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作者: Judith Rink (Author), Tina Hall (Author), Lori Williams (Author)
简介:Reference for K-12 PE and classroom teachers, directors, principals, and administrators overseeing physical activity programs and wellness policy compliance. Text for college PE majors and elementary classroom education majors. Also a reference for community youth program leaders. Physical activity doesn’t have to be confined to physical education class. Many schools are discovering the benefits of incorporating physical activity throughout the day. In fact, schools increasingly need to do so as requirements for weekly minutes of physical activity expand beyond the time available for physical education class. With Schoolwide Physical Activity: A Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Conducting Programs, K-12 classroom teachers and administrators will learn how to design and conduct activity programs that not only meet wellness policy requirements and goals but also motivate and encourage all students to be physically active. The premise of this innovative guide is that physical activity in schools is not the sole responsibility of the PE teacher. It is the responsibility of all administrators and teachers—and is most successful when it is integrated throughout the curriculum. To that end, Schoolwide Physical Activity highlights the role of elementary classroom teachers in providing opportunities for physical activity, and it offers an array of tools and programs for teachers to incorporate in their classrooms. At the secondary level, the book creates a vision of a good physical activity program and then shows secondary teachers and administrators how to achieve that vision. Through this text, teachers and administrators receive • a blueprint for building a comprehensive and coordinated K-12 physical activity program; • ready-to-use activities and forms; and • program ideas that address both the needs and desires of all children, not just the small percentage who gravitate toward physical activity. Schoolwide Physical Activity comes with a CD-ROM that contains all the printable activities, forms, and tools from the book and over 200 activities for classroom teachers, inclusive transitional activities, integrated lessons, and simple games and dances. The comprehensive guide includes a Web site with an instructor guide, presentation package, and test package. This resource will help teachers and administrators see their roles and responsibilities in a new light and gain stakeholder support for wellness and activity programs, and it will assist in coordinating efforts among all involved in providing students with safe and appropriate programs that will transform their schools into more active places for learning.
简介:本书是技能型紧缺人才培养培训教材。本书由华杏机构下属伟华书局倾力打造,科学出版社原版引进,中外护理教育专家合著。内容紧贴涉外护理工作,不仅指导护士如何用英语与病患交流,还重点讲解了因文化背景的差异而造成的中外护理工作区别。此外,本书还围绕CGFNS考试和赴美从事护理工作做了精要介绍。全书附赠两张朗读CD,方便学生自学使用。适合涉外护理专业学生使用,同时也适合有意从事涉外护理的护士作参考书使用。 本书是技能型紧缺人才培养培训教材。本书由华杏机构下属伟华书局倾力打造,科学出版社原版引进,中外护理教育专家合著。内容紧贴涉外护理工作,不仅指导护士如何用英语与病患交流,还重点讲解了因文化背景的差异而造成的中外护理工作区别。此外,本书还围绕CGFNS考试和赴美从事护理工作做了精要介绍。全书附赠两张朗读CD,方便学生自学使用。适合涉外护理专业学生使用,同时也适合有意从事涉外护理的护士作参考书使用。更多>>
作者: Judith
出版社:中译出版社(原中国对外翻译出版公司) 2017年05月
《零基础 西班牙语入门王——走遍现代西班牙语国家(白金版)》为西语零基础的人马上开口说西语精心编制。书中从了解西班牙语、西班牙语语音、常用词汇、基础语法到常用交际短句、常用交际会话等涵盖西语学习的各个方面,并在每个单词、句子下面,都用汉语拼音及中文注音,让您流利口语脱口而出。
Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills
光盘作者: Stephen Mitchell (Author), Judith Oslin (Author), Linda Griffin (Author)
简介:The third edition of the popular book Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills : A Tactical Games Approach for Ages 7 to 18 now covers the elementary level as well as middle and secondary levels. It shows teachers how to move from a traditional to a tactical games teaching approach with detailed unit and lesson plans, a DVD-ROM with video clips and reproducibles, and a standards-linked Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills, Third Edition, not only explains the tactical games approach, but it also contains more than 330 ready-to-use lessons to help teachers apply it. Elementary school teachers will use games to teach the basic concepts and tactics of these types of sports: • Invasion • Net and wall • Striking and fielding • Target sports Middle and high school teachers help students develop sport-specific tactical and technical skills for 12 sports, including soccer, lacrosse, and flag football (new to this edition). The lessons feature more than 240 diagrams that make for easy setup and execution of the games. For those new to the tactical approach, the accompanying DVD-ROM includes video clips of actual lessons that demonstrate the tactical approach in action. The DVD includes ready-to-use reproducibles for in-service teachers that also serve as examples for preservice teachers. Focusing on tactical awareness helps students develop problem-solving skills through game play. The tactical approach also allows teachers to individualize instruction for novice, developing, and advanced performers by either reducing or increasing the challenge of the tasks involved. The third edition of Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills will help current and future teachers structure positive and engaging learning experiences that set the stage for improved performance and lifelong enjoyment of sport.
作者: 魏淑花编注
简介:听说明星清华电影文库。 跟电影学习英语听力和口语的好处很多。原版的电影电视既给我们提供了最接近现实的英语,又让我们能身临其境地去体会每个词、每句话是怎样在上下文中使用的。通过影视材料我们可以体验到一种全方位的、接近于母语学习过程的经历,深刻了解英语国家的文化。 本文库多是20世纪90年代中、后期的影片,语言体现了美国当代口语特点,非常适合语言学习。 主人一觉醒来,发现骏马竟夤夜入城;荒野深处屡现神秘的痕迹;强光眩目,异象环生;女儿Katie数度迷失,其身上的印记令人莫名所以;母亲Judith心神不宁,噩梦不断……,这一切原来是由于外星人荒谬的试验。母亲如何走出可怕的童年往事,母女俩如何摆脱外星怪人的苦苦纠缠?人间至爱真情是否能战胜外星人的狂想?
Responding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essays / 5th ed.
光盘作者: [edited by] Judith A. Stanford.
简介:This thematically arranged anthology incorporates poetry, drama, fiction, and the essay. Four introductory chapters illustrate ways of responding to and writing about literature, with numerous examples of student writing. Eight thematic chapters follow, with a balance of new and traditional voices, including less frequently anthologized selections from canonical writers as well as many works by women, minorities, and writers from other countries. A final chapter presents three poets for in-depth study: Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Gwendolyn Brooks.
作者: (美)阿瑟·格蒂斯(Arthur Getis),(美)朱迪丝·格蒂斯(Judith Getis),(美)杰尔姆·D·费尔曼(Jerome D. Fellmann)著;黄润华,韩慕康,孙颖译
简介: 推荐1:美国地理学家协会杰出学者奖获得者领衔编著 推荐2:生活中应知晓的地理学常识 城市污染物为何久聚不散? 环境中的微小毒素会被食物链逐级放大? 地理条件造就了哪些独特饮食文化? 推荐3:完善自我,掌握新的洞察力,地理学视角看世界 知灾防灾:了解地震、暴雨如何形成,才能做好应对的准备; 新闻时事:发掘热点话题的地理特点,综合分析时政问题; 历史变迁:以地理学知识审视环境与气候变化对历史影响; 大千世界:从冰川遗迹、大峡谷的壮丽景观到城堡、教堂的人文风情,掌握 自然与人文地理,学会深度旅行。 推荐4: 首部整合各分支学科的地理学译著 知识点全面系统又贴近人的实际生活 推荐5:独特专栏紧密追踪公共政策,将地理学与现实话题紧密结合
作者: Judith E.Brown
简介:This update of the 2005 edition by Brown (emerita, U. of Minnesota) incorporates more recent information about the role of nutrition in health and disease, new concerns about obesity, and revised food composition and US and Canadian dietary intake recommendations. The 33 units, on topics ranging from understanding food labels to global nutrition challenges, include review questions with an answer key. The companion 218-page "interactive learning guide for students" (ISBN 0-495-38307-4), by Brown and Jennifer Koslo (Glendale Community College), contain worksheets for text exercises and practice multiple-choice tests with an answer key. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Gender trouble:feminism and the subversion of identity
作者: (美)朱迪斯·巴特勒(Judith Butler)著;宋素凤译
简介: 1990年面世的《性别麻烦》是女性主义理论和性别研究的重要著作,一 经出版即引来赞誉和争议无数,并被奉为开创“酷儿理论”的经典文本:巴 特勒因此书而一举成为当代思想界最闪耀的学术明星之一。 巴特勒在《性别麻烦》开篇,首先对“女性”作为女性主义的主体提出 了质疑。她对波伏瓦、克利斯特娃、维蒂格、伊里格瑞等法国女性主义理论 家的主要观点分别进行了梳理,并追溯到她们各自所依据或所反对的阳具逻 格斯中心主义理论源头。她借用后结构主义、精神分析和女性主义的分析框 架,通过对斯特劳斯结构主义人类学、福柯的管控性生产、拉康的原初禁制 理论和弗洛伊德的性抑郁的解读,从哲学本体论层面重新追问语言、主体、 性别身份等关键性概念,深刻阐述了异性恋框架下的性别身份和欲望关系是 如何形成的,从而颠覆了霸权话语对性、性别、性欲的强制性规定。 巴特勒在本书中提出的、现已成为她的个人标记的“性别操演”理论, 为性与性别开启了一个具有多种文化可能性的未来。
Nature of biology. Book 1 / 3rd ed.
光盘作者: by Judith F.Kinnear and Marjory Martin
简介:Nature of Biology Book 1 3E is a comprehensive textbook resource written specifically to meet all requirements of units 1 and 2 of the VCE Biology Study Design. Nature of Biology Book 2 3E covers units 3 and 4 of the study design.The popular elements of previous editions are retained, and new features are introduced to engage students interest and ensure their understanding of biological concepts is developed clearly over the two years of study.Features New chapter introductions that relate topics to real and contemporary contexts High-quality, clearly labelled illustrations and unique images that bring the text to life and encourage discussion Australian case studies, personal stories and an expanded range of 'Biologist at work' profiles regular sets of 'Key ideas' and 'Quick-check' questions to test understanding of the key knowledge points New 'Biochallenge' pages that focus on applying knowledge in response to visual stimuli and data 'Chapter review' questions that specify the relevant key skills and include links to website to encourage further researchNature of Biology Book 1 3E is now supported by eBookPLUS!What is eBookPLUS'eBookPLUS gives students access to engaging digital support. This gives 24/7 access to the on-line text along with a wealth of ICT resources making student learning more engaging! eBookPLUS can also be purchased independently of the text.JacarandaPLUS is the on-line home of all our digital resources for teachers and students.All JacarandaPLUS websites that host the eBookPLUS and eGuidePLUS will be live by the end of 2008 for use in 2009.For further information call 1800 JAC PLUS (1800 522 7587) or go to http://www.jacplus.com.au
简介: This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Completely updated and revised, this classic text provides a definitive reference work on contact lenses for optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmologists and contact lens practitioners. An everyday definitive reference work, this classic, beautifully designed text has been reinvented to provide the modern eye care practitioner with all the essential knowledge that they need in one volume. A prestigious list of internationally known experts has contributed chapters and Judith Morris is Consultant Editor for this the fifth edition. The book has been brought up to date to reflect modern day contact lens practice yet still provides the basic scientific foundations. From silicone hydrogels, orthoK and digital imaging to practice law, research projects and practical optics, all you need is included in one volume. Redesigned with numerous high quality line diagrams and clinical illustrations to further explain points brought out in the text. Refocused and tightened, the content has been overhauled to provide you with an essential touchstone for everyday practice. Erudite, definitive and comprehensive the book now concentrates on the evidence behind contact lens practice and enables you to make informed choices about the care you give to your patients. The CD-ROM provides you with a wealth of practice tools, illustrations, worked examples and calculators as well as helpful worked simulations and examples, plus training videos for further information.
简介:Donald Voet (U. of Pennsylvania) and Judith G. Voet (Swarthmore), two of this text's three authors (the third is Charlotte W. Pratt) already have under their belts a larger text, Biochemistry. The present text retains the philosophy of the earlier book, but it is less detailed and constitutes a re-vamped treatment of the subject both in organization and style. The material is organized to correspond with how the authors teach the course, but detailed division into sections and subsections allows instructors with other ideas to organize courses to their own tastes without apprehension that they've missed critical information. The included CD-ROM contains a variety of interactive three-dimensional molecular graphics displays and animations. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Scandinavian furniture : a sourcebook of classic designs for the 21st century /
光盘作者: Judith Gura.
简介: Scandinavia has been the source of some of the most important furniture designs of the 20th century. Today, a new generation of designers continues that tradition, creating pieces that are functional, comfortable and appealing to look at. This book updates the history of design in the Nordic nations, and illustrates more than 500 of the best current furniture from over seventy producers, most of them in full colour. It also includes detailed product specifications and sources, biographies of important Nordic designers, and a comprehensive bibliography. It will appeal to everyone with an interest in modern furniture, as well as designers, architects, collectors and students with a special interest in Scandinavian design.
简介:SQL是一种关系型数据库语言,用于定义、查询、修改和控制关系型数据库中的数据,它受到了关系型数据库管理系统开发商的广泛支持。本书介绍SQL的基础知识,提供了具有商业应用价值的实际解决方案,并研究关系数据库领域各个知名公司的不同SQL版本。本书包括了扩展的平台SQL知识以及根据SQL用户反馈信息编写的各种实际示例。 本书主要内?莅括:详细介绍了创建数据库、表和索引以及添加、修改和删除数据的各个命令;所用SELECT命令检索具体的数据:在关系数据库中处理NULL值;连接表,包括自连接和外连接;使用嵌套查询(子查询)从多个表中获取数据;创建视图(虚拟表)以实现对数据的定制访问功能;使用SQL函数。 本书适用于所有使用关系型数据库系统的用户。
作者: (美)埃托奥(Claire A.Etaugh),(美)布里奇斯(Judith S.Bridges)著;苏彦捷等译
简介:本书是一本教材,涉及内容广泛而系统,本书的两位女作者总结了自己多年来的教学和研究经验,连同自己、家人、朋友的生活体验,汇集了丰富的研究资料,比较全面地将女性心理这一学科的主要内容呈现给读者。本书以年龄为展开线索,将女性在毕生发展过程中不同阶段遇到的问题及其特点给予了清楚的说明,读起来就像逐渐展开一幅人生的画卷,清晰而有节奏。 由本书的上述特点,使得它不仅可作为女性心理学课程的教材,而且还可作为普通心理学、发展心理学、社会心理学、女性学等课程的补充教材和参考资料。同时,也可作为女性了解自己、男性了解女性的一条途径。
Medieval Europe: a short history
作者: (美)朱迪斯·M. 本内特(Judith M. Bennett),(美)C. 沃伦·霍利斯特(C. Warren Hollister)著;杨宁,李韵译
简介: 《欧洲中世纪史》过去曾经被我们认为是在愚昧的教士主宰之下的“黑暗时代”,“半梦半醒的一千年”。20世纪的史学家们已经终结了这一神话。在当代英语世界,《欧洲中世纪史》是一本准确、权威的中世纪史入门佳作。它以清晰的线索、全面的描述让读者看到了中世纪的光明与活力。作者将中世纪史析为早期(500—1000)、中期(1000—1300)、晚期(1300~1500)三阶段。在第一阶段,罗马皈依基督教之后,古典文化与基督教文化、日耳曼文化相融合,促成了欧洲的诞生。查理曼大帝一度雄霸西欧。第二阶级是中世纪的盛期,经济起飞,城市兴起,政治文教发达,三百年问精彩叠现。第三阶段两百年,教廷分裂,英法百年征战,哀鸿遍野,疫病流行,一片颓败之势。而瘟疫过后,欧洲文化重又焕发生机,宗教革新,文艺复兴,科学革命,“理性时代”的近代欧洲呼之欲出。
作者: (印度)阿马蒂亚·森著
简介: 有许多关于贫困的事情是一目了然的。要认识原本意义上的贫困,并理解其原因,我们根本不需要精心设计的判断准则、精巧定义的贫困度量和寻根问底的分析方法。那些关于穷人的冗长啰嗦的经院研究,那些使用《李尔王》中诸如“居无定所、衣衫褴褛、食不果腹、疲惫不堪”等绘画般的描述,难免会使人感到厌烦。有些事情,就像李尔王告诉瞎子格洛斯特的那样,“一个人不用眼睛看就能知道事情是如何发生的”。的确,有许多关于贫困的事情就是这么一目了然。 但是,并非所有关于贫困的事情都是如此简单明了。当我们离开极端的和原生的贫困时,对于贫困人口的识别、甚至对于贫困的判断都会变得模糊不清。目前,可供使用的贫穷识别方法有许多种(如生理上的基本需要得不到满足、相对贫困等),不过,每一种方法中都还存在大量有待解决的技术问题。另外,要从整体上描绘贫困,还必须超越对贫困人口的“识别”,因为,要在贫困人口特征的基础上形成关于贫困的整体画面,“加总”问题将无法回避。最后——也是最重要的,贫困产生的原因是很难回答的,贫困的直接原因往往比较清楚,无需做太多分析,但其最终原因却是模糊不清的,是一个还远远没有定论的问题。在近期关于饥饿现象原因的研究中,贫困的起因具有特殊重要性。 这本专著所关注的正是这些问题,本书的重点是关于饥饿的一般原因和饥荒的具体原因。第1章从一般意义上引入了基本方法,包括对“权利体系” 分析。之所以在详细论述贫穷概念之前就进行这一分析,是因为“权利方法”是这本著作的核心。第2章和第3章研究了关于贫困的概念和度量问题。第4章从一般意义上论述了饥饿这一特殊问题。第5章分析“权利方法”。随后几章分析了发生在世界不同地方的一些案例:1943年的孟加拉大饥荒(第6章)、1973至 1975年的埃塞俄比亚饥荒(第7章)、70年代早期非洲萨赫勒地区的饥荒(第8章)以及1974年的孟加拉国饥荒(第9章);第10章是关于“权利方法”的总结,即在具体层面上分析了一般贫困与权利体系的联系。 本书有四个附录。附录A给出了权利体系的一个重要方面-交换权利的公式化分析。附录B借助于一些模型说明了“交换权利失败” (failure of exchange entitlement)在饥荒发展过程中的作用。附录C研究了贫困的度量问题,详细阐明了已经得到应用和已经提出的各种度量方法。最后,附录D以 1943年孟加拉大饥荒为例,分析了饥荒死亡人口的分布问题。 本书原本是为国际劳工局世界就业计划(World Employment Programme of ILO)准备的。我十分感谢他们的耐心,因为本书的完成比我原来的设想要迟得多。我也衷心感谢费利克斯·波克特(Felix Paukert)等人与我关于收入分配和就业计划的有益讨论。朱迪思·海尔(Judith Heyer)和乔斯莱恩·肯奇(Jocelyn Kynch)对本书初稿的评论也使我受益良多。很多学者都给我提出了非常有启发性的建议,他们是:莫胡狄恩·阿拉姆基尔(Mohuddin Alam-gir)、苏底尔·阿南德(Sudhir Anand)、阿塞特·布赫塔克基亚(Asit Bhattacharya)、罗伯特·卡森(Robert Cassen)、迪盘卡·查第尔基(Dipankar Chatterjee)、普拉米特·肖德赫利(Pramit Chaudhuri)、阿米亚·达斯哥普塔(Amiya Dasgupta)、梅纳德·德塞(Meghnad Desai)、约翰·弗莱明(John Flemming)、马戴恩古普尔·古什(Madangopal Ghosh)、大卫·格拉斯(David Glass)、卢斯·格拉斯(Ruth Glass)、泰仑斯·戈曼(Terence Gorman)、凯斯·戈利芬(Keith Griffin)、卡尔·哈米尔顿(Carl Hamilton)、鲁戈·哈弋(Roger Hay)、朱利斯·霍尔特(Julius Holt)、雷弗·约翰森(Leif Johansen)、J.克里西纳莫第(J.Krishnamurti)、穆库·马加姆达(Mukul Majumdar)、阿肖克·米特拉(Ashok Mitra)、约翰·缪尔鲍尔(John Muellbauer)、苏奇·佩恩(Suzy Paine)、戴比达斯·雷(Debidas Ray)、戴布拉·雷(Debrai Ray)、萨米尔·雷(Samir Ray)、塔班·雷坎德胡利(Tapan Raychaudhuri)、卡尔·里斯金(Carl Riskin)、乔恩·罗宾逊(Joan RobinSon)、苏曼·萨卡(Suman Sarkar)、约翰·希曼(John Seaman)、里翰·索布罕(Rehan Sobhan)、K.苏德拉姆(K.Sundaram)、加罗斯拉夫·瓦尼克(Jaroslav Vanek)和亨利·万(Henry Wan)等。 本书中还引用了我早期的一些文章,这些文章发表在:《经济和政治周刊》(Economic and Political Weekly,1973、1976)、《计量经济学》(Econometrica,1976、1977),《经济研究评论》(Review of Economic Studies,1976)、《剑桥经济学月刊》(Cambridge Journal of Economics,1977)、《斯堪的纳维亚经济学月刊》(Scandinavian Journal of Economics,1979)、《经济学文献月刊》(Journal of Economic Literature,1979)、《世界发展》(World Development,1980)和《经济学季刊》(Quarterly Journal of Economics,1981)。 最后,需要说明的是,虽然从附录A到附录C,都使用了一些数学概念和符号,但是,本书的分析基本上是非公式化的。对详细内容有兴趣的读者可以参阅附录,不过、即使不参阅附录,理解本书的主要论点(包括案例研究)也不会有任何困难。由于本书的主题非常重要,我将尽可能使其通俗一些。可以不谦虚地说,在这本专题著作中,我所作出的分析是相当有实际意义的。
Hell in contemporary literature : Western descent narratives since 1945 /
作者: Rachel Falconer.
简介:What does it mean when people use the word ''Hell'' to convey the horror of an actual, personal or historical experience? This book explores the idea that modern, Western secular cultures have retained a belief in the concept of Hell as an event or experience of endless or unjust suffering. In the contemporary period, the descent to Hell has come to represent the means of recovering - or discovering - selfhood. In exploring these ideas, this book discusses descent journeys in Holocaust testimony and fiction, memoirs of mental illness, and feminist, postmodern and postcolonial narratives written after 1945. A wide range of texts are discussed, including writing by Primo Levi, W.G. Sebald, Anne Michaels, Alasdair Gray, and Salman Rushdie, and films such as Coppola''s Apocalypse Now and the Matrix trilogy. Drawing on theoretical writing by Bakhtin, Levinas, Derrida, Judith Butler, David Harvey and Paul Ricoeur, the book addresses such broader theoretical issues as: narration and identity; the ethics of the subject; trauma and memory; descent as sexual or political dissent; the interrelation of realism and fantasy; and Occidentalism and Orientalism. Features *Defines and discusses what constitutes Hell in contemporary secular Western cultures *Relates ideas from psychoanalysis to literary traditions ranging from Virgil and Dante to the present *Explores the concept of Hell in relation to crises in Western thought and identity. e.g. distortions of global capitalism, mental illness, war trauma and incarceration *Explains the significance of this narrative tradition of a ''descent to hell'' in the immediate political context of 9/11 and its aftermath Contents Introduction Descent and Return: the katabatic imagination Chapter 1 - Hell in Our Time (i) Is Hell a fable? (ii) Hell as the modern condition (iii) Descent and dissent in modern philosophy Chapter 2 - Chronotopes of Hell (i) Generic features of katabatic narrative (ii) Bakhtin''s Inferno : visionary versus historical chronotopes (iii) Unspeakable wisdom (iv) Conversion versus inversion (v) Infernal inversion: Malcolm Lowry''s Under the Volcano (vi) The absolute and ''my absolute'': Sarah Kofman''s Smothered Words Chapter 3 - Auschwitz as Hell (i) Pathways through a life: The Search for Roots (ii) Black Holes and the biblical Job (iii) A constellation of chronotopes: If This is a Man (a) Threshold crossing into Hell (b) Auschwitz as education (c) The visionary world (d) On trial in Hell (e) Sea-voyage and shipwreck (iv) The intersection of pathways Chapter 4 - Surviving with Ghosts: Second Generation Holocaust Narratives (i) Bog-boys and fire-children (ii) Vertigo and luminosity: W.G. Sebald''s Austerlitz (iii) From depth to ascent: Anne Michaels'' Fugitive Pieces Chapter 5 - Katabatic Memoirs of Mental Illness (i) Down the rabbit hole (ii) Parallel worlds and protest culture: Susanna Kaysen''s Girl, Interrupted (iii) The schizophrenic HyperReal: Carol North''s Welcome, Silence,/i> (iv) Falling into grace: Lauren Slater''s Spasm: A Memoir with LiesChapter 6 - Engendering Dissent in the Underworld (i) Gender dynamics in the descent to Hell (ii) Inside the hero''s descent: Gloria Naylor''s Linden Hills(iii) Hell and utopia: Marge Piercy''s Woman on the Edge of Time(iv) Dante upside-down: Alice Notley''s The Descent of AletteChapter 7 - Postmodern Hell and the Search for Roots (i) Karl Marx''s katabasis (ii) Postmodern capitalist Hell: Alasdair Gray''s Lanark(iii) Lanark''s search for roots (iv) Can realism lead fantasy out of Hell? Can fantasy help realism? Chapter 8 - East-West Descent Narratives (i) Francis Ford Coppola''s Apocalypse Nowand Western descents to the East (ii) Salman Rushdie''s disoriented subjects (iii) The migrations of Orpheus, in five acts: Rushdie''s The Ground Beneath Her Feet(a) Threshold crossing (b) Ground Zero (c) Looking back (d) Dismemberment (e) Return of another Epilogue - Katabasis in the Twenty-First Century (i) September 11th: the first circle (ii) Afghanistan and Iraq: there and back again (again) (iii) Global fear and its inversions Appendix: Primo Levi, ''Map of reading'' Bibliography Index
Contingency, Hegemony, Universality:Contemporary Dialogues on the Left
作者: (美)朱迪斯·巴特勒(Judith Butler)等著;胡大平等译
简介: 葛兰西霸权观念的当代遗产是什么?既然普遍性的虚假版本已被彻底批判,那应该如何去重新阐述它? 在这一彻底颠覆性的项目中,巴特勒、拉克劳和齐泽克这三位在国际学术中以激进风格著称的当红明星就当代哲学和政治学的中心问题进行了对话。他们的论文按照三组彼此对应的文章进行编排,涉及黑格尔在当代批判理论中的遗产、文化多元主义的理论困境、普遍性与特殊性之间的争论、全球化经济体系中左派的战略,以及后结构主义和拉康的精神分析对批判的社会理论的价值等等问题。 在本书中,三位大家在尖锐地批评另两位的思想的同时奋力为自己的观点辩护。激烈的争论,严密的论证,精彩的辩护,大胆的揭露……本书充满了火药味。 [
Appetites:food and sex in post - socialist China
作者: (美)冯珠娣(Judith Farquhar)著;郭乙瑶,马磊,江素侠译
简介: 冯珠娣从“食”和“色”两方面入手,审视了当代中国人“欲望”的变 迁,挑战了“食色,性也”的论断,揭示了“快乐”的政治和历史本质。作 者探讨了从对饥饿的记忆到经济发展时代的美食,从传统中药的香气到对古 典文献的挖掘,从对集体身份的颂赞到对个人经历的关注诸方面,认为这些 在当代中国被体现的存在都必然创造并存留于对个人和国家生活的公众反映 之中。本书运用人类学、文化研究和文学批评的方法,对当代中国生活进行 了全方位解读,她的解读不仅包括科学研究和社会理论领域的关注对象—家 庭,也涵盖了当代中国日常生活的方方面面。
Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills
作者: Stephen Mitchell (Author), Judith Oslin (Author), Linda Griffin (Author)
Responding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essays / 5th ed.