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作者: 盛丹丹主编
作者: 红雨等著
简介: 本套教材是sma小组精心打造的第一部动画教学产品: 作者集多年的工作和教学经验,全面地讲解了三维动画从基础到高级的应用知识,内容如下: 详解了应用各种动画控制器以及表达式制作动画实例的方法和高级使用技巧。 实例讲解并分析骨骼系统的高级应用:人物、猫科动物、鸟类和爬行动物的运动规律。 应用character studi。制作完整的四足动物动画,包括骨骼匹配、蒙皮设定、以及四足动物的群组动画。 讲解character studio4的新功能:motion mixer和animation workbench。 按步骤详细讲述3ds max 6版本中新增的超强粒子系统particle flow的动画实例。 本套教材内容全面详尽,分为1、2、3册,每册书附赠1张光盘,有非常清晰的条理和结构,适合各阶段读者阅读。 本书出自精英汇集的3d制作团队sma,sma成员包括: . 3d max软件开发方discreet国际认证专家评审委员会委员,discreet教育专家 . 多项国际3d作品大奖获得者 . 世界三维艺术家网站作品入选者 . 多部大型动画片主创人员 角色设计、场景设计是动画制作、游戏制作的必备知识,本书首开同类书籍此类知识教授之先河 本书对三维动画的全部相关知识体系进行了科学合理的讲解排序,更有利于合理教学、科学学习此书系sma小组为行业打造,完成此书的同时,sma创造了一个纪录。无论是国内还是国外,从来不曾有过一本书,以全方位制作高水平效果为目的,对3d制作有可能涉及到的各个环节进行如此全面的高水平讲解《动画之路》是开天辟地的,更是货真价实的。sma为读者指引的是一条高水平的3d动画通途,适合各种水平的读者。
Audio production and post-production /
光盘作者: Woody Woodhall.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Woodhall, a sound designer and mixer, introduces audio production and postproduction, emphasizing the importance of recording properly on set and the postproduction process as a creative collaboration. He guides sound technicians, filmmakers, and producers through recording tools and methods, editing, concepts of sound wave propagation, the electronics and design of recorded sound, acoustics, voice-over recording, dialogue replacement, the Foley process, the music score, outputting sound and backing up, and mixing, filters, and effects. The CD contains additional resources, including examples of different microphone positions, various microphone polar positions, reverberant rooms, hard effects, ambiences, and room tones, and additional utility files, a 20db tone, and a three beep ADR cue track. Annotation 漏2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
作者: 刘刚,赵剑川等编著
简介:本书是获得了大量读者好评的“Linux典藏大系”中的《Linux系统移植》的第2版。本书由浅入深,全面、系统地介绍了Linux系统移植的各方面知识。书中的每个章节都有相应的实例编译或移植过程,每个移植实例都具有代表性,在实际应用和开发中有很高的参考价值。另外,本书赠送17.5小时多媒体教学视频及书中涉及的实例源程序,便于读者高效、直观地学习。 本书分为4篇。第1篇简单介绍了Linux内核和嵌入式Linux系统开发环境搭建;第2篇介绍了一个最基本的嵌入式系统的组成部分、Bootloader移植、内核移植和文件系统移植;第3篇介绍了LCD、触摸屏、USB、网卡、音频、SD卡、NandFlash等流行的设备驱动移植过程;第4篇从嵌入式产品角度出第1篇 系统移植基础篇 第1章 Linux内核介绍 1.1 系统调用接口 1.1.1 Linux系统调用 1.1.2 用户编程接口 1.1.3 系统调用与服务例程的对应关系 1.1.4 系统调用过程 1.1.5 系统调用传递的参数 1.2 进程管理 1.2.1 进程 1.2.2 进程描述符 1.2.3 进程状态 1.2.4 进程调度 1.2.5 进程地址空间 1.3 内存管理 1.3.1 内存管理技术 1.3.2 内存区管理 1.3.3 内核中获取内存的几种方式 1.4 虚拟文件系统 1.4.1 虚拟文件系统作用 1.4.2 文件系统的注册 1.4.3 文件系统的安装和卸载 1.5 设备驱动程序 1.5.1 字符设备驱动程序 1.5.2 块设备驱动程序 1.5.3 网络设备驱动程序 1.5.4 内存与I/O操作 1.6 小结 第2章 嵌入式Linux开发环境搭建 2.1 虚拟机及Linux安装 2.1.1 虚拟机的安装 2.1.2 虚拟机和主机通信设置 2.1.3 虚拟机与主机共享文件 2.1.4 虚拟机与主机文件传输 2.2 交叉编译工具 2.2.1 交叉编译工具安装 2.2.2 交叉编译器测试 2.3 超级终端和Minicom 2.3.1 超级终端软件的安装 2.3.2 配置Minicom 2.3.3 配置SecureCRT 2.4 内核、文件系统加载工具 2.4.1 烧写Bootloader 2.4.2 内核和文件系统下载 2.4.3 应用程序和文件传输 2.5 在开发中使用网络文件系统(NFS) 2.5.1 虚拟机设置 2.5.2 虚拟机的IP地址设置 2.5.3 验证网络连接 2.5.4 设置共享目录 2.5.5 启动NFS服务 2.5.6 修改共享配置后 2.5.7 挂载NFS 2.5.8 双网卡挂载NFS 2.6 小结 第2篇 系统移植技术篇 第3章 Bootloader移植 3.1 Bootloader介绍 3.1.1 Bootloader与嵌入式Linux系统的关系 3.1.2 Bootloader基本概念 3.1.3 Bootloader启动过程 3.2 Bootloader之U-Boot 3.2.1 U-Boot优点 3.2.2 U-Boot的主要功能 3.2.3 U-Boot目录结构 3.2.4 U-Boot的编译 3.3 小结 第4章 Linux内核裁剪与移植 4.1 Linux内核结构 4.1.1 内核的主要组成部分 4.1.2 内核源码目录介绍 4.2 内核配置选项 4.2.1 一般选项 4.2.2 内核模块加载方式支持选项 4.2.3 系统调用、类型、特性、启动相关选项 4.2.4 网络协议支持相关选项 4.2.5 设备驱动支持相关选项 4.2.6 文件系统类型支持相关选项 4.2.7 安全相关选项 4.2.8 其他选项 4.3 内核裁剪及编译 4.3.1 安装内核源代码 4.3.2 检查编译环境设置 4.3.3 配置内核 4.3.4 编译内核 4.4 内核升级 4.4.1 准备升级内核文件 4.4.2 移植过程 4.5 小结 第5章 嵌入式文件系统制作 5.1 文件系统选择 5.1.1 Flash硬件方案比较 5.1.2 嵌入式文件系统的分层结构 5.2 基于Flash的文件系统 5.2.1 JFFS文件系统(Journalling Flash File System) 5.2.2 YAFFS文件系统(Yet Another Flash File System) 5.2.3 Cramfs文件系统(Compressed ROM File System) 5.2.4 Romfs文件系统(ROM File System) 5.3 基于RAM的文件系统 5.4 文件系统的制作 5.4.1 制作Ramdisk文件系统 5.4.2 制作YAFFS2文件系统 5.4.3 制作JFFS2文件系统 5.4.4 其他文件系统制作 5.5 小结 第3篇 系统移植与驱动篇 第6章 LCD驱动移植 6.1 认识LCD相关硬件原理 6.1.1 LCD概述 6.1.2 LCD控制器 6.1.3 LCD控制器方块图 6.1.4 LCD控制器操作 6.1.5 LCD控制寄存器 6.2 LCD参数设置 6.3 内核LCD驱动机制 6.3.1 FrameBuffer概述 6.3.2 FrameBuffer 设备驱动的结构 6.4 Linux 2.6.32的LCD驱动源码分析 6.4.1 LCD驱动开发的主要工作 6.4.2 s3c2410fb_init()函数分析 6.4.3 s3c2410fb_probe()函数分析 6.4.4 s3c2410fb_remove()函数分析 6.5 移植内核中的LCD驱动 6.5.1 LCD硬件电路图 6.5.2 修改LCD源码 6.5.3 配置内核 6.6 小结 第7章 触摸屏驱动移植 7.1 触摸屏概述 7.1.1 触摸屏工作原理 7.1.2 触摸屏的主要类型 7.2 S3C2440 ADC接口使用 7.2.1 S3C2440触摸屏接口概述 7.2.2 S3C2440触摸屏接口操作 7.3 2.6内核触摸屏驱动源码分析(s3c2410_ts.c源码分析) 7.4 Linux内核输入子系统介绍 7.4.1 Input子系统概述 7.4.2 输入设备结构体 7.4.3 输入链路的创建过程 7.4.4 使用Input子系统 7.4.5 编写输入设备驱动需要完成的工作 7.5 触摸屏驱动移植和内核编译 7.5.1 修改初始化源码 7.5.2 修改硬件驱动源码s3c2440_ts.c 7.5.3 修改Kconfig和Makefile 7.5.4 配置编译内核 7.5.5 触摸屏测试程序设计 7.6 小结 第8章 USB设备驱动移植 8.1 USB协议 8.1.1 USB协议的系统主要组成部分 8.1.2 总线物理拓扑结构 8.1.3 USB设备、配置、接口、端点 8.1.4 USB设备状态 8.1.5 USB枚举过程 8.1.6 USB请求块(URB) 8.2 USB主机驱动 8.2.1 USB主机驱动结构和功能 8.2.2 主机控制器驱动(usb_hcd) 8.2.3 OHCI主机控制器驱动 8.2.4 S3C24XX OHCI主机控制器驱动实例 8.3 USB设备驱动 8.3.1 USB骨架程序分析 8.3.2 USB驱动移植的时钟设置 8.4 USB鼠标键盘驱动 8.4.1 USB鼠标驱动代码分析 8.4.2 USB键盘驱动代码分析 8.4.3 内核中添加USB鼠标键盘驱动 8.5 U盘驱动 8.5.1 内核配置 8.5.2 移植和测试 8.6 小结 第9章 网卡驱动程序移植 9.1 以太网概述 9.1.1 以太网连接 9.1.2 以太网技术概述 9.1.3 以太网的帧结构 9.2 网络设备驱动程序体系结构 9.2.1 嵌入式Linux网络驱动程序介绍 9.2.2 Linux网络设备驱动的体系结构 9.2.3 网络设备驱动程序编写方法 9.2.4 网络设备驱动程序应用实例 9.3 net_device 数据结构 9.3.1 全局信息 9.3.2 硬件信息 9.3.3 接口信息 9.3.4 设备方法 9.3.5 公用成员 9.4 DM9000网卡概述 9.4.1 DM9000网卡总体介绍 9.4.2 DM9000网卡的特点 9.4.3 内部寄存器 9.4.4 功能描述 9.5 DM9000网卡驱动程序移植 9.5.1 DM9000网卡连接 9.5.2 驱动分析——硬件的数据结构 9.5.3 驱动分析——数据读写函数 9.5.4 驱动分析——重置网卡 9.5.5 驱动分析——初始化网卡 9.5.6 驱动分析——打开和关闭网卡 9.5.7 驱动分析——数据包的发送与接收 9.5.8 DM9000网卡驱动程序移植 9.6 小结 第10章 音频设备驱动程序移植 10.1 音频设备接口 10.1.1 PCM(脉冲编码调制)接口 10.1.2 IIS(Inter-IC Sound)接口 10.1.3 AC97(Audio Codec 1997)接口 10.1.4 Linux音频设备驱动框架 10.2 Linux音频设备驱动——OSS驱动框架 10.2.1 OSS驱动架构硬件 10.2.2 OSS驱动架构代码 10.2.3 OSS初始化函数oss_init() 10.2.4 OSS释放函数oss_cleanup() 10.2.5 打开设备文件函数sound_open() 10.2.6 录音函数sound_read() 10.2.7 播放函数sound_write() 10.2.8 控制函数sound_ioctl() 10.3 Linux音频设备驱动——ALSA驱动框架 10.3.1 card和组件 10.3.2 PCM设备 10.3.3 控制接口 10.3.4 AC97 API音频接口 10.4 音频设备应用程序编写 10.4.1 DSP接口编程 10.4.2 MIXER接口编程 10.4.3 ALSA应用程序编程 10.5 音频设备驱动移植 10.5.1 添加UDA1341结构体 10.5.2 修改录音通道 10.5.3 内核中添加UDA1341驱动支持 10.5.4 移植新内核并进行测试 10.6 音频播放程序madplay的移植 10.6.1 准备移植需要的源文件 10.6.2 交叉编译 10.6.3 移植和测试 10.6.4 编译中可能遇到的问题 10.7 小结 第11章 SD卡驱动移植 11.1 SD卡简介 11.1.1 SD卡系统概念 11.1.2 SD卡寄存器 11.1.3 SD功能描述 11.2 SD卡驱动程序分析 11.2.1 host驱动部分 11.2.2 core驱动部分 11.2.3 card驱动部分 11.3 SD卡移植步骤 11.3.1 添加延时和中断 11.3.2 配置内核 11.3.3 烧写新内核 11.4 小结 第12章 NandFlash驱动移植 12.1 NandFlash介绍 12.1.1 NandFlash命令介绍 12.1.2 NandFlash控制器 12.2 NandFlash驱动介绍 12.2.1 Nand芯片结构 12.2.2 NandFlash驱动分析 12.3 NandFlash驱动移植 12.3.1 内核的修改 12.3.2 内核的配置和编译 12.4 小结 第4篇 系统移植高级篇 第13章 MiniGUI与移植 13.1 MiniGUI在上位机中的安装 13.1.1 安装需要的安装文件 13.1.2 MiniGUI的运行模式 13.1.3 编译并安装MiniGUI 13.1.4 编译安装MiniGUI需要的图片支持库 13.1.5 编译MiniGUI应用程序例子 13.2 MiniGUI的交叉编译和移植 13.2.1 交叉编译MiniGUI 13.2.2 移植MiniGUI程序 13.3 小结 第14章 Qt开发与Qtopia移植 14.1 Qt安装与编程 14.1.1 下载安装Qt 14.1.2 Qt编程 14.1.3 使用qmake生成Makefile 14.2 Qtopia Core在X86平台上的安装和应用 14.2.1 Qtopia Core安装准备 14.2.2 编译Qtopia Core 14.2.3 Qtopia在X86平台上的应用开发 14.3 Qtopia Core在嵌入式Linux上的移植 14.3.1 Qtopia Core移植准备 14.3.2 交叉编译Qtopia Core 14.3.3 编译内核 14.3.4 应用程序开发 14.3.5 应用程序移植 14.4 小结 第15章 嵌入式数据库Berkeley DB移植 15.1 数据库的基本概念 15.1.1 利用文档和源代码 15.1.2 创建环境句柄 15.1.3 创建数据库句柄 15.1.4 打开数据库 15.1.5 DBT结构 15.1.6 存取数据 15.1.7 关闭数据库 15.2 Berkeley DB数据库安装 15.2.1 安装成C库 15.2.2 安装成C++库 15.2.3 交叉编译安装Berkeley DB 15.3 使用Berkeley DB数据库 15.3.1 代码分析 15.3.2 编译运行程序 15.4 移植Berkeley DB数据库 15.4.1 数据库设计 15.4.2 编写应用程序 15.4.3 调试和交叉编译应用程序 15.4.4 数据库的移植和测试 15.5 小结 第16章 嵌入式数据库SQLite移植 16.1 SQLite支持的SQL语句 16.1.1 数据定义语句 16.1.2 数据操作语句 16.2 SQLite数据库编译、安装和使用 16.2.1 安装SQLite 16.2.2 利用SQL语句操作SQLite数据库 16.2.3 利用C接口访问SQLite数据库 16.3 移植SQLite 16.3.1 交叉编译SQLite 16.3.2 交叉编译应用程序 16.4 移植SQLite数据库 16.4.1 文件移植 16.4.2 运行应用程序 16.4.3 测试sqlite3 16.5 小结 第17章 嵌入式Web服务器BOA移植 17.1 BOA介绍 17.1.1 BOA的功能 17.1.2 BOA流程分析 17.1.3 BOA配置信息 17.2 BOA编译和HTML页面测试 17.2.1 编译BOA源代码 17.2.2 设置BOA配置信息 17.2.3 测试BOA 17.3 CGI脚本测试 17.3.1 编写测试代码 17.3.2 编译测试程序 17.3.3 测试CGI脚本 17.4 BOA交叉编译与移植 17.4.1 交叉编译BOA 17.4.2 准备测试程序 17.4.3 配置BOA 17.4.4 测试 17.5 BOA与SQLite结合 17.5.1 通过CGI程序访问SQLite 17.5.2 编译和测试 17.6 小结 第18章 嵌入式Web服务器Thttpd移植 18.1 Thttpd介绍 18.1.1 Web服务器比较 18.1.2 Thttpd的特点 18.1.3 Thttpd核心代码分析 18.2 Thttpd编译和HTML页面测试 18.2.1 配置文件介绍 18.2.2 Thttpd编译 18.2.3 运行和测试Thttpd 18.3 CGI脚本测试 18.3.1 编写测试代码 18.3.2 编译测试程序 18.3.3 测试CGI脚本 18.4 Thttpd交叉编译与移植 18.4.1 交叉编译Thttpd 18.4.2 交叉编译CGI程序 18.4.3 移植Thttpd 18.4.4 测试 18.5 Thttpd与嵌入式数据库结合 18.5.1 通过CGI程序访问SQLite 18.5.2 编译和测试 18.6 小结 第19章 JVM及其移植 19.1 JVM介绍 19.1.1 JVM原理 19.1.2 JVM支持的数据类型 19.1.3 JVM指令系统 19.1.4 JVM寄存器 19.1.5 JVM栈结构 19.1.6 JVM碎片回收堆 19.1.7 JVM异常抛出和异常捕获 19.2 类装载 19.2.1 装载类的结构体 19.2.2 装载类的操作 19.3 垃圾回收 19.3.1 mark-and-sweep回收算法 19.3.2 分代回收算法 19.3.3 增量收集 19.4 解析器 19.4.1 函数Interpret() 19.4.2 函数FastInterpret() 19.4.3 函数SlowInterpret () 19.5 Java编程浅析 19.5.1 Java程序命令 19.5.2 Java构造函数 19.5.3 Java主函数 19.5.4 Java程序编译与运行 19.6 KVM执行过程 19.6.1 KVM启动过程 19.6.2 KVM用到的计数器清零 19.6.3 KVM初始化内存管理 19.6.4 KVM中的哈希表初始化 19.6.5 KVM中的事件初始化 19.6.6 KVM中的资源释放 19.7 PC机安装JVM 19.7.1 JVM在Windows上的安装 19.7.2 JVM在Linux上的安装 19.8 KVM移植和测试 19.8.1 SDK安装和环境变量设置 19.8.2 修改Makefile和代码 19.8.3 KVM编译 19.8.4 测试 19.8.5 移植 19.9 小结 第20章 VoIP技术与Linphone编译 20.1 VoIP介绍 20.1.1 VoIP基本原理 20.1.2 VoIP的基本传输过程 20.1.3 VoIP的优势 20.1.4 VoIP的实现方式 20.1.5 VoIP的关键技术 20.2 oSIP协议概述 20.3 oSIP状态机 20.3.1 ICT(Invite Client (outgoing) Transaction)状态机 20.3.2 NICT(Non-Invite Client (outgoing) Transaction)状态机 20.3.3 IST(Invite Server (incoming) Transaction)状态机 20.3.4 NIST(Non-Invite Server (incoming) Transaction)状态机 20.4 oSIP解析器 20.4.1 初始化解析类型函数osip_body_init() 20.4.2 释放函数osip_body_free() 20.4.3 字符串到body类型转换函数osip_body_parse() 20.4.4 body类型到字符串类型转换函数osip_body_to_str() 20.4.5 克隆函数osip_body_clone() 20.4.6 oSIP解析器分类 20.5 oSIP事务层 20.6 SIP建立会话的过程 20.7 RTP协议 20.7.1 RTP基本概念 20.7.2 发送RTP 20.7.3 接收RTP 20.8 Linphone编译与测试 20.8.1 编译Linphone需要的软件包 20.8.2 X86平台上编译和安装 20.8.3 Linphone测试 20.8.4 进一步的测试和开发 20.9 Linphone交叉编译 20.9.1 Linphone的交叉编译 20.9.2 Linphon
作者: 舒雄编著
作者: mixer
简介: 引射混合器是流体动力学的一种工程应用组合件,它是利用高能量主流体泵,起着利用流体之间的黏性剪切力传递能量、动量与使质量相互掺混的作用。它没有运动部件,结构简单,质量轻和工作可靠。在能源、冶金、化工与燃气工程中,有着广泛、成熟的应用。 本书的内容除了概述与引射器性能的分析之外,主要阐述引射混合器在航空各部门的应用,着重介绍波瓣喷管引射混合器的模型实验、流场测试与数值计算方法及计算结果。 本书是中国航空学会航空科学技术丛书之一,是一部关于航空用引射混合器的实用专著,内容涉及引射混合器概述、引射混合器的性能分析、红外抑制用的引射混合器、降噪与增推用的引射混合器、隔舱冷却与进气防护用的引射混合器等,适合航空技术研究人员参考学习。
作者: 陈荣贵著
简介: 本书向您介绍了pa成音系统概论、混音机mixer简介、喇叭speaker功率处理的能耐、等化器equalizer、效果器effect及声音处理器processor等内容。 pa和hifi不同,hifi是个人消费,其回放的节目是预先制作好的成品,任何人都会使用,而且大多放在家中使用,使用环境不变,pa是大众消费,有很多人一起现场欣赏,声音涵盖的范围广,使用器材种类复杂,最难的是每一次使用的环境都不一样,要由专业的工程师架设、调整、试音及现场监控,以克服各种人、地、事物带来的问题,pa工程师必须要熟悉系统的架设,器材匹配,清楚各种电子产品的功能特性,要有好的耳朵,清晰的头脑,艺术的素养,强壮的体格,吃苦耐劳的毅力才能胜任,很可惜台湾没有公私立学校可以提供这种课程(即使有音乐科系的学校也没有)只有少数和国外音乐学院合作的补习班,但是学费很贵,一般人可能负担不起,对于初学者或者对pa有兴趣的年轻人来说,不得其门而入,也许运气好有机会可以到音响出租公司打工,才能接触到这门吸引人却不知如何入门的学问,本书介绍的pa系统是指现场pa系统中所有可能和混音机连在一起的器材。
作者: 陈博, 罗晓洁编著
作者: 舒雄编著
Goodnight,Goodnight Construction Site 晚安,工地晚安美国亚马逊畅销第一绘本 IBSN9780811877824
作者: Sherri
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun setsbehind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get readyto say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck,Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—sothey'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play!With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheldand sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all agesbegging for more.
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun sets behind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get ready to say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck, Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—so they'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play! With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheld and sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all ages begging for more.
Goodnight,Goodnight Construction Site 晚安,工地晚安美国亚马逊畅销第一绘本 IBSN9780811877824
作者: Sherri
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun setsbehind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get readyto say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck,Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—sothey'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play!With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheldand sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all agesbegging for more.
The #1 New York Times bestseller
As the sun sets behind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get ready to say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck, Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—so they'll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play! With irresistible artwork by best-selling illustrator Tom Lichtenheld and sweet, rhyming text, this book will have truck lovers of all ages begging for more.
简介:Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a promising technology for high speed short distance communication, as well as low data-rate low power communication for object localization and sensor networks. The most important characteristic of UWB is the operation in power-limited regime while achieving high channel capacity. The main challenge lies in designing transceivers for wideband signals. Distributed integrated circuits provide intrinsic wideband characteristics, which makes them potential candidate for use in UWB transceivers. Recent advances in high-speed IC design with continuous scaling of minimum feature sizes of silicon technologies have renewed the interest in distributed circuits using on-chip transmission lines. Silicon-Based RF Front-Ends for UWB Radios comprehensively studies silicon-based distributed architectures in wideband circuits. The book begins with an introduction of several transceiver architectures for UWB. The discussion then focuses on RF front-end of the UWB radio. First, the design and analysis of a performance-optimized CMOS distributed LNA is presented. This is followed by design of novel distributed RF front-ends for UWB IF-receivers (UWB-DRF). The book continues with the introduction of a novel distributed direct conversion RF front-end (DDC-RF). The DDC-RF power and area-efficiently combines the wideband distributed approach with IQ requirement of a direct conversion receiver. Furthermore, deploying merged LNA/mixer enables low-power design, while achieving superior linearity over the conventional distributed amplifiers. The baseband output signals are zero/ low-IF, hence the output transmission lines in conventional distributed circuits are omitted, resulting in less area of the DDC-RF. To increase data rate and to achieve immunity to multi-path fading, UWB systems employs multi-antenna configuration at receiver/transmitter. Innovative wideband variable delay and gain stages are then introduced to receive and transmit in desired direction. Finally, experimental results of the fabricated prototypes are presented. Silicon-Based RF Front-Ends for UWB Radios will be of interest to RF circuit designers and students.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Provides instruction for editing digital video or film using Adobe Premiere Pro, discussing basic editing principles, digital video editing, transitions, audio, creating a title, superimposing, motion, and clips. Publisher Summary 2 Introduces techniques for editing digital video with the Premiere Pro program running on Windows XP. After touring the window and palette layouts in the workspace, the 14 tutorials walk through procedures for arranging clips into sequences, creating opacity blends, applying video and audio effects, making three-point and four- point edits, nesting sequences, and adding titles and credits. The DVD-ROM contains sample files. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 3 Move over Final Cut Pro. There's a new king of the digital video editing hill, and it doesn't even work on a Mac (though it may be enough to lure some Mac loyalists over). Eschewing cross-platform support for a focus on speed, features, and a quickness to market that was impossible to achieve with both Mac and Windows versions, the brand-new Windows XP驴only Adobe Premiere Pro sets a new standard for desktop digital video editing. Here to get you up to speed on it quickly and efficiently is the first and last word on the subject from the folks behind Premiere Pro--the Adobe Creative Team. This project-based volume covers not just the basics of working with audio, creating transitions, and producing titles but also all that's new (and revolutionary) in Premiere Pro: three-point color correction, multiple timelines, a new audio mixer, enhanced media management, and more. Best of all, the accompanying DVD includes real footage that you can practice on!
简介:This work establishes a foundation for understanding the theory and design principles of the transmission line transformer. It reviews the work of Guanella and Ruthroff and compares their techniques for obtaining a broad-band transformer with a 1:4 impedance transformation ratio, then analyzes low- and high-frequency responses of transformers, and examines transformer parameters for low- and high- impedance applications. Unbalanced-to-unbalanced transformer designs are discussed, and materials and power ratings and simple test equipment are covered. This fourth edition contains new chapters on transmission line transformers, power combiners and mixer transformers, and equal-delay transformers. There is no subject index. The author, retired from AT&T Bell Laboratories, is a technical advisor for the American Radio Relay League. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介: Many good phaselocked loops (PLL) books exist. However, how to acquire the input frequency from an unlocked state is rarely covered. This book explores the methods for achieving this locked state for a variety of conditions. Using a minimum of mathematics, it introduces engineers to performance limitations of phase/frequency detector based PLL, the quadricorrelator method for both continuous and sampled mode, sawtooth ramp-and-sample phase detector, self-sweeping self-extinguishing topology, and sweep methods using quadrature mixer based lock detection. Digital implementations versus analog are also considered.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Explores approaches to balancing the benefits and limitations offered by the different components, architectures, and assembly techniques currently used in the manufacture of analog integrated circuits. Written by experienced circuit designers, the 33 contributions discuss the conflicts and compromises that surround performance, filters, switched circuits, oscillators, data converters, and transceivers. Specific topics include floating gate circuits and systems, bandgap reference, frequency compensation, the compatibility of switched capacitor circuits with digital VLSI technology, analog power modeling for data converters and filters, CMOS mixer design, and standard and universal cellular neural network (CNN) cells. Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 As the frequency of communication systems increases and the dimensions of transistors are reduced, more and more stringent performance requirements are placed on analog circuits. This is a trend that is bound to continue for the foreseeable future and while it does, understanding performance trade-offs will constitute a vital part of the analog design process. It is the insight and intuition obtained from a fundamental understanding of performance conflicts and trade-offs, that ultimately provides the designer with the basic tools necessary for effective and creative analog design. Trade-offs in Analog Circuit Design, which is devoted to the understanding of trade-offs in analog design, is quite unique in that it draws together fundamental material from, and identifies interrelationships within, a number of key analog circuits. The book covers ten subject areas: Design methodology, Technology, General Performance, Filters, Switched Circuits, Oscillators, Data Converters, Transceivers, Neural Processing, and Analog CAD. Within these subject areas it deals with a wide diversity of trade-offs ranging from frequency-dynamic range and power, gain-bandwidth, speed-dynamic range and phase noise, to tradeoffs in design for manufacture and IC layout. The book has by far transcended its original scope and has become both a designer's companion as well as a graduate textbook. An important feature of this book is that it promotes an intuitive approach to understanding analog circuits by explaining fundamental relationships and, in many cases, providing practical illustrative examples to demonstrate the inherent basic interrelationships and trade-offs. Trade-offs in Analog Circuit Designdraws together 34 contributions from some of the world's most eminent analog circuits-and-systems designers to provide, for the first time, a comprehensive text devoted to a very important and timely approach to analog circuit design.
简介:Focuses on quadrature oscillators with quadrature and low phase-noise, required by modern communication systems. This book presents a comparative study of quadrature LC and RC oscillators, including cross-coupled LC quasi-sinusoidal oscillators, cross-coupled RC relaxation oscillators, and a quadrature RC oscillator-mixer.
简介:Why do things look blurry underwater? Why do people drive too fast in fog? How do you high-pass filter a cup of tea? What have mixer taps to do with colour vision? Basic Vision: An Introduction to Visual Perception demystifies the processes through which we see the world. Written by three authors with over 80 years of research and undergraduate teaching experience between them, it leads the reader step-by-step through the intricacies of visual processing, with full-colour illustrations on nearly every page. The writing style captures the excitement of recent research in neuroscience that has transformed our understanding of visual processing, but delivers it with a humour that keeps the reader enthused, rather than bemused. The book takes us through the various elements that come together as our perception of the world around us: the perception of size, colour, motion, and three-dimensional space. It illustrates the intricacy of the visual system, discussing its development during infancy, and revealing how the brain can get it wrong, either as a result of brain damage, through which the network of processes become compromised, or through illusion, where the brain compensates for mixed messages by seeing what it thinks should be there, rather than conveying the reality. The book also demonstrates the importance of contemporary techniques and methodology, and neuroscience-based techniques in particular, in driving forward our understanding of the visual system. Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre to accompany Basic Vision features: For registered adopters: Figures from the book available to download, to facilitate lecture preparation. Test bank of multiple choice questions - a readily available tool for either formative or summative assessment. A Journal Club, with questions to lead students through key research articles that relate to topics covered in the book. For students: Annotated web links, giving students ready access to these additional learning resources.
作者: 北京华夏树人数码科技有限公司制作
简介: 《cd-r即学即会:painter x电脑绘画大师》主要内容:painter是一款优秀的电脑绘图软件,它具有传统绘画的视觉仿真效果和灵活多变的手绘表现方式。本套视频共分两张光盘:第一张光盘为painter x新特性篇,主要讲述了painter x新增特性,如新增笔刷、界面样式管理器、色彩调节和克隆工具、万能擦除工具等;第二张盘为实战练习篇,主要通过作者在100分钟内绘制一个sd娃娃头像的整个过程,引进了快速概括式绘画概念——”speedpainting”概念。 本套视频由具有深厚美术功底的专业讲师何梦制作和讲解,形象生动并配有实际的操作过程,学习者在学习pairlter软件的同时还可以欣赏到讲师在制作过程中的绘画技巧。通过本套视频的学习。您很快也能制作出具有专业水平的cg作品。作者建议在学习本软件时配合painter ix使用效果更佳。 painter x电脑绘画大师 disk 1 新增功能 内容简介: 软件概述:概括介绍painter x新增加的特性,如新增画笔对压感支持使得更加逼真、面板等; 增强与intuos画板的识别金作度及新增笔刷:仿真鬃毛笔配合高识别度的压感笔使用质感更逼真; 新增辅助线定位工具:分别能够对相应的曲线比例板和版面辅助线显示,进行更细致的编辑; 新增界面样式管理器:样式管理器可以编辑自定义的软件工作空间、简化工作区域,提高工作效率; 增强的色彩调节和克隆功能:面板组和工具箱中underpainting、auto-painting、restoraton、克隆笔; 增强的mixer调色面板及选择性克隆:调色的效果更逼真自然,色彩的混色效果和过渡效果更好; 加深和减淡工具及万能擦除工具:“加深”、“减淡”、“克隆笔”与“万能橡皮擦”工具; 新增存储备份和错误退出时修复功能:强制美闭的问题有了比较可靠的解决方案及出错退出整告; painter x电脑绘画大师 disk 2 实例绘制sd娃娃 内容简介: 引进“speed painting”概念 速涂范例第一部分:绘制一个sd娃娃,勾画出sd娃娃的整体轮廓及祥态。 速涂范例第二部分:对sd娃娃进行细节上的刻画,如头发、五官等的细节上的刻画。 速涂范例第三部分:对sd娃娃进行深入的刻画,如眼睛、嘴唇及面颊加上高光,使五官更有神采。 速涂范例第四部分:使用减淡工具及奠它工具进行细节上的最后刻画及完善,最后完成此幅作品。 .
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 3ds Max is a leader in 3D animation for game development, design visualization, and visual effects and enables users to outperform the competition when it comes to high-volume visual effects production. From 3D storyboards and digital matte paintings to realistic digital environments, believable characters, and impressive crowds, this all-in-one software is professional and fast! The powerful Biped module in 3ds Max 8, with pre-linked and realistically constrained skeletons and its suite of motion tools, dramatically speeds up the animation process. In this book and accompanying CD, author and award-winning animators Michele Bousquet and Michael McCarthy look at the Biped, Physique, Crowd, and Motion Mixer tools and demonstrate how to animate character models quickly. They start with the basics of Biped, and then move on to footstep animation, freeform animation and the use of crowd behavior simulation tools. Readers will also learn how to use all the new tools of Motion Mixer for mixing motion files, and the Workbench for adjusting biped function curves, and learn specific animation techniques, including how to adjust physique for perfect deformation, fit a biped to any character model, create realistic motions, combine motions on any character, create crowd scenes automatically, and more!