Market Leader Practice File Elementary Business English.1
作者: ( )John Rogers,( )Christine Johnson[编著];龙梦晖主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[编]
How to master skills for the TOEFL iBT,Listening basic
作者: Monika N. Kushwaha,Jasmine C. Swaney,Christine F. Houck[编著]
Market Leader Practice File Pre-intermediate Business English.2
作者: ( )John Rogers,( )Christine Johnson[编著];吴云娣主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[编]
Market leader practice file upper intermediate business English.4
作者: ( )John Rogers,Christine Johnson[编著];王关富主编;《体验商务英语》改编组[改编]
Microbiology : an introduction / 7th ed.
Biology : concepts and applications / 6th ed., International student ed.