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作者: 火星时代主编
简介: 火星时代主编的《火星人——Maya 白金手册》是一套全面学习并使用 Maya软件制作三维动画的大型多媒体教学手册,它对Maya的强大功能做了详尽的讲解。本套丛书共分6册:基础,建模,材质、灯光与渲染,Mentalray 渲染,动画与特效。 本册为第5册,即动画,主要讲解动画制作方面的知识,内容包括动画基础知识、动画控制、Graph Editor(曲线编辑器)、Skeleton(骨骼)、 Skin(蒙皮)、Muscle(肌肉)、Animation Editors(动画编辑器)等,此外还详细讲解了与动画制作相关的各个菜单命令的使用方法与参数设置,方便读者学习和查阅。随书附带3张DVD多媒体教学光盘,教学视频时间长达18个小时,内含54段高清晰演示视频;素材包括读者学习本手册过程中需要使用到的场景及相关素材文件。 《火星人——Maya 白金手册》不仅适合Maya初中级读者阅读,也可以作为高等院校三维动画设计相关专业的教辅图书及相关教师的参考图书。
简介: "...it comes as a gratifying surprise to find that just two people have been able to compile a comprehensive treatise, The Immune Response, on the topic...sets a high standard of excellence in the immunologic literature." - Robert S. Schwartz, M.D. for THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE "This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologist or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." - Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci, The Children's Hospital at Westmead for Doody's: 3 Star Review "A major strength of this text is that two authors wrote it with the assistance of two contributors, so that the information is integrated across the chapters and the style is consistent throughout rather than each chapter being written by a different author or set of authors with the editors then trying to integrate the information afterward. ...an excellent new textbook that combines excellent chapters on basic immunology with very good introductory chapters on clinical disorders related to immunology. This book will be particularly useful to serious students entering the field or to those in the field who want a well-written update across the breadth of immunology" - Andrew Saxon for CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY (Jan 2006) "...transitions smoothly from chapter to chapter, without the jarring inconsistency of writing styles that sometimes plagues multiauthor texts. The original two-color illustrations, fullcolor plates, and ample sidebars and summary boxes make for a pleasing, learner-centered book. The Immune Response is a well-written, well-organized, learner-centered text that is suitable for undergraduates, medical and graduate students, and more advanced learners of immunology." - James T. Li for JAMA (March 2006) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage..." -Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA (2004) "...very timely, reads very well, and should be of great interest to those wanting to get a start in understanding Immunology..." - Juan-Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker, Sunnybrook & Women's College Heath Sciences Centre, USA (2004) "The illustrations are terrific...One of the things I especially like is the use of the "Introducing..." and "More about..." sections. These give students a taste of what is to come without overwhelming them with details." - Douglas Green, La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, USA (2004) "...straight forward style...crystal clear definitions of complex immunological concepts...Uncomplicated style effortless for the reader to move from one section to the next, comfortable, unforced learning experience..." -Gillian Wu, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University, Canada "A very readable and enjoyable text... Historical background is a nice idea that is essentially overlooked in many competing texts...contemporary and would be easy to recommend..." -Richard M. Locksley, Department of Medicine, University of California in San Francisco, HHMI, San Francisco, CA, USA "I particularly like the clear and conversational style of the prose...chapters are a delight to read...I {also} like the format of presentation with boxes for the specialists and plenty of illustration... This will be an important contribution to the field of Immunology." -Noel R. Rose, Director, Center for Autoimmune Disease Research, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA "This book is an important contribution, providing the reader with a clear, complete, and concise overview of the immune system in both health and disease...This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologies or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." -Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci (The Children's Hospital at Westmead) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage." -- Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA, 2004 "...it comes as a gratifying surprise to find that just two people have been able to compile a comprehensive treatise, The Immune Response, on the topic...sets a high standard of excellence in the immunologic literature." - Robert S. Schwartz, M.D. for THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE "This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologist or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." - Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci, The Children's Hospital at Westmead for Doody's: 3 Star Review "A major strength of this text is that two authors wrote it with the assistance of two contributors, so that the information is integrated across the chapters and the style is consistent throughout rather than each chapter being written by a different author or set of authors with the editors then trying to integrate the information afterward. ...an excellent new textbook that combines excellent chapters on basic immunology with very good introductory chapters on clinical disorders related to immunology. This book will be particularly useful to serious students entering the field or to those in the field who want a well-written update across the breadth of immunology" - Andrew Saxon for CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY (Jan 2006) "...transitions smoothly from chapter to chapter, without the jarring inconsistency of writing styles that sometimes plagues multiauthor texts. The original two-color illustrations, fullcolor plates, and ample sidebars and summary boxes make for a pleasing, learner-centered book. The Immune Response is a well-written, well-organized, learner-centered text that is suitable for undergraduates, medical and graduate students, and more advanced learners of immunology." - James T. Li for JAMA (March 2006) "...very erudite and quite complete and accurate in its coverage..." -Peter Ward, University of Michigan Health Systems, Department of Pathology, USA (2004) "...very timely, reads very well, and should be of great interest to those wanting to get a start in understanding Immunology..." - Juan-Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker, Sunnybrook & Women's College Heath Sciences Centre, USA (2004) "The illustrations are terrific...One of the things I especially like is the use of the "Introducing..." and "More about..." sections. These give students a taste of what is to come without overwhelming them with details." - Douglas Green, La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology, USA (2004) "...straight forward style...crystal clear definitions of complex immunological concepts...Uncomplicated style effortless for the reader to move from one section to the next, comfortable, unforced learning experience..." -Gillian Wu, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University, Canada "A very readable and enjoyable text.... Historical background is a nice idea that is essentially overlooked in many competing texts.....contemporary and would be easy to recommend..." -Richard M. Locksley, Department of Medicine, University of California in San Francisco, HHMI, San Francisco, CA, USA "I particularly like the clear and conversational style of the prose...chapters are a delight to read...I {also} like the format of presentation with boxes for the specialists and plenty of illustration... This will be an important contribution to the field of Immunology." -Noel R. Rose, Director, Center for Autoimmune Disease Research, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA "This book is an important contribution, providing the reader with a clear, complete, and concise overview of the immune system in both health and disease...This is a valuable book for any veteran immunologies or student of immunology, with its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction." -Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci (The Children's Hospital at Westmead)
Practical guide to Linux commands, editors, and shell programming
光盘作者: (美)Mark G. Sobell著;杨明军,王凤芹译
简介:本书特点: 1.它是Pearson、Amazon、Bames&Noble 计算机畅销书! 2.知名Linux专家Mark Sobell 编写的这本书,为系统管理员、开发人员和高级用户提供了最需要的全面的深入指导,同时还是一本卓越的日常参考手册。 3.一本值得每一位Linux管理人员、开发人员和高级用户拥有的指南! 4.本书并不针对特定的Linux版本或者某个发行版本,而是适用于所有近期发布的Linux版本; 5.最实用的Linux指南和参考手册,数百个高质量的实例覆盖了每种Linux发行版! 6.本书覆盖超过80个核心工具、shell编程、编辑器和编程工具,能使您成为真正的Linux高手,它是掌握强大的Linux命令行的捷径。 本书是目前所能找到的最实用、最全面的Linux指南和参考手册,也是唯一一本提供以下全部内容的书籍: 更好更实用的示例覆盖了实际工作中需要执行的任务; 基于作者对Linux的渊博知识,本书提供了更加深入的理解; 为从aspell到xargs等80多个工具提供了更加实用的讲解; 使用ssh和scp的安全通信实现技术,以及多处让系统更加安全的提示; 很好地介绍了Linux编程环境,包括make、gcc、gdb、CVS等; 关于使用bash和tcsh进行基本的和高级的shell编程的专家指南; 定制shell以及在命令行上交互使用shell的提示和技巧; 提供了vim和emacs的详细指南,目的是为了帮助读者提高编辑效率; 大量练习将有助于提高读者的动手能力并获得自信心; 介绍了如何使用Apt、yum和BitTorrent自动更新系统; 还介绍了gawk、sed、find、sort、bzip2和正则表达式等内容。
作者: editors, Credic Jeanson and Griffin Creech
简介:A collection of works by both emerging and established artists based on the theme lavender.
简介:Optical Fiber Telecommunications V (A&B) is the fifth in a series that has chronicled the progress in the research and development of lightwave communications since the early 1970s. Written by active authorities from academia and industry, this edition not only brings a fresh look to many essential topics but also focuses on network management and services. Using high bandwidth in a cost-effective manner for the development of customer applications is a central theme. This book is ideal for R&D engineers and managers, optical systems implementers, university researchers and students, network operators, and the investment community. Volume (A) is devoted to components and subsystems, including: semiconductor lasers, modulators, photodetectors, integrated photonic circuits, photonic crystals, specialty fibers, polarization-mode dispersion, electronic signal processing, MEMS, nonlinear optical signal processing, and quantum information technologies. Volume (B) is devoted to systems and networks, including: advanced modulation formats, coherent systems, time-multiplexed systems, performance monitoring, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers, Ethernet technologies, broadband access and services, metro networks, long-haul transmission, optical switching, microwave photonics, computer interconnections, and simulation tools. Biographical Sketches Ivan Kaminow retired from Bell Labs in 1996 after a 42-year career. He conducted seminal studies on electrooptic modulators and materials, Raman scattering in ferroelectrics, integrated optics, semiconductor lasers (DBR , ridge-waveguide InGaAsP and multi-frequency), birefringent optical fibers, and WDM networks. Later, he led research on WDM components (EDFAs, AWGs and fiber Fabry-Perot Filters), and on WDM local and wide area networks. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a recipient of the IEEE/OSA John Tyndall, OSA Charles Townes and IEEE/LEOS Quantum Electronics Awards. Since 2004, he has been Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Tingye Li retired from AT&T in 1998 after a 41-year career at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs. His seminal work on laser resonator modes is considered a classic. Since the late 1960s, He and his groups have conducted pioneering studies on lightwave technologies and systems. He led the work on amplified WDM transmission systems and championed their deployment for upgrading network capacity. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is a recipient of the IEEE David Sarnoff Award, IEEE/OSA John Tyndall Award, OSA Ives Medal/Quinn Endowment, AT&T Science and Technology Medal, and IEEE Photonics Award. Alan Willner has worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Bellcore, and he is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California. He received the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellows Award from the White House, Packard Foundation Fellowship, NSF National Young Investigator Award, Fulbright Foundation Senior Scholar, IEEE LEOS Distinguished Lecturer, and USC University-Wide Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a Fellow of IEEE and OSA, and he has been President of the IEEE LEOS, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technology, Editor-in-Chief of Optics Letters, Co-Chair of the OSA Science & Engineering Council, and General Co-Chair of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. For nearly three decades, the OFT series has served as the comprehensive primary resource covering progress in the science and technology of optical fiber telecom. It has been essential for the bookshelves of scientists and engineers active in the field. OFT V provides updates on considerable progress in established disciplines, as well as introductions to new topics. [OFT V]... generates a value that is even higher than that of the sum of its chapters. Herwig Kogelnik, Vice President Adjunct, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent ... is a comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the latest research advances and development trends in the field, while upholding the highest standards of scholarly exposition and practical perspective. The wealth of material on innovative technologies and advanced applications will serve as an important and timely information resource ... for the advancement of telecommunications world-wide. Leping Wei, CTO, China Telecom Lightwave systems constitute the nervous system of the industrial world and continue to evolve as innovations are introduced with enormous economic impact. The editors have very skillfully brought together authoritative chapters written by well known experts, encompassing new technologies that are enabling the rapid advances to their commercial deployment. This is a "must-have" book ... Henry Kressel, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus Anyone ... will want to have a copy of this latest edition ... which carries on the tradition of bringing together a wonderful collection of authors, world-renowned experts all, to discuss the most important areas of this rapidly changing technology. ... this volume has evolved to include, not only updates of previous topics, but also considerably more discussion of networks and network services. Donald B. Keck, Corning, Inc. (retired) Much has happened since the last edition. ROADM-based metro networks are being widely deployed, optical monitoring is becoming essential, new modulation formats are enabling efficient bandwidth utilization, and deployed FTTH has 1 Gbit/s shared rates. All these ... are expertly reviewed by an impressive set of authors, each highly active, well-known and respected. In all ... a timely, highly valuable, well-written and comprehensive view presented by the world's experts. Rod C. Alferness, Chief Scientist, Bell Labs Research, Alcatel-Lucent * All the latest technologies and techniques for developing future components and systems * Edited by two winners of the OSA/IEEE John Tyndal award and a President of IEEE Lasers and Electro-optics Society * Written by leading experts in the field, it is the most authoritative and comprehensive reference on optical engineering the market.
Practical art of motion picture sound
光盘作者: (美)David Lewis Yewdall著;张岳,夏田,甘凌译
简介: 《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》全面检验电影声音这门学科,重点放在实际操作中经常遇到的问题和解决方法上。《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》还向你展示了怎样在低预算、缺少设备、录音条件差的情况下获得最好的声轨。基于作者和其他顶尖级声音制作者的经验以及扎实的实用技巧,书中提供了大量的真实案例和相关的技术数据,并对有技巧的创建听觉体验过程给予了正确的评价。作者是电影声音行业中一位举足轻重的关键性人物,《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》就是从他的视点对声音部门作了全面的剖析,不仅涉及了当代的实践操作,还提供了实用性很强的建议,指导读者怎样避开各种陷阱。同时本书第3版完成了全面的更新,在声音修复和非线性剪辑方面增加了很多新内容,还增加了“低预算策略”一整章内容。 《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》附带的互动DVD光盘,内含一个供ADR配音/循环配音训练的工程文件,雷·哈里豪森的采访视频和1000多张照片及图表。 《电影声音实用艺术(第3版)》作者David Lewis Yewdall,M.P.S.E. (美国电影声音剪辑师工会会员),在他30年的职业生涯中,制作了145部电影,其中包括《纽约大逃亡》(Escape from NewYork),约翰·卡朋特的《怪形》(The Thing)、《克里斯丁》(Christine)、《阴阳魔界》(Twilight Zone: The Movie)、《错误行动》(One False Move)、《从前有一座森林》(Once Upon a Forest)、《天崩地裂》(Dante’s Peak)、《第五元素》(The Fifth Element)、《连锁反应》(Chain Reaction)、《星河舰队》(Starship Troopers)等。他是美国电影艺术与科学学院声音委员会的成员,也是美国电影声音剪辑师工会(Motion Picture Sound Editors Society)会员。
简介:Optical Fiber Telecommunications V (A&B) is the fifth in a series that has chronicled the progress in the research and development of lightwave communications since the early 1970s. Written by active authorities from academia and industry, this edition not only brings a fresh look to many essential topics but also focuses on network management and services. Using high bandwidth in a cost-effective manner for the development of customer applications is a central theme. This book is ideal for R&D engineers and managers, optical systems implementers, university researchers and students, network operators, and the investment community. Volume (A) is devoted to components and subsystems, including: semiconductor lasers, modulators, photodetectors, integrated photonic circuits, photonic crystals, specialty fibers, polarization-mode dispersion, electronic signal processing, MEMS, nonlinear optical signal processing, and quantum information technologies. Volume (B) is devoted to systems and networks, including: advanced modulation formats, coherent systems, time-multiplexed systems, performance monitoring, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers, Ethernet technologies, broadband access and services, metro networks, long-haul transmission, optical switching, microwave photonics, computer interconnections, and simulation tools. Biographical Sketches Ivan Kaminow retired from Bell Labs in 1996 after a 42-year career. He conducted seminal studies on electrooptic modulators and materials, Raman scattering in ferroelectrics, integrated optics, semiconductor lasers (DBR , ridge-waveguide InGaAsP and multi-frequency), birefringent optical fibers, and WDM networks. Later, he led research on WDM components (EDFAs, AWGs and fiber Fabry-Perot Filters), and on WDM local and wide area networks. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a recipient of the IEEE/OSA John Tyndall, OSA Charles Townes and IEEE/LEOS Quantum Electronics Awards. Since 2004, he has been Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Tingye Li retired from AT&T in 1998 after a 41-year career at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs. His seminal work on laser resonator modes is considered a classic. Since the late 1960s, He and his groups have conducted pioneering studies on lightwave technologies and systems. He led the work on amplified WDM transmission systems and championed their deployment for upgrading network capacity. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is a recipient of the IEEE David Sarnoff Award, IEEE/OSA John Tyndall Award, OSA Ives Medal/Quinn Endowment, AT&T Science and Technology Medal, and IEEE Photonics Award. Alan Willner has worked at AT&T Bell Labs and Bellcore, and he is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California. He received the NSF Presidential Faculty Fellows Award from the White House, Packard Foundation Fellowship, NSF National Young Investigator Award, Fulbright Foundation Senior Scholar, IEEE LEOS Distinguished Lecturer, and USC University-Wide Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a Fellow of IEEE and OSA, and he has been President of the IEEE LEOS, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technology, Editor-in-Chief of Optics Letters, Co-Chair of the OSA Science & Engineering Council, and General Co-Chair of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. For nearly three decades, the OFT series has served as the comprehensive primary resource covering progress in the science and technology of optical fiber telecom. It has been essential for the bookshelves of scientists and engineers active in the field. OFT V provides updates on considerable progress in established disciplines, as well as introductions to new topics. [OFT V]... generates a value that is even higher than that of the sum of its chapters. Herwig Kogelnik, Vice President Adjunct, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent ... is a comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the latest research advances and development trends in the field, while upholding the highest standards of scholarly exposition and practical perspective. The wealth of material on innovative technologies and advanced applications will serve as an important and timely information resource ... for the advancement of telecommunications world-wide. Leping Wei, CTO, China Telecom Lightwave systems constitute the nervous system of the industrial world and continue to evolve as innovations are introduced with enormous economic impact. The editors have very skillfully brought together authoritative chapters written by well known experts, encompassing new technologies that are enabling the rapid advances to their commercial deployment. This is a "must-have" book ... Henry Kressel, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus Anyone ... will want to have a copy of this latest edition ... which carries on the tradition of bringing together a wonderful collection of authors, world-renowned experts all, to discuss the most important areas of this rapidly changing technology. ... this volume has evolved to include, not only updates of previous topics, but also considerably more discussion of networks and network services. Donald B. Keck, Corning, Inc. (retired) Much has happened since the last edition. ROADM-based metro networks are being widely deployed, optical monitoring is becoming essential, new modulation formats are enabling efficient bandwidth utilization, and deployed FTTH has 1 Gbit/s shared rates. All these ... are expertly reviewed by an impressive set of authors, each highly active, well-known and respected. In all ... a timely, highly valuable, well-written and comprehensive view presented by the world's experts. Rod C. Alferness, Chief Scientist, Bell Labs Research, Alcatel-Lucent * All the latest technologies and techniques for developing future components and systems * Edited by two winners of the highly prestigious OSA/IEEE John Tyndal award and a President of IEEE's Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (7,000 members) * Written by leading experts in the field, it is the most authoritative and comprehensive reference on optical engineering the market.
简介:New discoveries in the field of stem cell research have frequently appeared in the news and in scientific literature. Research in this area promises to lead to new therapies for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and a wide variety of other diseases. This two-volume reference integrates this exciting area of biology, combining the prerequisites for a general understanding of adult and embryonic stem cells, the tools, methods, and experimentalprotocols needed to study and characterize stem cells and progenitor populations, as well as a presentation by the world's experts of what is currently known about each specific organ system. The editors of the Handbook of StemCells include: Robert Lanza, Helen Blau, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Douglas Melton, Malcolm Moore, Roger Pedersen, E. Donnall Thomas, James Thomson, Catherine Verfaillie, Irving Weissman, and Michael West. The Editorial Board includes: W. French Anderson, Peter Andrews, Anthony Atala, Jose Cibelli, Giulio Cossu, RobertEdwards, Martin Evans, Elaine Fuchs, Margaret Fuller, FredGage, Richard Gardner, Margaret Goodell, Ronald Green, William Haseltine, Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor, Rudolf Jaenisch,Ihor Lemischka, Dame Anne McLaren, Richard Mulligan, Stuart Orkin, Martin Pera, Benjamin Reubinoff, Janet Rossant, Hans Scholer, Austin Smith, Evan Snyder, Davor Solter, Alan Trounson, and Leonard Zon. This comprehensiveset should be a much-needed addition to the library of students and researchers alike. * Provides comprehensive coverage on this highly topical subject * Contains contributions by the foremost authorities and premiere names in the field of stem cell research * The accompanying CD-ROM includes over 250 color figures.
Practical guide to Linux commands, editors, and Shell programming
光盘作者: (美)Mark G. Sobell著;包战,孔向华,胡艮胜译
简介: 为了真正掌握Linux必须全面理解shell和命令行。以前,读者必须购 买两本书才能掌握这些知识:一本介绍Linux基本概念和技术的指南,再加 一本参考手册。现在,著名Linux专家Mark Sobell通过《Linux命令、编辑 器与shell编程(第2版)》一本书,不仅全面深入地介绍了系统管理员、开 发人员和高级用户最需要的工具,而量涵盖了日常工作中最常用的参考资 源。 《Linux命令、编辑器与shell编程(第2版)》完全适用于所有发布版, 可以把它用于任意Linux系统,包括现在和将来发布的Linux系统。《Linux 命令、编辑器与shell编程(第2版)》还全面介绍了Mac OS X命令行。包括 其他Linux/UNIX图书忽略的仅用于OS X的工具和实用程序。 本书结构清晰,包含数百个优秀的实际范例,从最基础的知识开始, 介绍了Linux中最有用的知识,包捶文体系统、shell、编辑器、实用程序 、编程工具、正则表达式等。Sobell还添加了Perl的入门介绍,Ped是 Linux管理员自动完成复杂、耗时的任务最重要的编程工具。
Landscape simulation modeling : a spatially explicit, dynamic approach /
光盘作者: Robert Costanza, Alexey Voinov, editors.
简介:CD-ROM contains: "the SME software and Web pages that extend the book chapters with color illustrations, animations, movies, models, and data."
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Known widely in Europe as "interpretive narrative archaeology," the practice of using creative methods to interpret and present current knowledge of the past is gaining popularity in North America. This book is the first compilation of international case studies of the various artistic methods used in this new form of education鈥攐ne that makes archaeology "come alive" for the nonprofessional. Plays, opera, visual art, stories, poetry, performance dance, music, sculpture, digital imagery鈥攁ll can effectively communicate archaeological processes and cultural values to public audiences. The 23 contributors to this volume are a diverse group of archaeologists, educators, and artisans who have direct experience in schools, museums, and at archaeological sites. Citing specific examples, such as the film The English Patient, science fiction mysteries, and hypertext environments, they explain how creative imagination and the power of visual and audio media can personalize, contextualize, and demystify the research process. A 16-page color section illuminates their examples, and an accompanying CD includes relevant videos, music, web sites, and additional color images. In their Introduction, the editors invoke the ancient muses to inspire the modern presenters and interpreters of archaeological research. They aptly quote George Santayana, from his poem "The Power of Art": ". . . may our hands immortalize the day When life was sweet, and save from utter death The sacred past that should not pass away." John H. Jameson Jr.is an archaeologist and John E. Ehrenhardis Director at the National Park Service's Southeast Archeological Center in Tallahassee, Florida. Christine A. Finnis research associate at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Oxford in England. Publisher Summary 2 This book and its accompanying CD examine how information derived from archaeological investigations can be presented artistically to educate the general public.
简介: This text provides the physical therapist with the information they need to know about specific orthopedic surgeries and the rehabilitation techniques. Each chapter presents the indications and considerations for surgery; a detailed look at the surgical procedure, including the surgeon's perspective regarding rehabilitation concerns; and therapy guidelines to use in designing the rehabilitation program. In addition to including descriptions of each surgery, this book provides rehabilitation protocols for each surgery along with ways to trouble shoot within various patient populations (i.e. geriatric, athletic, pediatric, etc.). Unlike the more general orthopedic books, this book provides specific clinical information about individual orthopedic surgeries along with a chapter on soft tissue healing. Each chapter is written by an MD and PT or OT providing both surgical and rehabilitation information. Includes the latest, evidence-based therapy guidelines to help therapists design the most effective rehab programs for their patients. Every chapter includes case study vignettes with critical thinking questions to encourage students to use clinical reasoning. Provides detailed tables that break down therapy guidelines with rehab phases to give a quick resource to rehabilitation and therapy plans. Includes the indications and considerations of specific surgical procedures to demonstrate why surgery should or should not be considered. Describes surgeries in detail to give therapists a clear understanding of the surgical procedures used for various injuries and disorders so they can fashion the appropriate rehabilitation program. Includes coverage of commonly accepted therapy guidelines to allow therapists to design a home therapy program as well as what's needed immediately post surgery. Suggested Home Maintenance boxes, included in every chapter, provide guidance for the patient once they return home. Emphasizes the unique needs of the individual patient with suggested home maintenance guidelines and the entire treatment plan broken out by phase for every chapter. Over 300 photos and line drawings provide invaluable teaching tools for instructors and references to the practitioners. Content provided by well-known contributors from around the country. Four new chapters: Pathogenesis of Soft Tissue and Bone Repair, Total Shoulder Replacement, Surgery and Rehabilitation for Primary Flexor Tendon Repair in the Digit, and Cervical Spine Fusion. Includes new information within the appendices on transitioning the running and jumping athlete (e.g. basketball player) back to court and the mini invasive anterior approach to total hip replacement. New authors and editors bring fresh perspective to the topics covered in the text. Each chapter is thoroughly revised with the most current information available on orthopedic surgeries and therapy. Evaluations and guidelines are designed more specifically to the surgical diagnoses for the postsurgical patient. Companion CD-ROM includes the suggested home maintenance boxes in a printable and editable form as well as anatomical and surgical animations on important procedures and anatomical areas.
简介:Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The procedure is common for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and this atlas, with 400 color and b&w images, details performance and interpretation for gastroenterologists. The included DVD contains 83 video clips of procedures in progress, and readers can access all images at a companion website. The four editors are affiliated as follows: Frank Gress (State U. of New York, Brooklyn), Thomas Savides (U. of California, San Diego), Brenna Casey Bounds (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School), and John Deutsch (Essential Health Care Systems, Minnesota). Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com) Publisher Summary 2 Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is now an established technique for the diagnosis of GI disease. In addition, therapeutic indications for EUS have recently been developed and it is included in the training programs for gastroenterology. The Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonographyprovides a large collection of excellent images obtained from both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to give readers a preview of practice. It includes a DVD with video clips and searchable database of images. This package presents a first-class collection of images to give a highly integrated introduction to endoscopic ultrasonography.
简介: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Volume 2: Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice provides a thorough review of the basic science information concerning the tissues of the musculoskeletal system impacted by injury or disease, as well as the guiding principles upon which rehabilitation interventions are based. This volume divides information into two sections: scientific foundations and principles of intervention, providing readers with a guiding set of clinical foundations and principles upon which they can easily develop treatment interventions for specific impairments and functional limitations. Clinical application case studies help readers apply what they learn in the classroom to real life situations. Evidence-based content uses over 5,000 references to support the basic science information principles for rehabilitation interventions and provide the best evidence and physiological reasoning for treatment. Over 180 tables and 275 text boxes highlight key points within the text for better understanding. Expert editors David Magee, PhD, PT, James Zachazewski, DPT, SCS, ATC, Sandy Quillen, PT, PhD, SCS, FACSM and over 70 contributors provide authoritative guidance on the foundations and principles of musculoskeletal rehabilitation practice.
Acarology : proceedings of the 10th International Congress /
光盘作者: editors, R.B. Halliday ... [et al.]
简介:For the last forty years, the International Congress of Acarology has been the primary forum for reviewing progress in the study of mites at the world level. This volume presents the text of papers that were given at the 10th International Congress of Acarology, Canberra, Australia, July 1998.
作者: McKinney
出版社:东南大学出版社 2018年07月
本书由Pythopandas项目的创立者Wes McKinney撰写,是一本实用、现代的Python数据科学工具读物,适合新入门的Python分析师和刚接触数据科学及科学计算的Python程序员。数据文件和相关材料在Github上可以获得。
* 将IPythoshell和Jupyter Notebook用于探索式计算
* 学习NumPy(Numerical Python)的基础和高级特性
* 通过pandas库中的数据分析工具入门
* 使用灵活的工具装载、清洗、转换、合并和整形数据
* 用matplotlib创建信息可视化
* 应用pandas groupby功能将数据集切片、切块和汇总
* 分析和操纵规整和不规整时间序列数据
* 通过全面详细的实例学习如何解决真实世界的数据分析问题
1. Preliminaries
1.1 What Is This Book About?
What Kinds of Data?
1.2 Why Python for Data Analysis?
Python as Glue
Solving the "Two-Language" Problem
Why Not Python?
1.3 Essential Python Libraries
IPython and Jupyter
1.4 Installation and Setup
Apple (OS X, macOS)
Installing or Updating Python Packages
Python 2 and Python 3
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and Text Editors
1.5 Community and Conferences
1.6 Navigating This Book
Code Examples
Data for Examples
Import Conventions
2. Python Language Basics, IPython, and Jupyter Notebooks
2.1 The Python Interpreter
2.2 IPython Basics
Running the IPython Shell
Running the Jupyter Notebook
Tab Completion
The %run Command
Executing Code from the Clipboard
Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts
About Magic Commands
Matplotlib Integration
2.3 Python Language Basics
Language Semantics
Scalar Types
Control Flow
3. Built-in Data Structures, Functions, and Files
3.1 Data Structures and Sequences
Built-in Sequence Functions
List, Set, and Dict Comprehensions
3.2 Functions
Namespaces, Scope, and Local Functions
Returning Multiple Values
Functions Are Objects
Anonymous (Lambda) Functions
Currying: Partial Argument Application
Errors and Exception Handling
3.3 Files and the Operating System
Bytes and Unicode with Files
3.4 Conclusion
4. NumPy Basics: Arrays and Vectorized Computation
4.1 The NumPy ndarray: A Multidimensional Array Object
5. Getting Started with pandas.
6. Data Loading, Storage, and File Formats
7. Data Cleanincl and Preparation.
8. Data Wrangling: Join, Combine, and Reshape.
9. Plotting and Visualization.
10. Data Aggregation and Group Operations.
11. Time Series
12. Advanced pandas
13. Introduction to Modeling Libraries in Python
14. Data Analysis Examples
A. Advanced NumPy.
B. More on the IPython System
Plant tissue culture, development and biotechnology / 1st ed.
光盘作者: edited by Robert N. Trigiano, Dennis J. Gray.
简介: Addressing several specialized areas generically termed biotechnology, Plant Tissue Culture, Development and Biotechnology uses a broad range of species that are studied via laboratory exercises. Based on the editors’ previous textbooks Plant Development and Biotechnologyand Plant Tissue Culture Concepts and Laboratory Exercises – Second Edition, the book provides detailed perspectives and hands-on training in this rather diverse field. It concentrates on plant development and its application in biotechnology, while maintaining as broad of a base as possible. Supporting laboratory exercises are provided.
Development, trade, and the WTO : a handbook /
作者: Bernard Hoekman, Aaditya Mattoo, and Philip English, editors.
Practical guide to Linux commands, editors, and Shell programming
Landscape simulation modeling : a spatially explicit, dynamic approach /