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简介:... "Included on the Choice list with the outstanding academic Earth Sciences titles 2008" ...This volume describes simplified dynamic analyses that bridge the gap between the rather limited provisions of design codes and the rather eclectic methods used in sophisticated analyses. Graphs and spreadsheets are included for the ease and speed of use of simplified analyses of:soil slope (in)stability and displacements caused by earthquakes,sand liquefaction and flow caused by earthquakes,dynamic soil-foundation interaction,bearing capacity and additional settlement of shallow foundations,earthquake motion effects on tunnels and shafts,frequent liquefaction potential mitigation measures.A number of comments on the assumptions used in different methods, limitation and factors affecting the results are given. Several case histories are also included in the appendices in order to assess the accuracy and usefulness of the simplified methods.AudienceThis work is of interest to geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, earthquake engineers and students.CD-Rom includedIncluded is a CD-ROM containing Microsoft Excel Work Books with the input data and results for the case studies and examples considered in the monograph.
Soil mechanics and foundations / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: Muni Budhu.
简介:Discover the Principles that Support the Practice Combining multimedia, realistic situations, clear explanations, and practical examples, Budhu's Second Edition of Soil Mechanics and Foundations helps you quickly master the key principles behind the practice of soil mechanics. Using language that is easy to understand, the text explains key concepts and principles in the context of basic mechanics, physics, and mathematics. Many worked-out examples illustrate problem-solving techniques step by step. You'll have many unique opportunities for interactive exploration, as you learn the fundamentals of soil mechanics, including: * How to characterize and classify soils * How to plan and conduct a soil investigation * The role of effective stresses, consolidation, shear strength, and critical state soil mechanics linking consolidation and shear strength * The effects of seepage on stability * How to estimate bearing capacity and settlement * How to analyze and design simple geotechnical systems Now revised, this Second Edition features a new chapter on basic geology, more examples and problems, shorter chapters, and a stronger integration with the resources on the accompanying CD. Users can follow different learning pathways depending on the educational goals. Multimedia resources provide a hands-on learning environment The CD packaged with this textbook includes: * Virtual soils laboratory * Interactive animations of basic concepts * Interactive problem solving * Interactive step-by-step examples * Electronic quizzes * Computer programs
简介:Ban Lum Khao is a prehistoric settlement in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, northeast Thailand. Excavations in 1995-6 revealed a cultural sequence that began in the late Neolithic, followed by three mortuary phases covering the Bronze Age. This report describes the excavation, chronology, the material culture, human remains and social structure of the prehistoric inhabitants. It is the first volume in a series reporting on the research program The Origins of the Civilization of Angkor.
作者: 林会承主编
简介: Wesler provides an impressive and definitive compilation of more than 70 years of archaeological excavations at one of the most important archaeological sites in Kentucky. The Wickliffe Mounds site is located on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River in Ballard County, Kentucky, about three miles south of the mouth of the Ohio River. Around A.D. 1100, Mississippian people--farmers and traders with a culture closely related to the historic cultures of the Southeast (Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and others)—created a settlement there on which they lived for approximately 250 years before moving on. In 1930 road construction cut a channel through the site, revealing archaeological deposits and bringing the area to the attention of Fain King, a local lumberman and entrepreneur. King bought the site in hopes of turning it into an attraction for the education and entertainment of the public, and not incidentally for his own profit. For more than 50 years the area was subjected to excavations ranging from looting to professional research efforts. In 1983, the site was finally turned over to Murray State University to be developed into an academic facility dedicated to research, student training, public education, and preservation of the site and its collections. Fortunately, the Wickliffe collections include all the early excavation records as well as more than 85,000 artifacts, 90% of which had been catalogued. Between 1984 and 1996 excavations were conducted specifically to affirm questionable data and/or fill in gaps in the Wickliffe archaeological record. In this volume, Wesler and his colleagues have compiled data from almost seven decades of excavations at Wickliffe Mounds, providing the first comprehensive study of this important site. The paperback version of the book is accompanied by a CD-ROM that contains contributions from a wide range of archaeological specialists and includes archaeological data, site maps, database files, plats of excavations, artifact descriptions, and photographs, compiling in one place the entire archaeological record for this very important eastern North American site.
简介:Globalization and Diversityis an exciting contemporary approach to World Regional Geography that explicitly acknowledges the geographic changes that accompany today's rapid rate of globalization.Organizes each regional chapter into five thematic sections: Environmental Geography; Population and Settlement; Cultural Coherence and Diversity; Geopolitical Framework; Economic and Social Development. Features approximately 15 standardized maps in each regional chapter, including achapter-opening mapwith countries and place names; aphysical map,showing landforms hydrology, and tectonic boundaries; aclimate map,with climograph call-outs giving temperature and precipitation data for specific cities; a"transformation of the Earth" mapwith call-outs to environmental issues and solutions within the region; apopulation mapfor the region; amap of regional languages; ageopolitical mapwith call-outs to current issues and tensions.For anyone interested in learning more about world geography.
简介:Diversity Amid Globalization is an exciting contemporary approach to World Regional Geography that explicitly acknowledges the geographic changes that accompany today's rapid rate of globalization. The book's unique approach gives readers access to the latest ideas, concepts and theories in geography while concurrently developing a strong foundation in the fundamentals of world regions. This book covers discussions of environmental geography, population and settlement, cultural coherence and diversity, geopolitical framework, and economic and social development. For anyone interested in world regional geography.
作者: 林会承主编