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Java : an introduction to computer science and programming = JAVA : 计算机科学与程序设计导论 / 2n...
光盘作者: Walter Savitch.
简介: Walter Savitch received the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1969. Since that time he has been on the faculty at the University of California at San Diego and is currently a Professor of Computer Science and director of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Cognitive Science. Professor Saviteh's research areas include complexity theory, formal language theory, computational linguistics, and the development of computer science education materials. In addition to writing numerous research articles and involvement in other editorial projects, he has written a number of well-known computer science textbooks, including Pascal, Ada, and C++ CS 1 and CS2 textbooks.
Step-by-step practice for CET4
光盘作者: 潘宏伟主编;赵爱萍[等]编写
简介:《新起点大学英语4级考试阶梯训练教程(附光盘1张)》具有以下特点:1.训练的渐进性。《新起点大学英语4级考试阶梯训练教程(附光盘1张)》遵循培训教学规律,重点进行大学英语四级考试各种题型的专项训练,完成后进行模拟训练。最后,进行真题训练(2008年12月、2009年6月最新真题)。2.难度的阶梯性。《新起点大学英语4级考试阶梯训练教程(附光盘1张)》考虑到高职高专学生的英语水平和心理现状,从保护学习积极性和鼓励上进心的角度出发,选材编排有一定的难度阶梯,以高等学校英语应用能力考试A级或大学英语三级考试为起点,逐渐过渡到大学英语四级考试的难度。3.解答的简洁性。《新起点大学英语4级考试阶梯训练教程(附光盘1张)》在专项训练部分只提供了一个解题津要,为学生作简要引导。另外只提供简要的参考答案,不作详解。一方面便于教师发挥能动性,同时节省篇幅以增加题量。《新起点大学英语4级考试阶梯训练教程(附光盘1张)》听力部分(除真题外)的录音由美国语言教学专家John Meny(Ph.D.)和Carol朗读,他们提出了不少修改建议。真题完全保留了原有音频,便于学生实战演练。
简介:The authoritative reference text on KAME and IPv6! IPv6 was introduced in 1994 and has been in development at the IETF for over 10 years. It has now reached the deployment stage. KAME, the de-facto open-source reference implementation of the IPv6 standards, played a significantrole in the acceptance and the adoption of the IPv6 technology. The adoption of KAME by key companies in a wide spectrum of commercial products is a testimonial to the success of the KAME project, which concluded not long ago. This book is the first and the only one of its kind, which reveals all of the details of the KAME IPv6 protocolstack, explaining exactly what every line of code does andwhy it was designed that way. Through the dissection of both the code and its design, the authors illustrate how IPv6 and its related protocols have been interpreted and implemented from the specifications. This reference will demystify those ambiguous areas in the standards, which are open to interpretation and problematic in deployment, and presents solutions offered by KAME in dealing with these implementation challenges. About the Authors Qing Liis a senior architect at Blue Coat Systems, Inc. leading the design and development efforts of the next-generation IPv6 enabled secure proxy appliances. Qing holds multiple US patents. Qing is a contributing author of the book titled Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems published in June 2005. He is the author of the embedded systems development book titled Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems published in April 2003. Tatuya Jinmei Ph.D. is a research scientist at Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation. He had been a core developer of the KAME project since the launch of theproject through its conclusion. In 2003, he received the Ph.D. degree from Keio University, Japan, based on his work at KAME. Keiichi Shima is a senior researcher at Internet Initiative Japan Inc. He was a core developer of the KAME project from 2001 to the end of the project and developed Mobile IPv6/NEMO Basic Support protocol stack. He is now working on the new mobility stack (the SHISA stack) for BSD operating systems. *Covering a snapshot version of KAME dated April 2003 based on FreeBSD 4.8 *Extensive line-by-line code listings with meticulous explanation of their rationale and use for the KAME snapshot implementation, which is generally applicable to most recent versions of the KAME IPv6 stack including those in recent releases of BSD variants * Numerous diagrams and illustrations help in visualizing the implementation * In-depth discussion of the standards provides intrinsic understanding of the specifications * Two CD-ROMs filled with the complete KAME IPv6 protocol stack and FreeBSD software.
Next Generation Excel: Modeling In Excel For Analysts And Mbas 9780470824733
光盘作者: Isaac Gottlieb ,(艾萨克·戈特利布) 著
出版社:Wiley 2009年11月
简介: Isaac D. Gottlieb, Ph.D. is the Director of the International Executive MBA at Rutgers University Business School. He has been part of the teaching faculty for over 10 years, and is the recipient of a number of teaching excellence awards. Over the last decade, he has taught how to use Excel-and how to apply it effectively to various business disciplines-to thousands of MBA and Executive MBA students at Rutgers, NYU and Columbia University. He has also instructed Excel application in business settings to over 10,000 participants in corporate seminars, conferences and workshops. The participants are professionals from leading multinational companies as well as small private business corporations. Dr. Gottlieb has an Excel-Tip-Of-The-Month newsletter which goes to over 50,000 recipients.
简介:Praise for Building the High-Trust Organization"Full of rich insights into what makes both interpersonal as well as organizational trust work (or not). . . . These authors understand that leadership is a relationship, with trust as the glue, which sticks people and things together. They make their argument that trust is the main thing. Trust me on that one!" -Barry Z. Posner, Ph.D., professor of leadership and former dean, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University; coauthor, The Leadership Challenge, and A Leader's Legacy; and visiting professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology"The authors' insights will have you thinking long and hard about how to build capacity within your own corporate cultures. I enjoyed this book immensely." -Gail T. Fairhurst, author of The Power of Framing: Creating the Language of Leadership"A valuable read for leaders and leadership scholars, this book is filled with poignant examples of trust (and mistrust) in a variety of organizations. The trust model and Organizational Trust Index are wonderful tools." -Ronald E. Riggio, Henry R. Kravis Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology, Claremont McKenna College"The authors draw upon their expertise as researchers and consultants to provide a blueprint for leaders who want to build organizational trust, which is the key to organizational excellence." -Craig Johnson, professor of leadership studies, George Fox University and author, Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership"This book provides a pragmatic roadmap for leaders interested in building trust in their organizations and teams-and, by so doing, provides the foundation for sustainable performance." -Robert Bruce Shaw, management consultant and author of Trust in the Balance: Building Successful Organizations on Results, Integrity and Concern
作者: (美) 施泰恩施泰因(Martin Sternstein Ph.D.)
出版社:世界图书出版公司 2016年7月
简介:Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areascomprises the latest progress in both theoretical and experimental research on the behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas. The book presents the most recent trends in the field of steel structures in seismic areas, with particular reference to the utilisation of multi-level ... more 籶erformance based design concepts, the analysis of factors influencing the steel structure behaviour during strong ground motions, minimizing earthquake damage, seismic retrofit, the collapse behavior of steel structures, recent developments in advanced large-scale experimental techniques, and the utilization of large-scale seismic testing facilities. A valuable resource for engineers, scientists, and Ph.D. students in Civil Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Engineering, Steel Construction, Steel Development, and Building Disaster Prevention. ?less
Fit & well : core concepts and labs in physical fitness and wellness / 5th ed.
光盘作者: Thomas D. Fahey, Paul M. Insel, Walton T. Roth.
简介:Fit & Well features accurate, up-to-date coverage of the key components of health-related fitness and provides tools for taking charge of wellness-related behaviors. Focusing on behavioral change, it covers key topics including the Healthy People 2010 objectives, cholesterol testing and treatment, and stress and immunity.Thomas Fahey, Ph.D., is a professor at California State University. Paul Insel, Ph.D., and Walton T. Roth,M.D., are professors at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Carl R. Nassar, Ph.D., is professor of telecommunications at Colorado State University and director of the Research in Advanced Wireless Communications (RAWCom) laboratory there. He also consults for telecommunications firms and publishes extensively in the wireless literature. Balances a solid theoretical treatment of subjects with practical applications and examples. Covers both digital and analogue telecommunications systems, including digital modulation techniques. The CD accompanying the book includes MATLAB庐 tutorials that permit readers to model various telecommunications systems and an electronic version of the book Publisher Summary 2 Carl R. Nassar, Ph.D., is professor of telecommunications at Colorado State University and director of the Research in Advanced Wireless Communications (RAWCom) laboratory there. He also consults for telecommunications firms and publishes extensively in the wireless literature. Balances a solid theoretical treatment of subjects with practical applications and examples. Covers both digital and analogue telecommunications systems, including digital modulation techniques. The CD accompanying the book includes MATLAB tutorials that permit readers to model various telecommunications systems and an electronic version of the book
Java : an introduction to computer science and programming = JAVA : 计算机科学与程序设计导论 / 2n...
作者: Walter Savitch.
Next Generation Excel: Modeling In Excel For Analysts And Mbas 9780470824733