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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0程序开发环境[电子资源]:第5版
光盘作者: (美)[J.C.克雷格]John Clark Craig,(美)[J.韦布]Jeff Webb著
简介:本书简介 在这一版的《MicrosoftVisualBasic程序开发环境》中,我们加人了许多有关Internet、数据 库程序设计和ActiveX方面的新内容,也根据读者的要求对前一版的部分进行了修改。 和前一版一样,本书的作者有两位——John ClarkCraig和JeffWebb。得力于两人的分工 合作,让我们在讨论VisualBasic相关的内容时,才得以在内容充实程度、正确性和讨论 范围等三方面有所增强。另一方面,也正因为VisualBasic本身已经成为一个多样且涉 及范围广泛的产品,我们更需要一个有笑率的写作团队来提供给读者适当的学习观点 和学习范围。我们希望您能从本书中获得许多VisualBasic程序设计上实际的知识 精华。 下面,您会看到我们对VisualBasic6新特性的简要介绍,这将会帮助您更快地了解 VisualBasic6。VisualBasic6做了许多重大更多>>
作者: 赵道强编著
简介:The continuing story of the homespun pioneer adventures & joys of Clark & Marty of "Love Comes Softly".Audio Books swap for two (2) credits.- If you are a member, please Log In to request it. - Or join the Club and get this book for Free.]" />Post This Book+ ReminderLogin | RegisterISBN-13:9787900230843 ISBN-10:790023084X Rating: Currently 5/5 Stars. 1
Voice recognition with software applications /
光盘作者: Lyn R. Clark.
简介:Voice Recognition with Software Applications 1e by Clark is a text-workbook that features voice recognition specific instructional materials that emphasize transcription procedures and techniques. Dictation instructional materials and exercises are included, along with editing and proofreading practices using voice recognition. Exercises on language principles, vocabulary, formatting, and English skills are provided for students to review or update their competency levels. The package includes the Student Edition with CD-ROM and the Instructor Annotated Edition with CD-ROM.
Sams teach yourself adobe Photoshop 5.0 in 21 days
光盘作者: (美)[T. M. 克拉克]T. Michael Clark著;宋立国译
简介:《学用 Photoshop 5.0》译自美国著名的西蒙与舒斯特国际出版公司出版的《Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Photoshop 5.0 in 21 Days》一书。本书简明扼要地介绍了Photoshop 5.0的界面、参数设置、新增特 性、文件格式、图像的输入与输出、系统颜色的校准与设置;还通过大量实例循序渐进地介绍了各种工具、 选择区域、图层、遮罩、路径、通道、文本、滤镜、动作的使用方法,以及拼贴画和照片蒙太奇的创作方法。本 书的每一章都建立在前一章的基础之上,这种由浅入深的叙述方法为读者的学习提供了扎实的基础。本书 适用于Photoshop 5.0
简介:笔者在中国担任雅思考官的5年时间里,见证过数以千计的中国雅思考生通过了口语面试。 大多数人认为口语考试的及格分应为5分或6分。 现在许多学生意识到,5分或6分的雅思口语分数难以满足他们的学习要求,这便是笔者写本书的原因。 许多学生花了数月时间备考雅思口语,却发现想得到7分或更高的分数仍很困难。实际上有些考生的成绩并没有达到他们的潜力所及。一些原因造成了这种不理想的成绩,本书将对这些原因作详细探讨,但其中一个主要原因可能还是缺乏备考雅思口语所需的好材料。 作为雅思考官,笔者能准确地区分雅思口语分数不同的考生英语口语能力的差别——这便是本书的写作基础。 市面上关于雅思口语考试的书并不少见,但本书旨在通过重点关注如何获得7分(或更好)的成绩来开辟新的备考蹊径。书中所列的技巧及方法对考生取得雅思口语高分有很强的针对性。 本书以雅思考生为对象,也可供英语学习者提高口语水平。它既适合课堂教学使用又适用于 自学。更多>>
作者: Ian M. Clark著
简介: 常春藤又出了一系列好书!这些书分别是:《新闻英语通》、《书信英语通》、《笑语英语通》、《塑身英语通》和《格言英语通》。 《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》的涵盖面极广,举凡情书、慰问信、感谢函等均列入《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》中。作者以浅显易懂的英语撰写,内容生动有趣,适合读者模仿练习。这《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》可说是培养书信写作的最佳参考书。 《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》搜集各类笑活,每篇笑话均以隽永生动的英文撰写。读者可以将《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》成背诵模板,在适当的场合讲述,一则可以增添轻松的气氛,二则练就流利的英语口语能力。 《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》是向美国瘦身专家直接购入版权出版的好书。原作者以幽默却不失严谨的文笔道出塑身应有的正确观念。读者念完《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》后不仅知道如何瘦身,也可提升英文阅读能力,可谓一举两得。 英文的格言若偶尔能运用在写作或口语之中,当可提升读者的形象。《塑身英语通(附MP3光盘)》就是为此目的编写的。每则格言均附应用篇,可供读者模仿练习。
简介:Efficient learning environments lead to faster and better learning. In this important book, Ruth Clark, Frank Nguyen, and John Sweller offer guidelines based on more than twenty-five years of research on cognitive load theory that will help you create efficient instructional environments?and they show why they work! Efficiency in Learning offers a road map of the most effective ways to use the three fundamental communication of training: visuals, written text, and audio. Regardless of how yo更多>>
简介:"Surrounded by 140 acres of expansive lawns, meadows, and walking trails in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute is home to exceptional collections of European and American painting and sculpture, master prints and drawings, English silver and porcelain, and early photographs. It is also recognized as a leading international center for research and higher education. This book combines beautiful images with engaging narrative to capture the unique experience of "art in nature" that has made the Clark one of the country's best-loved museums."--BOOK JACKET.
简介:This set of proceedings details the contributions for the 4th International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (ICSCS 10) held in Sydney, Australia from 21 23 July 2010. The conference builds on a successful series which were initiated by Professor Chang-Koon Choi of KAIST and held in Pusan, Korea in 2001 (ICSCS 01), Seoul, Korea in 2004 (ICSCS 04) and Manchester, UK in 2007 (ICSCS 07). The conference is supported by and focuses on the themes of the successful international Journal published by Techno-Press, Steel and Composite Structures which is Managed by Professor Chang-Koon Choi, and supported by Regional Editors Professors David Nethercot, Christopher Earls and Brian Uy for Europe, America and Asia-Pacific respectively. This conference has attracted 143 contributions from 27 countries and 6 continents. Nine Keynote papers are included which emanate from 7 countries and 4 continents. The broad topics of the conference which included 27 technical sessions covered the broad areas of Steel Structures, Composite Structures, Bridge Structures, Building Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Uses of FRP and Sustainability Issues. The conference has been managed by a Local Organising Committee (LOC) in collaborationwith ICE Australia. The Local Organising Committee wish to thank Laura Moody and Andrea Gall from ICE Australia, together with Mrs Magdalene Wong-Borgefjord, Jodie Clark and Narelle Chambers from the School of Engineering and Civionics Research Centre for all the administrative support in organising this event. The LOC also would like to thank the International Conference Chairs and the International Scientific Committee for their role in promoting and contributing articles to the conference. Furthermore, the role of the many reviewers that assessed and reviewed some 200 abstracts and 150 full papers is gratefully acknowledged. The LOC wishes to make special mention to thank the Keynote Presenters for their excellent contributions to making the ICSCS 10 conference such a success. The nine Keynote Presenters selected are all international experts in their field and all have contributed to national and international specifications in the fields of steel and composite structures for the Australian Standards, American Institute of Steel Construction, British Standards, Chinese Standards, Eurocodes, Hong Kong Buildings Department, Japanese Standards and Singapore Structural Steel Society