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Market Leader Practice File Elementary Business English.1
光盘作者: ( )John Rogers,( )Christine Johnson[编著];龙梦晖主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[编]
简介: 本系列教材为引进改编教材,原系列教材是非常成熟的商务英语系列教材,改编后可适应我国高校教学的需要。该系列教材语言素材真实,相关教学和学习资源配套完整。共4级,每一级都有学生用书、练习册、教师用书、试题库和录音带,此外配有教学录像,并提供网站支持。另外还编有《国际管理》、《商法》、《银行与金融》和《商务英语语法与用法》。本系列教材话题紧跟国际经济发展形势,循序渐进地训练学生用英语进行调研分析、归纳总结和使用正确语体作书面或口头表述的能力。既可以帮助在校生了解真实的商务环境和话题,学习地道的商务英语;也可以帮助从事各种经济活动的商务人员通过语言技能综合训,较快地提高语言能力。可作为英语专业商务英语方向基础阶段课程教材,也可作为在职人员进修商务英语高级课程教材或社会培训之用。本书为配套练习。
光盘作者: [新西兰] 克里斯蒂娜·林多普(Christine Lindop) 著
简介: “书虫”系列是外研社和牛津大学出版社联合为中国英语学习者奉献的一大精品,丛书为世界优秀文学名著的英文简写本或原创作品,具有提高读者英文水平和陶冶情操的双重作用。本丛书自问世以来深受广大学生、英语学习者的喜爱,连续多年畅销不衰。本套装包括“书虫”1级《爱情故事集:桥及其他》等13本图书,由国内教学专家按照词汇量和语言难度进行科学分级,适合初中一二年级阅读。主题为世界优秀文学名著的英文简写读本或原创作品,以漫画配文字的形式展现文学作品,语言浅显易懂,情节有悬念,很吸引人。配图生动有趣。译文贴近原文。适合英语初级学习者阅读。英汉对照,提供重要的语言点注释,方便读者阅读和理解。书后配有适量练习题,检测读者的阅读效果和巩固对语言点的把握。故事情节生动,并配有专业播音员朗读的mp3音频。
How to master skills for the TOEFL iBT,Listening basic
光盘作者: Monika N. Kushwaha,Jasmine C. Swaney,Christine F. Houck[编著]
简介: 《新托福考试专项进阶:初级听力》引进自韩国多乐园出版社。该社成立于1977年,在韩国英语教育出版领域始终处于领军地位。本丛书被韩国众多学校和培训机构指定为课堂教材,在托福考生中享有较高声誉。《新托福考试专项进阶》系列丛书从托福考试所考查的听、说、读、写四项技能入手,为考生提供了详尽的考试指导,并将各技能分为初、中、高三级,通过独特的“进阶训练”方式,再辅以大量练习,让考生逐步掌握托福实考的技巧,同时切实提高英语实际运用能力,从而在短期内轻松取得托福高分。本丛书内容编排由易到难,循序渐进,实战性强,是不可多得的托福备考资料。
Market Leader Practice File Pre-intermediate Business English.2
光盘作者: ( )John Rogers,( )Christine Johnson[编著];吴云娣主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[编]
Practical art of motion picture sound
光盘作者: (美)David Lewis Yewdall著;张岳,夏田,甘凌译
简介: 《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》全面检验电影声音这门学科,重点放在实际操作中经常遇到的问题和解决方法上。《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》还向你展示了怎样在低预算、缺少设备、录音条件差的情况下获得最好的声轨。基于作者和其他顶尖级声音制作者的经验以及扎实的实用技巧,书中提供了大量的真实案例和相关的技术数据,并对有技巧的创建听觉体验过程给予了正确的评价。作者是电影声音行业中一位举足轻重的关键性人物,《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》就是从他的视点对声音部门作了全面的剖析,不仅涉及了当代的实践操作,还提供了实用性很强的建议,指导读者怎样避开各种陷阱。同时本书第3版完成了全面的更新,在声音修复和非线性剪辑方面增加了很多新内容,还增加了“低预算策略”一整章内容。 《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》附带的互动DVD光盘,内含一个供ADR配音/循环配音训练的工程文件,雷·哈里豪森的采访视频和1000多张照片及图表。 《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》作者David Lewis Yewdall,M.P.S.E. (美国电影声音剪辑师工会会员),在他30年的职业生涯中,制作了145部电影,其中包括《纽约大逃亡》(Escape from NewYork),约翰·卡朋特的《怪形》(The Thing)、《克里斯丁》(Christine)、《阴阳魔界》(Twilight Zone: The Movie)、《错误行动》(One False Move)、《从前有一座森林》(Once Upon a Forest)、《天崩地裂》(Dante’s Peak)、《第五元素》(The Fifth Element)、《连锁反应》(Chain Reaction)、《星河舰队》(Starship Troopers)等。他是美国电影艺术与科学学院声音委员会的成员,也是美国电影声音剪辑师工会(Motion Picture Sound Editors Society)会员。
作者: 卡伦·布兰查德(Karen Blanchard),克里斯蒂娜·鲁特(Christine Root)著
Market leader practice file upper intermediate business English.4
光盘作者: ( )John Rogers,Christine Johnson[编著];王关富主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[改编]
简介: 《体验商务英语》系列教材为学习者提供了全新的学习方式,即在体验中学习商务英语,进而提高运用英语进行商务交际的能力。该系列教材是在培生教育出版集团出版的market leader和powerhouse系列—教材的基础上改编的,由《综合教程》、《听说教程》《同步练习》、《教师用书》和配套的录音、录像资料等组成。. 《同步练习》提供语法、词汇、写作和语音、听说练习及测试题,配有录音,可作为bec考试的参考练习。...
Microbiology : an introduction / 7th ed.
光盘作者: Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, Christine L. Case.
简介:This eighth edition of an introductory text/CD-ROM package for students in allied health sciences, biological science, and environmental studies features material on new discoveries in emerging infectious diseases, DNA chips, and industrial uses of microbes. The accompanying CD-ROM contains case studies, lab exercises, test questions, and new tutorials on difficult topics. There are also new boxes on microbiology in the news, and many new color micrographs. Tortora teaches biology at Bergen Community College. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
作者: 约翰逊 (Christine Johnson) (作者), 罗纳根 (Jack Lonergan) (作者)
Biology : concepts and applications / 6th ed., International student ed.
光盘作者: Cecie Starr, Christine A. Evers, Lisa Starr.
简介:This introductory textbook introduces the principles of cellular life, inheritance, evolution, biodiversity, plant structure and function, animal structure and function, and ecology. An introductory chapter introduces basic concepts and methods in the study of biology. Appendixes outline classification schemes, units of measure, major metabolic pathways, and the periodic table of elements. Color photographs and other illustrations are featured throughout. The CD- ROM contains diagnostic quizzes, animations, and video clips on controversial issues. Annotation 漏2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Known widely in Europe as "interpretive narrative archaeology," the practice of using creative methods to interpret and present current knowledge of the past is gaining popularity in North America. This book is the first compilation of international case studies of the various artistic methods used in this new form of education鈥攐ne that makes archaeology "come alive" for the nonprofessional. Plays, opera, visual art, stories, poetry, performance dance, music, sculpture, digital imagery鈥攁ll can effectively communicate archaeological processes and cultural values to public audiences. The 23 contributors to this volume are a diverse group of archaeologists, educators, and artisans who have direct experience in schools, museums, and at archaeological sites. Citing specific examples, such as the film The English Patient, science fiction mysteries, and hypertext environments, they explain how creative imagination and the power of visual and audio media can personalize, contextualize, and demystify the research process. A 16-page color section illuminates their examples, and an accompanying CD includes relevant videos, music, web sites, and additional color images. In their Introduction, the editors invoke the ancient muses to inspire the modern presenters and interpreters of archaeological research. They aptly quote George Santayana, from his poem "The Power of Art": ". . . may our hands immortalize the day When life was sweet, and save from utter death The sacred past that should not pass away." John H. Jameson Jr.is an archaeologist and John E. Ehrenhardis Director at the National Park Service's Southeast Archeological Center in Tallahassee, Florida. Christine A. Finnis research associate at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Oxford in England. Publisher Summary 2 This book and its accompanying CD examine how information derived from archaeological investigations can be presented artistically to educate the general public.
作者: (法)Gaston Leroux原著;(美)Shannon Donnelly改写;刘春梅,王红欣译注;(美)Robert Schoolcraft插图
简介:克里斯汀(Christine)本是剧团一名默默无闻的小演员,一个偶然的机会,她顶替剧团的首席女演员上台演唱。她那天使般美妙的歌声立刻受到观众的热烈欢迎,也让她与曾经的玩伴——英俊富有的拉奥鲁(Raoul)不期而遇……本书含光盘。 克里斯汀(Christine)本是剧团一名默默无闻的小演员,一个偶然的机会,她顶替剧团的首席女演员上台演唱。她那天使般美妙的歌声立刻受到了观众的热烈欢迎,也让她与曾经的玩伴——英俊富有的拉奥鲁(Raoul)不期而遇。然而,爱情的花朵并没有像想象中那样顺利绽放,克里斯汀的音乐老师不断从中阻拦。被她称作“音乐天使”的老师其实就是巴黎歌剧院人人谈之色变的“歌剧院幽灵”。勇敢的爱人为了自己的爱情一次又一次地与怪异的音乐老师发生冲突。他们的爱情会怎样进行下去呢?
Basic concepts in biology / 6th ed.
光盘作者: Cecie Starr, Christine A. Evers, Lisa Starr.
简介:This seventh edition of an introductory text for nonmajors consists of 30 chapters from the parent text, Biology: Concepts and Applications, repaginated with modified cross-referencing. Coverage encompasses principles of cellular life, inheritance, evolution, biodiversity, and ecology. The missing units are on how plants work and how animals work. For this edition, chapter introductions include a section-by-section list of key concepts, and a brief list of links to earlier concepts. Margin icons that link concepts are found throughout each chapter. The writing has been revised to make it accessible to second-language students. This edition also includes many new photos and new or updated figures in its color art program. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Keeping the republic : power and citizenship in American politics / 2nd ed.
光盘作者: Christine Barbour, Gerald C. Wright.
简介:University of Indiana political scientists update their 2006 introductory textbook to incorporate the 2008 election that "...has turned some of our conventional wisdom about who gets what in American politics upside down." Showing how they are relevant, they cover key aspects of US politics including American political beliefs, the Constitution, struggles for equal rights, workings of the Federal bureaucracy, state and local politics in a Federal system, and policy areas including the environment, economics, and foreign affairs. The attractive but hefty volume includes color photos, "profiles in citizenship" boxes, critical thinking questions, practice quizzes, suggested resources, and appended documents and statistics. Supplemental resources for students and instructors are available. Annotation 漏2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Market Leader Practice File Elementary Business English.1
作者: ( )John Rogers,( )Christine Johnson[编著];龙梦晖主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[编]
How to master skills for the TOEFL iBT,Listening basic
作者: Monika N. Kushwaha,Jasmine C. Swaney,Christine F. Houck[编著]
Market Leader Practice File Pre-intermediate Business English.2
作者: ( )John Rogers,( )Christine Johnson[编著];吴云娣主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[编]
Market leader practice file upper intermediate business English.4
作者: ( )John Rogers,Christine Johnson[编著];王关富主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[改编]
Microbiology : an introduction / 7th ed.
Biology : concepts and applications / 6th ed., International student ed.