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英文共同题名:BBC programme highlights for ielts
光盘作者: 江涛主编
简介: 《江涛英语·听BBC攻破雅思听说:人文自然分册》具备以下几个特点: ◆材料原汁原味,与雅思听力题源相同,本书中每一篇听力材料都从以BBC为主要来源的众多英国媒体中选材,与雅思听力选材宗旨相同。并按题材分为5册:校园生活、学术研究、人文自然、新闻观点和社会经济,均为雅思常考题材。 ◆英式语音播报。全英式的发音和众多英国媒体选材,让考生熟悉英式语音和英式表 达法。 ◆听力练习的题型仿真雅思听力题型,针对性强。选取题材时根据雅思考试特点,充分考虑对话、多人对话和单人独自结合。且每一篇听力材料长度都与雅思听力考试一个Section的长度相符,练习也是精心模拟雅思听力的出题方式和方法而设置,紧贴雅思考试。既有提高基本拼写能力的预热练习,又有十大雅思题型,充分地考虑了出题节奏、出题点、同义转换及干扰选项设置。 ◆听说练习结合,且口语练习大多源于全真题库。既可深化对相关听力材料的理解,又可将听力中的信息转化为考生口语表达时的可说之词,一箭双雕。每一篇听力练习的后面都附有几个与听力材料的题材相关的口语话题,且这些话题有80%来源于雅思口语考试的题库(斜体话题为非真题)。话题之后更附上开拓思路的关键词。
英文共同题名:BBC programme highlights for IELTS
光盘作者: 江涛主编
简介: 本书中每一篇听力材料都从以bbc为主要来源的众多英国媒体中选材,与雅思听力选材宗旨相同。并按题材分为5册:校园生活、学术研究、历史文化、新闻观点和社会经济,均为雅思常考题材。英式语音播报。全英式的发音和众多英国媒体选材,让考生熟悉英式语音和英式表达法。选取题材时根据雅思考试特点,充分考虑对话、多人对话和单人独自结合。且每一篇听力材料长度都与雅思听力考试一个section的长度相符,练习也是精心模拟雅思听力的出题方式和方法而设置,紧贴雅思考试。既有提高基本拼写能力的预热练习,又有十大雅思题型,充分地考虑了出题节奏,出题点,同义转换及干扰选项设置。
英文共同题名:BBC programme highlights for IELTS
光盘作者: 江涛主编
简介: 《江涛英语·听BBC攻破雅思听说:新闻观点分册》具备以下几个特点: ◆材料原汁原味,与雅思听力题源相同,本书中每一篇听力材料都从以BBC为主要来源的众多英国媒体中选材,与雅思听力选材宗旨相同。并按题材分为5册:校园生活、学术研究、人文自然、新闻观点和社会经济,均为雅思常考题材。 ◆英式语音播报。全英式的发音和众多英国媒体选材,让考生熟悉英式语音和英式表 达法。 ◆听力练习的题型仿真雅思听力题型,针对性强。选取题材时根据雅思考试特点,充分考虑对话、多人对话和单人独自结合。且每一篇听力材料长度都与雅思听力考试一个Section的长度相符,练习也是精心模拟雅思听力的出题方式和方法而设置,紧贴雅思考试。既有提高基本拼写能力的预热练习,又有十大雅思题型,充分地考虑了出题节奏、出题点、同义转换及干扰选项设置。 ◆听说练习结合,且口语练习大多源于全真题库。既可深化对相关听力材料的理解,又可将听力中的信息转化为考生口语表达时的可说之词,一箭双雕。每一篇听力练习的后面都附有几个与听力材料的题材相关的口语话题,且这些话题有80%来源于雅思口语考试的题库(斜体话题为非真题)。话题之后更附上开拓思路的关键词。
作者: Judith Rink (Author), Tina Hall (Author), Lori Williams (Author)
简介:Reference for K-12 PE and classroom teachers, directors, principals, and administrators overseeing physical activity programs and wellness policy compliance. Text for college PE majors and elementary classroom education majors. Also a reference for community youth program leaders. Physical activity doesn’t have to be confined to physical education class. Many schools are discovering the benefits of incorporating physical activity throughout the day. In fact, schools increasingly need to do so as requirements for weekly minutes of physical activity expand beyond the time available for physical education class. With Schoolwide Physical Activity: A Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Conducting Programs, K-12 classroom teachers and administrators will learn how to design and conduct activity programs that not only meet wellness policy requirements and goals but also motivate and encourage all students to be physically active. The premise of this innovative guide is that physical activity in schools is not the sole responsibility of the PE teacher. It is the responsibility of all administrators and teachers—and is most successful when it is integrated throughout the curriculum. To that end, Schoolwide Physical Activity highlights the role of elementary classroom teachers in providing opportunities for physical activity, and it offers an array of tools and programs for teachers to incorporate in their classrooms. At the secondary level, the book creates a vision of a good physical activity program and then shows secondary teachers and administrators how to achieve that vision. Through this text, teachers and administrators receive • a blueprint for building a comprehensive and coordinated K-12 physical activity program; • ready-to-use activities and forms; and • program ideas that address both the needs and desires of all children, not just the small percentage who gravitate toward physical activity. Schoolwide Physical Activity comes with a CD-ROM that contains all the printable activities, forms, and tools from the book and over 200 activities for classroom teachers, inclusive transitional activities, integrated lessons, and simple games and dances. The comprehensive guide includes a Web site with an instructor guide, presentation package, and test package. This resource will help teachers and administrators see their roles and responsibilities in a new light and gain stakeholder support for wellness and activity programs, and it will assist in coordinating efforts among all involved in providing students with safe and appropriate programs that will transform their schools into more active places for learning.
英文共同题名:BBC programme highlights for IELTS
光盘作者: 江涛,任晶雪主编
作者: 姚振汉 等编
出版社:清华大学出版社 2006年8月
简介: The 9th EPMESC was successfully held in Macao, November of 2003. At the end of the conference the Board of the EPMESC series decided that the next conference will be held in a city of the mainland of China. Also I was assigned to be the Chair person of the Conference. No doubt this is a great honor to me and also a challenge for the situation that there are so many professional international conferences in computational mechanics happened frequently in the world. After the successful organizing of WCCM6 in Beijing, September of 2004, I engaged to organize the 10th EPMESC. First of all, choose the venue of the Conference. After some investigation and a lot of negotiation we came to see the site of the venue, Sanya, Hainan Island, the south-most city in China. Finally we made the decision. The most important reason of the choice is the ecological environment of this city. It is beneficial to our health after a hard working. We scientists and engineers need a good relax place after heavy duty and a place to enjoy the life with friends and family. Sanya is an ideal one and a real green city. Blue sky and white cloud, peaceful sea and the long beach with white sand, shells and pearls, no pollution and no industry, everything is so beautiful. After the first call for paper, the response is unexpected strong. We got more than 190 abstracts from 23 countries and regions. About half participants come from the mainland of China. The rest are from Macao of China, Japan, Portugal, Australia, USA, Germany, Russia, Poland, Singapore, Malaysia, Brazil, UK, Israel, Indonesia, France, Spain, India, Korea, Czech, Chile, Hong Kong and Taiwan of China etc. We are glad to have so many friends from so many countries and regions to get together for exchanging their professional research results and taking part the social activities. We have the honor to invite many famous experts in computational mechanics to give plenary and semi-plenary lectures in the conference. Serge Cescotto, Genki Yagawa, Zhenhan Yao are the plenary speakers. Win Kam Liu, Fred W. Williams, Roman Lackner, Ioannis Doltsinis, Helder Rodrigues, Nasser Khalili, Nori Miyazaki, Yao Zheng, Yeong-Bin Yang, Ka Veng Yuen, Gui Rong Liu, Chung-Bang Yun and Dajian Han are the semi-plenary speakers. All of them have achieved a great progress in their own fields of computational mechanics. I appreciate their outstanding contribution to the conference. This is the mark of the scientific level of this conference. As one of the highlights, the student paper competition is the traditional program retained in the history of the EPMESC series. This will keep the young students to track the latest advances in research of computational mechanics. Also it will encourage them to claim the peak top of the science and technology. I like to thank my friend, Prof. Kai Meng Mok of University of Macau, for his assistance in organizing the student paper competition. I like to thank my friend, Prof. Zhenhan Yao of Tsinghua University, for his outstanding work on the proceedings. He did a long term and patient work on the abstracts and papers in full length. He carefully read all the papers and abstracts and corrected a lot of mistake. He made this proceedings be a consistent valuable reference and beautiful looking. I also like to thank my colleagues, Dr. Yongqian Chen and Yang Kuei, for their assistance in my work. I like to appreciate the China National Science Foundation for their generous support. I wish the success of EPMESCX and the health of all the participants. I hope we will have a pleasant time in Sanya, 21-25 August 2006.
简介:《实用大学英语(第1册)》针对职业教育的特点共设4册,每册8个单元,每个单元分为Highlights(单元重点)、Listeningand Speaking(听说)、Reading(阅读)和Trying Your Hand(语法写作)四个部分,基本囊括了英语学习的各个方面,具有很强的实用性。同时,本套教材充分考虑了职业教育学生的学习水平和学习特点,科学地控制了教材的难度,适合作为高职高专的教材,同时也是自学人员学习的首选用书。
Highlights of American history
光盘作者: 范咏涛编著
简介: 《美国历史风云》为“美国视野”丛书之一。《美国历史风云》把美国建国两百多年的重要历史事件中选出对美国文化的形成和发展颇具影响的事件若干,编成16个单元向读者,尤其是大学生加以介绍。其中包括新大陆的形成、殖民地时期、独立战争等阶段。 《美国历史风云(附光盘)》稿配有美国之音标准录音,配有插图,可作为大专院校低年级英语泛听、泛读教材使用,既适合学生训练听力,也适合进行阅读练习。通过《美国历史风云(附光盘)》的学习,学生可以在美国文化和英语语言、听力方面得到很大提高。
英文共同题名:BBC programme highlights for IELTS
光盘作者: 江涛主编
Up-to-date IELTS examination highlights
光盘作者: 檀琦主编
简介: 本书系环球雅思学校一线名师们的心血之作,参与编写的名师门学术底蕴深厚,从事雅思考试培训工作多年,他们无一不是在业界声望卓著的金牌培训师、优秀作者和著名语言测试专家,在考生中口碑甚佳。其培养的学员数以万计,由他们执笔编写,确保了本书的专业性和实用性。 本书内含5套A类剑桥雅思全真模拟试题,通过模拟试题的测试,考生既可以全方位地提高英语水平,又可以熟悉并掌握雅思最新考试内容、考试形式、试题类型等,最可贵的是,通过测试,可以让考生获得实战经验,从而达到短期内迅速提高雅思成绩的目的。本书具有试题解析全面独特,技法鲜明实用等特点。 听力部分由名师徐丹倾情打造;从场景介绍、听前预测、定位信息、名师解读、陷阱提示等多角度分析听力测试特点,总结听力备考策略,并就考点的难点举一反三。 阅读部分由名师董长根、施正南、王业兵精心策划;从定位信息、解题技巧、名师解读等角度总结备考要点,详尽讲解阅读解题技巧,为考生找到各种题型的“必杀技”,大大提高解题的速度和准确度。 写作部分由名师王建军倾力奉献;从名师讲解、加分句型、考官评分等角度分析写作种种误区,帮助考生习得雅思写作高分奥秘,助考生攀登雅思写作之巅。 口语部分由名师李宁娓娓道来;从名师点评、延伸词汇、口语语料库等角度精心剖析雅思口语考试话题,模拟口语实战演练,帮考生突破雅思口语考试瓶颈。 从编写形式上看,本书突出如下几个特点: 第一,紧扣雅思考试的出题思路,所选试题设计贴近真题; 第二,真题再现,5套试题均选自最新机经,仿真度高; 第三,题目解析精准,考点全面,归纳到位; 第四,根据考生的弱点,重点扫清解题障碍。 本书能以高品质的面貌和大家见面,离不开上海、广州和北京环球雅思学校名师们的努力和配合。本书从调研论证、确定编写方案到编写完成,前后历时一年多,得到了方方面面的支持和帮助。这里,我首先要感谢本书的特约策划赵丹女士,她在本书的策划阶段作出了奠基性贡献,在协调编写工作的各个环节付出了大量努力。这里还要感谢环球雅思总校的总裁张永琪先生、董事长张晓东女士以及刘海华副校长、教学部总监陆航先生多年来对我的关心和帮助。他们的人格魅力给予了我深深的影响。
诊断影像入门 Primer of Diagnostic Imaging with CD-ROM(第4版)
光盘作者: Ralph
出版社:Oversea Publishing House 2006年11月
The 4th Edition of this text - popularly known as the "purple book" - returns with a comprehensive, up-to-date look at diagnostic imaging, presenting essential facts in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. More than 1,800 images highlight key diagnostic details and encompass the full range of modalities and specialties. A differential diagnosis section is found at the end of each chapter, and a differential index facilitates rapid reference. The 4th Edition includes coverage of new technologies, emphasizes clinical technical advances in CT and MRI, and examines the emergence of PET. A CD-ROM - new to this edition - features animations that depict the spatial and temporal complexities of MRI.
Highlights key diagnostic details for all body systems and encompasses the full range of radiologic modalities and specialties with more than 1,800 images - all in one convenient source.
Presents key information in an easy-to-read, bulleted format for quick reference.
Describes important signs, anatomic landmarks, and common radiopathologic alterations.
Provides extra space for note taking.
Includes mnemonics and de*ive terminology to enhance recall of key facts, techniques, and images.
Examines new technologies, including hybrid PET technology and new applications of MRI.
Covers new techniques in interventional radiology and digital mammography.
Emphasizes subspecialty clinical technical advances in CT and MR - along with their updated protocols-as well as the emergence of PET.
Discusses current trends and changes in disease classification and their impact on the interpretation of radiological findings.
Features the contributions of new editor John W. Chen, who shares his knowledge in MR and neuroradiology.
Includes a CD-ROM featuring animations that depict the spatial and temporal complexities of MRI.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 A complete multidisciplinary guide to breast surgical oncologyIncludes DVD with surgical video clips and breast ultrasound atlasA Doody's Core Title for 2011!A British Medical Association Book Awards Runner-up, Oncology category!"Kuerer's new textbook of Breast Surgical Oncology is a comprehensive volume that contains exceptionally detailed and thorough information about the diverse aspects of breast cancer care, and would serve as a valuable resource for any breast cancer clinician, regardless of their specialty. ... (the book) is easy to read and navigate, where clinicians can quickly obtain reliable, up-to-date information on a broad range of topics relevant to breast cancer. --Annals of Surgery,August 20104 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "...a comprehensive and authoritative synthesis of current information is sorely needed, and this book fulfills that need admirably....The figures (many in color) and tables reproduce beautifully. The chapters on ultrasound, clinical trials, and plastic surgery, are particularly valuable. This is a terrific and incredibly useful book on breast surgical oncology, and will be an important reference in the field."--Doody's Review ServiceWritten by an internationally recognized multidisciplinary team of authors, Kuerer's Breast Surgical Oncologyis the first text specifically dedicated to breast surgical oncology. Turn to any page, and you'll find cutting-edge, evidence-based information and insights鈥攕upplemented by a full-color presentation and a companion DVD鈥攁ll designed to help provide a solid foundation for current and future best practices.Kuerer'sexamines all clinically relevant knowledge in the field, from the pathology of the breast and clinical management, to follow-up and complications following diagnosis and therapy. The book also focuses on the next wave of molecular studies that represent the future of the discipline.Features Complete integration of the relevant disease pathology with clinical managementMajor sections on both oncoplastic and advanced operative management procedures An entire section on landmark breast cancer clinical trials that highlights essential knowledge and evidence in the fieldFull-color design with 750 illustrations that depict anatomy, breast cancer pathology, and trial results A DVD with surgical video clips that details some of the important surgical techniques and procedures featured in the text An entire section on breast imaging and an atlas on breast ultrasound and biopsy techniques that facilitate accurate diagnosis and treatmentTimely, special chapter on the influence of the media and the internet on breast cancer care and the funding of breast cancer researchA detailed overview of currently open and accruing clinical trials, along with the future critical questions that must be answered to move the field forwardCoverage of molecular findings that provides an enhanced perspsective on the full spectrum of malignancies with which they work
作者: Robert W. Bauman ;contributions by Elizabeth Machunis-Masuoka, Ian Tizard.
简介:Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! ?Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 Textbook Outlines gives all of the outlines, highlights, notes for your textbook with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are Textbook Specific. Cram101 is NOT the Textbook. Accompanys: 9780805375909, 9780805376524, 9780805376753
Expressway to HSK: Tactics and Highlights of HSK,Elementary and Intermediate
光盘作者: 李妍编著
简介:《HSK捷径:汉语水平考试应试对策与考点精练(初、中等)(附盘)》是一本HSK(初、中等)考前强化辅导教材,涉及HSK(初、中等)全部常考知识点,按类别、特点归纳整理,并详细指出其考试形式和应试对策。 《HSK捷径:汉语水平考试应试对策与考点精练(初、中等)(附盘)》针对每一考试项目及相关考点,配有大量分类练习和综合练习,学习者可根据不同情况适量选用,每一单元后附有练习答案和精要的题解。 《HSK捷径:汉语水平考试应试对策与考点精练(初、中等)(附盘)》可与《HSK捷径:中国汉语水平考试仿真预测试卷(初、中等)》配套使用,也可单独使用。
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Explaining the procedures and the underlying logic of nursing drug practice, this textbook presents information about drugs affecting the various bodily systems, in addition to discussing nutrients and electrolytes, the treatment of infection, and special conditions. A companion CD-ROM contains animation and video clips, NCLEX-style questions, a review of dosage calculations, and drug monographs. Abrams teaches Nursing at Eastern Kentucky University. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Now with a free CD-ROM, this leading full-color pharmacology textbook presents unique coverage of nursing interventions for drug therapies with related rationales, emphasizing the individualization of drug therapy. Chapters are organized by body systems and therapeutic classifications of drugs. Highly praised for presenting information in an organized, concise and readable fashion, this text includes many excellent features such as: How to Avoid Medication Errors, Client Teaching Guidelines, Apply Your Knowledge, Nursing Action Tables with Rationales, Case Scenarios, Review Exercises, and Nursing Process Boxes. The Seventh Edition highlights new content including herbal and food supplements throughout. For more information, visit http://connection.lww.com/go/abrams. Publisher Summary 3 Now with a free CD-ROM, this leading full-color pharmacology textbook presents unique coverage of nursing interventions for drug therapies with related rationales, emphasizing the individualization of drug therapy. Chapters are organized by body systems and therapeutic classifications of drugs. Highly praised for presenting information in an organized, concise and readable fashion, this text includes many excellent features such as: How to Avoid Medication Errors, Client Teaching Guidelines, Apply Your Knowledge, Nursing Action Tables with Rationales, Case Scenarios, Review Exercises, and Nursing Process Boxes. The Seventh Edition highlights new content including herbal and food supplements throughout. For more information, visit http://connection.lww.com/go/abrams.
Neural networks and computing : learning algorithms and applications /
光盘作者: Tommy W.S. Chow, Siu-Yeung Cho.
简介:This book covers neural networks with special emphasis on advanced learning methodologies and applications. It includes practical issues of weight initializations, stalling of learning, and escape from a local minima, which have not been covered by many existing books in this area. Additionally, the book highlights the important feature selection problem, which baffles many neural networks practitioners because of the difficulties handling large datasets. It also contains several interesting IT, engineering and bioinformatics applications.
Klassik-Highlights Mclodie-Instrument in bB
简介:《古典小品独奏精选(bB调乐器演奏)》中的主要内容包括:广板(咏叹调,选自歌剧《赛尔斯》,HWV 40)、小夜曲(KV 525)、无词歌(OP.19 NO.4)、“世上没有尤丽狄茜我怎能活”(咏汉调,选自《奥尔菲与尤丽狄茜》)、摇篮曲(OP.49 NO.4)、旋律(选自《管弦乐组曲》,BWV 1068)、西西里舞曲(选自长笛与羽管键琴奏鸣曲六首之二,BWV 1031)、致音乐(D547)等等。 注:本书附光盘
简介:Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! ?Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included. Cram101 Textbook Outlines gives all of the outlines, highlights, notes for your textbook with optional online practice tests. Only Cram101 Outlines are Textbook Specific. Cram101 is NOT the Textbook. Accompanys: 9780716733775, 9780471419808
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Now in its ninth edition, this classic book retains the features that have made it the best-selling introductory human communication text in the field: an engaging and reader-friendly style; an inviting visual design that includes high-interest marginalia on virtually every page; up-to-date information on technology, gender, and cultural diversity; and everyday applications based on solid research and theory. Maintaining the quality of presentation and student-focused pedagogy that have characterized previous editions, Understanding Human Communication, Ninth Edition, incorporates updated examples and coverage of current communication theory. It continues to equip students with effective communication skills that will make a difference in their everyday lives. New to the Ninth Edition: * New material on mediated communication, personal listening styles, deceptive communication, and informative speaking * A revised section on the Cumulative Effects Theory and more applications of communication in the workplace, within the family, and at school * Updated research and examples on negative/positive language and gender influences on communication * Improved design and pedagogy:case studies at the opening of each part, highlights at the beginning of each chapter, and completely annotated full speech outlines with accompanying sample speeches * Additional teaching and learning resources:Student Success Manual, Student Resources Disc, expanded Instructor's Manual and Test Bank, Instructor's Disc, and an extensive web site
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The Ninth Edition of this classic text provides the best foundation for performing physical examination and taking the patient history. The book features a vibrant full-color design with over 1,400 drawings and photographs and a clear, simple two-column format with examination techniques on the left and abnormalities and interpretations on the right. Highlights of this edition include greater emphasis on patient communication and interview techniques, a new chapter on the older adult, and over 200 new drawings and photographs of abnormalities. A front-of-book CD-ROM includes videos of head-to-toe examination.Additional student resources now available include an online e-book, more than 15 medical and nursing journal articles, and new videos including Cardiovascular: Neck Vessels and Heart, and Thorax and Lungs.