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Systems Analysis and Design Methods:Fifth Edition
光盘作者: (美)Jeffrey L.Whitten等著;肖刚,孙慧等译
简介: 本书集学术和实践于一体,是一本全面的系统分析和设计的经典教材! 当今社会要求学生更加“面向客户型”,要“实践”所学的知识,而不仅仅是学习知识。 作者在写作此书的过程中力求达到: 1)平衡概念、工具。技术以及应用等各方面内容所占的比重; 2)同其他书相比,提供更丰富的系统分析和设计的例子; 3)平衡传统方法(如结构化分析和信息工程)和新方法(如面向对象分析和快速应用开发)内容所占的比重。 Jeffrey L.Whitten美国普度大学计算机技术系教授,现任普度大学信息技术部门的企业应用部副总裁。Whitten教授自1979年在普度大学计算机技术系任教以来.长期讲授系统分析和设计课程.曾两次荣获James G.Dwyer最佳教师奖。1984年升任教授后,开始编著《系统分析与设计方法》一书,目前已经出版到第5版。 该书长期处于同类书销售排行榜第1名,被700多所学校采纳作为教材。whitten教授是多个学术组织的活跃成员.其中包括:信息技术专业学会(AITP)、信息系统学会(AIS)、计算机学会(ACM)。 信息管理协会(SIM)。 Lonnie D.Bentley美国普度大学计算机技术系教授,主要教学和研究领域包括:系统分析和设计、企业应用系统、业务过程重构。计算机辅助软件工程(CASE),快速应用开发(RAD)和图形用户界面设计。 Kevin C.Dittman美国普度大学计算机技术系助理教授,主要教学和研究领域包括:系统分析和设计、计算机辅助软件工程(CASE)、快速应用开发(RAD)和图形用户界面设计。
Random Processes:Filtering, Estimation, and Detection
作者: (美)Lonnie C. Ludeman著;邱天爽,李婷,毕英伟等译
简介: 本书全面介绍了随机过程理论中经典的线性与非线性系统分析技术和假设检验技术,详细阐述了最优估计方法、用于分类的最优决策规则,描述了性能评价的准则和评估方法。此外,本书还深入研究了噪声中随机过程的滤波、估计和检测问题。 全书共分为10章,包括概率空间与概率、随机变量、随机变量估计、随机过程、随机过程通过线性系统、随机过程通过非线性系统、最优线性维纳滤波器、最优线性卡尔曼滤波器、离散观测信号的检测理论以及连续观测信号的检测理论等内容。本书在围绕主题进行深入分析的同时,给出了许多应用实例和习题,是一本容易理解的适用性较强的书。 本书既可以作为研究生和大学本科高年级学生的教材,也可以供相关领域的工程技术人员自学参考。
Systems analysis & design methods
作者: (美)Jeffrey L. Whitten,(美)Lonnie D. Bentley著;肖刚,孙慧等译
简介: 本书综合而全面地介绍计算机系统分析与设计方法。共分为四个部分。第一部分“系统开发项目环境”介绍信息系统开发的概念和过程。第二部分“系统分析方法”涵盖了生命周期前期活动、工具和技术,这些内容用于分析业务问题、说明信息系统业务需求以及制定业务和系统方案。第三部分“系统设计方法”涵盖了生命周期中期活动、工具和技术,特别强调应用架构的概要设计和详细设计、快速开发和原型设计、外部设计(输出、输入和界面)、内部设计(如数据库和软件工程)以及面向对象设计。第四部分“系统分析和设计完成后的工作”通过纵览生命周期后期活动,透视系统分析和设计工作。 本书内容翔实,分析透彻。第7版在修订前版的基础上,增扩了面向对象的内容,改写了部分章节以便符合UML 2.0标准,扩充了可行性的讨论等。另外,书中每章均提供了大量练习题、讨论题、研究题、小型案例等,以加深读者对书中理论的理解和应用。本书适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业的教材或参考书,也可供专业技术人员参考。更多>>
Introduction to systems analysis and design
作者: (美)Jeffrey L. Whitten,(美)Lonnie D. Bentley著;肖刚,孙慧等译
System analysis and design methods = 系统分析与设计方法 / 5th ed., photocopy ed.
作者: Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley and Kevin C. Dittman.
简介: More than ever, today's students are "consumer-oriented," due in part to the changing world economy that promotes quality, competition, and professional currency. They expect to way from a course with more than a grade and a promise that they'll someday appreciate what they've learned. They want to "practice" the applications of concepts. As with the previous editions of this book , we wrote it to: (1)balance the coverage of concepts, tools, techniques, and their application, (2)provide the most examples of system is and design deliverables available in any book, and (3)balance the coverage of classical methods (such as structured analysis and information engineering) and emerging methods (e.g., object-oriented analysis and rapid application development). Additionally, we wrote the textbook to serve the reader as a post-course, professional reference for best current practices.
Systems analysis & design methods for the global enterprise = 系统分析与设计方法 / 7th ed.
作者: Lonnie D. Bentley ; Jeffrey L. Whitten.
作者: Lonnie
出版社:人民邮电出版社 2016年11月
简介:List of dramatists includes George Abbott, JoAnne Akalaitis, Edward Albee, William Alfred, Robert Anderson, Robert Ardrey, George Axelrod, Thomas Babe, Jon Robin Baitz, James Baldwin, Amiri Baraka, Djuna Barnes, S.N. Behrman, Eric Bentley, George Birimsia, Lee Blessing, Eric Bogosian, Julie Bovasso, Lee Breuer, Kenneth H. Brown, Ed Bullins, Charles Busch, Lewis John Carlino, Lonnie Carter, Mary Chase, Paddy Chayefsky, Alice Childress, Frank Chin, Darrah Cloud, Rick Cluchey, Constance S. Congdon, Marc Connelly, Ron Cowen, Michael Cristofer, Rachel Crothers, Mart Crowley, Ossie Davis, Phillip Hayes Dean, Steven Dietz, Charles Dizenzo, Rosalyn Drexler, Martin Duberman, Christopher Durang, Lonne Elder III, Ules Feiffer, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Harvey Fierstein, Horton Foote, Richard Foreman, Mar铆a Irene Forn茅s, Paul Foster, Mario Fratti, Bruce Jay Friedman, Charles Fuller, George Furth, Frank Gagliano, Herb Gardner, Larry Gelbart, William Gibson, Frank D. Gilroy, James Goldman, Paul Go odman, Charles Gordone, Philip Kan Gotanda, Spalding Gray, Paul Green, Richard Greenberg, David Greenspan, John Guare, A.R. Gurney Jr., Oliver Hailey, William Hanley, Lorraine Hansberry, William Hauptman, Allan Havis, Lillian Hellman, Beth Henley, James Leo Herlihy, Errol Hill, Robert Hivnor, William Hoffman, Joan Holden, Israel Horovitz, Tina Howe, David Henry Hwang, Willian Inge, Albert Innaurato, Len Jenkin, Lee Kalcheim, Garson Kanin, Adrienne Kennedy, Wedny Kesselman, Sidney Kingsley, Kenneth Koch, Harry Kondoleon, Arthur Kopit, H.M Koutoukas, Ruth Krauss, Tony Kushner, Arthur Laurents, Jerome Lawrence, John Howard Lawson, Robert E. Lee, Romulus Linney, Robert Lowell, Craig Lucas, Charles Ludlam, Ken Ludwig, Eduardo Machado, ARchibald MacLeish, Jackson MacLow, David Mamet, Emily Mnn, William Mastrosimone, Elaine May, Michael McClure, James McLure, Terrence McNally, Murray Mednick, Mark Medoff, Leonard Melfk, Arthur Miller, Jason Miller, Susan Miller, Ron Milner, Loften Mitchell, T ad Mosel, Richard Nelson, John Ford Noonan, Marsha Norman, Clifford Odets, Eugene O'Neill, Eric Overmyer, Rochelle Owens, OyamO, Suzan-Lori Parks, John Patrick, Robert Patrick, John Peilmeier, Miguel Pinero, Bernard Pomerance, David Rabe, Dennis J. Reardon, Keith Reddin, Ronald Ribman, Jack Richardson, Howard Sackler, Arthur Sainer, Milcha S谩nchez-Scott, William Saroyan, Joan M. Schenkar, James Schevill, Murray Schisgal, Ntozake Shange, John Patrick Shanley, Wallace Shawn, Sam Shepard, Martin Sherman, Stuart Sherman, Neil Simon, Michael T. Smith, David Starkweather, Barrie Stavis, John Steppling, Karen Sunde, Ted Tally, Ronald Tavel, Megan Terry, Steve Tesich, Alfred Uhry, Luis Valdez, Jean-Claude van Itallie, Gore Vidal, Paula Vogel, Joseph A. Walker, Douglas Turner Ward, Wendy Wasserstein, Jerome Weidman, Arnold Weinstein, Michael Weller, Mac Wellman, Richard Wesley, Edgar Nkosi White, John White, Thornton Wilder, Tennessee Williams, August Wilson, Doric Wilson, Lanford Wilson, Robe rt M. Wilson, George C. Wolfe, Olwen Wymark, Susan Yankowitz, Paul Zindel.
Building Web Services and .NET Applications
作者: ( )Lonnie Wall, ( )Andrew Lader著;康博译
简介: 为了适应对分布式开发环境的需求,Microsoft全力推出了功能强大的.NET平台,它代表一种全新的基于web服务模型的应用程序设计和部署方法,为我们开发Web服务和.NET应用程序提供了最强有力的支持。 本书首先回顾了从独立应用程序到分布式.NET应用程序的演变过程,然后深入介绍了Web服务及其相关内容、使用XML和SOAP设计并创建大型的分布式应用程序、ADO.NET,SQL Server 2000,DataSet和.NET Framework等知识、以及ASP.NET和Windows Forms应用程序的开发方法和过程,最后介绍了如何通过Web服务集成.NET应用程序和Java应用程序。 本书适合于有一定开发经验并希望掌握如何创建Web服务和.NET应用程序的中高级用户。
Truth about getting your point across:...and nothing but the truth
作者: (美)朗尼·佩斯里(Lonnie Pacelli)著;王跃红译
简介: 如果你想说服并影响其他人,本书会提供给你最快速、最有效的指导,它真的很实用。——博恩·崔西《目标!》作者 它是最可行、实用的指导原则,那些认真的商业人士可以将本书中提及的思想立即用到实际的工作中。——约翰·帕特里克·多兰 律师 沟通高手是可以练就的、了解你的沟通对象、选用合适的沟通方式、切合实际地沟通、给别人一个听的理由、一分钟内便可达到沟通目的、再多的准备都不为过、不承诺自己能力之外的事……本书详细讲述了组织中的59项沟通技巧。本书内容丰富,讲解通俗易懂,具有很强的可读性。 职业成功的迷你MBA教材!来自20年专业管理经验!13个沟通主题,精辟而全面!59项沟通技巧,友好而实用!简单,易学,有效,打开就有收获!每位经理都应该拥有一本朗尼·佩斯里的《组织中的59项沟通技巧》!
Introduction to systems analysis and design
作者: (美)Jeffrey L. Whitten,Lonnie D. Bentley著
简介: 《系统分析与设计导论(英文版)》(作者惠滕、本特利)是经典教材《系 统分析与设计方法》的简明版本,既保留了经典教材内容全面的特色,又对 高级主题进行了适当的精减,更强调系统概念,使之更加适用于导论课教学 要求。 《系统分析与设计导论(英文版)》详细阐述面向对象系统分析和设计技 术。作者通过融入基于UML的面向对象分析和设计技术。对现代概念、工具 、技术以及应用等各方面内容进行了很好的平衡。《系统分析与设计导论( 英文版)》提供了市场上可用的、丰富的系统分析和设计的实例。
简介:Volume 36 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction is devoted exclusively to the Blue Ribbon Papers series, which is under the intellectual leadership of Lonnie Athens. In the latest issue, Athens brings together eight essays that significantly advance not only our understanding of the interactional approach's origins in American sociology but also its ongoing evolution. The volume contains cutting-edge work on Mead and Blumer, Chomsky and Mead, the Chicago School, Santayana, the self and money, the growing threat to interactionism of intellectual extinction, filming as a means of participant observation, and the relative merits of "radical" versus "conventional" interactionism. Since many of these essays, which have been under development for years, will likely become classics in the field, no one with a serious interest in the history or future direction of interactionsim can afford not to read them. Book jacket.
简介:Volume 38 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction is devoted exclusively to the Blue Ribbon Papers Series, which is under the intellectual leadership of Lonnie Athens. In this issue, Athens presents the autobiographies of scholars who have made significant contributions to symbolic interactionist approach, over both the 20th and 21st centuries, including David Altheide, Paul Atkinson, Kathy Chamaraz, Adele Clarke, Gary Cook, Carolyn Ellis, Martyn Hammersley, John Johnson, Joseph Kotarba, and Laurel Richardson. The contributors were all asked to address the question of how they got into their particular fields of study and later became interactionist? They were also prodded to reveal 'who is the person behind the professional mask' by describing why and how they changed over the intellectual journeys that they took in becoming some of the best known and well-respected advocates of the symbolic-interactionist s approach in America and Great Britain. These autobiographic reflections and revelations not only shatter the popular stereotype of academics, but also the stereotype of scholars who subscribe to viewpoint of symbolic interactionism.
作者: Thomas Harris.
简介: 在线阅读本书 As part of the search for a serial murderer nicknames "Buffalo Bill," FBI trainee Clarice Starling is given an assignment. She must visit a man confined to a high-security facility for the criminally insane and interview him. That man, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, is a former psychiatrist with unusual tastes and an intense curiosity about the darker corners of the mind. His intimate understanding of the killer and of Clarice herself form the core of The Silence of the Lambs--an unforgettable classic of suspense fiction. 作者简介 A native of Mississippi, Thomas Harris began his writing career covering crime in the US and Mexico, and was a reporter and editor for the Associated Press in New York City. His first novel, Black Sunday, was published in 1975, followed by Red Dragon in 1981, The Silence of the Lambs in 1988 and Hannibal in 1999. 编辑推荐 Amazon.com The Silence of the Lambs, by Thomas Harris, is even better than the successful movie. Like his earlier Red Dragon, the book takes us inside the world of professional criminal investigation. All the elements of a well-executed thriller are working here--driving suspense, compelling characters, inside information, publicity-hungry bureaucrats thwarting the search, and the clock ticking relentlessly down toward the death of another young woman. What enriches this well-told tale is the opportunity to live inside the minds of both the crime fighters and the criminals as each struggles in a prison of pain and seeks, sometimes violently, relief. Clarice Starling, a precociously self-disciplined FBI trainee, is dispatched by her boss, Section Chief Jack Crawford, the FBI's most successful tracker of serial killers, to see whether she can learn anything useful from Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Lecter's a gifted psychopath whose nickname is "The Cannibal" because he likes to eat parts of his victims. Isolated by his crimes from all physical contact with the human race, he plays an enigmatic game of "Clue" with Starling, providing her with snippets of data that, if she is smart enough, will lead her to the criminal. Undaunted, she goes where the data takes her. As the tension mounts and the bureaucracy thwarts Starling at every turn, Crawford tells her, "Keep the information and freeze the feelings." Insulted, betrayed, and humiliated, Starling struggles to focus. If she can understand Lecter's final, ambiguous scrawl, she can find the killer. But can she figure it out in time? --Barbara Schlieper--This text refers to the Mass Market Paperbackedition. 专业书评 From Publishers Weekly In this thrillingly effective follow-up to Harris's masterful 1981 suspense novel Red Dragon, the heroine is new, but the villain isn't: Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the evil genius who played a small but crucial role in the earlier novel, returns, to mesmerizing effect. When a serial killer known as Buffalo Bill (he kidnaps, slays and skins young women) begins a crosscountry rampage, FBI trainee Clarice Starling tries to interview Lecter, a psychiatrist whose brilliant insights into the criminally insane are matched only by his bloodlusthe's currently imprisoned for nine murders, and would like nothing more than the chance to kill again. Lecter, a vicious gamesman, will offer clues to the murderer's pattern only in exchange for information about Clarice, analyzing her with horrible accuracy from the barest details. When Bill strikes again, the agent begins to realize that Lecter may know much more, and races against time and two twisted minds. Harris understands the crafting of literary terror as very few writers do; readers who put themselves in his good, coldblooded hands will lose sleep, and demand a sequel. 200,000 first printing; $200,000 ad/promo; BOMC main selection. Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcoveredition. From Library Journal In this intelligent, fast-paced thrillerwhich is also brutal and gruesomeagent Clarice Starling of the FBI's behavioral science section is assigned to conduct a psychological profile of Hannibal Lecter, a psychiatrist imprisoned for serial murder. Uncooperative at first, Lecter then says he can help identify a serial killer who has eluded authorities for months. Lecter's aid proves invaluable, and Starling soon finds herself using one madman to catch another. Harris ( Black Sunday, 1975; Red Dragon , 1981) has written a story, although not for the squeamish, that is hard to put down. Lonnie Beene, West Texas State Univ. Lib., Caynon Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcoveredition. Review "Razor-sharp entertainment, beautifully constructed and brilliantly written. Thrillers don't come any better than this."-- Clive Barker "A virtual textbook on the craft of suspense, a masterwork of sheer momentum that rockets seamlessly toward its climax... Harris is quite simply the best suspense novelist working today."-- The Washington Post "A psychological thriller so deftly woven and gripping that a reader can hardly get through one sentence fast enough to discover what's in the next."-- Associated Press --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperbackedition. //"; var existStrMsg = "******你已经投过票了,谢谢! ******"; var dealingStrMsg = "******正在处理你的投票,请稍后...... ******"; var xmlHttp = false; function vote(review_id,url,isLogin) { if(isLogin=="true"){ //window.open(url,"reviewVote","height=30,width=200,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizeable=no,location=no,status=no"); if(document.getElementById){ try{ xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }catch(trymicrosoft){ try{ xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }catch(othermicrosoft){ try{ xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }catch(faild){ xmlHttp = false; } } } } if(!xmlHttp){ alert("Error initializing XMLHttpRequest!"); }else{ document.getElementById("msgLayer"+review_id).innerHTML=dealingStrMsg; xmlHttp.open("GET",url+"&ajaxTime="+new Date().getTime(),true); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function(){updatePage(review_id)}; xmlHttp.send(null); } }else{ window.location.href=url+"&ajaxTime=notAjax"; } } function updatePage(review_id){ if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200){ var result = xmlHttp.responseText; if(result.indexOf("success_no_exist")!=-1){ document.getElementById("msgLayer"+review_id).innerHTML=strMsg; } else if(result.indexOf("success_exist")!=-1){ document.getElementById("msgLayer"+review_id).innerHTML=existStrMsg; } } } function rp(reviewid){ var url = "http://www.amazon.cn/mn/responseWriterApp?uid=168-7112022-4174637"+ "&reviewid=" + reviewid; window.open(url,"responseWrite","height=400,width=600,top=0,left=0,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizeable=no,location=no,status=no"); } //]]> 用户评论(暂无评论) 与其他用户分享你的观点: 我要写评论--> 用户论坛 ( 什么是用户论坛?它和用户评论有何区别?) 话题列表 (共0个话题) 话题最后发表回复目前暂无话题 发起一个新话题 话题: 正文: 当有新留言时,Email通知我.--> (3000字以内) 使用指南(登录后提交) 发言前,请仔细阅读并同意 相关条款。 尊重网上道德,遵守 互联网电子公告服务管理规定及中华人民共和国其他各项有关法律法规; 遵守 点评空间使用规则; 严禁发表危害国家安全、破坏民族团结、破坏国家宗教政策、破坏社会稳定、侮辱、诽谤、教唆、淫秽等内容的作品; 承担一切因你的行为而直接或间接导致的民事或刑事法律责任。 提示: 提示:只有在卓越亚马逊购买过商品的用户才能发表话题。 您可以用以下几种方式找到此商品 图书> 进口原版> Others 其他
简介: Readers of Sue Grafton's fiction know she never writes the same book twice, and ""I" Is For Innocent" is no exception. Her most intricately plotted novel to date, it is layered in enough complexity to baffle even the cleverest among us. Lonnie Kingman is in a bind. He's smack in the middle of assembling a civil suit, and the private investigator who was doing his pretrial legwork has just dropped dead of a heart attack. In a matter of weeks the court's statute of limitations will put paid to his case. Five years ago David Barney walked when a jury acquitted him of the murder of his rich wife, Isabelle. Now Kingman, acting as attorney for the dead woman's ex-husband and their child (and sure that the jury made a serious mistake), is trying to divest David Barney of the profits of that murder. But time is running out, and David Barney still swears he's innocent. Patterned along the lines of a legal case, ""I" Is For Innocent" is seamlessly divided into thirds: one-third of the novel is devoted to the prosecution, one-third to the defense, and a final third to cross-examination and rebuttal. The result is a trial novel without a trial and a crime novel that resists solution right to the end. When Kinsey Millhone agrees to take over Morley Shine's investigation, she thinks it is a simple matter of tying up the loose ends. Morley might have been careless about his health, but he was an old pro at the business. So it comes as a real shock when she finds his files in disarray, his key informant less than credible, and his witnesses denying ever having spoken with him. It comes as a bigger shock when she finds that every claim David Barney has made checks out. But if Barney didn't murder his wife, who did? It would seem the list of candidates is a long one. In life, Isabelle Barney had stepped on a lot of toes. In ""I" Is For Innocent," Sue Grafton once again demonstrates her mastery of those telling details that reveal our most intimate and conflicted relationships. As Kinsey comments on the give-and-take by which we humans deal with each other, for better and sometimes for worse, the reader is struck yet again by how acute a social observer Ms. Grafton can be. Frequently funny and sometimes caustic, she is also surprisingly compassionate-- understanding how little in life is purely black and white. Except for murder. Somewhere out there, a killer waits to see just what Kinsey will find out. Somewhere out there, someone's been getting away with murder, and this time it just might turn out to be Kinsey's. ""I" Is For Innocent" is Sue Grafton in peak form. Fast-paced. Funny. And very, very devious.
System analysis and design methods = 系统分析与设计方法 / 5th ed., photocopy ed.
作者: Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley and Kevin C. Dittman.
Systems analysis & design methods for the global enterprise = 系统分析与设计方法 / 7th ed.
Systems analysis and design methods / 5th ed.
作者: Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley, Kevin C. Dittman.
Truth about getting your point across:...and nothing but the truth