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出版社:浙江教育出版社 2011年07月
简介: 内容编排科学 整套教程按照由易到难、由具体到抽象的顺序编排,符合多数英语初学者的认知规律。 知识讲解合理 整套教程将词汇学习和语法知识学习融会贯通,彻底摆脱单纯和枯燥的语法讲解说教模式。 知识点覆盖全面 整套教程共涵盖1048个基础词汇、872个活用例句和32项语法知识点。 插图绘制精美 全书配有大量清晰灵动的插图,有利于学习者通过直观的视觉加深对单词的理解和记忆。 录音效果真实 教师领读,学生跟读,真实再现课堂师生互动模式,力求营造生动的课堂学习氛围。语法、词汇和听力技能同步提高。 体例安排考究 每章设置“课堂学习”、“随堂练习”、“阶段测试”、“词汇列表”、“自我评估”等环节,让重点词汇与语法学习滚动式重现,使学习者能够反复复习,及时查缺补漏。 为英语初学者量身打造的精品英语教程 “少儿英语词汇与语法”系列教程如同海绵吸水,让学习者带着浓厚的兴趣轻松地掌握基础词汇和重点语法知识点,从而为他们日后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。 学习对象 ● 学龄前儿童 ● 小学生 ● 没有英语基础的初学者 ● 英语基础薄弱的中学生或其他英语学习者 学习内容 ● 基础词汇1048 个 ● 基础词汇活用例句872 个 ● 基础语法知识项目32 个 教程构成 ● 6 册教材 + 6 张MP3 光盘 MP3 光盘含教程中标有“(听力符号)”的内容录音,由专业人员朗读,发音纯正,语调标准。在听录音时,也许初学者在刚开始时会感觉紧张,但是坚持听下去,慢慢就会有所提高,在不知不觉间提高听力水平,巩固词汇与语法基础。
作者: Publications
出版社:浙江教育出版社 2011年07月
Reading course in American & British news publications
出版社:浙江教育出版社 2011年07月
简介: 内容编排科学 整套教程按照由易到难、由具体到抽象的顺序编排,符合多数英语初学者的认知规律。 知识讲解合理 整套教程将词汇学习和语法知识学习融会贯通,彻底摆脱单纯和枯燥的语法讲解说教模式。 知识点覆盖全面 整套教程共涵盖1048个基础词汇、872个活用例句和32项语法知识点。 插图绘制精美 全书配有大量清晰灵动的插图,有利于学习者通过直观的视觉加深对单词的理解和记忆。 录音效果真实 教师领读,学生跟读,真实再现课堂师生互动模式,力求营造生动的课堂学习氛围。语法、词汇和听力技能同步提高。 体例安排考究 每章设置“课堂学习”、“随堂练习”、“阶段测试”、“词汇列表”、“自我评估”等环节,让重点词汇与语法学习滚动式重现,使 学习者能够反复复习,及时查缺补漏。 为英语初学者量身打造的精品英语教程 “少儿英语词汇与语法”系列教程如同海绵吸水,让学习者带着浓厚的兴趣轻松地掌握基础词汇和重点语法知识点,从而为他们日后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。 学习对象 ● 学龄前儿童 ● 小学生 ● 没有英语基础的初学者 ● 英语基础薄弱的中学生或其他英语学习者 学习内容 ● 基础词汇1048 个 ● 基础词汇活用例句872 个 ● 基础语法知识项目32 个 教程构成 ● 6 册教材 + 6 张MP3 光盘 MP3 光盘含教程中标有“(听力符号)”的内容录音,由专业人员朗读,发音纯正,语调标准。在听录音时,也许初学者在刚开始时会感觉紧张,但是坚持听下去,慢慢就会有所提高,在不知不觉间提高听力水平,巩固词汇与语法基础。
出版社:浙江教育出版社 2011年07月
简介: 内容编排科学 整套教程按照由易到难、由具体到抽象的顺序编排,符合多数英语初学者的认知规律。 知识讲解合理 整套教程将词汇学习和语法知识学习融会贯通,彻底摆脱单纯和枯燥的语法讲解说教模式。 知识点覆盖全面 整套教程共涵盖1048个基础词汇、872个活用例句和32项语法知识点。 插图绘制精美 全书配有大量清晰灵动的插图,有利于学习者通过直观的视觉加深对单词的理解和记忆。 录音效果真实 教师领读,学生跟读,真实再现课堂师生互动模式,力求营造生动的课堂学习氛围。语法、词汇和听力技能同步提高。 体例安排考究 每章设置“课堂学习”、“随堂练习”、“阶段测试”、“词汇列表”、“自我评估”等环节,让重点词汇与语法学习滚动式重现,使学习者能够反复复习,及时查缺补漏。 为英语初学者量身打造的精品英语教程 “少儿英语词汇与语法”系列教程如同海绵吸水,让学习者带着浓厚的兴趣轻松地掌握基础词汇和重点语法知识点,从而为他们日后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。 学习对象 ● 学龄前儿童 ● 小学生 ● 没有英语基础的初学者 ● 英语基础薄弱的中学生或其他英语学习者 学习内容 ● 基础词汇1048 个 ● 基础词汇活用例句872 个 ● 基础语法知识项目32 个 教程构成 ● 6 册教材 + 6 张MP3 光盘 MP3 光盘含教程中标有“(听力符号)”的内容录音,由专业人员朗读,发音纯正,语调标准。在听录音时,也许初学者在刚开始时会感觉紧张,但是坚持听下去,慢慢就会有所提高,在不知不觉间提高听力水平,巩固词汇与语法基础。
简介:Cunningham (U. of Minnesota) and Saigo (Saiwood Publications) cover a lot of ground in this textbook for use in a one- or two-semester course in environmental science, human ecology, or environmental studies for freshman and sophomore non-science majors (or advanced- placement highschool students). The cover has a lovely photo of an Inuk hunter jumping across ice floes as he looks for seals fitting for a text that covers many topics but makes few judgements. The CD- ROM contains animations, interactive exercises, and quizes. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
On-Farm Feeding And Feed Management In Aquaculture
光盘作者: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Editor)
出版社:Food & Agriculture Organization
简介:This technical paper reviews the current status of on-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture. It contains a) ten case studies on feeding and feed management practices carried out in seven selected countries of Asia (i.e., Bangladesh, China, India, Thailand, Viet Nam) and Africa (i.e., Egypt, Ghana) for eight species belonging to four major farmed species of freshwater finfish and shellfish: shrimp and prawns, Nile tilapia, striped catfish and Indian major carps; b) an analysis of the findings of these ten case studies and a case study for Indian major carps in India (published separately ); c) ten invited specialist reviews on feed management practices from regional and global perspectives; and d) an overview of the current status of feed management practices with information drawn from the case studies, the invited reviews and other related publications.
Study Skills for Students with Dyslexia (英语) 精装
光盘出版社:出版社: SAGE Publications Ltd
简介:Full of advice on topics such as note taking, reading strategies and exam technique, this fully revised and updated new edition will motivate, inspire and guide you through your studies. The advice and tools provided will help you plan your work, improve your skills and boost your confidence. The new edition has: - a new chapter on writing your dissertation - more on spelling - more on using statistics - more on planning and timetabling techniques - more on using technology to help you - expanded advice on preparing and giving presentations Included with the book is a CD Rom that supplies: - an electronic copy of the book - editable planners and other resources - internet links to further information, templates and additional help. This is an essential read for all dyslexic students in further and higher education. Praise for the first edition: '[W]ith all the contributors having completed the Postgraduate Certificate: Teaching Adult Dyslexic Learners in Higher Education!this reader felt that the study skills discussed were tried, tested and reliable. I shall recommend this book to confident undergraduates or those who have good teacher/support' - The Patoss Bulletin
简介:Dalal-Clayton and Bass (both of the International Institute for Environment and Development) provide advice about how to develop, implement, and assess national sustainable development strategies. The material is based on the experience of the Development Assisstance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Chapters cover the rational for strategies of sustainable development; the nature of current practices; methods of analysis; participation in strategies; communications, information, and education; strategy decision-making and linkages; the financial basis for strategies; and monitoring and evaluation systems. The CD-ROM contains the full txt of the book (in PDF format) and the texts of various publications and reports from the National Strategies for Sustainable Development website (www.nssd.net). Distributed by Stylus. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Web Design Indexes are international bestsellers, with about a quarter million copies sold worldwide. Since its first edition in the year 2000, the annual Web Design Index has developed into one of the most important publications in its field. Year after year, it gives an accurate overview of the state of the art in web design. Every Web Design Index contains 1002 outstanding web pages. With each web page, the URL is indicated, as well as the names of those involved in the design and programming. Selection for the Web Design Index is based on design quality, innovation, and effectiveness, and the books offer examples of all conceivable forms and styles.
简介:Comprising the Synthesis Report, summaries for policy makers, technical summaries of the preceding volumes, a glossary, and supporting annexes, this volume assesses human-influenced climate change, forecasts future changes, considers its impact on human society, and outlines potential responses. There is no index. Watson works for the World Bank. Distributed by United Nations Publications. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 This is the second volume of a two-volume laboratory procedures reference (the first is on isolation and characterization models) concerning a type of investigation that holds high promise (if politics don't impede progress). Each article introduces a protocol, details the necessary materials and methods, and provides notes. Contributors are researchers in genetics and related biomedical disciplines from many industrialized countries. The included disk contains illustrations. Annotation 漏2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 It is clear that the potentials of assessing embryonic stem (ES) cells in regenerative medicine applications is evident in the ever-increasing publications in which ES cell biology and differentiation along diverse lineages appear in the academic as well as the popular press. These two new volumes present important advances in the field since the publication of Embryonic Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols four years ago. These two volumes provide an update and complement to that volume, focusing on ES cells recently isolated from other/non-mouse species. Each volume contains numerous updates, more advanced approaches, and completely new protocols for the use of ES cells in studies of diverse cell lineages. These two volumes will surely expand the experimental repertoires of both experts and novices in the field. Publisher Summary 3 Now in two volumes, this completely updated and expanded edition of Embryonic Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols provides a diverse collection of readily reproducible cellular and molecular protocols for the manipulation of nonhuman embryonic stem cells. Volume two, Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols: Differentiation Models, Second Edition, covers state-of-the-art methods for deriving many types of differentiating cells from ES cells. The first volume, Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols: Isolation and Characterization, Second Edition, provides a diverse collection of readily reproducible cellular and molecular protocols for the isolation, maintenance, and characterization of embryonic stem cells.聽Together, the two volumes illuminate for both novices and experts our current understanding of the biology of embryonic stem cells and their utility in normal tissue homeostasis and regenerative medicine applications.
简介:The Trainer's Workshop Series is designed to be a practical, hands-on roadmap to help you quickly develop training in key business areas. Each book in the series offers all the exercises, handouts, assessments, structured experiences and ready-to-use presentations needed to develop effective training sessions. In additionto easy-to-use icons, each book in the series includes a companion CD-ROM with PowerPointT presentations and electronic copies of all supporting material featured in the book. Customer Service Training provides practical, hands-on guidance to help you quickly develop customer service training. Dozens of field-tested exercises, games,activities, icebreakers and assessment instruments help you teach employees the importance of customer service andimprove their performance. Contains exercises, handouts, assessments and tools to help you: .create fantastic customer service to meet your specific needs .raise the bar for service excellence .become a more effective and efficient facilitator .ensure training is on target and gets results "This book is a complete training programme. Its practical learning activities and embedded assessment tools will help any company understand that first-rate training equals first-rate customer service." Fred S. Anton, Chief Executive Officer, Warner Bros. Publications Other books in this series: Leadership Training, New Supervisor Training, New Employee Orientation Training, Leading Change Training. Practical hands-on guide offers all the exercises, handouts and presentations you need to develop effective training programmes 'Workshop' approach helps you quickly and easily develop training in key business areas Includes a companion CD-ROM.
简介:"Springer Handbook of Condensed Matter and Materials Data provides a concise compilation of data and functional relationships from the fields of solid-state physics and materials in one 1400-page volume. The data, encapsulated in 900 tables and 1000 illustrations, have been selected and extracted primarily from the extensive high-quality data collection Landolt-Bornstein and also from other systematic data sources and recent publications of physical and technical property data. Many chapters are authored by Landolt-Bornstein editors, including this Springer Handbook's editors."--BOOK JACKET.
简介:The 27th EARSeL Symposium and related Workshops have been hosted by the EURAC Conven-tion Center, Bolzano, Italy, a structure which also includes the Institute for Applied Remote Sens-ing of EURAC Research. The title of the Symposium, GeoInformation in Europe reflects the broadening scope and deeper integration of diverse technologies towards the better management of European resources and rec-ognition of the need to develop new ways to foster and strengthen these developments through various European initiatives including GeoInformation, INSPIRE, Galileo, GMES, GEOSS, etc. In these proceedings the papers presented at the 27th EARSeL Symposium are collected. The Bolzano Symposium traces the passage from the traditional publications of EARSeL to the e-proceedings way that will be the future, peer reviewed, for the scientific publication of works pre-sented in EARSeL events. The technical papers included in this volume cover the following topics: Geoinformation and Re-mote Sensing, Radar remote sensing, New sensors and instruments, Urban remote sensing, Forest and forest fire observation, Image processing and classification, Land use and land cover, Hydrol-ogy, ice and snow, Data fusion, Land use planning, Imaging spectroscopy, Education & training, 3D analysis, World heritage and developing countries, Hazards, disaster and public health. The papers are printed in black and white, and are also found in full on the accompanying CD-ROM, including all full-colour illustrations. IOS Press is an international science, technical and medical publisher of high-quality books for academics, scientists, and professionals in all fields. Some of the areas we publish in: -Biomedicine -Oncology -Artificial intelligence -Databases and information systems -Maritime engineering -Nanotechnology -Geoengineering -All aspects of physics -E-governance -E-commerce -The knowledge economy -Urban studies -Arms control -Understanding and responding to terrorism -Medical informatics -Computer Sciences
简介:For more than four decades the Pfeiffer Annuals have presented thought-leading ideas and cutting-edge practices in training, consulting, and human resource management. A new title has been added to the impressive collection of Pfeiffer’s yearly publications, The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual: Leadership Development. This important book explores one of the most pressing issues facing organizations across the globe—how to successfully identify and develop current and future leaders. This comprehensive reso更多>>
简介:The first volume of a three-volume complete edition of Newton's optical papers contains his Optical Lectures, delivered at Cambridge University between 1670 and 1672. The Lectures is Newton's first major scientific treatise, and consequently it represents a crucial link between his early years of discovery and his mature investigations and publications, such as the Optiks in 1704. It is divided into two parts: the first part devoted to color and the second to refraction. Originally published in 1984, this edition made available the complete text, together with translation and commentary, of both surviving versions of the Lectures, a draft and a vastly expanded revision. Until the time of publication, scholars had to depend on an uncritical text of the revision and an inadequate partial English translation, both published shortly after Newton's death. Professor Shapiro's critical edition has made a great contribution to the study of Newtonian science. The first volume of a three-volume complete edition of Newton's optical papers contains his Optical Lectures.
简介: Key Publications所著的《少儿英语词汇与语法》参照小学英语教学大纲,秉承“以大纲为本,灵活运用,生动有趣,课外延伸”的理念,采用章节重点词汇与语法要点滚动重现的强化训练模式,旨在全面教授小学阶段学生应该掌握的常见实用词汇、基本活用句型和基础语法项目,为广大英语初学者提供最佳的词汇与语法学习素材。 本书为第4册。全书配有大量清晰灵动的插图,有利于学习者通过直观的视觉加深对单词的理解和记忆。