-effective manner for the development of customer applications is a central theme. This book is ideal for R&D engineers and managers, optical systems implementers, university researchers and students, network operators, and the investment community. Volume (A) is devoted to components and subsystems, including: semiconductor lasers, modulators, photodetectors, integrated photonic circuits, photonic crystals, specialty fibers, polarization-mode dispersion, electronic signal processing, MEMS, nonlinear optical signal processing, and quantum information technologies. Volume (B) is devoted to systems and networks, including: advanced modulation formats, coherent systems, time-multiplexed systems, performance monitoring, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers, Ethernet technologies, broadband access and services, metro networks, long-haul transmission, optical switching, microwave photonics, computer interconnections, and simulation tools. Biographical Sketches Ivan Kaminow retired from Bell Labs in 1996 after a 42-year career. He conducted seminal studies on electrooptic modulators and materials, Raman scattering in ferroelectrics, integrated optics, semiconductor lasers (DBR , ridge-waveguide InGaAsP and multi-frequency), birefringent optical fibers, and WDM networks. Later, he led research on WDM components (EDFAs, AWGs and fiber Fabry-Perot Filters), and on WDM local and wide area networks. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a recipient of the IEEE/OSA John Tyndall, OSA Charles Townes and IEEE/LEOS Quantum Electronics Awards. Since 2004, he has been Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Tingye Li retired from AT&T in 1998 after a 41-year career at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs. His seminal work on laser resonator modes is considered a classic. Since the late 1960s, He and his groups have conducted pioneering studies on lightwave technologies and systems. He led the work on amplified WDM transmission systems and championed their deployment for upgrading network capacity. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is a recipient of the IEEE David Sarnoff Award, IEEE/OSA John Tyndall Award, OSA Ives Medal/Quinn Endowment, AT&T Science and Technology Medal, and IEEE Photonics Award. Alan Willner has worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Bellcore, and he is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California. He received the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellows Award from the White House, Packard Foundation Fellowship, NSF National Young Investigator Award, Fulbright Foundation Senior Scholar, IEEE LEOS Distinguished Lecturer, and USC University-Wide Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a Fellow of IEEE and OSA, and he has been President of the IEEE LEOS, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technology, Editor-in-Chief of Optics Letters, Co-Chair of the OSA Science & Engineering Council, and General Co-Chair of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. For nearly three decades, the OFT series has served as the comprehensive primary resource covering progress in the science and technology of optical fiber telecom. It has been essential for the bookshelves of scientists and engineers active in the field. OFT V provides updates on considerable progress in established disciplines, as well as introductions to new topics. [OFT V]... generates a value that is even higher than that of the sum of its chapters. Herwig Kogelnik, Vice President Adjunct, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent ... is a comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the latest research advances and development trends in the field, while upholding the highest standards of scholarly exposition and practical perspective. The wealth of material on innovative technologies and advanced applications will serve as an important and timely information resource ... for the advancement of telecommunications world-wide. Leping Wei, CTO, China Telecom Lightwave systems constitute the nervous system of the industrial world and continue to evolve as innovations are introduced with enormous economic impact. The editors have very skillfully brought together authoritative chapters written by well known experts, encompassing new technologies that are enabling the rapid advances to their commercial deployment. This is a "must-have" book ... Henry Kressel, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus Anyone ... will want to have a copy of this latest edition ... which carries on the tradition of bringing together a wonderful collection of authors, world-renowned experts all, to discuss the most important areas of this rapidly changing technology. ... this volume has evolved to include, not only updates of previous topics, but also considerably more discussion of networks and network services. Donald B. Keck, Corning, Inc. (retired) Much has happened since the last edition. ROADM-based metro networks are being widely deployed, optical monitoring is becoming essential, new modulation formats are enabling efficient bandwidth utilization, and deployed FTTH has 1 Gbit/s shared rates. All these ... are expertly reviewed by an impressive set of authors, each highly active, well-known and respected. In all ... a timely, highly valuable, well-written and comprehensive view presented by the world's experts. Rod C. Alferness, Chief Scientist, Bell Labs Research, Alcatel-Lucent * All the latest technologies and techniques for developing future components and systems * Edited by two winners of the OSA/IEEE John Tyndal award and a President of IEEE Lasers and Electro-optics Society * Written by leading experts in the field, it is the most authoritative and comprehensive reference on optical engineering the market.
Responding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essays / 5th ed.
光盘作者: [edited by] Judith A. Stanford.
简介:This thematically arranged anthology incorporates poetry, drama, fiction, and the essay. Four introductory chapters illustrate ways of responding to and writing about literature, with numerous examples of student writing. Eight thematic chapters follow, with a balance of new and traditional voices, including less frequently anthologized selections from canonical writers as well as many works by women, minorities, and writers from other countries. A final chapter presents three poets for in-depth study: Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Gwendolyn Brooks.
BSAVA manual of canine and feline behavioural medicine / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: edited by Debbie Horwitz, Daniel Mills.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The importance of animal behavior and psychological well-being is increasingly being recognized in the veterinary profession. This new edition is designed to be even more practical and user-friendly than the first. For a range of behavioral presentations, consideration is given to evaluation of the patient, including any possible underlying disease; evaluation of client attitudes, beliefs and behavior; risk evaluation; behavioral biology of the condition; acute management protocols; long-term treatment strategies; prognosis; follow-up; and preventive measures. A special chapter on shelter animals has been added, as this is an area where veterinary support is increasingly sought in both health and husbandry.聽 An included CD offers client handouts,聽history-taking forms, detailed behavioral questionaires for each species and a referral form.
Pride of place : how the lottery contributed f1 billion to the arts in England /
光盘简介: The Arts Council of England has allocated lottery-funded Capital grants totaling #1 billion to more than 2,000 projects over the last five years. Apart from putting the spotlight on the future of the arts, the distribution of lottery-funded grants has kick-started a vast programme of new building. This book looks at four cities that have benefited from the scheme, and introduces a selection of individual projects and the personalities that made them happen. The Arts Council's programme has led to the construction of new landmark buildings around England, from the New Gallery in Walsall to the Globe Theatre in London, as well as providing support for hundreds of small-scale projects. But has this additional money led to a better experience for visitors? Have the Lottery millions provided better environments for artists to show their work? Through a series of essays and photographic studies, this book analyses the successes and failures of this ambitious programme of investment.
简介:Optical Fiber Telecommunications V (A&B) is the fifth in a series that has chronicled the progress in the research and development of lightwave communications since the early 1970s. Written by active authorities from academia and industry, this edition not only brings a fresh look to many essential topics but also focuses on network management and services. Using high bandwidth in a cost-effective manner for the development of customer applications is a central theme. This book is ideal for R&D engineers and managers, optical systems implementers, university researchers and students, network operators, and the investment community. Volume (A) is devoted to components and subsystems, including: semiconductor lasers, modulators, photodetectors, integrated photonic circuits, photonic crystals, specialty fibers, polarization-mode dispersion, electronic signal processing, MEMS, nonlinear optical signal processing, and quantum information technologies. Volume (B) is devoted to systems and networks, including: advanced modulation formats, coherent systems, time-multiplexed systems, performance monitoring, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers, Ethernet technologies, broadband access and services, metro networks, long-haul transmission, optical switching, microwave photonics, computer interconnections, and simulation tools. Biographical Sketches Ivan Kaminow retired from Bell Labs in 1996 after a 42-year career. He conducted seminal studies on electrooptic modulators and materials, Raman scattering in ferroelectrics, integrated optics, semiconductor lasers (DBR , ridge-waveguide InGaAsP and multi-frequency), birefringent optical fibers, and WDM networks. Later, he led research on WDM components (EDFAs, AWGs and fiber Fabry-Perot Filters), and on WDM local and wide area networks. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a recipient of the IEEE/OSA John Tyndall, OSA Charles Townes and IEEE/LEOS Quantum Electronics Awards. Since 2004, he has been Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Tingye Li retired from AT&T in 1998 after a 41-year career at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs. His seminal work on laser resonator modes is considered a classic. Since the late 1960s, He and his groups have conducted pioneering studies on lightwave technologies and systems. He led the work on amplified WDM transmission systems and championed their deployment for upgrading network capacity. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is a recipient of the IEEE David Sarnoff Award, IEEE/OSA John Tyndall Award, OSA Ives Medal/Quinn Endowment, AT&T Science and Technology Medal, and IEEE Photonics Award. Alan Willner has worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Bellcore, and he is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California. He received the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellows Award from the White House, Packard Foundation Fellowship, NSF National Young Investigator Award, Fulbright Foundation Senior Scholar, IEEE LEOS Distinguished Lecturer, and USC University-Wide Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a Fellow of IEEE and OSA, and he has been President of the IEEE LEOS, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technology, Editor-in-Chief of Optics Letters, Co-Chair of the OSA Science & Engineering Council, and General Co-Chair of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. For nearly three decades, the OFT series has served as the comprehensive primary resource covering progress in the science and technology of optical fiber telecom. It has been essential for the bookshelves of scientists and engineers active in the field. OFT V provides updates on considerable progress in established disciplines, as well as introductions to new topics. [OFT V]... generates a value that is even higher than that of the sum of its chapters. Herwig Kogelnik, Vice President Adjunct, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent ... is a comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the latest research advances and development trends in the field, while upholding the highest standards of scholarly exposition and practical perspective. The wealth of material on innovative technologies and advanced applications will serve as an important and timely information resource ... for the advancement of telecommunications world-wide. Leping Wei, CTO, China Telecom Lightwave systems constitute the nervous system of the industrial world and continue to evolve as innovations are introduced with enormous economic impact. The editors have very skillfully brought together authoritative chapters written by well known experts, encompassing new technologies that are enabling the rapid advances to their commercial deployment. This is a "must-have" book ... Henry Kressel, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus Anyone ... will want to have a copy of this latest edition ... which carries on the tradition of bringing together a wonderful collection of authors, world-renowned experts all, to discuss the most important areas of this rapidly changing technology. ... this volume has evolved to include, not only updates of previous topics, but also considerably more discussion of networks and network services. Donald B. Keck, Corning, Inc. (retired) Much has happened since the last edition. ROADM-based metro networks are being widely deployed, optical monitoring is becoming essential, new modulation formats are enabling efficient bandwidth utilization, and deployed FTTH has 1 Gbit/s shared rates. All these ... are expertly reviewed by an impressive set of authors, each highly active, well-known and respected. In all ... a timely, highly valuable, well-written and comprehensive view presented by the world's experts. Rod C. Alferness, Chief Scientist, Bell Labs Research, Alcatel-Lucent * All the latest technologies and techniques for developing future components and systems * Edited by two winners of the highly prestigious OSA/IEEE John Tyndal award and a President of IEEE's Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (7,000 members) * Written by leading experts in the field, it is the most authoritative and comprehensive reference on optical engineering the market.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research has been conducting scientific monitoring of the Baltic Sea for more than 50 years. This book (edited by a physicist and oceanographer, a marine chemist, and a marine biologists at the Institute) brings together and summarizes the findings of the researchers from the Institute and other organizations for those years of monitoring and beyond. Chapters cover the general oceanography of the Baltic Sea; the history of long-term observations in the German maritime community of Warnem眉nde; the weather of the Baltic Sea; Baltic climate change; current observations in the Western Baltic Sea; sea state characteristics and tides; ice formation and classification; satellite-derived sea surface temperature for the period 1990-2005; the inflow of highly saline water into the Baltic Sea; the Baltic Atlas of Long-Term Inventory and Climatology monthly time series data for 1900-205; nutrient concentrations, their trends, and relations to eutrophication; trace metals in Baltic seawater; sedimentary records of environmental changes and anthropogenic impacts during the past decades; phytoplankton; macrophytobenthos; zoobenthos; fish stock development under hydrographic and hydrochemical aspects in the Baltic Sea fisheries; and description of the Baltic Sea with numerical models. The CD-ROM contains selected color figures from the text and supplementary material such as oceanographic reference data and long-term observational data on weather, sea level, ice cover, plankton, hydrochemistry, and hydrophysics. Annotation 漏2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Based on a fifty-year study conducted by the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, this book brings together a comprehensive summary of their observations and findings. Written by well-known experts, this revealing book concentrates on long-term changes in the Baltic Sea?which can be extrapolated to shed light on the environmental problems of other shelf seas, brackish seas, and large estuaries?thereby contributing to our understanding of water exchange processes, eutrophication, and climatic impacts at the forefront of international concern.
Melodies from China music for piano four hands edited and arranged
光盘作者: 罗小平编曲
Environmental microbiology = 环境微生物学 / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: [edited by] Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba.
简介: 本书旨在介绍环境微生物学中重要的微生物、微生物所依赖的不同环 境的特性、检测微生物及其活性的方法,还评价了微生物对人类活动的影 响。三位作者是亚利桑那大学的亲密合作伙伴,在环境微生物学中的研究 领域各不相同,却又相辅相成。这些涉及领域广泛的研究为本书阐明重要 的知识点提供了大量例证。多位撰稿人的贡献也使此书在深度和广度上具 有延续性,内容上则与当下的研究前沿基本一致。 根据国内读者的需要,导读版分为基础篇和拓展篇,所配光盘包含原 著全部彩图。这本教材适用于环境微生物学专业的高年级本科生或研究生 ,也可以作为对这一领域感兴趣的科学家和工程师的参考书。
Production diseases in farm animals : 12th international conference /
光盘作者: edited by Nanda P. Joshi and Thomas H. Herdt.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 From the 12th ICPD (2004), held in Lansing, Michigan, 100-plus contributions address issues associated with the management and breeding of animals for intense agricultural production--issues that impact production economics as well as animal welfare and, presumably, the welfare of the consumer. Intended for veterinarians, researchers, and others involved in animal husbandry, contributions are organized in sections on transition cow biology and management, metabolic effects of immune mediators, animal behavior and welfare, infection and infectious diseases, reproductive health, epidemiology of production diseases, alternatives to growth promoting antibiotics, macromineral metabolism, micromineral nutrition, the role of specific fatty acids, mastitis, rumen digestion and metabolism, and the application of genomics to production diseases. The volume is not indexed, but a searchable CD-ROM version is included. Distributed in the U.S. by Enfield. Annotation 漏2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Land, power & custom : controversies generated by South Africa's Communal Land Rights Act /
光盘作者: [[edited by] Aninka Claassens & Ben Cousins]
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Claassens (land rights activist, researcher, writer) and Cousins (development management, U. of the Western Cape) and 11 co-contributors offer a study and critique of South Africa's recently-enacted laws that outline authority over land and land rights for 21 million people living in the poorest areas of the region. The book focuses on the issues relating to the interpretation and development of customary law and intends to contribute to public debate on land reform and the controversial legislation. An included DVD contains both current and older legislation affecting communal land and affidavits on pending legal action on land rights and authority. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Land, Power, and Customexplores the implications of the controversial 2004 Communal Land Rights Act, criticized for reinforcing the apartheid power structure and ignoring the interests of the common people. This compilation of essays and case studies written by experts navigates through competing viewpoints to discuss the tensions between the new democratic government and traditional tribal leaders, the land rights of affected yet isolated or marginalized groups, and concerns about the constitutionality of the CLRA itself. A DVD accompanying the book contains the affidavits of four communities challenging the Act, pleadings, hearings, and submissions, as well as the entire body of South African legislation involved in this challenge, dating back to the late nineteenth century. Publisher Summary 3 Land tenure rights are a burning issue in South Africa, as in Africa more widely. Land, Power, and Customexplores the implications of the controversial 2004 Communal Land Rights Act, criticized for reinforcing the apartheid power structure and ignoring the interests of the common people. This compilation of essays and case studies written by experts navigates through competing viewpoints to discuss the tensions between the new democratic government and traditional tribal leaders, the land rights of affected yet isolated or marginalized groups, and concerns about the constitutionality of the CLRA itself. A DVD accompanying the book contains the affidavits of four communities challenging the Act, pleadings, hearings, and submissions, as well as the entire body of South African legislation involved in this challenge, dating back to the late nineteenth century.
Plant biotechnology and genetics : principles, techniques, and applications /
光盘作者: edited by C. Neal Stewart, Jr.
简介:Stewart (plant sciences, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville), one of the midwives in the birth of plant biotechnology in the early 1980s, traces the history of and revolutionary impact that biotechnology has had on agriculture. International contributors to 14 chapters provide an overview of genetics, the techniques involved in transgenic plant development, and regulation of genetic engineering in the US and other countries. Recommended for junior- and senior-level courses in this field and as a reference for practitioners, the text includes interesting autobiographical essays on notable plant scientists, color graphics on processes, and a companion CD-ROM that features full-color teaching aids. Annotation 漏2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Fisheries subsidies, sustainable development, and the WTO /
光盘作者: edited by Anja von Moltke.
简介:The fisheries sector is in crisis. Inappropriate subsidies to the fishing industry are a key factor responsible for worldwide fisheries depletion, overcapitalization and ecosystem degradation. There is an urgent need for an international mechanism to promote the appropriate restructuring of fisheries subsidies in order to create a more sustainable industry. In recent years the leading international forum charged with providing such a mechanism has been the World Trade Organization (WTO). This book explains why and how the reform of fisheries subsidies has become one of the most concrete and potentially successful international efforts to achieve global environmental, economic and developmental policy coherence. It describes the history and current status of the discussions at the WTO, drawing on UNEP's key documents and reflecting on the major issues. Accompanying the book is a CD-Rom containing full-text versions of all the most important source material used in the publication. The book is aimed at a broad stakeholder audience, including policy-makers in the fields of trade, fisheries, environmental economics and international environmental governance, as well as academics and others looking for an overview of the fisheries subsidies issue and an introduction to its technical components. Published with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Sternberg (psychology, Yale University) emphasizes the theme of unity in psychological sciences in this fourth edition of a text/CD-ROM package formerly titled Psychology: In Search of the Human Mind . This edition has been edited for readability and interest, and includes new boxed features on how psychologists from different disciplines would treat the same condition. Also new are expanded quizzes, critical thinking questions, and chapter summaries. The CD-ROM contains animations, activities, and videos. Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Accomplished, respected, and dedicated to his field, Robert Sternberg shows students that the discipline of psychology is much greater than just the sum of its specialized parts. As an active researcher, teacher, and current President of APA (American Psychological Association), Sternberg is uniquely qualified to mix recent research with student-friendly applications. The mission of his text is to teach introductory psychology students to understand and think about the field as psychologists do--to learn that, in the search to understand the human mind, psychology is both a product and process. To demonstrate this balance, the text embraces biological, cognitive, developmental, social-psychological, and clinical approaches equally. It emphasizes the interactions among these different approaches through Sternberg's emphasis on lab applications and through his "Unifying Psychology" features, which are found throughout the text. Sternberg demonstrates his commitment to students' learning by integrating not only the latest research, but also through new pedagogy that represents the best of learning theory--including chunking, primacy, and recency. The result is a text that is ideal for students who want to learn core concepts as a means for preparing for a potential major or career in psychology.
The didactics of audiovisual translation /
光盘作者: edited by Jorge Diaz Cintas.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 While exploring the state of the art of translator training, the focus of this collection of 15 essays is on one of the most complex and dynamic areas of the translation disciplines. Contributors describe the nature of the audiovisual text, the challenges of translating screen to writing need and screenplays, the scripted and unscripted language of the screenplay and what subtitlers need to know about both, the discipline as it applies to special needs including translation for those with hearing and vision differences, the use of subtitled materials for foreign language instruction, and personalized subtitling as a means to enhance second language acquisition. Hands on experience essays are especially interesting and include subtitler training as part of a general program in language professions, teaching and learning to subtitling and academic environment, learning to subtitle online, and teaching overdubbing. Annotation 漏2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Responding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essays / 5th ed.
BSAVA manual of canine and feline behavioural medicine / 2nd ed.
Environmental microbiology = 环境微生物学 / 2nd ed.
作者: [edited by] Raina M. Maier, Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba.
Production diseases in farm animals : 12th international conference /