Publisher Summary 1
Two books in one, Maternal-Child Nursing covers both the maternity and pediatrics portions of the nursing curriculum. A condensed format makes this book ideal for programs that teach this content in an extremely abbreviated time period. Written by expert educators in both arenas, this text provides a consistent level of depth and accuracy as well as a student-friendly writing style. Current issues and trends are addressed through the use of community nursing care plans, expanded health promotion content, enhanced communication tips, and parent/child teaching boxes.
Want to Know boxes guide the student in teaching women, parents, and children about self-care and follow-up home care.
Critical to Remember boxes alert the student to vital safety and care issues.
Critical Thinking exercises challenge the student to apply learning to practice. Suggested answers and rationales appear at the end of chapters.
Procedure boxes highlight step-by-step instructions for common clinical nursing tasks.
Communication Cues offer tips for obtaining information from women, children, and parents, including probing questions and other practical examples.
Nursing Care Plans guide the student through assessment, nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes, nursing interventions, rationales, and evaluation for specific maternity and pediatric conditions.
Drug Guides provide a quick reference for common medications.
Clinical Pathways summarize maternity care guidelines and illustrate the use of pathways as a means of organizing care.
A Clinical Reference section opens pediatric Alterations chapters, providing an overview of anatomy and physiology, pediatric differences, and common lab and diagnostic tests.
Pathophysiology boxes in the pediatric unit describe how diseases develop.
Photo Stories in the pediatric unit offer a visual "how-to guide" to featured nursing functions.
Companion CD-ROM reinforces learning with NCLEX庐 examination-style review questions, an audio glossary, and outlines of nursing skills.
Pediatric Health Promotion boxes outline APA-recommended well-child visits, milestones for growth and development, health screening and immunizations, and anticipatory guidance.
Pediatric health priorities, as identified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are highlighted in Healthy People 2010 boxes to assist the student in formulating pediatric health promotion goals.