作者: 化学工业出版社组织编写
为了满足海外客户和在华外企需求,有效得查找中国化工企业和产品。“中国化工信息中心”自1995年开始针对国际市场编制了《中国化工产品目录》(英文版)。新版目录在内容上做了全面更新,信息量更大,数据权威,翔实,是一部国家级化工产品及生产企业目录。成为世界各国石化及化工企业,进出口贸易商,采购经理协会,行业协会等社团组织和科研单位作为必备的工具书和采购指南。 the directory of chemical products and producers in china(english version) is a series of publication to give, in a systematic way, readers a comprehensive and all round introduction of china’s chemical industry –-its chemical products and producers. it is, therefore, a useful handbook for people both at home and abroad, who are working in the fields of market consultation, product development, chemical production, business operation and investment, and import & export trade of chemicals. all the data are taken from the database of cppc, which would be updated timely. the directory is divided into three parts. it is easy to use it through chemical name index. part 1: chemical products over 25,000 kinds of chemical products covered, indexing on chemical names, cas number and sub-categories. all products are classified into 19 categories: a. chemical mines b. inorganic chemicals c. organic chemicals d. chemical fertilizers e. pesticides f. polymers g. paints & inorganic pigments h. dyestuffs & organic pigments i. information chemicals j. reagents k. food & feed additives t. synthetic drugs m. daily use chemicals n. adhesives o. rubber products p. catalysts & auxiliaries q. explosives r. other chemicals s. chemical machinery part ii: chemical producers over 13,000 chemical producers in different types are embodied in the directory, each producer item containing producer code, name, address, postal code, telephone number, e-mail, main products & capacities, number of employees, annual output value (at the end of year) and its director. part iii: appendixes chemical name index cas numbers index