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Catherine, Called Birdy 小鸟凯瑟琳ISBN9780547722184
作者: Karen Cushman 著
简介: Catherine one day hopes to become a painter, a Crusader, a peddler, a minstrel, amonk, a wart charmer . . . anything besides being sold like a cheese to the highestbidder. Winner of the Newbery Honor, this richly entertaining story with an utterlyunforgettable heroine now features a new introduction by Linda Sue Park.
简介:Cullen, a CEO for a performance management company, and Cushman, a CEO and professor of communication at the University at Albany, SUNY, respond to what they see as a crisis in government management by analyzing the causes, evaluating the responses by governments, and proposing models and management tools to enhance current solutions. They offer lessons from business, explain leadership strategies for increasing competitiveness, and offer suggestions for reinventing government management systems and values. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:"In this groundbreaking "cultural history of psychotherapy," historian and psychologist Philip Cushman shows how the development of modern psychotherapy is inextricably intertwined with that of the United States and how it has fundamentally changed the way Americans view events and themselves. Using an interpretive historical approach, Cushman shows how and why psychotherapy was created, what its functions are, and how it has come to play such an enormous role in American life. Asserting that each era develops a different conception of "what it means to be human," Cushman traces the evolution of the self throughout history to contemporary times, naming its current configuration in our consumerist society the "empty self," one that needs constant filling." "In Constructing the Self, Constructing America, he places psychotherapy in its social and historical context, and examines its origins in the nineteenth century to its preeminence in American life today, arguing that its establishment as a social institution may in fact reproduce some of the very ills that it is meant to heal.""Finally, in an unusual move, Cushman suggests a way to use interpretive methods in the everyday practice of psychotherapy. By doing so, he hopes to dissuade both patient and therapist from colluding with the empty self or the rampant consumerism of our time."--BOOK JACKET.
Dirk Bones and the Mystery of the Haunted House 骷髅德克与神秘的鬼屋ISBN9780060737672
作者: Doug
In the town of Ghostly where every house is haunted, twoghosts are frightened—someone is haunting them with mysterioussounds: Clack cluckity-cluck bing, blub blub. Or is it Clickcluck-clackity cling, flub flub? They can’t agree on what thesounds are, but they know they’re not ghostly noises.What could bemore scary? Good thing ace reporter Dirk Bones is on the case. Dirkwrites for the town newspaper, The Ghostly Tombs, and as hecollects the facts for his stories, he also solves mysteries. AsDirk investigates this zany case, he encounters more silly, creepycreatures in a town full of promise for more surprising mysteriesto co
A HAUNTED HOUSE LIKE NO OTHER: This hilarious mystery turns thetables on traditional scary stories: two ghosts are frightened ofsomeone haunting them! PERFECT FOR RELUCTANT READERS: This isperfect for beginning readers, especially boys. KIDS LOVE SCARYSTORIES: But in this story there’s just as much funny as there isfright. DIRK BONES IS ON HIS WAY TO THE TOP: Doug Cushman iswell-known for creating well-loved, adventurous heroes, includingInspector Hopper, Aunt Eater, Space Cat, among others. BESTSELLINGAUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: ?Doug Cushman’s I Can Read! and picturebooks for HarperCollins sold more than one-million altogether! ?Hisbestsellers for S&S include WHAT DADS CAN’T DO and WHATTEACHERS CAN’T DO THERE’S MORE TO COME: A brand new mystery, DIRKBONES AND THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING BOOKS, is also launching inSumme
Dirk Bones and the Mystery of the Haunted House 骷髅德克与神秘的鬼屋ISBN9780060737672
作者: Doug
In the town of Ghostly where every house is haunted, twoghosts are frightened—someone is haunting them with mysterioussounds: Clack cluckity-cluck bing, blub blub. Or is it Clickcluck-clackity cling, flub flub? They can’t agree on what thesounds are, but they know they’re not ghostly noises.What could bemore scary? Good thing ace reporter Dirk Bones is on the case. Dirkwrites for the town newspaper, The Ghostly Tombs, and as hecollects the facts for his stories, he also solves mysteries. AsDirk investigates this zany case, he encounters more silly, creepycreatures in a town full of promise for more surprising mysteriesto co
A HAUNTED HOUSE LIKE NO OTHER: This hilarious mystery turns thetables on traditional scary stories: two ghosts are frightened ofsomeone haunting them! PERFECT FOR RELUCTANT READERS: This isperfect for beginning readers, especially boys. KIDS LOVE SCARYSTORIES: But in this story there’s just as much funny as there isfright. DIRK BONES IS ON HIS WAY TO THE TOP: Doug Cushman iswell-known for creating well-loved, adventurous heroes, includingInspector Hopper, Aunt Eater, Space Cat, among others. BESTSELLINGAUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: ?Doug Cushman’s I Can Read! and picturebooks for HarperCollins sold more than one-million altogether! ?Hisbestsellers for S&S include WHAT DADS CAN’T DO and WHATTEACHERS CAN’T DO THERE’S MORE TO COME: A brand new mystery, DIRKBONES AND THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING BOOKS, is also launching inSumme
Fly Guy #05: Flyl High, Fly Guy!苍蝇小子5ISBN9780545007221
作者: Tedd
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series abouta boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foilcover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentallyshuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, FlyGuy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbagecan. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as partof a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and athe amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrationsand easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for thebeginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geiselhonor book.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not getenough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will notthink of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans,however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think.When the family st ops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of thetrunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him tomake sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their tripis a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask,"Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at thebeach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging throughthe stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turnto get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopesout their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is oneroad trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy.Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choicefor kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind ofsentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of blandbeginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more booksoff the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check outBreakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper byDoug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library JournalK-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guyon their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... Hemight get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunkwith the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, artmuseum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day'sitinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted inwonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave ina clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, andhelping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny,expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further theplot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers andmaximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfyingstory.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer ReviewsKirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip,pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than gettinglost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills.He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the artmuseum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacksaplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guyrises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house."Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare butnever stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even thefigures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shinycover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifthouting's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readersfunny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)
Fly Guy #05: Flyl High, Fly Guy!苍蝇小子5ISBN9780545007221
作者: Tedd
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series abouta boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foilcover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentallyshuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, FlyGuy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbagecan. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as partof a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and athe amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrationsand easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for thebeginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geiselhonor book.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not getenough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will notthink of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans,however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think.When the family st ops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of thetrunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him tomake sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their tripis a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask,"Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at thebeach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging throughthe stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turnto get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopesout their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is oneroad trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy.Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choicefor kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind ofsentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of blandbeginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more booksoff the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check outBreakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper byDoug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library JournalK-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guyon their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... Hemight get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunkwith the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, artmuseum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day'sitinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted inwonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave ina clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, andhelping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny,expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further theplot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers andmaximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfyingstory.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer ReviewsKirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip,pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than gettinglost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills.He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the artmuseum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacksaplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guyrises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house."Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare butnever stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even thefigures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shinycover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifthouting's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readersfunny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)
作者: 亚当·克卢洛
出版社:中信出版社 2019年07月
01:全球史是什么[德]塞巴斯蒂安·康拉德(Sebastian Conrad)著
02:堕落之海:地中海史研究[英]佩里格林·霍登(Peregrine Horden)[英]尼古拉斯·珀塞尔(Nicholas Purcell)著
03:19世纪大转型[德]贡德·弗兰克(Andre Gunder Frank)著 [美]罗伯特·A.德内马克(Robert A.Denemark)编
04:万国一邦:美国在世界史上的地位[美]托马斯·本德(Thomas Bender) 著
05:公司与将军:荷兰人与幕府时代日本的相遇[英]亚当·克卢洛(Adam Clulow)著
06:近代早期世界的全球互动(1400—1800年)[美]查理斯·帕克(Charles Parker)著
07:中间地带:大湖区的印第安人、帝国和共和国(1650—1815年)[美]理查德·怀特(Richard White)著
08: 蚊子帝国:1620—1914年间加勒比地区的生态战争[美]J. R. 麦克尼尔(J. R. McNeill)著
09:美国宪法的全球史(1776—1989年)[美]乔治·A.比利亚斯(George Athan Billias)著
10:现代世界的诞生(1780—1914年)[英]C. A. 贝利(C. A. Bayly)著
11:交换之物:荷兰黄金时代的商业、医学与科学[美]柯浩德(Harold J. Cook)著
12:鸟粪与太平洋世界的开启:全球生态史[美]格里高利·库什曼(Gregory T. Cushman)著
13:气候变化与全球史[美]约翰·L. 布鲁克(John L. Brooke)著
14:大转型:中世纪晚期世界的气候、疾病与社会[英]布鲁斯·M. S. 坎贝尔(Bruce M. S. Campbell)著
Catherine, Called Birdy 被称作鸟人的凯瑟琳 ISBN9780064405843
作者: Cushman
Catherine feels trapped. Her father is determined to marry her off to a rich man-any rich man, no matter how awful. But by wit, trickery, and luck, Catherine manages to send several would-be husbands packing. Then a shaggy-bearded suitor from the north comes to call-bar far the oldest, ugliest, most revolting suitor of them all. Unfortunately, he’s also the richest. Can a sharp-tongued, high spirited, clever young maiden with a mind of her own actually lose the battle against an ill-mannered, piglike lord and an unimaginative, greedy toad of a father?
CATHERINE, MADEOVER: A bold, updated package will breathe new life into this modern classic. All three of our Karen Cushman paperback books will be repackaged this season, making it a great time for readers to update their libraries. HOT HISTORICAL FICTION: Our paperback editions of LUCY WHIPPLE, THE MIDWIFE’S APPRENTICE, and CATHERINE CALLED BIRDY have sold over three million copies. PERENNIALLY POPULAR: This Newbery Honor winning book put Karen Cushman on the map of renowned children’s novelists more than ten years ago, and it has been cherished by readers ever since. TIMELESS HUMOR: Catherine’s unforgettable wit and wry tone transcend time in this comic tale of faulty matchmaking.
作者: 理查德·怀特
出版社:中信出版社 2021年01月
本书是20周年纪念版,是历史学和人类学的双料经典,一经出版便获得广泛赞誉,不仅包揽美国史研究的多项大奖,更提名当年的普利策奖。它跨越学科边界,影响到文学批评、人类学、考古学、政治学领域;不仅影响了北美其他地区的研究,还影响到在非洲、亚洲、澳洲和欧洲的研究,传播到了全世界。此外,它还进行了“时间旅行”,在有些案例中被应用在了古代。“中间地带”(The Middle Ground)从此成为学界内外的一个经典术语。
[德]塞巴斯蒂安•康拉德(Sebastian Conrad)著
[英]佩里格林•霍登(Peregrine Horden)[英]尼古拉斯•珀塞尔(Nicholas Purcell)著
[德]贡德•弗兰克(Andre Gunder Frank)著
[美]罗伯特·A. 德内马克(Robert A. Denemark)编
[美]托马斯•本德(Thomas Bender) 著
[英]亚当•克卢洛(Adam Clulow)著
[美]查尔斯•帕克(Charles Parker)著
[美]理查德•怀特(Richard White)著
[美]J. R. 麦克尼尔(J. R. McNeill)著
[美]乔治•A.比利亚斯(George A. Billias)著
[英]C. A. 贝利(C. A. Bayly)著
[美]柯浩德(Harold J. Cook)著
[美]格里高利•T. 库什曼(Gregory T. Cushman)著
[美]约翰•L. 布鲁克(John L. Brooke)著
[英]布鲁斯•M. S. 坎贝尔(Bruce M. S. Campbell)著
Real Boys Workbook:The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Interacting
作者: (美)威廉·S.波洛克(William S. Pollack),凯塞琳·库什曼(Cathleen Cushman)著;范玮等译
Construction litigation : representing the owner / 2nd ed.
作者: editors Robert F. Cushman, Kenneth M. Cushman and Stephen B. Cook.